Watsuji Tetsurō
Recent papers in Watsuji Tetsurō
Watsuji Tetsurô's Ethics is one of the most important works in Japanese ethical thought. But scholarly research in English has largely focused on the first of three volumes of Ethics, leaving the latter two oft-neglected. In order to... more
This is the pre-publication version of an article published in Japanese in Hikaku shisô kenkyû 42 (2016), pp. 81-89. 和辻哲郎のグローバル倫理学における倫理的な普遍性と特殊性 1 九州大学 基幹教育院 講師 セビリア・アントン *以下は出版以前のバージョンです。『比較思想研究』四二号、二〇一六年、八一~八九 頁を参照。
In the second volume of Rinrigaku, Watsuji Tetsurō focuses on developing his notion of betweenness (aidagara 間柄) through the ethical organisations (jinrinteki soshiki 人倫的組織) of family, local community, economics, cultural community, and... more
Design’s attempts to address social, ethical and environmental concerns of our time have often been marred by theory generated by well-meaning scholars who have imposed hard-line definitions and models of what it means to be an ‘ethical... more
Note: this is an accepted journal paper expected to be published in Dec 2020. For the quotation please follow the format of Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies: Tam, Andrew Ka Pok, 'On the Relation between Watsuji’s Ningen Rinrigaku and... more
In S. Muramatsu, Q. Zhao, R. Kondo (eds.) "Feeling the Wind: When We Encounter a Different Discipline", Tokyo: The University of Tokyo, Integrated Human Science Program for Cultural Diversity, 24 March 2015, p.9-22 This paper addresses... more
Estudio del Nihonjinron a través de su obra y sus conceptos clave.
A preview of the Palgrave edition of my book, as well as the full dissertation on which the book was based. This book is a rethinking of ethics and socio-political life through the ideas of Watsuji Tetsurô. Can we build a systematic... more
In this paper, I wish to consider Watsuji Tetsuro’s (1889–1960) concept of climate (fudo), and consider whether it contributes anything to the relationship between climate change and ethics. I will argue that superficially it seems that... more
I use critical phenomenological resources in Tetsurō Watsuji and Sarah Ahmed to explore the spatial origin of some social impairments in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I argue that a critical phenomenological perspective puts pressure... more
Slides handouts for 'Japanese Philosophy: An Introduction' covering 'in a nutshell': Buddhism (Shingon, Pure Land and Zen), Shinto, Kokugaku/'Native Studies', the Kyoto School and traditional & contemporary Aesthetics ...
This article addresses the place, or basho in Japanese, of transcontinental philosophy within the context of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) and the philosophical profession in general. It also considers... more
Author(s): Lazopoulos, George | Advisor(s): Barshay, Andrew E | Abstract: This dissertation is a critical history of Buddhist thought in Japan from 1868 to 1931. During this time, many intellectuals became fascinated with the Buddhism of... more
Surveys and contextualizes recent New Zealand artists' cinema by genre including, Landscape, Psychodrama, Identity Politics, Visual Music, Installed & Expanded Cinemas, and Animation. Touches on aspects of Asian and Western philosophy... more
Despite increasing interest in the work of Tetsuro Watsuji, his discussion of intentionality remains underexplored. I here develop an interpretation and application of his view. First, I unpack Watsuji's arguments for the inherently... more
While the existence of nature distinct from human influence be comes evermore suspect, within the natural sciences, human beings are increasingly understood in naturalistic terms. The collision of the human and natural, both within... more
Recognizing the importance of the Kyoto School and its influence on philosophy, politics, religion, and Asian studies, Japanese and Continental Philosophy initiates a conversation between Japanese and Western philosophers. The essays in... more
Despite increased interest in comparative philosophy within the past few decadesincluding particular interest in the Kyoto School of Japanese philosophy-Watsuji Tetsurō 和辻哲郎 has not received the attention he deserves. This is a shame.... more
