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Paraclausithyron (literally: weeping before the door) was a motif commonly employed in classical Greek and Latin poetry. Its development is connected with the tradition of the κωµος in which intoxicated men departed from the symposium and... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaLatin poetryWisdom of Solomon
Cycle A liturgical readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 20, 2014: Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43.

This article was previously published in "The Catholic Advocate."
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      MercyWisdom of SolomonCatholic Liturgyliturgy, Roman Catholic
I will be giving a presentation on this paper this year at SBL in Denver.
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      PrayerWisdomRomansWisdom Literature
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionGreek Tragedy
Leiner had hidden in the folds of his text a great secret. Said simply, Leiner was the lineage heir and inheritor of the ancient Wisdom of Solomon. According to Leiner's hidden code, the covert teachings of the Wisdom of Solomon had been... more
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      Jewish MysticismBook of Song of SongsLurianic KabbalahWisdom of Solomon
This paper will reflect theologically on the theme of creation in the Wisdom of Solomon. As the book’s structure falls roughly into three main sections (chaps. 1-6, 7-10, 11-19), we will divide our study accordingly into three major... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical TheologyApocrypha/PseudepigraphaDoctrine of Creation
The article focuses on the importance of chapter 1 for the understanding of the entire text of the "Wisdom of Solomon".
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    • Wisdom of Solomon
Noting the debates around whether ‘wisdom’ constitutes a genre, this chapter instead studies the multiple smaller genres of which wisdom literature consists. Texts use (and sometimes intentionally misuse) genres to communicate with... more
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      GenreWisdom TraditionsBook of JobBook of Ecclesiastes
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      GnosticismHellenistic LiteratureTheologyHellenistic Philosophy
Приложени текст бави се анализом рада митр. Амфилохија (Радовића) и вл. Атанасија (Јевтића) на пољу превођења и тумачења девтероканонских књига и следствено томе анализом доприноса ових аутора теологији старозаветног канона. Рад у фокусу... more
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      Wisdom of Solomon1 Maccabees; 2 MaccabeesThe Wisdom of Ben SiraDeuterocanonical Literature
Was Paul's view of evil based on Adam's fall or a mere reflex of Christology? Tyler A. Stewart argues that, in Galatians, Paul's thoughts about where evil comes from and why it continues are not based on Adam's fall as the background... more
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      Pauline TheologyJustin MartyrGalatiansBook of the Watchers
The title suggests an approach that covers historical and exegetic segments, with preponderance in the sapiential books of the Old Testament. To talk about the concept of „wisdom” in „sapiential books” signifies approaching the subject... more
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      SeptuagintBook of ProverbsAncient Egyptian LiteratureAncient Greek Literature
I just randomly found this free online, so I guess it is okay to post it on this site.
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      TheodicySecond Temple JudaismMetaphorRomans
In Rom 4:18, Paul cites the “promise” to Abraham in LXX Gen 15:5, “so shall your seed be” (οὕτως ἔσται τὸ σπέρμα σου) in relation to what it means to “become the father of many nations” from Gen 17:5. Modern scholars have... more
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      New TestamentApocalypticismPauline LiteratureEschatology and Apocalypticism
In this master thesis, I investigate how Philo of Alexandria (ca. 15 BCE - 45 CE), as a Jewish philosopher, interpreted the Jewish figure of Wisdom (a personification that Proverbs 8 describes as having been present with God when he... more
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      Jewish StudiesPlatoEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Philo of Alexandria
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      Hebrew BibleEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Second Temple JudaismSeptuagint
A brief overview of Adventism's relationship with the Apocrypha, spanning from the year 1842 until 1918. It updates the conclusions of the last previous study conducted by Ron Graybill and utilizes previously undiscovered documents and... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaOld Testament PseudepigraphaSeventh-day Adventist historyEllen G. White
Despite the impressive strides made in the past century in the understanding of Second Temple Jewish history and the strong scholarly interest in paideia within ancient Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, and late antique Christian cultures, the... more
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      ChristianityHebrew LiteratureGreek LiteratureGreek History
This essay aims to explore the historical context and theological significance of the Wisdom of Solomon and compare it with the New Testament's understanding of Christ as the “power and wisdom of God.”
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      Biblical StudiesWisdom of SolomonSecond Temple Judaism and Early Christianity
This article is a commentary on the Biblical book, The Song of Solomon, with information on its historical background and meaning.
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      SexualityEroticismBiblical InterpretationBook of Song of Songs
This unpublished paper explores the relationship among natural science, natural theology, and Old Testament wisdom literature. My main contention here is that Israel’s wisdom literature inculcates a stance of radical openness to the... more
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      History of ScienceProverbsNatural TheologyNatural Science
Jewish culture played a significant role in the development of literacy among the Georgians. Curiously enough, this is even true for the Christianization of the country, which provided the background for the emergence of autochthonous... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaGeorgian ManuscriptsWisdom of SolomonGeorgian Studies
Diese Einleitung in die Weishaiet Salomos / Sapientia Salomos harrt seit einiger Zeit der Veröffentlichung. Sie ist zitierbar nach Paragraphen (die unverändert bleiben werden). Neue Sekundärliteratur wird im Laufe der Zeit hinzugefügt... more
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Jewish HistoryPhilo of Alexandria
Scholars since Dibelius have commonly characterized the Lucan Jesus as a “martyr,” an innocent man whose unjust death is exemplary but not atoning or salvific. This article first compares the Lucan passion narrative with selected Jewish... more
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      SocratesMartyrdomLuke-ActsWisdom of Solomon
Even after Paula Fredriksen’s seminal 2006 article, the etic category of “monotheism,” barring a few exceptions, seems to have largely evaded ‘mandatory retirement’ in contemporary scholarship on early Judaism and Christian origins.... more
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      MythologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityAncient Mediterranean Religions
“But through the devil’s envy death entered the world, and those who belong to his party experience it.” Thus reads the customary English translation, largely unchanged since the earliest English translations, of Wisdom of Solomon 2:24.... more
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      HistoryGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic Philosophy
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      Book of JobJewish apocalyptic literatureAncient JudaismBen Sira
Commentary on the Book or Wisdom, also known as Wisdom of Solomon, the last book to be written of the Old Testament, in the Catholic Church.
