Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Model
Recent papers in Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Model
This paper evaluates whether Nigeria is ready to adopt inflation targeting (IT), a monetary policy framework that several emerging markets have adopted over the last one decade. The paper reviews literature on selected conditions for... more
SUMMARY This paper proposes a Bayesian, graph-based approach to identification in vector autoregressive (VAR) models. In our Bayesian graphical VAR (BGVAR) model, the contemporaneous and temporal causal structures of the structural VAR... more
This study investigates the response of unemployment to selective macroeconomics shocks for the period of 2000:Q1-2010:Q1. It finds that positive shocks to growth, growth in export and inflation reduce unemployment. On the other hand,... more
Growth forecasts are at the heart of investment decisions and yet in emerging and developing markets they often receive limited support from quantitative models. This paper describes the main quantitative modelling techniques that have... more
Russian monetary policy has failed persistently to achieve sustained low inflation, both in absolute terms and relative to the peer group of countries similarly exiting from Soviet-style central planning. This paper explores the reasons... more
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have recently become standard tools for policy analysis. Nevertheless, their forecasting properties have still barely been explored. In this article, we address this problem by... more
Purpose-A wide range of decision-makers is interested in educated forecasts for house prices. The technical analysis introduced in this study aims to estimate future (forecasted) house prices and provide sufficient evidence in support of... more
This paper examines how short-term and long-term interest rates react to supply, demand and monetary policy shocks in South Africa. Use is made of the impulse response functions obtained from the structural vector autoregressive model... more
The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the threat of future pandemics, has transformed the focus of automation technology, compelling many businesses to adapt to remote working to increase productivity. This research aims to evaluate if... more
A facsimile apparatus uses a single memory in a facsimile system and a printer system without using an interface between the two systems. In the facsimile apparatus, a FAX controller stores data received via a communication line. A... more
The year was 2002. Joy sat motionless at the corner of my desk; a glass vase of flowers wrapped in thick plastic and tagged with a card from two brothers whose journey spanned from South Asia to the United States. Imprinted in the... more
The sale and lease real estate markets have cyclical developments which are often dissimilar in the short term and then take coincident trends in longer horizons. The imbalance in the relationship between prices and income is normally... more
At this article we will try-in light of the macroeconomic statistical data-to assess and analyze the dynamics of employment in Morocco in a polarized economic context marked by the proliferation of free-trade agreements exchange and to be... more
The mortality and morbidity trends from road accidents are rising annually in almost all the developed countries. The total number of deaths and injuries continues to rise despite the decrease in road casualties in relation to the total... more
We analyse the effects of aggregating the level of disagreement in survey-based expectations. With this aim, we construct several indicators based on two metrics of disagreement: the standard deviation of the balance and a geometric... more
Neste trabalho estudamos o mecanismo do canal de crédito na economia brasileira. Foram usados os testes de raiz unitária de Dickey-Fuller, de causalidade de Granger e o de cointegração de Johansen com o objetivo de aplicar o modelo... more
This study has examined the effectiveness of credit on tobacco output in Zimbabwe over the period 1990 to 2018. Time-series data were collected from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB), Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe's publications... more
In this paper we review the existing empirical literature on price asymmetries in commodities, providing a way to classify and compare different studies which are highly heterogeneous in terms of econometric models, type of asymmetries... more
This study aims to analyze the relationship of exchange rate of Rupiah per U.S. Dollar and interest rate, whether the one of these affects the other one or both of these affect each other. This study also wants to know if there is long... more
While there has been strong managerial and academic interest in price promotions, much of the focus has been on the impact of such promotions on category sales, brand sales and brand choice. In contrast, little is known about the long-run... more
We study the finite-sample accuracy and average length of pointwise confidence intervals for impulse responses in vector autoregressive models with many variables and many lags. Our results complement existing simulation evidence based on... more
Finansal piyasalardaki aktörler açısından risk son derece önemli bir kavramdır. Tüm finansal kuruluşların karşı karşıya olduğu temel risk faktörlerinden birisi kredi riskidir. Kredi riskinin piyasada görünür hale gelmesiyle birlikte bu... more
