Expanded Cinema
Recent papers in Expanded Cinema
The figure of the VJ or visual jockey is key for understanding the appearance and current uses of what we shall call the “environment-image”, a kind of image which is produced for an audience in situ, whose emotional reaction has a... more
The first conference paper I presented on the an-archival impulses and mediatic/conceptual/perceptual expansions of the "experimental" phase of Films Division, India. Presented at the "Encountering World Cinema in India" international... more
The Extending the Role of Paramedics (ERP) sub-project built on a model developed by the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) which aims to provide a service that is complementary to primary health care, thus reducing emergency... more
32 page catalogue with essays by Steven Ball (artist, musician, researcher) and Diana Franssen (curator van Abbe Museum).
Abstract. The goal of this study was to gain insight into the user experience of a recent hypernarrative interactive movie. Turbulence is a feature-length interactive narrative video and emphasising low frequency interaction, simultaneous... more
Review of Tony Oursler's multi-channel, site-specific projection onto the 59th Street Transfer Bridge on the Hudson River in October 2018.
Le cinéma élargi en Suisse : d'Underground Explosion à la poésie visuelle La scène du cinéma d'artistes en Suisse se caractérise par sa disparité : divisée en différentes régions linguistiques, elle se déploie à partir de réseaux et... more
This paper outlines general theoretical implications of feedback systems for framing the interrelated nature of living agents and systems. The model of feedback is identified as forming an ideal conceptual structure for visualizing the... more
Tekst niniejszy jest wstępem do dwudziestowiecznej historii sztuk medialnych, ich transformacji prowadzących od filmu do sztuki interaktywnych multimediów.
The dissemination of surveillance cameras grows in public and semi-public spaces, yet simultaneously restrictions on the use of cameras by artists, filmmakers and independent media-activists increase. In this dispute for the production of... more
There has long been a relationship between artistic work and the influence of the world, though it is taking a new turn in trends of conceptual relationality and an ‘expandedness’ is prevalent in contemporary art. In this essay I think... more
Aujourd’hui, l’image en mouvement est omniprésente dans l’art contemporain. La relation entre la boîte noire (“Black Box”) et le cube blanc (“White Cube”) remonte aux années 1950 et 1960, lorsque la montée en puissance de la télévision... more
O ensaio é voltado à reflexão da migração do dispositivo cinema para os espaços da arte, com o objetivo de observar as modificações ocorridas nesse dispositivo, focando a relação entre projetor/ imagem projetada/ arquitetura do espaço... more
This is my recent contribution to <Art in Culture>, Korean monthly art magazine, as part of my bigger project of writing an alternative lineage of contemporary Korean art scene, say, for the past 20 years. Limited by time and space, I... more
Between the Black Box and the White Cube sets out to recover what Uroskie sees as the origins of expanded cinema in post war moving image strategies. The recovery of such practices and strategies are seen as a necessary task in order to... more
Expanded Sexual Response (ESR) is a recently defined phenomenon. It is defined as "being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer and more intense than... more
My thesis project explores how cinematic space can be articulated within an acoustemological framework. Re-situating cinema within a sonic – rather than a visual – ontology affords a capacity for privileging sensory and sensual forms of... more
Festival catalogue + conference proceedings.
Online, Jul-Sep 2020.
Online, Jul-Sep 2020.
La escenografía digital agrupa un conjunto de técnicas y tecnologías que permiten contar con una solución adaptable a una variedad de puestas escenográficas únicas, reales o virtuales, con características de portabilidad sin precedentes,... more
Praktyki powtórzeniowe w sztuce performance godnie z rozpowszechnioną interpretacją, specyfika sztuki performance leży w "niepowtarzalności" działania artystycznego, które może zaistnieć tylko raz, w konkretnym miejscu i czasie. Tego... more
As a complement to the exhibition "Frederick Kiesler. The scenario exploits" this series, called "100% CINEMA" offers an approach to cinematographic activities of Kiesler, either as a programmer, writer, architect or actor.
Alcoz, Albert, Radicales libres. 50 películas esenciales del cine experimental. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 2019. http://www.editorialuoc.cat/radicales-libres Colección: Filmografías esenciales Transcurriendo en paralelo a las rupturas... more
El presente Proyecto Final de Master se centra en la ejecución de una instalación audiovisual tomando como eje la temática de la memoria personal y reflexionando sobre los diferentes procesos que participan en su construcción. Debido a la... more
This book maps the presence of moving images within the field of public art through encounters with passersby. It argues that far from mere distraction or spectacle, moving images can produce moments of enchantment that can renew,... more
A imagem fluxo e o espectador no espaço institucional da arte Cristiane Herres Terraza & Lorena TravassosResumo O artigo dispõe-se a refletir sobre a obra The Clock (2014), de Christian Marcley, em suas possibildades de fruição, como... more
Surface and Projection is an investigation of the cinema event, defined as image, projection, space and audience. The project interrogates the place where cinema occurs for the viewer, starting with the special viewing conditions for film... more
course syllabus for Avant-garde FIlm, Video, Installation Art (graduate program)
The reflection on the pervasiveness of technologies in society and in contemporary artistic practices opens up multiple scenarios on our near future. Overcoming the classic dichotomy art + technology, the new areas of research are complex... more
La presente investigación busca analizar a través de la antropología visual cómo funcionan las nociones de autoría y colaboración en la producción de documentales interactivos colaborativos. Ya que a diferencia del documental tradicional... more
The images produced by cameras mounted on the front of projectiles Farocki designates them as operative-images. The operational function of these images is to serve a automated vision machine, programmed for the detection of targets and... more
The audiovisual history charted in chapter two is here revoiced in terms of spatial expansion. It is argued that video technology did not initiate a new form of creative engagement with its performance spaces, but rather represented the... more
ISBN: 978-0-9939520-0-5 2014 EBook Proceedings INTERACTIVE NARRATIVES, NEW MEDIA & SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT An interdisciplinary conference for researchers and practitioners. How has the digital screen changed our world in general and... more
Cinema apesar da imagem problematiza as telas, justamente as telas, tão presentes e afirmativas de seu formato mais hegemônico. Mas não se trata de lamentar a tela, muito menos a imagem. É o cinema sim, ou os fragmentos de sua constante... more
Interaktywność, w wypadku sztuki rozumiana jako otwarcie dzieła na ingerencje odbiorców, prowadzące do przeobrażenia tradycyjnego, obiektywnie istniejącego i a priori ukształtowanego artefaktu w indywidualizowane w doświadczeniu... more