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Marginal places do not usually appear in pictures. Their residents have historically been deprived of representation, because they do not fit in the ideal profile of ordinary citizens. Post-modern ethnography, however, argues that the... more
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      Film StudiesEthnographic FilmCinema and the CityDocumentary Film
South AfricaÕs cities have experienced dramatic changes over the past decade. Cities are now home to a multiracial population, and have been transformed by new forms of economic and social interaction. For some, these changes have become... more
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      ModernityPublic SpaceUrban RenewalSouth Africa
In the early 1970s, the “graffiti movement” made its way to New York City in the form of “tagging.” The New York City graffiti movement’s popularity grew, but problems in the city began to mount. The city faced severe... more
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      PovertyUnemploymentThe 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history)Urban Graffiti
This chapter considers sites like Pripyat, in Chernobyl, as zones of alternative practice, especially in terms of urban exploration. At the same time, it offers a critique of such activities as a form of adventure tourism, contrasting the... more
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      Walter BenjaminLiminalityChernobylUrban Ruins
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      ArchitectureUrban RegenerationUrban DecaySustainable Urban Regeneration
“Posthuman Interstellar Gothic” considers posthumanism in theory and in the gothic mode with and within science fiction to chart alternative futures and exit strategies out of our Anthropic dystopia. Since the millennium, a clear trend... more
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      Gothic StudiesPolitical aestheticsUrban DecayIndustrial Ruins
I read the opening lines of this book’s foreword – written by the esteemed anthropologist Arjun Appadurai (2015), a widely recognized voice in globalization studies – with utter disbelief. “Th is timely book,” Appadurai (2015: xii)... more
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      GlobalizationPostcolonial StudiesIsrael/PalestineUrban Studies
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      Sanskrit language and literatureVernacularTransitionHistorical Sources
My thanks to the following people and organisations who assisted in the production of this thesis: my home institution, The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS); the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; TfC research centre, and the... more
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      ArtWalter BenjaminUrban RuinsBerlin
One of the negative effects of the high rate and pace of urbanisation in developing countries is the decay of urban centres. While this decay has eaten deep into the fabric of these settlements turning them into urban slums and ghettoes... more
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      Urban DecayUrban LivingEconomical GrowthRenewal strategy
This essay engages the depiction of the influence of environment and nature on industrialization in the long poem Paterson, by William Carlos Williams. Topics mentioned include the relation between poetry and the physical environment, the... more
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modern PoetryEcocriticismEpic poetry
Photographs of abandoned homes, decaying towns and industrial ruins swarm the Internet. They also fill the glossy pages of art books and popular magazine issues, and are increasingly appropriating more prominent spaces in scholarly... more
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      Archaeology of the Contemporary PastPhotography (Visual Studies)Urban DecayModern Ruins
The population of Detroit has been steadily declining since the 1950s, but the imaginaries that shape the city are in constant transformation, changing with each successive government or regeneration initiative. Since 2010, downtown... more
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      Space and PlaceGentrificationPrecarityUrban Ruins
First published as: Opper, A. If Roads Could Talk. 2021. In Volume 7 (of 7 volumes): Southern Africa: Between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans: 384-387. In Meuser,P and Dalbai, A(Eds). Architectural Guide: Sub-Saharan Africa. Berlin: Dom... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureInfrastructure Planning
RESUMEN/ Mucho énfasis se ha puesto en discutir las ruinas en su condición de sustantivo, como un escenario, resultado o producto cuya imagen presente contrasta con su forma pretérita. Tomando un camino diferente, este artículo discute... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban AnthropologyUrban StudiesEveryday Life Studies
This paper aims to analyze and understand the contemporary Italian approach to urban development and regeneration, which is structured around the category of decaying periphery. Inspired by the works of Michel Foucault, Henry Lefebvre,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean UrbanizationStigmatizationUrban Regeneration
The Slender Man made his first appearance in 2009 on the Something Awful Forums website, where participants competed to take ordinary photographs and create eerie images by doctoring the photos. Seen lurking in the background of a... more
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      FolkloreTechnologyMedia StudiesNew Media
Rather than viewing neighbourhood decline as a natural process resulting from the in-flow of low-income households, this study uses a socio-spatial approach that looks at the structuration of neighbourhood decline by emphasising the power... more
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      EducationSegregationNeighbourhood DevelopmentEthnic minorities
Beyond the glamour of Cairo history lies a different side of the city that unravels the unique beauty of urban decay. Al-Hattaba, a UNESCO heritage area, is caught in between these narrations of beauty and decay; the beautiful home whose... more
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      AestheticsArchitecturePhotographyUrban Decay
The population of Detroit has been steadily declining since the 1950s, but the imaginaries that shape the city are in constant transformation, changing with each successive government or regeneration initiative. Since 2010, downtown... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographySpace and PlaceGentrification
This article compares the ruins of Detroit and Namibia, focusing on the ways that previously dominant white groups use those ruins. In both cases ruined buildings appeal to these groups as particularly evocative objects. While the ruin... more
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      Visual StudiesPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonMelancholyCommemoration and Memory
Nowadays, some areas of Southern Italy appear to be «resistant to development». They are complex realities, which have also been affected by the current economic crisis: an example is Taranto, a city that has been «declining» for many... more
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      Urban StudiesShrinking CitiesUrban DecayUrban Narratives
