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Jewish life seems to revolve around food: eating it or avoiding it. Feast or Fast as it could be said. For every holiday there is a food. For every food there is a blessing. For Jews everywhere, religious or cultural, even those who are... more
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      Eating Disorders and Body ImageJewish Women
When female intellectuals become celebrities in America, much of their notoriety seems to derive from their sex. The female intellectual is packaged as a personality. Publicists and the public feel no shame in gossiping about such women's... more
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      Intellectual HistoryGerman StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
The fact that Sophie Weil Browne (1854–1936) was married to a rabbi undoubtedly enhanced her ability to be a role model for the Jewish women of Columbus, Georgia. It did not define her role, however, because her leadership there had... more
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      Jewish HistoryAmerican SouthAtlantaJewish Women
Öz Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu şekillendiren belirleyici unsurlardan biri, millet sistemidir. Sistem içinde yer alan her cemaat kendine has dini ve kültürel özelliklerini koruma serbestliğine sahipti ve böylelikle her bir cemaat, Osmanlı... more
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      Ottoman womenJewish WomenOsmanlı KadınlarıOsmanlı Yahudileri
In Scott's Ivanhoe, the character of Rebecca refuses to be circumscribed by the discourses of Orientialism, anti-semitism, and idealism. Rebecca's specifically Jewish female sexuality escapes the binary oppositions of East/West,... more
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of CostumeCostume and IdentityJewish Literature
The following paper by Rabbi Raymond Apple first appeared as a chapter in Matnat Eliyahu: Essays for Eliyahu Honig, Mandelbaum Studies in Judaica No. 15, published by Mandelbaum Publishing in association with Australian Friends of the... more
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      Jewish feminist theologyJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition
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      Jewish LawEducationWomenHalacha
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      16th Century (History)Early Modern Jewish HistoryReuveni DavidJewish Women
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      Jewish StudiesBritish HistoryFilm AnalysisSexuality
Of Walter Scott's characters, one of the most enigmatic and the one that most threatens the ideological edifi ce upon which historical fi ction is built is the fi gure of the Jewess, Rebecca of York, from the novel Ivanhoe. In the novel,... more
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      American HistoryArt HistoryJewish StudiesCostume and Identity
Dvora Baron is recognized as the first Modern Hebrew woman writer. Nevertheless, she is largely unknown in German-speaking countries. A Tel Aviv publisher included her short story Shavririm in a collection of the same name in 1949. Yet,... more
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      German LiteratureHebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesWomen's Studies
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      Holocaust StudiesLadinoJewish WomenSephardic Literature and Culture
. In legal texts, women, acting on their own olition, are actually described as indi iduals in negati e terms. This study examines clandestine betrothals and marriages ; adultery, especially the treatment of adulterous women ; the... more
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      SociologyDemographyJurisprudenceDomestic Violence
The aim of this article is to illustrate the manner in which stories about the process of becom-ing mature in the reality of the labour camp are built, in the context of the findings of feminist criti-cism. The author of the story... more
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      Feminist CriticismHolocaustAdolescenceJewish Women
Part I contains a list of Hebrew Aleph-Bet letters and their associations. Part II contains Hebrew words found in Malkah's Notebook: A Journey into the Mystical Aleph-Bet, written in Hebrew, transliteration, English translation, and page... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyJewish StudiesHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastJewish Women
Prayer Books for Jewish Women in Polish, Their Authors and Users: The Case of Jews in Warsaw in the Mid-Nineteenth Century In the nineteenth century, only two prayer books for Jewish women and girls were published in the Polish language:... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish LiteratureJewish Cultural StudiesJewish Women
Il mistero più grande, indagato in molti studi internazionali sull’argomento, è come sia potuto rimanere intatto il predominio maschile di gestore quasi incontrastato del culto, pur essendo state sempre le donne la maggioranza dei fedeli... more
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      Women's StudiesHistory of the JewsGender and religion (Women s Studies)Women and Gender Studies
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      Jewish StudiesPrayer19th Century (History)Jewish Women's History
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      Cairo GenizahJewish Women
תקופת השואה שינתה את כל מארג בהחיים היהודיים והטילה על הנשים אחריות מחודשת שלא הכירו. המאמר סוקר את התמודדותן עם הדילמות ההלכתיות שנוצרו עקב המצב הקשה, כפי שמשתקפות הן בשאלות שהופנו לרבניחם והן בשאלות בהן נאלצו הנשים להכריע בעצמן ללא... more
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      Jewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesHolocaustJewish Women's History
The Register of the Dead from the Jewish community of Lugo di Romagna is a remarkable work, encompassing the statutes and resolutions of the philanthropic organization known as Hevrat gemilut hasadim, or the Good Works or Mercy Society,... more
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      Archival StudiesJewish StudiesHebrew ManuscriptsJewish Cultural Studies
The article elaborates on the attempts of the editors of the Jewish weekly Jevrejski glas (published in Sarajevo in 1928–1941) to support fostering of the Sephardi tradition and Judeo-Spanish language during the period in which an... more
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      Cultural MemorySephardic StudiesJewish Cultural StudiesJudeo-Spanish (Ladino) language
