Turkey, Kurdish Question, Middle East political Economy
Recent papers in Turkey, Kurdish Question, Middle East political Economy
This chapter focuses on the Iraqi Kurdish response to the rapid and devastating advance of ISIS. Of course, the Iraqi Kurdish response to the ISIS advance has been a multifaceted, complex, and evolving one that includes military strategy,... more
Nevzat Keskin March 2015 HOW DID THE KURDS OF TURKEY ACTED POLITICALLY AGAINST THE POLICIES OF THE GREAT POWERS? 1850–1950 This thesis clarifies the... more
This contribution deals with the evolution of Turkey's strategies towards the Syrian confict. In particular, it seeks to understand the objectives of the Turkish government, observing the alliances and rivalries that have been its own.... more
The Legacy of Iraq critically reflects on the abject failure of the 2003 intervention to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism, its citizens free to live in peace and prosperity. It argues that mistakes... more
The region of Dailam* is perhaps less unknown than its inhabitants; and even before Dailam one has to think of the little canton Dailaman situated in Gilan to the south of the city of Lahidjan, although this district (1) was only a... more
Abdullah (Apo) Öcalan is the founder and leader of the Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) or Kurdistan Workers Party, an organization the U.S. government deems to be terrorist. Born around 1948 in southeastern Turkey, Öcalan was a sometime... more
When Turkish history is analyzed, it is seen that there are well educated wise men that stand behind the achievements. Though, the multi-dimensional development of the events and the complexity of the issues lead some wise people or... more
Türk Dış Politikası 2014 Yıllığı içerisinde yer alan makale Türkiye ile IKBY arasındaki enerji politikalarını konu edinmektedir.
Ortadoğu’da ‘Erdoğan Paktı’ BERCAN TUTAR Türkiye’nin Katar ve Irak’ta iki askeri üs kurmasıyla birlikte Hazar’dan Aden’e ve Doğu Akdeniz’den Basra Körfezi’ne uzanan enerji havzasının jeo-politiği tarihi bir dönüşümün eşiğine geldi.... more
The article covers the period of the last decades in view emergence of kurdish national movement in Turkey and Syria. The phenomenon of Kurds, historically divided by political existing boundaries now becomes the subject of active... more
Iranian politics in 2017 from the elections to the Qatar crisis
As political trust literature has focused on its political and economical determinants, the linkage between ethnicity and trust in domestic and international institutions has been largely overlooked with a few notable exceptions. This... more
Kurdish entrepreneur held hostage in conspiracy between Turkey and the Netherlands for almost twenty years on fabricated charges. He has been slandered, his reputation ruined on libellous assertions in service of the plot.
Before 2003, Iraq’s oil industry had been state operated for 31 years. To allow foreign companies to invest in Iraq territories with long-term reliable contracts, legislation for the hydrocarbon sector and revenue sharing was proposed in... more
Un printemps kurde est-il possible en Turquie ? Ou bien devrions-nous nous attendre à un « été kurde » ? Malgré les réformes significatives de l’AKP, la question kurde est encore la première dynamique déstabilisant le pays. Il s’agit ici... more
The Soviets were South Yemen´s major partner, but South Yemen does not exist anymore. The Soviets built the Aswan High Dam in Egypt, but a few years later the opportunistic president Sadat terminated his country´s relations with the USSR,... more
Dagkapı Square in Diyarbakır, a Friday noon prayer time. Thousands of Kurds, who refused to pray behind the imams appointed by the Turkish state and listen to Turkish sermons prepared by the state’s Presidency of Religious Affairs,... more
Erbil’in federe devlet statüsüne rağmen petrol rezervlerinin kullanımı, dağıtımı ve bu rezervlerin satışından elde edilen gelire erişim konusunda hala Bağdat hükümetine bağımlı halidir. Bu nedenle Türkiye ve IBKY’nin enerji konusundaki... more
В сентябре 2017 г. премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху заявил, что Израиль поддерживает законные шаги курдов по обретению государственности в преддверии референдума о независимости, который Курдская региональная администрация Ирака... more
Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu bölgesi ile başta tarihsel ve toplumsal bağlarıyla, bunlar üstünde gelişen ekonomik ve siyasal ilişkileri, iç politikayı da doğrudan ve dolaylı belirleyen öğeleri ve etkileri barındırmaktadır. AK Parti’nin, Ortadoğu... more