Building the Chinese Open Wordnet (COW)-Starting from Core Synsets

Princeton WordNet (PWN) is one of the most influential resources for semantic descriptions, and is extensively used in natural language processing. Based on PWN, three Chinese wordnets have been developed: Sinica Bilingual Ontological Wordnet (BOW), Southeast University WordNet (SEW), and Taiwan University WordNet (CWN). We used SEW to sense-tag a corpus, but found some issues with coverage and precision. We decided to make a new Chinese wordnet based on SEW to increase the coverage and accuracy. In addition, a small scale Chinese wordnet was constructed from open multilingual wordnet (OMW) using data from Wiktionary (WIKT). We then merged SEW and WIKT. Starting from core synsets, we formulated guidelines for the new Chinese Open Wordnet (COW). We compared the five Chinese wordnets, which shows that COW is currently the best, but it still has room for further improvement, especially with polysemous words. It is clear that building an accurate semantic resource for a language is not an easy task, but through consistent efforts, we will be able to achieve it. COW is released under the same license as the PWN, an open license that freely allows use, adaptation and redistribution.

Building the Chinese Open Wordnet (COW): Starting from Core Synsets Shan Wang, Francis Bond Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332 [email protected], [email protected] Chinese wordnets have been developed. Sinica Bilingual Ontological Wordnet (BOW) was created through a bootstrapping method (Huang, Chang, & Lee, 2004; Huang, Tseng, Tsai, & Murphy, 2003). Southeast University Chinese WordNet (SEW) was automatically constructed by implementing three approaches, including Minimum Distance, Intersection and Words Cooccurrence (Xu, Gao, Pan, Qu, & Huang, 2008); Taiwan University and Academia Sinica also developed a Chinese WordNet (CWN)(Huang et al 2010). We used SEW to sense-tag NTU corpus data (Bond, Wang, Gao, Mok, & Tan, 2013; Tan & Bond, 2012). However, its mistakes and its coverage hinder the progress of the sense-tagged corpus. Moreover, the open multilingual wordnet project (OMW) 1 created wordnet data for many languages, including Chinese (Bond & Foster, 2013). Based on OMW, we created a small scale Chinese wordnet from Wiktionary (WIKT). All of these wordnets have some flaws and, when we started our project, none of them were available under an open license. A high-quality and freely available wordnet would be an important resource for the community. Therefore, we have started work on yet another Chinese wordnet in Nanyang Technological University (NTU COW), aiming to produce one with even better accuracy and coverage. Core synsets2 are the most common ones ranked according to word frequency in British National Corpus (Fellbaum & Vossen, 2007). There are 4,960 synsets after mapping to WordNet 3.0. These synsets are more salient than others, so we began with them. In this paper we compared all the five wordnets (COW, BOW, SEW, WIKT, and CWN), and showed their strengths and weaknesses. The following sections are organized as follows. Abstract Princeton WordNet (PWN) is one of the most influential resources for semantic descriptions, and is extensively used in natural language processing. Based on PWN, three Chinese wordnets have been developed: Sinica Bilingual Ontological Wordnet (BOW), Southeast University WordNet (SEW), and Taiwan University WordNet (CWN). We used SEW to sense-tag a corpus, but found some issues with coverage and precision. We decided to make a new Chinese wordnet based on SEW to increase the coverage and accuracy. In addition, a small scale Chinese wordnet was constructed from open multilingual wordnet (OMW) using data from Wiktionary (WIKT). We then merged SEW and WIKT. Starting from core synsets, we formulated guidelines for the new Chinese Open Wordnet (COW). We compared the five Chinese wordnets, which shows that COW is currently the best, but it still has room for further improvement, especially with polysemous words. It is clear that building an accurate semantic resource for a language is not an easy task, but through consistent efforts, we will be able to achieve it. COW is released under the same license as the PWN, an open license that freely allows use, adaptation and redistribution. 