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      Old Testament TheologySeptuagintWisdom of SolomonBook of Wisdom
W przedstawionej pracy, wykorzystaniem terminologii G. Genette’a, postawiona zostaje hipoteza badawcza dotycząca hipertekstualnej zależności Listu do Rzymian od Księgi Mądrości. W myśl hipotezy św. Paweł dokonuje transpozycji... more
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      IntertextualityHypertextualityWisdom of SolomonEpistle to the Romans
Paideia is a fundamental concept in the Wisdom of Solomon; in its various manifestations, it appears to function as a unifying factor in a text for which early scholarship claimed multiple authorship and which all modern experts agree can... more
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      GnosticismHistoryHellenistic LiteratureJewish Studies
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Biblical StudiesSpiritual Formation
This article analyzes the discourses held by two Jewish Alexandrian authors from the beginning of the first century CE, Philo and the author of the Wisdom of Solomon, on the polytheist cults of their time. It examines whether these... more
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      History of ReligionPhilo of AlexandriaReligious StudiesAncient Judaism
Search results: Prev | 2 of 8 | Next Solomonic Writings (3,077 words)
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      Psalms of SolomonOdes of SolomonWisdom of Solomon
Greek texts written by Jews in the Hellenistic and Imperial period (ca. 3rd century B.C.E. to 3rd C.E.) occupy numerous positions within two traditions; Jewish liturgical, religious and legal texts combine with historians, poets,... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureSeptuagintPhilo of Alexandria
In this paper, I exegete Psalm 21 from the Greek Septuagint. The first part consists of a fresh translation of Psalm 21 LXX, along with an attempt to outline an identifiable literary structure. The second part walks through the Psalm,... more
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      Epistle to the HebrewsResurrectionWisdom of SolomonChrist's Descent Into Hades
The double use of the word with the καθαρ root in the text of Wis 7:22-28 may set the interpretative direction for the discussion of the whole pericope. The exegesis of the pericope in the key of purity shows the following possibility of... more
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      BiblePurityWisdom of SolomonSeptuagint, LXX
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      Medieval HistoryFrench StudiesMedieval StudiesKingship (Medieval History)
This essay takes aim at the view that the Israelite wisdom tradition has certain necessary and sufficient conventions, what one would call core elements. Determining what belongs to this category is subjective, but this cannot be avoided.... more
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      Genre TheoryWisdom TraditionsAncient Near EastBook of Proverbs
This contribution describes the way especially the liberation narrative of Exodus is taken up and interpreted in a new context in the Wisdom of Solomon.
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      New TestamentEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)ExodusWisdom of Solomon
The Book of Wisdom is considered a coherent text characterised by genre syncretism. This article aims to examine the praise of wisdom in the Book of Wisdom for its persuasive functions. The encomium was used in the analysis as a typical... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricOld TestamentRhetorical Theory
In light of campaign and voting anomalies leading up to 2020's general elections, the United States citizenry is at a crossroads. It must either double-down on its self-deluding traditions of gamesmanship or it must pursue redemption by... more
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      GogolWisdom of SolomonParadise LostNikolai Gogol
While the Hebrew word משכיל has multiple meanings, many of the Dead Sea Scrolls suggest that it designates a specific sage and wisdom teacher. This is indicated by diverse rule, wisdom, and liturgical texts that associate the figure with... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyLiturgyEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
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      Wisdom of SolomonNew Testament Canon FormationNew Testament Canon
Peer review o doble árbitro externo ciego. Acepta artículos en español, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano y portugués. Las propuestas de artículos deben enviarse al director de la revista (
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      Old TestamentWisdom of SolomonOld Testament StudiesBook of Wisdom
Wisdom and Ben Sira are books whose status as biblical books was discussed in patristic and rabbinic times. Nevertheless, they were used by the Church Fathers as well as the rabbis. This paper discusses some patristic and rabbinic texts... more
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      Patristic ExegesisWisdom of SolomonBen Sira/Sirach
This note considers the implications of the textual variant ‘θανατος’ in Wisd. 14:13–14. Whether ‘death’ serves as the explicit subject of v. 14 or as a given idea associated with ‘idols’, it makes the parallels between 14:10–14 and chs... more
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      Jewish StudiesApocrypha/PseudepigraphaWisdom of Solomon
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      Hellenistic PhilosophySeptuagintWisdom LiteratureHellenistic Judaism
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      Wisdom of SolomonLetters of JohnBiblical Translation
The double use of the word with the καθαρ root in the text of Wis 7:22-28 may set the interpretative direction for the discussion of the whole pericope. The exegesis of the pericope in the key of purity shows the following possibility of... more
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      Old TestamentWisdomSeptuagintParadoxes
This essay offers a postcolonial reading of the Wisdom of Solomon in order to explore the processes of self-identification and self-validation within Alexandrian Diaspora Judaism. It focuses on the various ways that ‘us’ and ‘them’ are... more
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      Social IdentityEmpireAncient JudaismWisdom of Solomon