While many offline retailers have developed informational websites that offer information on products and prices, the key question for such informational websites is whether they can increase revenues via web-to-store shopping. The... more
The main purpose of this article is twofold to analyze: (a) the long-term relation among the commodities prices and between spot electricity market price and commodity prices, and (b) the short-term dynamics among commodity prices and... more
This paper provides new evidence on the long-run convergence between imports and exports in 50 countries over the quarterly period 1973:2 to 1998:1. Cointegration analyses are based on the Johansen [Johansen, S. (1995). Likelihood-based... more
This Paper examines the impact of demand and supply shocks on oil prices to consumer prices, interest rates, economic growth (GDP), exchange rates, and money supply of an emerging economy. In this paper, we consider the case of the... more
An increase or decrease in crude oil price can both be pain and gain to the Nigerian’s economy simultaneously, this is because a strong link between the country’s budgetary operations and the happenings in the international oil market... more
Through this paper, we assess the sustainability of Tunisian external debt and its effect on the growth of the country. Based on two main approaches, namely the actuarial approach and the accounting approach, we check whether Tunisia was... more
Electric power demand forecasts play an essential role in the electric industry, as they provide the basis for making decisions in power system planning and operation. A great variety of mathematical methods have been used for demand... more
Base metal prices, especially steel, play a significant role in industrial economics, making them worth knowing about future values. In most cases, we expect superior performance from multivariate forecasting models comparing univariate... more
Large and persistent current account deficits are among the most serious problems of many developing countries. The Current Account in Kenya has continuously been in deficit in the last three decades prompting the country to rely... more
Purpose- A wide range of decision-makers is interested in educated forecasts for house prices. The technical analysis introduced in this study aims to estimate future (forecasted) house prices and provide sufficient evidence in support of... more
Resumen. El presente trabajo analiza los objetivos e instrumentos de la política monetaria actual en Cuba. Se describen las transformaciones financieras de los años noventa, así como aspectos institucionales y características de los... more
This note discusses some issues that arise when framework is used to analyze cointegrating relationships among variables with deterministic linear time trends. We distinguish "stochastic" and "deterministic" cointegration, arguing that... more
The high level of hunger incidence in the country is perhaps one of the most pressing issues that need to be addressed by our policy makers. Official government statistics and data from self-rated hunger surveys show an increasing trend... more
This master’s thesis investigates the relationship between GDP growth and video games revenues’ growth by testing for the presence of Granger-causal relationships between GDP growth rates and video game revenue growth rates through the... more
Resumen: Este documento identifica la relación existente entre la tasa de cambio y los diferentes agregados macroeconómicos en la economía colombiana, principalmente en la producción, el consumo, la inflación, la balanza comercial, la... more
يعد أنموذج الانحدار الذاتي المتجه (VAR) من الاساليب القياسية المستخدمة في دراسة التفاعل بين المتغيرات. إذ من الشائع جداً ان يكون هناك نماذج فيها بعض المتغيرات ليست فقط متغيرات مفسرة لمتغير تابع، ولكن هي ايضاً تفسر بالمتغيرات التي كانت... more
The empirical analysis of the economic interactions between factors of production, output and corresponding prices has received much attention over the last two decades. Most contributions in this area have agreed on the neoclassical... more
The agricultural sector of Mexico has the greatest volatility with respect to the rest of the economic activities, which makes it difficult to estimate. This research paper provides a methodology for the estimation and forecast of this... more
We employ a 10-variable dynamic structural general equilibrium model to forecast the US real house price index as well as its turning point in 2006:Q2. We also examine various Bayesian and classical time-series models in our forecasting... more
Page 177 - 190 ABSTRACT Nowadays, the stock markets are becoming a crucial part of economies in many countries. Moreover, the stock markets are becoming increasingly dependent on each other. This paper investigates the relationship... more
The success of the enlarged Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) depends on the relative incidence of demand and supply shocks in both the participating and the accession countries. This paper addresses the issue using bivariate vector... more
Presented at the Second South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM) Annual Economists’ Conference 2017 held on February 18-19, 2017. Link: Full working paper:... more