1 Introduction Semantic descriptions of languages are useful for a variety of tasks. One of the most influential such resources is the Princeton WordNet (PWN), an English lexical database created at the Cognitive Science Laboratory of Princeton University (Fellbaum, 1998; George A Miller, 1995; George A. Miller, Beckwith, Fellbaum, Gross, & Miller, 1990). It is widely used in natural language processing tasks, such as word sense disambiguation, information retrieval and text classification. PWN has greatly improved the performance of these tasks. Based on PWN, three 1 2 10 International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 10–18, Nagoya, Japan, 14-18 October 2013. BOW: 4 It was bootstrapped from the EnglishChinese Translation Equivalents Database (ECTED), based on WordNet 1.6(Huang et al., 2003; Huang, Tseng, & Tsai, 2002). ECTED was manually made by the Chinese Knowledge and Information Processing group (CKIP), Academia Sinica. First, all Chinese translations of an English lemma from WordNet 1.6 were extracted from online bilingual resources. They are checked by a team of translators who select the three most appropriate translation equivalents where possible (Huang et al., 2004). They tested the 210 most frequent Chinese lexical lemmas in Sinica Corpus. They first mapped them to ECTED to find out their corresponding English synsets and then by assuming the WordNet semantic relations hold true for Chinese, they automatically linked the semantic relations for Chinese. They further evaluated the semantic relations in Chinese, which showed that automatically assigned relation in Chinese has high probability once the translation is equivalent (Huang et al., 2003). BOW is only available for online lookup. CWN:5 BOW has many entries that are not truly lexicalized in Chinese. To solve this issue, Taiwan University constructed a Chinese wordnet with the aim of making only entries for Chinese words (Huang et al., 2010). CWN was recently released under the same license as wordnet. Besides the above three Chinese wordnets, we looked at data from Bond and Foster (2013) who extracted lemmas for over a hundred languages by linking the English Wiktionary to OMW (WIKT). By linking through multiple translations, they were able to get a high precision for commonly occurring words. For Chinese, they found translations for 12,130 synsets giving 19,079 senses covering 49% of the core synsets. We did some cleaning up and mapped the above four wordnets into WordNet 3.0. The size of each one is depicted in Table 1. SEW has the most entries, followed by BOW. SEW, BOW and WIKT have nouns as the largest category, while CWN has verbs as the largest category. Section 2 elaborates on the four Chinese wordnets built based on PWN. Section 3 introduces the guidelines in building COW. Section 4 compares the core synsets of different wordnets. Finally the conclusion and future work are stated in Section 5. 2 Related Research PWN was developed from 1985 under the direction of George A. Miller. It groups nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs into synonyms (synsets), most of which are linked to other synsets through a number of semantic relations. For example, nouns have these relations: hypernym, hyponym, holonym, meronym, and coordinate term (Fellbaum, 1998; George A Miller, 1995; George A. Miller et al., 1990). PWN has been a very important resource in computer science, psychology, and language studies. Hence many languages followed up and multilingual wordnets were either under construction or have been built. PWN is the mother of all wordnets (Fellbaum, 1998). Under this trend, in the Chinese community, three wordnets were built: SEW, BOW, and CWN. SEW is in simplified Chinese, while BOW and CWN are in traditional Chinese. SEW: 3 Xu et al. (2008) investigated various automatic approaches to translate the English WordNet 3.0 to Chinese WordNet. They are Minimum Distance (MDA), Intersection (IA) and Words Co-occurrence (WCA). MDA computes the Levenshtein Distance between glosses of English synsets and the definition in American Heritage Dictionary (Chinese & English edition). IA chooses the intersection of the translated words. WCA put an English word and a Chinese word as a group to get the co-occurrence results from Google. IA has the highest precision, but the lowest recall. WCA has highest recall but lowest recall. Considering the pros and cons of each approach, they then integrated them into an integrated one called MIWA. They first chose IA to process the whole English WordNet then MDA to deal with the remaining synsets of WordNet; finally adopt WCA for the rest. Following this order, MIWA got a high translation precision and increased the number of synsets that can be translated. SEW is free for research, but cannot be redistributed. 