Wavelet Analysis
Recent papers in Wavelet Analysis
The mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) from obliquity-to eccentricity-forced climate variations has been extensively documented within the oceanic realm. Using a collection of orbitally tuned records of palaeoclimatic change from the loess... more
Musical genres are categorical labels created by humans to characterize pieces of music. A musical genre is characterized by the common characteristics shared by its members. These characteristics typically are related to the... more
This paper presents a comparative performance analysis of various trend detection methods developed using fuzzy logic, statistical, regression, and wavelet techniques. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new... more
In this paper, we describe an intelligent signal analysis system employing the wavelet transformation towards solving vehicle engine diagnosis problems. Vehicle engine diagnosis often involves multiple signal analysis. The developed... more
Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a valuable, non-invasive method for quantifying autonomic cardiac control in humans. Frequency-domain analysis of HRV involving myocardial ischaemic episodes should take into account its... more
Time-frequency distribution methods are being widely used for the analysis of a variety of biomedical signals. Recently, they have been applied also to study otoacoustic emissions (OAE's), the active acoustic response of the... more
Pulmonary embolism is an avoidable cause of death if treated immediately but delays in diagnosis and treatment lead to an increased risk. Computer-assisted image analysis of both unenhanced and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT)... more
Aim To forecast the responses of alpine flora to the expected upward shift of treeline ecotones due to climatic warming, we investigated species richness patterns of vascular plants at small spatial scales across elevational transects.
This paper presents method of deriving optimal excitation signal maximizing probability of successful fault diagnosis. The approach uses evolutionary algorithm and wavelet analysis. The diagnosis procedure is conducted by means of... more
This paper reports on a novel method for quantifying the cortical activity of a patient during general anesthesia as a surrogate measure of the patient's level of consciousness.
We develop a new filter which combines spatially adaptive noise filtering in the wavelet domain and temporal filtering in the signal domain. For spatial filtering, we propose a new wavelet shrinkage method, which estimates how probable it... more
The characterization of the prominent features of near-fault pulse-like ground motions is under scrutiny. Relationships between pulse characteristics and the performance of structures are here established. Two wavelet energy-based signal... more
is applied to the analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the rhodopsin gene of Chinese Hamster cells. The Lipschitz-Hclder exponents for the probability measurements of adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine distributions are obtained.... more
Objective: We characterised the spectral response of the EEG to median nerve stimulation using wavelet analysis, and compared the relative magnitudes of effect of several different action -observation conditions on the beta and mu... more
This paper approaches an intellectual diagnosis system using hybrid approach of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model for classification of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. This method is based on using Symlet Wavelet... more
Extracting clean fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) signals is very important in fetal monitoring. In this paper, we proposed a new method for fetal ECG extraction based on wavelet analysis, the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filtering... more
The use of two dimensional (2-D) continuous wavelet analysis has not been extensive for image processing using wavelets. It has been overshadowed by the 2-D discrete dyadic wavelet transform (DWT) due to its compactness and excellent... more
Deception is commonly seen in everyday social interactions. However, most of the knowledge about the underlying neural mechanism of deception comes from studies where participants were instructed when and how to lie. To study spontaneous... more
A new method is presented for the purpose of improving pass/fail separation during transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) hearing screening. The method combines signal decomposition in scales using the discrete wavelet transform,... more
Since leak reduction actually corresponds to the acquirement of new water quality resources, development of leak detection methodologies is a non-trivial scientific and engineering issue for the water resources community.
Vibration signals are considered as nonstationary signals with transients. Conventional harmonic Fourier analysis ®nds it dif®cult to model the vibration signals. In this paper, a novel approach using the global Fourier transforms and... more
A new algorithm for medical image retrieval is presented in the paper. An 8-bit grayscale image is divided into eight binary bit-planes, and then binary wavelet transform (BWT) which is similar to the lifting scheme in real wavelet... more
Cancer classification by doctors and radiologists was based on morphological and clinical features and had limited diagnostic ability in olden days. The recent arrival of DNA microarray technology has led to the concurrent monitoring of... more
Recent studies provide evidence for the multi-scale nature of magnetic turbulence in the plasma sheet. Wavelet methods represent modern time series analysis techniques suitable for the description of statistical characteristics of... more
Using recent advances in time-varying spectral methods, this research analyses the growth cycles of productivity for three economies: that of the euro area, the US and the UK. The methodology uses a discrete wavelet transform (MODWT), a... more
Temperature reconstructions from Europe for the past 500 years based on documentary and instrumental data are analysed. First, the basic documentary data sources, including information about climate and weather-related extremes, are... more
Covariações entre os desembarques da sardinha-verdadeira -Sardinella janeiro (Eigenmann, 1894) em seus extremos de ocorrência na plataforma sudeste brasileira e anomalias de temperatura da superfície do mar estimadas por satélite.
