Jewish Theatre
Recent papers in Jewish Theatre
זהו סיכום של מחקרים שונים שנעשו על תיאטרון יהודי ואמני תיאטרון במזרח התיכון וצפון אפריקה לפי ארצות ואיזורים. הסיכום הזה נולד כדי להראות היסטוריה נעלמת ומושתקת של תיאטרון היהודי הזה. בכל המחקרים על תיאטרון יהודי יש עיסוק רק באירופה ואמריקה... more
(In German) "Victoria Hanna's Art: Between Prayer, Pop Culture and Interpretation"
The 'Dybbuk' and Heavens of Yearning: The 'Dybbuk' of An-sky and its Hassidic Roots
This article points to the complexities of Jewish engagement with theater; thus, despite frequent condemnation of the theater by rabbis we find also more nuanced voices. The article reviews the evidence for Jewish theater attendance in... more
Chapters from "Man Tovà -- L'interculturalità in scena": "Leone De' Sommi", "Leone De' Sommi dal Talmud al teatro", "La trilogia ebraica", "I Salmi", "Tzachut bedichuta de qiddushin", "L'anima del teatro", "I testi desommiani per la... more
Precisely because of its radical instability as a theatrical signifier, playwrights have seized on the prop as a tool for destabilizing the conventional symbolism previously embodied by the now ambiguous object. Although they cannot... more
This discussion is intended to examine the politics of Jewish Theatre in the 21 st century against the backdrop of the macro-political changes that have taken place in the world from the mid-20 th century to the present day, and mainly... more
For a copy of the article, please contact me at [email protected]
As theater is an art form that many times juxtaposes texts with the performing body, one of its main contributions to Jewish culture could be in its "corporeal reading" of Jewish textual heritage. Tony Kushner's celebrated play Angels in... more
В исследовании впервые реконструируется история создания и забвения пьесы В. Гроссмана «Старый учитель», созданной автором в 1946 г. на основе одно- именного рассказа 1943 г. по заказу Московского государственного еврейского театра.... more
In 2001, for the first time, an Arabic-language performance by Jewish actors was performed for a Jewish audience that did not deal with the Israeli-Arabic conflict. This article’s aim is to discuss how JewishMoroccan ethnic identity is... more
Wolf Barzel. Who were these individuals and what were their contributions to theatre history? Their names do not appear in any theatre history text or reference work. In fact, these figures are almost entirely absent from the... more
En este trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre los procesos de intercambio, circulación y cooperación que se producen entre los directores europeos que llegan a Buenos Aires durante el período de entreguerras y el teatro judío IFT... more
Russian abstract follows התיאטרון היהודי בשפה הרוסית נולד בברית המועצות בסוף המאה העשרים. בעוד שלפני מלחמת העולם השנייה הפעילות התיאטרונית יהודית בברית המועצות התנהלה בשפת יידיש והיתה ענפה מאוד, השואה והמדיניות האנטישמית של סטלין אחרי... more
Sh. An-ski's "The Dybbuk" (Yiddish version). Introduction, new edition of the Yiddish original text, and a new Italian translation (176 pages). דער דיבוק פֿון ש. אנ-סקי. הקדמה, נײַע אויסגאַבע פֿונעם ייִדישן טעקסט און נײַע איטאַליענישע... more
The Yiddish Stage as a Temporary Home takes us through the fascinating life and career of the most important comic duo in Yiddish Theater, Shimen Dzigan and Yisroel Shumacher. Spanning the course of half a century-from the beginning of... more
Although his philosophical masterpiece, "Ethics," written in the notoriously exact and forbidding "geometrical mode," is one of the least dramatic works in the history of modern philosophy, and despite the dryness of both his personality... more
Resumen: En este trabajo abordaremos el estreno de la obra Réquiem para un viernes a la noche de Germán Rozenmacher en el teatro IFT (Idisher Folks Teater, Teatro Popular Judío) en 1964. Sostenemos que se trata no sólo de una obra... more
Leon Modena's "L'Ester" (1619). A tragedy in italian language, its sources, biblical and pagan elements, the role of women, the representation inside the Venetian Ghetto.
For over two decades, orthodox Israeli women have been creating theatre despite traditional Jewish reservations against it and despite the fact that theatre involves a certain degree of exhibitionism rather than the tsniut (modesty)... more
En el período de entre guerras, y especialmente a partir de 1930, Buenos Aires se posicionó como un centro teatral judío de importancia internacional gracias su gran población de judíos ídish-parlantes y al desarrollo de un circuito... more
Exhibition catalogue of the exhibition at the Guggenheim New York
L'auteur de cet ouvrage explore l'écriture si particulière de René Kalisky, un des dramaturges belges les plus importants de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Dans son théâtre, Kalisky prend l'histoire à bras le corps et n'hésite pas à... more
For over two decades, orthodox Israeli women have been creating theatre despite traditional Jewish reservations against it and despite the fact that theatre involves a certain degree of exhibitionism rather than the tsniut (modesty)... more
En 2018 se estrenó en Nueva York la obra Fiddler on the Roof/A fidler afn dakh (en español: El violinista en el tejado), versión en ídish del famoso musical de Broadway basado en las historias del escritor judío Sholem Aleichem. El... more
from "Gruppo teatrale Il Palcaccio", ed. by Gabriele Bussolotti, Cierre, Sommacampagna, 2020, pages 146-149.
ABSTRACT In 1955, Iraqi Jewish immigrant artists founded Ur Ensemble (Lahakat Ur in Hebrew) and produced in Arabic the Majnūn Laylā (The Madman of Layla) by the Egyptian poet and playwright Aḥmad Shawqī. The Israeli Establishment... more