3 We have been using SEW to sense-tag the Chinese part of the NTU Multi-Lingual Corpus 4 3 Build the Chinese Open Wordnet 5 11 which has 6,300 sentences from texts of different POS No. noun verb adjective adverb Total SEW Percent (%) No. BOW Percent (%) No. CWN Percent(%) WIKT Percent(%) No. 100,064 22,687 63.7 14.4 91,795 20,472 62.3 13.9 2822 3676 32.6 42.5 14,976 2,128 78.5 11.2 28,510 5,851 18.1 3.7 29,404 5,674 20.0 3.9 1408 747 16.3 8.6 1,566 409 8.2 2.1 157,112 100.0 147,345 100.0 8,653 100.0 19,079 100.0 Table 1. Size of SEW, BOW, CWN, and WIKT genres: (i) two stories: The Adventure of the Dancing Men, and The Adventure of the Speckled Band; (ii) an essay: The Cathedral and the Bazaar; (iii) news: Mainichi News; and (iv) tourism: Your Singapore (Tan & Bond, 2012). However, as SEW is automatically constructed, it was found that there are many mistakes and some words are not included. In order to ensure coverage of frequently occurring concepts, we decided to concentrate on the core synsets first, following the example of the Japanese wordnet (Isahara, Bond, Uchimoto, Utiyama, & Kanzaki, 2008). The core synsets of PWN are the most frequent nouns, verbs, and adjectives in British National Corpus (BNC) 6 (Boyd-Graber, Fellbaum, Osherson, & Schapire, 2006). There are 4,960 synsets after mapping them to WordNet 3.0. Nouns are the largest category making up to 66.1%. Verbs account for 20.1% and adjectives only take up 13.8%. There is no adverb in the core synsets. The construction procedure of COW comprises of three phases: (i) extract data from Wiktionary and then merge WIKT and SEW, (ii) manually check all translations by referring to bilingual dictionaries and add more entries, (iii) check the semantic relations. The following section introduces the phases. COW is released under the same license as the PWN, an open license that freely allows use, adaptation and redistribution. Because SEW, WIKT and the corpus we are annotating are in simplified Chinese, COW is also made in simplified Chinese. 3.1 We were able to obtain a research license for SEW. WIKT data is under the same license as Wiktionary (CC BY SA 7 ) and so can be freely used. We merged the two sets and extracted only the core synsets, which gave us a total of 12,434 Chinese translations for the 4,960 core synsets. 3.2 Manual Correction Translations of Chinese During the process of manual efforts in building a better Chinese wordnet, we drew up some guidelines. First, Chinese translations must convey the same meaning and POS as the English synset. If there is a mismatch in senses, transitivity and POS (not including cases that need to add 的 de / 地 de), delete it. Second, use simplified and correct orthography. If the Chinese translations must add 的 de /地 de to express the same POS as English, add it. The second guideline is referred to as amendments. Third, add new translations through looking up authoritative bilingual dictionaries. The following section describes the three actions taken (delete, amend, and add) by using the three guidelines. 3.2.1 Delete a Wrong Translation A translation will be deleted if it is in one of the three cases: (i) wrong meaning; (ii) wrong transitivity; (iii) wrong POS. 7 6 Merge SEW and WIKT Creative Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike, 12 traditional Chinese, amend it to be simplified Chinese. The synset 02576460-n is translated as 鰺 属 shēn shǔ ‘caranx’, we change it to be 鲹属 shēn shǔ ‘caranx’. (i) Wrong Meaning If a Chinese translation does not reflect the meaning of an English synset, delete it. For instance, election is a polysemous word, which has four senses in PWN: 02576460-n Caranx; genus_Caranx “type genus of the Carangidae”  S1: (n) election (a vote to select the winner of a position or political office) "the results of the election will be announced tonight"  S2: (n) election (the act of selecting someone or something; the exercise of deliberate choice) "her election of medicine as a profession"  S3: (n) election (the status or fact of being elected) "they celebrated his election" predestination of some  S4: (n) election (the individuals as objects of divine mercy (especially as conceived by Calvinists)) (ii) Wrong Characters When a Chinese translation has a typo, revise it to the correct one. The synset 00198451-n is translated as 晋什 jìnshén, which should have been 晋升 jìnshēng ‘promotion’. 