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      European HistoryImperial HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryWorld History
В статье дан перевод и комментарий к средневековому латинскому exemplum'у о святом псе Гинфорте. Сам текст написан в XIII в. Стефоном Бурбоном - католическим монахом-инквизитором. В источнике можно почерпнуть характерные для... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Medieval Latin Texts of Computus
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      Middle AgesEdad MediaWestern European HistoryWestern Culture
Tables des Actes des Journées Internationales d'Histoire de l'Abbaye de Flaran, n°  1 à 37 (1979-2015) avec Index des noms d'auteurs
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRural HistoryEarly Modern economic and social history
With regard to the percentage of Jewish victims and survivors during the Shoah, France and the Netherlands are each other’s counterpart: 25 per cent of the about 320,000 Jews in France did not survive the persecutions, whereas 75 per cent... more
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      HistoryComparative HistoryTransnational HistoryHolocaust Studies
The French Resistance to German occupation during World War Two lacks a comprehensive study that evaluates how effective it was. This paper evaluates the military effectiveness of the French Resistance as a guerrilla movement, tracing... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryWestern EuropeFrench History
L’Europa sembra in crisi ma non ogni crisi è anche un declino inevitabile. Al fine di comprendere se il genio europeo od occidentale abbia un futuro è necessario descrivere la genesi e lo sviluppo storici di questo improprio “continente... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceMartin HeideggerHans-Georg Gadamer
Banners, Flags, Pennants and Standards Focus: Early to late Medieval European period EARLY TO LATE MEDIEVAL WESTERN EUROPEAN STANDARDS: A broad overview of the use of banners, flags, pennants and other standards of the western European... more
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      PaintingBannersWestern European HistoryMideval Studies
In 1920, Russian Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoi wrote Europe and Mankind, a pamphlet that challenged the notion of European cultural superiority. His militant ideas against Eurocentrism would go on to influence the creation of... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesNationalismEurasiaSubaltern Studies
The purpose of this work is twofold, to assess the extent of Norse Irish mixing in Dublin and in turn to examine the extent that the Norse (and this mixing) contributed to Irish economic success.
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      European HistoryGeneticsIrish StudiesMedieval History
Böröcz József könyve az európai integráció történetének mintegy előzményeként a nyugat-európai államiság több évszázados globális történetét is áttekinti, s ebben a keretben értelmezi az EU létrejöttét és formálódását. A könyv, amely bő... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Este libro presenta los resultados alcanzados por el Proyecto de Investigación IdaVe sobre el paisaje, el urbanismo y la arquitectura de Idanha-a-Velha en épocas romana, Antigüedad tardía y medieval-islámica a partir de los estudios... more
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      Remote SensingArchitectureZooarchaeologyRitual
This undergraduate research paper analyzes the evidence and possibilities behind the hypothesis that Spanish explorers and conquistadors ‘discovered’ the Hawaiian archipelago approximately 250 years before British Captain James Cook made... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPacific Island StudiesMaritime History
Este libro reúne las investigaciones sobre la explotación tartésica del estaño realizadas en San Cristóbal de Logrosán (Cáceres, España) por Craig Merideth entre 1992 y 2002 y las coordinadas por el G.I. PRETAGU de la Universidad de... more
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      MetallurgyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Spanish archaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeology
A 56-page SENIOR THESIS PAPER which analyzes drug usage - namely Pervitin - by Nazi Germany. Special detail focuses on the "Wehrmacht" (military) and fascist dictator Adolf Hitler.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGerman History20th Century German History
REVIEWS: 1. "Recently, two Dutch historians finished a comparative analysis of the Holocaust in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, for the first time integrating the Jews as full protagonists in an explanatory model of the enormous... more
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      European HistoryFrench HistoryComparative HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
3 essays regarding the history of the Iberian Empires (Spain and Portugal), which served as the final exam for HIST 448.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistoriographyIberian Studies
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      Cultural StudiesWestern European HistoryRenessanceWestern European Arts
In the 1980s and 1990s, political leaders in Western democracies used management and managerialism to initiate change. The result was privatization, deregulation, public cost-cutting programs and a greater influence of business leaders... more
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      LeadershipContemporary HistoryPolitical HistoryManagement History
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      EthnohistoryRussian StudiesHistory of LatviaWestern European Politics
Ces documents d'archives ont été retrouvés dans la mansarde de l'ancienne mairie d'Angerville l'Orcher, village cauchois du département de la Seine-Maritime. Parvenus sous la forme de 166 pièces classées dans le désordre et sans numéro... more
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      French HistoryPeasant StudiesRural HistoryFrench Revolution
Friedensproteste und Forderungen nach Frieden gab es während der 1970er und -80er Jahre sowohl in Westwie Osteuropa – freilich unter sehr unterschiedlichen Vorzeichen. Während die atomare Aufrüstung auf der einen Seite den Schwerpunkt... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistorySocial MovementsPeace and Conflict Studies