In this paper, we propose to extract the texture features of currency note images. To extract the features, first the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in particular Daubechies 1 (DB1) is utilized on a currency note and the approximate... more
Gradual development of anomalies (i.e., deviations from the nominal condition) may alter the quasi-static behavior patterns of human-engineered complex systems. This chapter presents a recently reported technique of pattern recognition,... more
Analysis of heart rate variation (HRV) has become a popular non-invasive tool for assessing the activities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). HRV analysis is based on the concept that fast fluctuations may specifically reflect changes... more
This paper describes the use of wavelet transform for analyzing power system fault transients in order to determine the fault location. Traveling wave theory is utilized in capturing the travel time of the transients along the monitored... more
In this paper, we investigate the price spillover effects among two developed markets, (the US and the UK), and two developing markets, (Irish and Portuguese), using a new testing method suggested by Lee (2002). We find that there are... more
In this paper, we investigate the price interdependence between seven international stock markets, namely Irish, UK, Portuguese, US, Brazilian, Japanese and Hong Kong, using a new testing method, based on the wavelet transform to... more
Several studies have reported the asynchronous closure of normal bileaflet valves (NBVs), resulting in a split in its closing sound; however, the clinical significance of this split has never been studied in malfunctioning bileaflet... more
The kurtogram is a fourth-order spectral analysis tool recently introduced for detecting and characterising nonstationarities in a signal. The paradigm relies on the assertion that each type of transient is associated with an optimal... more
Fatigue in rolling element bearings, resulting in spalling of the races and/or rolling elements, is the most common cause of bearing failure. The useful life of the bearing may extend considerably beyond the appearance of the first spall... more
Alternative or complementary medicine emphasizes therapies that are claimed to improve quality of life, prevent disease, and address conditions that conventional medicine has limited success in curing. There are many techniques which are... more
We propose a form of semi-nonparametric regression based on wavelet analysis. Traditional time series methods usually involve either the time or the frequency domain, but wavelets can combine the information from both of these. While... more
This paper is a comparative study of three recently proposed algorithms for face recognition: eigenface, autoassociation and classification neural nets, and elastic matching. After these algorithms were analyzed under a common statistical... more
In this paper, we investigate the price spillover effects among two developed markets, (the US and the UK), and two developing markets, (Irish and Portuguese), using a new testing method suggested by Lee (2002). We find that there are... more
Identifying spatio-temporal synchrony in a complex, interacting and oscillatory coupled-system is a challenge. In particular, the characterization of statistical relationships between environmental or biophysical variables with the... more
Over the last few decades, the damage identification methods of civil and mechanical structures have been drawing much interest from various fields. Wavelet analysis, a relatively new mathematical and signal processing tool, is one of... more
Public reporting burden for tis collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gatherng and maiftainng the data needed, and completing... more
Seasonal and annual rainfall data of the stations: Akluj, Baramati, Bhor and Malsiras stations located in Nira Basin, Central India, were analyzed for studying trend and periodicity using 104 years’ rainfall data. The analysis was carried... more
A model for a financial asset is constructed with two types of agents, who differ in terms of their beliefs. The proportion of the two types changes over time according to stochastic processes which model the interaction between the... more
The Sun is the nearest stellar and astrophysical laboratory, available for detailed studies in several fields of physics and astronomy. It is a sphere of hot gas with a complex and highly variable magnetic field which plays a very... more
In this paper, we investigate the price interdependence between seven international stock markets, namely Irish, UK, Portuguese, US, Brazilian, Japanese and Hong Kong, using a new testing method, based on the wavelet transform to... more