In Brief From the French Revolution to the twenty-first century, Jewish women in France have undergone radical legal, political, cultural, and religious transformations. The political emancipation of Jews during the French Revolution had... more
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      FranceJewish Women
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      Women's HistoryJewish HistoryWomen WritersWomen and Culture
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      History of MedicineJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition
Español/English Este artículo aborda el estudio de las representaciones y percepciones sobre el cuerpo femenino judío que se producen en la intersección de nociones e ideas que sobre menstruación/emisión genital, maternidad e (im)pureza... more
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      Medieval MedicineHistory of MenstruationJewish WomenNaming Practices
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      1960s (U.S. history)Southern HistoryWar on Poverty (20th century)Postwar America
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      Jewish StudiesJewish LiteratureJewish Women
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Verwandlungen der neuen jüdischen Frau von der Gründung der zionistischen Bewegung, 1897 in Basel, bis 1931 sowohl aus einer literarischen und künstlerischen als auch aus einer historischen... more
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      German-Jewish Literature (Jewish Studies)ZionismGerman-Jewish StudiesGender and Cultural Studies
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      Gender StudiesComics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
When Betty Friedan was writing The Feminine Mystique, she had in mind the plight of women like Esther Kahn Taylor. Described in a 1965 Atlanta Constitution article as “an attractive woman with steel gray hair and a flashing smile,” Taylor... more
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      Jewish HistoryAmerican SouthAtlantaJewish Feminism
In Brief Elisabeth Badinter is one of the most well-known and controversial philosophers in France. The granddaughter of Russian-Polish Jewish immigrants, and the daughter of the founder of the first major advertising firm in France, she... more
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    • Jewish Women
A consequence of rising fundamentalism in Judaism, as in other religions, has been an outbreak of culture wars focused on women. Yet, scant attention has been paid to voices of Orthodox Jewish women themselves. This book thus highlights... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureHistoryFilm StudiesPopular Culture
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      Jewish HistoryJewish Cultural StudiesJewish Women's HistoryJewish Women
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      Jewish WomenGenizah Studies
Doña Gracia Nasi (Beatrice de Luna, Beatrice Mendes) and her younger sister Reina (Brianda de Luna) were affluent and philanthropic sixteenth century Portuguese New Christians. Their families had been forcibly converted to Catholicism,... more
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      Jewish HistoryEarly Modern EuropeVenetian HistoryItalian Jewish history
The main aim of this paper is to present the image of Jewish women participating in hostilities on the Eastern Front of World War II in the contemporary Russian-language Jewish media on the example of the online edition of the American... more
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      Media StudiesSoviet HistoryJewish HistoryCommemoration and Memory
In this article, I analyse the attribution of remedies and therapeutic procedures to women, anonymous in the main, embedded in a number of texts belonging to the medieval Hebrew corpus of literature on women’s healthcare. By suggesting a... more
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      Hebrew Medical TextsJewish Women
Chava Weissler ist Spezialistin für religiöses Leben von jüdischen Frauen in Osteuropa im siebzehnten und achtzehnten Jahrhundert. In einem Forschungsprojekt untersuchte sie hunderte Schriftzeugnisse religiösen Lebens, geschrieben für und... more
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      Yiddish LiteratureYiddishJewish EducationJewish Women
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych fragmentów Biblii, szczególnie tych mówiących o kobietach i wskazujących na ich role społeczne (nie tylko żony i matki) oraz na walory (np. kobiet aktywnych, przekazujących wiarę i religię... more
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      Biblical TheologyJewish Women
Toybe Pan (17th century) is one of the first women who left a poem signed with her own name. Before her, we find in Yiddish literature considerable quantities of texts clearly written for a feminine audience and it is very difficult to... more
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      PragueJewish PrayerJewish WomenOld Yiddish
abstract. In legal texts, women, acting on their own vŠolition, are actually described as indiŠiduals in negativŠe terms. This study examines clandestine betrothals and marriages; adultery, especially the treatment of adulterous women;... more
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      Jewish HistoryItalian Jewish historyItaly Early Modern HistoryJewish Women
Sia molto attento l'uomo per come si comporta con sua moglie, perché non vi è benedizione più grande all'interno della casa per il marito, che trovare una buona moglie" (Bavà Mezià 59)
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      Women's StudiesJewish Women's HistoryJewish WomenWomen in Jewish Tradition
In April 1968, Marilyn Shubin, president of the Atlanta section of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), put a blunt question to the section’s membership. “What should be the role of the ‘middle class volunteer’ in helping to meet... more
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      Jewish HistoryAmerican SouthWar on Poverty (20th century)Atlanta
Upcoming Lecture: The Image of the Jewish woman in 19th C Art
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      Jewish Women's HistoryJewish ArtJewish WomenModern Jewish Art and Visual Culture
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      Gender StudiesVenetian Stato da marJewish WomenVenetian Crete
Article connecting Leela Corman's Unterzakhn with Mary Antin's The Promised Land
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish StudiesWomen's StudiesComics Studies
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish HistoryAutobiographyJewish Women
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesBiblical StudiesGender