The imminent demolition of the Airds shopping mall, writes local historian and author IAN WILLIS, is a sad indictment of the dreams of many and the ultimate demise of the 1970s Macarthur Growth Centre project. The shopping mall is an... more
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      Economic HistoryCultural StudiesCultural HeritageLocal History
One of the negative effects of the high rate and pace of urbanisation in developing countries is the decay of urban centres. While this decay has eaten deep into the fabric of these settlements turning them into urban slums and ghettoes... more
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      Urban DecayUrban LivingEconomical GrowthRenewal strategy
Transporting readers from derelict homesteads to imperiled harbors, postindustrial ruins to Cold War test sites, Curated Decay presents an unparalleled provocation to conventional thinking on the conservation of cultural heritage. Caitlin... more
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      Cultural GeographyCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyArchaeology
Vulnerability of cities to environmental hazards in countries with high-risk environments has become a significant challenge ahead of urbanology, engineering management, and urban planning. One of these dangers threatening many cities... more
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    • Urban Decay
A vast proportion of the urban fabric is a transient space, characterized by the movement of people within the city. Flows are driven by sets of motivations (going to work, running errands, grabbing lunch, etc.) and those patterns show... more
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesTheory Of ArchitectureUrban Theories and Concepts
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAutomotive HistoryUrbanism
This paper compares the ruins of Detroit and Namibia, focusing on the ways that formerly hegemonic white groups use those objects. In both cases ruined buildings appeal to these groups as particularly evocative objects. While the ruin... more
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      Portuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonMelancholyCommemoration and MemorySocial Memory
Résumé: Cette contribution traite différents aspects de l’évolution d’Ostie du milieu du 3ème au 5ème siècle, tout en s’interrogeant sur les questions des possibilités de justification archéologique, de la perception et la pertinence de... more
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      Urban StudiesLate AntiquityOstia (Archaeology)Architecture and urbanism
In recent years, geographers and related social scientists have worked intensively against the fetishisation of ruins. The ruin fetish is widely considered as being problematic, because it does not allow us to face the complex reality of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyPhotography
The city ages like every live system which originates and develops in time. Its parts age and perish as well; its shapes, its places and its buildings. This form of decay however can constitute a dynamic process with a particularly... more
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      Collective MemoryUrban RuinsPhenomenology of Space and PlaceUrban Decay
Discussion of Syracuse's Butternut Street corridor and related issues in response to a suggestion by Andras Duany.
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      Neighborhood Design (Architecture)New UrbanismUrban DeclineNeighborhood change
This chapter considers sites like Pripyat, in Chernobyl, as zones of alternative practice, especially in terms of urban exploration. At the same time, it offers a critique of such activities as a form of adventure tourism, contrasting the... more
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      Walter BenjaminLiminalityChernobylUrban Ruins
Um es gleich vorwegzunehmen: Eine immerhin denkbare Plünderung Alarichs läßt sich in Ostia, der Hafenstadt Roms, anhand der archäologischen Evidenz weder verifizieren noch letztendlich entkräften. Dies ist vor allem ein Problem der... more
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      Late AntiquityOstia (Archaeology)Urban DecayArchitecture and Public Spaces
“A city is both a dream and a reality”; Italian writer Italo Calvino stated in his book invisible cities that“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd,... more
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      Urban DecayDetroitMemorials and Architecture
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      ArchitectureHeritage ConservationUrban DesignUrban Decay
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      PhotographyUrban RuinsUrban Decay
Promotion of new needs of urban life due to urban growth, has disrupted the old and modern parts of cities. structure of old neighborhoods around central core of the cities has been unable to respond to the needs of contemporary life and... more
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      RegenerationStrategic PlanningNew UrbanismUrban Decay
On the 8th of December 2008, the Christmas tree at Syntagma square caught fire during a street protest. During the same evening, a new upscale shopping center was launched at the northern suburbs of the city. Visitors crowded the new mall... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban StudiesAthensUrban Decay
Exception as a Form of Decay (in Spanish) on refugee camps and forms of exception.
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      ArchitectureUrbanismGiorgio AgambenCarl Schmitt
A spectre is haunting contemporary archaeologies – the spectre of the present. That is to say, one has recently been witnessing a shift in archaeological approaches: a new, ‘neo-materialistic paradigm’ (so-called return to things) is... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This article examines a number of representations of abandoned cities in film, and contemplates these as images and depictions of dead and decaying urban spaces. Using Richard Sennett’s assertions regarding circulation within the city... more
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      Walter BenjaminCinema and the CityUrban Decay
In last two decades, the misuse of the word participation as a nice adding to the title of most urban projects in Iran has become customary and habitual. Most of these projects would not even begin to measure up to the actual meaning of... more
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      Participatory ResearchUrban RegenerationUrban RenewalUrban Design
Photographs of abandoned homes, decaying towns and industrial ruins swarm the Internet. They also fill the glossy pages of art books and popular magazine issues, and are increasingly appropriating more prominent spaces in scholarly... more
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      AestheticsPhotographyPhotography TheoryContemporary Archaeology
Souvent dépeintes comme le terreau du populisme, les villes en déclin sont également des espaces d'expérimentation d'alternatives au néolibéralisme. Dans ces villes, les politiques de développement renouvellent l'action publique en... more
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      Urban PoliticsUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban Decline