00198451-n promotion “act of raising in rank or position” (iii) Need 的 de /地 de to match the English POS The synset 01089369-a is an adjectival, but the translation 兼职 jiānzhí ‘part time’ is a verb/noun, so we add 的 de to it (1.3). 01089369-a part-time; part time “involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity”: parttime employees; a part-time job The synset 00181781-n is the first sense of “election” (S1) in WordNet. The Chinese WordNet provides two translations: 当选 dāngxuǎn ‘election’ and 选举 xuǎnjǔ ‘election’. It is clear that 当选 dāngxuǎn ‘election’ is the third sense of “election”, so it should be deleted. (ii) Wrong Transitivity Verbs usually have either transitive or intransitive use. In synset 00250181-v, “mature; maturate; grow” are intransitive verbs, so the Chinese translation 使成熟 shǐ chéngshú ‘make mature’ is wrong and is thus deleted. 3.2.3 Add Chinese Translations To improve the coverage and accuracy of COW, we make reference not only to many authoritative bilingual dictionaries, such as The American Heritage Dictionary for Learners of English (Zhao, 2006), The 21st Century Unabridged EnglishChinese Dictionary (Li, 2002), Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (Ke, 2011), Oxford Advanced Learner's EnglishChinese Dictionary (7th Edition) (Wang, Zhao, & Zou, 2009), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) (Zhu, 1998), etc., but also online bilingual dictionaries, such as iciba 8 , youdao9, lingoes10, dreye11 and bing12. For example, the English synset 00203866-v can be translated as 变坏 biàn huài ‘decline’ and 恶化 èhuà ‘worsen’, which are not available in the current wordnet, so we added them to COW. 00250181-v mature; maturate; grow “develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation”: He matured fast; The child grew fast (iii) Wrong POS When the POS of an English synset has a Chinese translation that has the same POS, then the Chinese translation with a different POS should be deleted. For example, 00250181-v is a verbal synset, but 壮年的 zhuàngnián de ‘the prime of life’s’ and 成熟的 chéngshú de ‘mature’ are not verbs, so they are deleted. 00203866-v worsen; decline Conditions in the slum worsened 3.2.2 Amend a Chinese Translation 3.3 “grow worse”: Check Semantic Relations PWN groups nouns, verbs, adjectived and adverbs A translation will be amended if it is in one of the three cases: (i) written in traditional characters; (ii) wrong characters; (iii) need 的 de /地 de to match the English POS. (i) Written in Traditional Characters When a Chinese translation is written in 8 10 11 12 9 13 wordnets and manually made gold standard for Chinese entries. During this process, we noticed that due to language difference, it is hard to make a decision for some cases. In order to better compare the synset lemmas, we created both a strict gold standard and a loose gold standard. into synonyms (synsets), most of which are linked to other synsets through a number of semantic relations. Huang et al. (2003) tested 210 Chinese lemmas and their semantic relations links. The results show that lexical semantic-relation translations are highly precise when they are logically inferable. We randomly checked some of the relations in COW, which shows that this statement also holds for the new Chinese wordnet we are building. 