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'ערך תלמוד תורה במשנת החפץ חיים ופסיקתו בעניין תלמוד תורה לנשים', דיני ישראל כד (תשס"ז), הפקולטה למשפטים של אוניברסיטת תל אביב, עמ' 118-79.
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesGender HistoryGender
This talk is dedicated to the investigation of the unique doubts raised in rabbinic literature concerning women: doubts stemmed from rabbinic understanding of female physiology, and doubts raised as a result of Rabbinic perception of... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen in Jewish Tradition
Beit Ya'akov in Poland between Neo-Orthodoxy and Ultra-Orthodoxy iris brown (hoizman) Every haredi child knows about Beit Ya'akov (Bais Yaakov), the extensive network of haredi educational institutions for girls, ranging from... more
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      EducationGenderJudaismJewish Education
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      HasidismModern JudaismWomen in Jewish TraditionHasidut
Author: Shmuel Safrai Publisher: CBE International Today, public worship can take place in a synagogue only if at least ten adult Jewish males are present. Women do not qualify as part of this quorum. Furthermore, women are separated... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyJewish HistoryWomen in the ancient world
Articles by: Elliot R. Wolfson, Joseph Dan, Rachel Elior, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Gadi Sagiv, Moshe Hallamish, Dov Schwartz, Wojciech Tworek, Naftali Loewenthal, Israel Bartal, Jonatan Meir, Maya Balakirsky Katz, Alon Dahan, Ariel Roth,... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
The following paper by Rabbi Raymond Apple first appeared as a chapter in Matnat Eliyahu: Essays for Eliyahu Honig, Mandelbaum Studies in Judaica No. 15, published by Mandelbaum Publishing in association with Australian Friends of the... more
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      Jewish feminist theologyJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition
Resumo: Este artigo visa a elaborar uma breve análise da evolução do status feminino entre os hebreus/ judeus no período do primeiro e do segundo Templos. Fazendo uso do texto bíblico como fonte principal de informação, mas buscando... more
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      Women in the BibleWomen in the Bible and MidrashWomen in the Hebrew BibleWomen Characters in the Bible
How R. Soloveitchik's (z"l) introduction of women's education laid the ground for Jewish Orthodox Feminism.
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      Jewish StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminismFeminist history
a n d r e a l i e b e r Fanc y S ch man c y A nx i e t y M a v e n, or 'the Maven' as she is affectionately known to her online readership, is self-described in her online profile as an Orthodox Jewish woman living outside Brooklyn,... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesDigital HumanitiesOnline Communities
I received a Newhall Teaching Fellowship to offer this course in Spring 2015 at the Graduate Theological Union. This course will offer a framework on ways to assess women and gender in the Second Temple Period. Examining how Hellenistic... more
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      Second Temple JudaismWomen in Jewish TraditionJewish Gender and Women's Studies
This essay examines medieval and early modern Jewish reverence for the holy deceased and fear of the dangerous dead themselves or those who had the knowledge to manipulate spirits. I focus specifically on the relationships of women to the... more
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      Medieval Jewish HistoryJewish MagicJewish MartyrdomWomen in Jewish Tradition
Dvora Baron is recognized as the first Modern Hebrew woman writer. Nevertheless, she is largely unknown in German-speaking countries. A Tel Aviv publisher included her short story Shavririm in a collection of the same name in 1949. Yet,... more
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      German LiteratureHebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesWomen's Studies
The ordination of women as rabbis is a relatively new phenomenon in Jewish communities worldwide, but especially in the State of Israel. Israel’s non-Orthodox movements began to ordain women as rabbis only twenty years after the first... more
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)History of Folklore Theory and MethodJudaismJewish Women's History
This chapter examines the genre of nineteenth-century Hungarian Neolog Jewish women's prayer books. It argues that the prayer books must be read in the context of emancipation and the increasing secularization of Hungarian society. It... more
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      Jewish HistoryPrayerHistory of HungaryJewish Cultural Studies
Thesis Abstract This dissertation examines the differences between the feminist Jewish movement and the Jewish feminist movement within the realm of Jewish education. Its aim is to understand the necessary process to address a perceived... more
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      Jewish StudiesFeminist TheoryJewish MysticismWomen's Rights
Jerusalem to Brooklyn. This novel also emphasizes queerness and feminism as radical forces, placing the militarized landscape of Jerusalem in conversation with the casual sexism and homophobia experienced by the city's everyday citizens.... more
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      Jewish StudiesWomen's StudiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
This article examines the image and representation of women in Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) popular music. It seems that the observation of the folklore scholar Galit Hasan-Rokem, who claims that popular folk culture is a multiple-voice... more
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesLiteratureGender
Toledot Yeshu, or “Stories about Jesus,” have been transmitted by Jews for centuries but have only recently begun to garner significant scholarly attention as part of a tradition of anti-Christian polemic. This paper contends that the... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
In this article, which follows a previous article titled ‘Shehecheyanu I – An example of misunderstanding and misapplication’, I discuss the laws pertaining to the recitation of Shehecheyanu at a wedding and I challenge the common custom... more
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      Jewish LawHistory of HalakhahHistory of Halakha and Jewish LawWomen in Jewish Tradition
This paper reexamines a fragmentary Aramaic letter from the Yedaniah communal archive in Elephantine. The document, TAD A4.4, tells a tale of intrigue involving burglaries, arrests, and failed diplomacy. Many details of the letter escape... more
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      Hebrew BibleAramaicJewish HistorySecond Temple Judaism
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryWomen's HistoryWomen's Health
The aim of the paper is to indicate the reception of the biblical passages about the Woman of Valor (from Proverbs 31) and the cultural roles depicted there.