Après des années d'apprentissage en Europe, les philosophes japonais se mirent à la recherche de leurs propres sources philosophiques, en dehors du champ de la tradition grecque. Un exemple précoce, sous l'ère Meiji, en fut le journal... more
Fudo, letteralmente "vento e terra", è un concetto chiave della filosofia di Watsuji Tetsuro. Qui le intuizioni e la proposta della fenomenologia dello spazio di Watsuji vengono messe in dialogo con un possibile corrispondente europeo,... more
This paper aims to set out a critically oriented theory of cosmopolitanism that moves beyond contemporary versions of critical cosmopolitanism and decolonial theory, for the purpose of proposing and realizing more democratic way of being... more
The aim of this article is to critically compare the phenomenologies of landscape of two 20th-century philosophers deeply engaged with Heidegger’s thinking: Carlos Astrada and Tetsurō Watsuji. In the first section, I show how they... more
In Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of World-History, nations are divided into three geographical categories where the cultural self-consciousness is manifested: highlands, valleys, and coasts. Hegel argues that nations only manifest... more
Watsuji Tetsurō’s idea of aidagara (間柄, often translated as ‘betweenness’) is an essential concept in his ningen rinrigaku with a robust Confucian heritage. As he begins his reflection on aidagara from Mencius’ concept of gorin or ‘five... more
I am delighted to share that I will be giving a virtual lecture from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law 23 Nov 2021, 10:00 CET. The lecture 'A Decolonial Philosophy of Law: Decolonial Cosmopolitanism,... more
In the introduction to this paper we first point to Schopenhauer’s ethics and philosophy of religion and to his peculiar understanding of the notion of freedom as a grace. From this constellation we then start with three Meadian analyzes.... more
After the publication of Zeami’s critical writings in the late Meiji period, scholars of Noh adopted terms from previous debates about “authors” and “artists” to populate a nationally defined canon of literature. Concepts that often... more
Watsuji's ethics is founded on the idea of the dual-structure of human beings: That we are both individual and total (collective) at the same time, and that these two elements constantly negate each other. But how do individuality and... more
In this translation, Watsuji Tetsurō provides an overview of the life and work of Raphael von Koeber who introduced and taught philosophy at Tokyo Imperial University to some of the most eminent Japanese intellectuals of that period.... more
Japanese “culturalism” compared with some exponents of Russian philosophy. What the works of these Japanese intellectuals in the 1920s-30s and those of Russian thinkers linked to Eurasianism have in common is that they transcend the most... more
واتسوجی تتسورو (1889-1960) یکی از اعضای گروه کوچکی از فلاسفه ژاپن بود که در طی قرن بیستم فلسفهی ژاپنی را به جهان عرضه کردند. او آثار مهمی دربارهی فلسفی غربی و شرقی، از یونان باستان گرفته تا شوپنهاور، نیچه، کیرکگور و هایدگر، و از فرهنگ... more
This paper is submitted for publication. Far from being the archetype figure of anti-modernity thought this paper will argue that the work of Watsuji Tetsurō represents an engagement with the global effects of modernity and that it... more
風土與人間的關係一直是和辻哲郎文化哲學的核心命題。在一九三五 年出版的《風土》一書裡,和辻定義文化為風土與人間之互動,並將世界 文化按風土分成三類:季風型、沙漠型和牧場型。其中,由於和辻曾於一 九二七年赴德留學時過境港滬兩地,因此在討論中國的季風型風土與文化 時,和辻除了引用客觀數據與二手文獻外,亦引用了自己的實地考察和親 身經歷。可是,基於和辻對於當時中國地理資訊掌握不足,他誤以為中國 的風土是「單調廣漠」的平原,而當時的中國人都是對政治「無動於... more
The translation of honraisei as “authenticity” has caused scholars to compare Watsuji with Heideggerian and Taylorian accounts of authenticity. In this article, it will be demonstrated that this translation of “authenticity” is misleading... more
Lecture notes on ethics from 2007. Lakeland College Wisconsin, Japan Campus.
Please find the PDF through the link: https://laynadrozdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/droz_2019_environmental-ethics-pdf.pdf The concept of humans as relational individuals living in a milieu can provide some solutions to various... more
This is the chapter synopsis for my forthcoming book. Due publication date September 2020 Rowman & Littlefield International.