3.4 4.1 This section discusses the gold standard from word meaning, POS and word relation. Results of the COW Core Synsets Through merging SEW and WIKT, we got 12,434 Chinese translations. Based on the guidelines described above, the revisions we made are outlined in Table 2. Deletion Amendment Addition Wrong Entries Missing Entries Total 4.1.1 1,706 134 2,640 4,480 Table 2 shows that there are 1,840 wrong entries (15%) of which we deleted 1,706 translations and amended 134. Furthermore, we added 2,640 new entries (about 21%). The wrong entries are further checked according to POS as shown in Table 3. The results indicate that verbal synsets have a higher error rate than nouns and adjectives. This is because verbs tend to be more complex than words in other grammatical categories. This also reminds us to pay more attention to verbs in building the new wordnet. Wrong Entries No. Noun Percent(%) Error Rate (Wrong/All) All Entries No. Percent(%) Word Meaning Leech (1974) recognized seven types of meaning: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning. Fu (1985) divided word meaning into conceptual meaning and affiliated meaning. The latter is composed of affective color, genre color and image color. Liu (1990) divided word meaning into conceptual meaning and color meaning. The latter is further divided into affective color, attitude color, evaluation color, image color, genre color, style color, (literary or artistic) style color and tone color. Ge (2006) divided word meaning into conceptual meaning, color meaning and grammatical meaning. Following these studies, the following section divides word meaning into conceptual meaning and affiliated meaning. Words with similar conceptual meaning may differ in the meaning severity and the scope of meaning usage. Regarding affiliated meaning, words may differ in affection, genre and time of usage. Table 2. Revision of the wordnet Synset POS Creating Gold Standards Percent(%) Conceptual Meaning 1,164 63.3 7,823 62.9 14.9 Verb 547 29.7 3,087 24.8 17.7 Adjective 129 7.0 1,524 12.3 8.5 1,840 100.0 12,434 100.0 14.8 Some English synset have exact equivalents in Chinese. For example, the following synset 02692232-n has a precise Chinese equivalent 机场 jīchǎng ‘airport’. Compare Core Synsets of Five Chinese Wordnets 02692232-n airport; airdrome; aerodrome; drome “an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo” Many efforts have been devoted to the construction of Chinese wordnets. To get a general idea of the quality of each wordnet, we randomly chose 200 synsets from the core synsets of the five Chinese However, in many cases, words of two languages may have similar basic conceptual meaning, but the meanings differ in severity and Total Table 3. Error rate of entries by POS 4 14 which does not fit this synset. usage scope. 00760916-a direct “direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short”: a direct route; a direct flight; a direct hit (i) Meaning Severity Regarding the synset 00618057-v, 出错 chūcuò and 犯 错 fàncuò are equivalent translation. In contrast, 失足 shīzú ‘make a serious mistake’ is much stronger and should be in a separate synset. 4.1.3 One main challenge concerning word relations is hyponyms and hypernyms. In making our new wordnet and creating the loose gold standard, we treat the close hyponyms and close hypernyms as right, and the not so close ones as wrong. In the strict gold standard, we treat all of them as wrong. (i) Close Hyponym The synset 06873139-n can refer to either the highest female voice or the voice of a boy before puberty. There is no single word with the two meanings in Chinese. The translation 女高音 nǚ gāoyīn ‘the highest female voice’ is a close hyponym of this synset. For cases like this, we would create two synsets for Chinese in the future. 00618057-v stumble; slip up; trip up “make an error”: She slipped up and revealed the name (ii) Usage Scope of Meaning For the synset 00760916-a, no Chinese lemma has as wide usage as “direct”. Thus all the Chinese translations, such as 直达 zhídá ‘directly arriving’ and 直 接 zhíjiē ‘direct’ have a narrower usage scope. 00760916-a direct “direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short”: a direct route; a direct flight; a direct hit Affiliated Meaning 06873139-n soprano “the highest female voice; the voice of a boy before puberty” With respect to affiliated meaning, words may differ in affection, genre and time of usage. (i) Affection The synset 09179776-n refers to “positive” influence, so 激励 jīlì ‘incentive’ is a good entry. The word 刺激 cìjī ‘stimulus’ is not necessarily “positive”. 