Кратка историја Француске представља део синтезе Кембричке серије кратких историја држава које су оставиле најзначајнији траг на старом континенту током протеклог миленијума: Велике Британије, Француске, Немачке и Италије. У приказу ћемо... more
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      History19th century France20th century FranceMedieval France
An abridged version of this paper, co-authored with Dr. RON ZELLER, was presented as a lecture at the international workshop "Der Holocaust in Europa: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bei der Implementierung des Holocaust in West- und... more
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      Comparative HistoryHolocaust StudiesHolocaust educationComparative Historical Analysis
BEGINNINGS OF THE TRANSATLANTIC SECURITY PARTNERSHIP: OUTBREAK OF THE COLD WAR AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE (1945–1949) Abstract The aim of this article was to show the origin of the transatlantic security partnership... more
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      International SecurityNATOCold WarU.S. Foreign Policy
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      European HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistorySlavery
This paper examines the secondary English-language scholarship on Dutch artist Pieter Coecke van Aelst's frieze, The Customs and Fashions of the Turks. Through an examination of the scholarship on this woodcut series, this study points... more
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      Art HistoryWestern EuropeOttoman HistoryNorthern Europe
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      European History19th Century BritainVictorian eraWestern European History
[Workshop, 25 November 2020]
Deadline: 18 September 2020
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesWestern Europe
كيف تقودنا معرفة الغرب إلى التخلص من تبعتنا له؟
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      European StudiesHistory of Western PhilosophyIslamic History and Muslim CivilizationEurocentrism
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
Exam answers for part 1 and 2.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryAztecsSpanish History
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      Eastern European StudiesCold WarDemocracyUS History
Filled with mismanaged anecdotal accounts, colloquial language and countless quotes taken from a variety of ethnographies of well-known anthropologists of European culture, Appetities and Identities reads more like a student travel guide... more
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      European StudiesAnthropologySocial AnthropologyWestern Europe
journal article published in Korean - 프랑스혁명과 1798년 국민개병제 법안 In pre-revolutionary Europe there was no mass conscription, widely regarded as an “instrument of tyranny.” However, as it became impossible to meet the military needs of France... more
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      Governance and Civil SocietyFrench Revolution and NapoleonState-BuildingMilitary Dictatorship
Mainly concerning the action of "scouting" detachments or "praecursores". Mentions the Western campaign of 1241, and also the situation of Korea.
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      FamineKoreaScoutingWestern European History
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      ReligionHistorySociology of ReligionJapanese Studies
In de abdij van Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Elno) vond benedictijn Jean Mabillon in 1672 een tekst met een lied uit 881. Hij stuurde de Straatsburgse historicus Johannes Schilter een kopie en het lied werd in 1696 uitgegeven. In 1837 vond... more
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      VikingsMiddeleeuwenWestern European HistoryFranconia (Franken)
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesConstitutional Law
In the film, we present the phases of manufacturing the hoop of the Holy Crown of Hungary: 1. In the first phase a ring is made that determines the size of the hoop. Regardless of the manufacturing... more
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      Byzantine StudiesHeiliges Römisches ReichHoly Crown of HungaryCloisonné Enamels
Das Seminar führt in die Sozial-und Geistesgeschichte im West-und Osteuropa der Nachkriegszeit ein. Insbesondere behandelt es die Konsequenzen des Zweiten Weltkriegs: zum einen die gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche, die der Krieg nach sich zog,... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesWestern EuropeEastern Europe
NATO and Eurocommunism. The Fear of a Weakening of the Southern Flank from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s, in: Journal of European Integration History, 20. Jahrgang, Nr. 2/2014, S. 245–258.
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryNATOCold War
The 1960s were a decade of political experiments and social change in Western Europe. Against this background, the essay aims at suggesting common ground for comparison among three experiences of government, namely the first center-left... more
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      European HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
Midterm exam short essays.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryWestern EuropeSpanish History
Nikolas Dörr, Eurokommunismus als Teil der historischen Kommunismusforschung, Version: 1.0, in: Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 06.01.2014,
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryContemporary HistoryCold War
The article contemplates the possibility of a structured sociolinguistic comparison between various language based regionalist movements in Europe. An integrated terminological model for the categorization of various configurations of... more
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      Catalan LanguageWelshGalician languageRegional Languages
Ce livre raconte la vie de six princesses, filles de rois : une princesse bourguignonne, deux anglaises, une française et deux espagnoles. Il s'agit d'une tentative de recréer le point de vue de ces six princesses face à leur destin. Cela... more
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    • Western European History