Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
Recent papers in Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
This chapter examines some of the assumptions that are typically employed when dealing with the development of the Hebrew Bible. The first part of the chapter is a critique of the very term "Jewish Bible." It points out some of the... more
The Jewish revolt against Rome in 67 C.E. has been variously characterized as a spontaneous reaction to political/economic oppression, a messianic holy war, or as some combination of the two. 1 In part, the diversity of opinions can be... more
Angels in the Dead Sea Scrolls. An article in English about: Limites et synergies entre les anges et les humains Selon la tradition biblique, en tant que messagers de Dieu, les anges jouent un rôle important dans les rapports de celui-ci... more
Michael Segal, “Interpreting History in Qumran Texts,” in M. Kister, M. Segal, and R. Clements (eds.), The Religious Worldviews Reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium of the Orion Center... more
"Abstract Calendars in the Book of Esther: Purim, Festivals, Cosmology This paper suggests that Esther added an extra month and a day to the king’s calendar to thwart the date chosen by Haman for the annihilation of the Jews. The... more
The rabbinic halakhic system, with its many facets and the literary works that comprise it, reflects a new Jewish culture, almost completely distinct in its halakhic content and scope from the biblical and postbiblical culture that... more
Trotz zahlreicher und fundierter Einblicke in die Gattung und den theologischen Inhalt der Nag-Hammadi-Apokalypse des Paulus (NHC V,2) bleibt die genaue Valenz des Textes umstritten: Ist der Text valentinianisch, wie oft behauptet,... more
This collection of essays originates from the 2014 Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity conference hosted by the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary's University, Twickenham. Featuring an... more
Recent scholarship has devoted much attention to the arrangement of the MT of the book of Psalms (here referred to as the MT Psalter). The differing arrangements found among the Dead Sea Scrolls have raised many questions. Scholars are... more
This Cambridge University Thesis was submitted in 1983 and graduation took place after corrections in 1984. The thesis demonstrates by a close and exhaustive comparison of the Dead Sea Scrolls (as then available) parallels that the... more
Discussions of 4QMMT have often focused on whether the epilogue refers to a tripartite canon comprising the Books of Moses, the prophets, and David. Recent scholarship has tended to doubt the possible reference to a Davidic corpus but has... more
The several sectarian texts from among the DSS that contain references to גרים pose significant problems for the historian. How should we translate the term-"permanent resident alien," as in Scripture, or "Gentile proselyte," as in... more
Published in JaGDaF 32:4 (2020): 12–13.
Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM) is a biannual, not-for-profit, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the latest social scientific, historiographic, and ecclesiastic research on religious institutions... more
Bevezetés Előadásomban Vermes Géza ismert kutatásainak egyes pontjaira reflektálok. Véleményem szerint Vermes holt-tengeri tekercsekkel, valamint Jézus mint történeti személyiséggel kapcsolatos vizsgálódásainak megismerése különösen... more
Eileen Schuller's published works from 1986 to 2010
This is the original German ms. of an entry subsequently translated into German and published in German.
As we have already learned from our study of the brotherly dyads found in Genesis, scholars often attempt to connect the motif of election of biblical siblings with the selection of the cultic animals at Yom Kippur. In a manner similar to... more
This article deals with a polemic in 4QMMT pertaining to the skin disease described by the biblical term ,צרעת typically (though not accurately) translated as "leprosy." In particular, the authors of 4QMMT accuse their opponents of... more
Handout to accompany a graduate class introducing the sectarian texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The publication of the second edition of a best seller, The Dead Sea Scrolls. A Very Short Introduction (OUP March 2017), coincides with the seventieth anniversary of the discovery of 'the greatest manuscript discovery' of the twentieth... more
RESUMEN - ABSTRACT Las investigaciones aquí desarrolladas buscan una aproximación interdisciplinaria al fenómeno de la salud y la enfermedad, así como a la naturaleza de la práctica médica en la posmodernidad. La filosofía de la medicina... more
This note draws attention to two passages from the so-called Noachic interpolations in the Book of Parables where Noah traditions embedded in Qumran scrolls may provide helpful parallels. First, it suggests that the dating of the vision... more
4Q390 is a document akin to but not identical with Apocryphon of Jeremiah C. It presents the exilic and postexilic era of history of Israel as a period of 70 x 7 = 70 + 7 x 49 + 70 + 7 years of forced theocracy. 4Q390 may partially... more
Paper presentation - "Anti-Judaism, the Gospel of Matthew, and the Dead Sea Scrolls"
This is an attempt to reconsider some issues that challenge the reconstruction of the Dead Sea Scrolls Aramaic fragments of "the Book of Giants", while drawing on codicological considerations to locate the main cluster of reconstructed... more
Are you interested in purchasing a copy? Please send me an e-mail! This is a study of the formation of the ‘Book’ of Psalms that attempts to provide
answers to two fundamental questions: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the... more
In 2012 the Israel Antiquities Authority launched the new photographic digital database for Judaean Desert manuscripts, the Leon Levy Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Library ( The site features new images of a large number... more
A number of texts from the Qumran scrolls demonstrate the community's interest in heavenly ascent and in communion with angels. This article lays out a pattern observable in some of the poetic/liturgical texts (for example, the... more
Scholars usually take for granted that the sectarian members of the Qumran movement ate their common meals in full purity at a level that is often compared to that of the priests serving in the temple. This assumption rests on the... more