09179776-n incentive; inducement; motivator positive motivational influence” (ii) Not Close Hyponym The synset 10401829-n has good equivalences 参 与 者 cānyùzhě ‘participant’ and 参 加 者 cānjiāzhě ‘participant’ in Chinese. The translation 与会者 yùhuìzhě ‘people attending a conference’ refers to the people attending a conference, which is not a close hyponym. “a 10401829-n participant “someone who takes part in an activity” (ii) Genre In the synset 09823502-n, the translations 妗 jìn ‘aunt’ and 妗母 jìnmǔ ‘aunt’ are Chinese dialects . (iii) Close Hypernym The synset 02267060-v has good equivalents 花 huā ‘spend’ and 花费 huāfèi ‘spend’. It is also translated as 使 shǐ ‘use’ and 用 yòng ‘use’, which are close hypernyms. It is possible that the two hypernyms are so general that their most typical synset does not have the meaning of spending money. 09823502-n aunt; auntie; aunty “the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle” (iii) Time: modern vs. ancient In the synset 10582154-n, the translations 侍从 shìcóng ‘servant’, 仆 人 púrén ‘servant’, 侍 者 shìzhě ‘servant’ are used in ancient or modern China, rather than contemporary China. The word now used is 保姆 bǎomǔ ‘servant’ . 02267060-v spend; expend; drop “pay out”: spend money (iv) Not Close Hypernym The synset 02075049-v has good equivalents such as 逃走 táozǒu ‘scat’ and 逃跑 táopǎo ‘scat’. Meanwhile, it is translated to 跑 pǎo ‘run’ and 奔 bēn ‘rush’, which are not so close hypernyms. It is certain that to flee is to run, but the two hypernyms should have their own more suitable synsets. 10582154-n servant; retainer “a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)” 4.1.2 Word Relations Part of Speech (POS) The Chinese entries should have the same POS as the English synset. In the synset 00760916-a, the translated word 径直 jìngzhí ‘directly’ is an adverb, 02075049-v scat; run; scarper; turn_tail; lam; run_away; hightail_it; bunk; head_for_the_hills; 15 take_to_the_woods; escape; fly_the_coop; break_away “flee; take to one's heels; cut and run”: If you see this man, run!; The burglars escaped before the police showed up 4.1.4 loose gold standard. The former aims to find the best translation for a synset; while the latter finds the correct translation. The former has some disadvantages: it makes many Chinese words not have a corresponding synset in PWN; further, it makes many English synsets have no Chinese entry. The latter solves the problems, but it is not as accurate as the former. Table 4 summarizes the action taken for creating loose and strict gold standards, as well as showing our standard in making the new wordnet. The gold standard data was created by the authors in consultation with each other. Ideally it would be better if we got multiple annotators to provide inter-annotator agreement, but the current results are derived through discussion and making reference to many bilingual dictionaries and we have come to an agreement on them. Grammatical Status Lexicalization is a process in which something becomes lexical (Lehmann, 2002). Due to historical and cultural reasons, different language lexicalizes different language elements. For example, there is no lexicalized word for the synset 02991555-n in Chinese. In Chinese, you must use a phrase or definition to mean what this synset expresses. 02991555-n cell; cubicle “small room in which a monk or nun lives” Considering the differences among languages, we created two gold standards for 200 randomly chosen synsets: the strict gold standard and the Standard Conceptual Meaning Meaning Affiliated Meaning POS Word Relation Grammatical Status Orthography Making New Wordnet wrong wrong wrong right right keep right wrong keep right wrong keep right wrong keep right wrong keep not include wrong keep right right keep right wrong wrong right wrong keep wrong wrong wrong right right keep not include not include keep not include not include keep not include not include keep wrong wrong amend Chinese Loose different from English synset exact equivalent Severity Usage scope Affection: different Genre: dialect Time: non-contemporary same POS as English no same POS as English close hyponym/hypernym not close hyponym/hypernym word phrase morpheme definition wrong character Strict Table 4. Summary of standard 4.2 evaluated the dataset through counting the precision, recall and F-score. Results, Discussion and Future Work We did some cleaning up before doing evaluation, including strip off 的 de /地 de at the end of a lemma, and the contents within parentheses. We also transferred the traditional characters in BOW and CWN to simplified