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      Biblical TheologyWomen in Jewish Tradition
‫הוא‬ ‫בדנר‬ ‫אביעד‬ ‫ג',‬ ‫מחזור‬ ‫בוגר‬ ‫סטודנט‬ ‫למשפטים‬ ‫באוניברסיטת‬ ‫בר‬ -‫ולומד‬ ‫אילן‬ ‫לרבנות‬ ‫להסמכה‬ ‫זכות‬ ‫הנשים‬ ‫לבחור‬ ‫ולהיבחר‬ ‫למוסדות‬ ‫ציבור‬ | 309 ‫ו‬ ‫לבחירות‬ ‫עצמה‬ ‫אישה‬ ‫מציגה‬ ‫כאשר‬ ‫ואף‬ ‫מזאת‬ ‫גדולה‬... more
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      Jewish StudiesHalachaWomen in Jewish Tradition
As part of the laws of war promulgated in Deuteronomy the Torah regulates the status of a female prisoner of a foreign war, referred to as eshet yefat to’ar or “beautiful woman” (Deut. 21:10–14). Seeking to moderate the violent... more
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      Biblical ExegesisRabbinic JudaismWomen in Jewish Tradition
On Jewish names and bynames in Medieval Austria.
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      Jewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsMedieval Jewish HistoryWomen and Gender Studies
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesWomen's StudiesLate Middle Ages
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      History of MedicineJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition
Español/English Este artículo aborda el estudio de las representaciones y percepciones sobre el cuerpo femenino judío que se producen en la intersección de nociones e ideas que sobre menstruación/emisión genital, maternidad e (im)pureza... more
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      Medieval MedicineHistory of MenstruationJewish WomenNaming Practices
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
The article examines female gender roles in the Mountain Jewish communities of the Northern Caucasus, based on travel notes of travelers and researchers of the XIX century. The author questions the validity of the wide-spread view of... more
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      Russian StudiesGender StudiesJewish StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Israel StudiesFeminismTheatreJewish Theatre
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      Jewish LawJewish CustomsWomen in Jewish Tradition
CXfc^U fcStU cum GUG iZRi^ UCULU XLG^ mULU GiTl^UG* QiXR LCfcG CUCUU LifcUlUU* UCL^CUU iUQlQi^QM C^Gfc UC^CmG LXl UtUUuU ZiZii UCtCuG dum £;a(CGtu ux^mu mmb Nl xuu-uNdtaiii li^xiQiU uuALM^iU <;ai.<(«a QLKu cuic ^u^aaiutu aq 4(aLH<;... more
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      Jewish StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
On the connection between Jewish women and Jewish lighting.
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      Jewish StudiesJewish Women's HistoryWomen in Jewish Tradition
Leon Modena's "L'Ester" (1619). A tragedy in italian language, its sources, biblical and pagan elements, the role of women, the representation inside the Venetian Ghetto.
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      Jewish TheatreBook of EstherThe Book of EstherWomen in Jewish Tradition
For over two decades, orthodox Israeli women have been creating theatre despite traditional Jewish reservations against it and despite the fact that theatre involves a certain degree of exhibitionism rather than the tsniut (modesty)... more
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      Israel StudiesFeminismTheatreJewish Theatre
This piece, which was published in The Forward on Nov. 20, 2020, scores the failure of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z"l, former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, to act on the ethics he championed eloquently and passionately when it came to Jewish... more
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)Women in Jewish Traditionwomen in Jewish lawmarital captivity
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      Orientalism in artFeminist Art HistoryJewish Art HistoryWomen in Jewish Tradition
The men and women honored to light the torches as part of this year's official Independence Day ceremony in Israel were chosen for their trailblazing contributions to Israeli society; among this elite group was Malka Puterkovsky.
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      Women in Jewish Traditionwomen in Jewish law
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      American ReligionJudaismethnic studies – Jewish American identitiesAmerican Jewish History
For over two decades, orthodox Israeli women have been creating theatre despite traditional Jewish reservations against it and despite the fact that theatre involves a certain degree of exhibitionism rather than the tsniut (modesty)... more
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      Israel StudiesFeminismTheatreJewish Theatre
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      Jewish Women's HistoryJewish Art HistoryJewish ArtWomen in Jewish Tradition
This paper introduces the vast collection of petitions (kvitlekh) to Rabbi Elijah Guttmacher, the Tzaddik of Gratz (Grodzisk Wielkopolski), whose miracle working enterprise flourished in the early 1870s. These thousands of petitions form... more
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      ReligionEastern European StudiesArchival StudiesJewish Studies
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      ReligionGender StudiesJewish StudiesHistory of Religion
Konferencję organizuje Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Żydowskich
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      Modern Jewish HistoryCentral and Eastern EuropeJewish Women's HistoryWomen in Jewish Tradition
This chapter examines the construction of a “traditionalist” Jewish congregation, in which women and men perform various ritual practices that were performed only by men during most of Jewish history. The congregants’ attitudes towards... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesReligious PluralismAmerican Religion
Sia molto attento l'uomo per come si comporta con sua moglie, perché non vi è benedizione più grande all'interno della casa per il marito, che trovare una buona moglie" (Bavà Mezià 59)
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      Women's StudiesJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition