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Meaning of the solka: सवर् = all, मां = me (2 nd case), अहं = I, सवर् पापे यो = from all sins, वा = you(2 nd case), मा श ु चः = Don't worry.
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    • Vedic maths
There is a range and richness to numbers -they can come alive, cease to be symbols written on a blackboard, and lead the reader into a world of intellectual adventure where calculations are thrilling."
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    • Vedic maths
India is a country with enormous resources which attracted many countries to utilize and enhance their economy at the maximum level. In India, villages are providing the base for the economic development of the country. The village... more
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    • Vedic maths
Introduction to E-BOOK of Vedic Maths on Fast Calculation Enough has been written about the utility of maths in our routine life or for competitve exams but still maths is an area which scares people the most. Students generally have a... more
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      Human MemoryVedic maths
Cost is among the major considerations throughout the project management life cycle and can be regarded as one of the most important parameters of a project and the driving force of project success. Despite its proven importance it is not... more
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    • Vedic maths
Vedic Mathematics is a collection of techniques to solve mathematical problems in an easier and faster manner. Vedic maths is hailed by the world for its contribution in solving mathematical arithmetic easily and accurately. The 16... more
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      Online LearningVedic mathsOnline tutoringOnline Edudation
Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., has launched its newly invented state-of-the-art Indian Abacus devices and the program with international standard course materials to make the children of the age group – 5 to 13 years, benefit much more than... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationMathsVedic maths
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      Archaeology of Ritual and MagicVedic mathsEducation : cognitive, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Science, along with applications to Permaculture, Forest farming and Sustainable LivingVedic Maths and Science
Esta investigación nació por la fascinación de encontrar alternativas a los métodos tradicionales de multiplicación, las matemáticas védicas son un ejemplo de ellas, inspirado y fascinado por su simpleza comencé a buscar otras... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsComputational MathematicsMatematica
For All courses Pvt certificate,DOQUEMENTS through RBI SIR
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      Science EducationMathematics EducationVedic mathsEnglish Grammar and Poetry
When working on fractions, one can use the Vedic sutra Transpose and Apply to solve faster and with much ease. From here, one can then extend the application of this sutra in fractions and use it in problems involved in the real-world.... more
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      MathematicsVedic mathsVedic MathemtaicsVedic Maths and Science
This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive guide for students to use when calculating squares of any 2 digit numbers. It builds on various concepts of Vedic Maths by providing easy to understand examples.
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      MathematicsVedic mathsArithmeticVedic Mathemtaics
Vedic Mathematics is an Indian ancient system of mathematical calculations or operations techniques developed in the year of 1957 with 16-word formulae and some sub-formulae. In competitive examinations, students find difficult to solve... more
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    • Vedic maths
Very brief description of the Sulba literature. Shows how they form the primary sources of Vedic Geometry. Meant for general readers. These slides are prepared for a  power point  presentation in the Chinmaya Viishwavidyapeeth.
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      Indian studiesHistory of ScienceSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit
The purpose of this paper is to outline some of the key issues related to HR Practices in sugar industry. Sugar industry particularly in Maharashtra plays a significant and sensitive role particularly in western Maharashtra which is said... more
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    • Vedic maths
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      MathematicsHistory of MathematicsHistory of IndiaVedic maths
Indian Abacus - a Montessori Apparatus
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      EducationTeacher EducationTeacher ResearchTeacher Training
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      MathematicsVedic maths
गणित में कई बार ऐसा होता है की कुछ उदाहरण हमें किसी समान्यकरण की ओर ले जाते हैं,पर अचानक से कोई प्रतिउदाहरण आते ही हमारी बनाई इमारत तुरंत ढह जाती है । एक मुक्कमल गणितिए तर्क के बिना हम गणित में कोई समान्यकरण नहीं कर सकते।
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      Mathematics EducationVedic maths
Multipliers are the basic building blocks of any ALU thus speed of ALU depends upon multiplier. Vedic Mathematics is used for fastest calculation, using same concept 8x8 multiplier is implemented on circuit level and simulated on Tanner... more
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    • Vedic maths
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      MathematicsIndiaVedic mathsGoan History
The paper proposes higher order square and cube architectures that play a major role in Digital design used in real time applications. These architectures are useful for higher order computations by using the Vedic sutras. By using the... more
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    • Vedic maths
We are very glad to announce that the first issue of Śodhanidhi, the research Journal of the Department of Sanskrit of University of Gour Banga is going to be published under the patronage of the present authorities and the sincere... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilologyMathematicsPhilosophy
In digital signal processing convolution is a fundamental computation that is ubiquitous in many application areas. In order to compute convolution of long sequence, Overlap-Add method (OLA) and Overlap-Save method (OLS) methods are... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsVhdlVedic mathsConvolution
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      BuddhismHinduismEngaged BuddhismSanskrit language and literature
As practicing the manipulations of algebraic expressions might be considered as ‘dry’ and tiresome, I thought it would be possible to ‘spice it up’ by presenting students with some of the Vedic Mathematics rules. The rules are clearly... more
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    • Vedic maths
Multiplication is an crucial unfussy, basic function in arithmetic procedures and Vedic mathematics is a endowment prearranged for the paramount of human race, due to the capability it bestows for quicker intellectual computation. This... more
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      VLSIVhdlVedic mathsDigital VLSI design
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    • Vedic maths
Multiplication is the elementary process for computing the butterfly in Fast Fourier Transform. A formal multiplication task requires an extensively additonal hardware means and processing time in multiplication operation to a certain... more
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      Signal ProcessingVedic mathsButterfly
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    • Vedic maths
What urged the ancients to undertake almost superhuman efforts to build the pyramids? Why was the earliest Egyptian so-called step-pyramid of King Djoser built as a 6-staged 4-sided structure having a rectangular base on an east-west... more
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      EgyptologyMaya HistoryVedic Cosmology and CosmographyMayan Studies
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      Vedic mathsHistoire Des Mathématiques
Vedic mathematics is an ancient system of mathematics which performs unique technique of calculations based on 16 sutras. The performance of high speed multiplier is designed based on Urdhva Tiryabhyam, Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah,... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsTectonicsVedic maths
This article includes a simple design of Vedic square calculator for Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). This is a straightforward and innovative design of Vedic calculator using only few basic digital logic gates. Among the... more
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      Vlsi DesignHigh Speed MultipliersVedic mathsEngineering Technology
Three Arab numeration systems based on Hindu numerals replaced much older ciphered Egyptian and Greek numeration systems after 800 CE. The older numeration systems scaled rational number (n/p) by multiplying (n/p) by (m/m) to reach... more
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      Greek MathematicsVedic mathsMedieval MathematicsHistory of medieval mathematics
The newly invented Indian Abacus – Digital device for Tutors is a highly advanced version tool and of the state-of-the-art in design. The Indian Abacus –Digital for Tutor is bigger in size. This is designed for use by Tutors for training... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationMathematics Education
This article includes a simple design of Vedic square calculator for Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). This is a straightforward and innovative design of Vedic calculator using only few basic digital logic gates. Among the... more
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      Computer ScienceVlsi DesignHigh Speed MultipliersVedic maths
Todays we are digital era ,whole world is breathing in digital environment which is called as digital world.a devices which comes in your pocket that is only called as protable in present synerio.processsing and executing numder task... more
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      Vedic mathsMicrowind
This theory shows the mathematical evidence of sum of infinity
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationVedic mathsMaths Education
Measuring the quality of software now days is one of the most important tasks. In this research paper we are enhancing the software quality measurement using API and theoretic information metrics. Along with the new set of metrics that... more
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    • Vedic maths
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      Theoretical PhysicsMathematics EducationMathematical LogicMaths
about Vedic maths
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    • Vedic maths
We describe "NetBouncer", an approach and set of technologies for providing practical and highperformance defenses against distributed denial-ofservice (DDoS) attacks. The central innovation in the NetBouncer approach to filtering and... more
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    • Vedic maths
Along the Himalayan thrust front in northwestern India, terrace deposits exposed 20 to 30 m above modern stream level are interpreted to have been uplifted by displacement on the underlying Himalayan Frontal Thrust. A radiocarbon age... more
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