characters. Through applying the standards illustrated in Table 1, we . Precision = Recall = 16 . . . ∗ F-score = 2* mistakes, which show the difficulty in creating a wordnet. The errors mainly come from the polysemous words, which may have been assigned to another synset. One reason leading to such errors comes from the fact that core synsets alone do not show all the senses of a lemma. If a lemma is divided into different senses especially when they are fine-grained and only one of the senses is presented to the editors, it is hard to decide which is the best entry for another language. What we have done with the core synsets is a trial to find the problems and test our method. It is definitely not enough to go through all the data once, and thus we will further revise all the wrong lemmas. By taking the core synset as the starting point of our large-scale project on constructing COW, we not only got more insight into language disparities between English and Chinese, but also become clearer about what rules to take in constructing wordnets, which will in turn benefit the construction of other high-quality wordnets. In further efforts we are validating the entries by sense tagging parallel corpora (Bond et al, 2013): this allows us to see the words in use and compare them to wordnets in different languages. Monolingually, it allows us to measure the distribution of word senses. With the construction of a high-accuracy, high-coverage Chinese wordnet, it will not only promote the development of Chinese Information Processing, but also improve the combined multilingual wordnet. We would also like to investigate making wordnet in traditional characters as default and automatically converting to simplified (it is lossy in the other direction). The results of using the loose and strict gold standards are indicated in Table 5 and Table 6 respectively. All wordnets were tested on the same samples described above. Wordnet precision recall F-score COW 0.86 0.77 0.81 BOW 0.80 0.48 0.60 SEW 0.75 0.45 0.56 WIKT 0.92 0.32 0.47 CWN 0.56 0.08 0.14 Table 5. Loose gold standard Wordnet precision recall F-score COW 0.81 0.80 0.81 BOW 0.76 0.50 0.60 SEW 0.70 0.46 0.55 WIKT 0.88 0.33 0.48 CWN 0.46 0.07 0.13 Table 6. Strict gold standard The results of the two standards show roughly the same F-score: the strict/loose distinction does not have large effect. This is because there were few entries where the loose and strict gold standards actually differ. By using the strict gold standard, the recall of each wordnet increased except CWN. Meanwhile, the precision of each wordnet decreased. COW was built using the results of both SEW and WIKT along with a lot of extra checking. It is therefore not surprising that it got the best precision and recall. Exploiting data from multiple existing wordnets makes a better resource. BOW ranked second according to the evaluation. It was bootstrapped from a translation equivalence database. Though this database was manually checked, it cannot guarantee that they will give an accurate wordnet. SEW and WIKT were automatically constructed and thus have low Fscore, but WIKT has high precision. This is because it was created using 20 languages to disambiguate the meaning instead of only looking at English and Chinese. CWN turned out to have the lowest score. This is because the editors are mainly focusing on implementing new theories of complex semantic types and not aiming for high coverage. Among all the five wordnets we compared, COW is the best according to the evaluation. However, even though both it and BOW were carefully checked by linguists, there are still some 5 Conclusions This paper introduced our on-going work of building a new Chinese Open wordnet: NTU COW. Due to language divergence, we met many theoretical and practical issues. Starting from the core synsets, we formulated our guidelines and become clearer about how to make a better wordnet. Through comparing the core synsets of five wordnets, the results show that our new wordnet is the current best. Although we carefully checked the core synsets, however, we still spotted some errors which mainly come from selecting the suitable sense of polysemous words. This leaves us space for more improvement and gives us a lesson 17 Processing Infrastructure. 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