West Germany
Recent papers in West Germany
Na terenie okupowanych Niemiec, a następnie w RFN, funkcjonowało wiele cennych i ważnych inicjatyw środowiska polskich uchodźców. Do grona najciekawszych i najcenniejszych można zaliczyć działalność Komitetu Obrony... more
• “Traveling as a Culture of Remembrance: Traces of National Socialism in West Germany, 1945-1960,” History and Memory 12/2 (Fall/Winter 2000): 92-121.
Results are presented on predictors of the timing of leaving the parental home, comparing samples ofyowg adultsfrom theformer East and West Germany.
East-West German Transborder Entanglements through the Nuclear Waste Sites in Gorleben and Morsleben Author: Astrid Mignon Kirchhof Pages: pp. 145-173 Available open access: https://doi.org/10.1484/J.JHES.5.116797 Open-access Abstract... more
Anhand der politischen Bildung fragt der Aufsatz danach, welche Gefahren für die Demokratie im Westdeutschland der 1970er- und 80er-Jahre diagnostiziert und welche Projekte zur Stimulierung individueller Handlungsmuster aufgelegt wurden,... more
Am 1. September 1948 trat der Parlamentarische Rat in Bonn zusammen, um die Verfassung eines westdeutschen Teilstaates auszuarbeiten. Die feierliche Unterzeichnung des Grundgesetzes, dem Resultat dieser Beratungen, erfolgte bereits am 23.... more
Социальное неравенство. Изменения в социальной структуре: европейская перспектива / Под ред. Виктора Воронкова, Михаила Соколова; пер. с нем. К. Тимофеевой. - СПб. : Алетейя, 2008.- 160 с. - (Серия "Левиафан"). Аннотация Сборник... more
Adorno’s Minima Moralia was part of a publishing boom in the genre of advice literature in postwar West Germany. The combination of economic resurgence and attempted cultural restoration resulted in a widespread wish to master forming... more
This is a history of 1968 written from a new perspective —that of centre-right activists in West Germany. Based on new archival sources and oral history interviews, it examines the ideas, experiences, and repertoires of centre-right... more
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2004 ISBN 9783515085540 Ausgezeichnet mit dem Hedwig-Hintze-Preis des Verbandes der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands 2004. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Friedrich-Meinecke-Preis fuer eine... more
This paper reconstructs the history of the reception across the Italian Catholic world of the first sex education film ever screened in Italy, the documentary “Helga” (Erich F. Bender, 1967). Most Catholics were initially fearful and... more
Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Auf ihrem "langen Marsch durch die Institutionen" machte die APO die Kriegsdienstverweigerung zum politischen Kampfinstrument und... more
The role of individual characteristics, parental behaviours and peers for occupational exploration was examined in a sample of 192 German ninth graders (80 girls, 112 boys) from middle-track schools. The adolescents completed... more
For decades articles and books have been published on the history of German foreign policy during Cold War. Regardless of whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America or the world as a whole, the foreign affairs of the Western Federal... more
https://academic.oup.com/gh/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/gerhis/ghy067/5091968?redirectedFrom=fulltext My review of the first two academic monographs on Krautrock, published in the journal "German History": (1) Alexander... more
Eric J. Schmaltz. "Carrots, Sticks...and Demonstrations: Yuri Andropov's Failed Autonomy Plan for Soviet Kazakhstan's Germans, 1976-1980." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, Nebraska), Vol. 39,... more
In 1955, the West German Walter Hallstein had installed the Hallstein doctrine in West German foreign policy to weaken its East German counterpart by preventing the diplomatic relations of the latter with states of the 'First' and the... more
In the run-up to the 1978 World Cup, the West German section of Amnesty International launched a campaign called ‘Yes to Football, No to Torture!’ which sought to raise awareness of human rights violations in Argentina by taking advantage... more
The first indication of ecologically focussed citizen initiatives in West Germany can be traced back to the Whyl anti-nuclear protests during 1973. Petitions for other causes continued to spread through the Federal Republic after this... more
Lieutenant General Arif Bangash ,The great man who was our commandant
Arif Bangash, Lieutenant General,The great man who was our commandant
November 2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33943.32162
Project: Military History
Agha H Amin
Arif Bangash, Lieutenant General,The great man who was our commandant
November 2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33943.32162
Project: Military History
Agha H Amin
The purpose of this chapter is to consider the challenges Lufthansa faced after 1955 in offering its passenger services and encouraging foreign tourism in West Germany. In so doing, I examine the role of the airline in advertising air... more
[Eng] The end of World War II polarized Europe into two opposite political blocks. Among the huge mass of displaced Polish persons who were present in the western occu- pation zones of Germany and then in the Federal Republic of Germany... more
This review essay on postwar conservation politics in West Germany appeared in the German Historical Institute London Bulletin in 2007
Nuclear energy is intertwined with developments in social, economic, environ- mental, political, and cultural spheres. Therefore, it is a complex social and technological phenomenon that influences societies but is also shaped by... more
Von November 1951 bis März 1952 standen fünf ehemalige Beamte des Reichsjustizministeriums vor dem Landgericht Wiesbaden, die sich wegen der Ermordung von über 15.000 als "asozial" geltenden Justizhäftlingen zu verantworten hatten. Die... more
Malgré l'avènement de la bombe atomique à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le char va rester une arme d'intimidation très efficace durant toute la durée de la Guerre froide. Les deux blocs vont en produire et en déployer des... more
Hartmut Esslinger was Apple's first lead designer and worked with Steve Jobs from 1982-86. Originally from the Black Forest, Esslinger founded frog design, a firm that has worked with numerous corporations, including Sony, Wega, and... more
Introducción biográfica al personaje sociopolítico de Ulrike Meinhof.
This book, a version of my Master thesis, describes the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and Portugal in the 1960s. During this period, Portugal was a right wing dictatorship and fought colonial wars in Angola, Mozambique... more
This article focuses on sexually explicit texts and images that were prevalent across a spectrum of self-published and underground journals in West Germany. In these publications, sex became a vehicle of protest: protest against the... more
How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs critical security studies’ attention to the discipline’s core concern with interstate relations. Drawing on the notions of subjectification and... more
Published in the Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung 2011, this essay explores the German reception of Soviet internment camps in occupied East Germany in West Germany and reunited Germany and assesses their significance for... more
https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/GregorDreams This article explores the history of Kraftwerk parodies in the United States. I first trace the influence of Kraftwerk and German technopop across the 1970s and 1980s, which resulted in the... more
During the 20th Century, both Germany and Spain had atrocities committed against specific groups of people at home under fascist leaderships. Both countries democratised with the death of their leader, leaving members from the previous... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, literatürdeki kaynaklardan yararlanarak savaş ve barış kavramlarını tanımlamak, savaşa götüren koşulları incelemek ve bunları İkinci Dünya Savaşı üzerinden Alman toplumuna nasıl etkilerde bulunduğunu analiz etmektir.... more
West Germany and the Iron Curtain takes a fresh look at the history of Cold War Germany and the German reunification process from the spatial perspective of the West German borderlands that emerged along the volatile inter-German border... more
The violent decolonization of Portugal’s colonial empire in Africa was not fought on the battlefields of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea‑Bissau alone. An important part of the African liberation movements’ struggle was the search for... more