Recent papers in Tumulus
Öz: Bu makalede, Malatya Müzesi Müdürlüğü tarafından 2019 yılında yapılan Üçtepe II Tümülüsü kurtarma kazısı ele alınmıştır. Mezar hırsızları tarafından soyulan ve tahrip edilen tümülüsteki kazı çalışmalarının amacı mezar mimarisinin... more
"A structure of tumuliform aspect is revised with a certain archaeologic protohistoric documentation associated with it. A geologic study confirms its artificial nature and an edafologic analysis corroborates is funeral use. A... more
Çalışma kapsamında Anadolu’da M. Ö. 6.-5. yüzyıllarda inşa edilen tümülüslerin mimari içerikleri ve bu tümülüslerin inşa edildikleri dönemin genel mimari uygulamaları ile karşılaştırılmasına odaklanılmıştır. Çalışmanın... more
VIIIe siècle avant J.-C. _ 40 ap. J.-C.
Anadolu, Asya ile Avrupa arasındaki bir köprü olarak sayılınca, Sardeis bu köprünün başkentlerinden biri olarak tanıtılabilmektedir. Daha dağru bir tabirle, Sardeis sadece Asya ile Avrupa arasındaki köprünün başkenti değil, Coğrafi... more
In the winter of 1998 looters plundered a tumulus at Qan, midway between Ilion and the satrapal capital at Daskyleion. Contained within the tumulus was a marble sarcophagus with two reliefs of Graeco-Persian type, and nearly all of the... more
The research on the Mound of Queen (excavations 2008-2014) showed a long stretch of the perimeter of the monument and the front of the tomb, focused on the large vestibule / entrance on which there are three funerary rooms: the large... more
Résumé. Les tombes du milieu de l’âge du Fer des plaines languedociennes sont encore fort mal connues. La fouille préventive menée en 2004 sur le site de la Pailletrice, à Pérols, près de Montpellier, a livré quatre tombes à fossé... more
En 2009, nous posions les bases d’un inventaire des nombreuses buttes d’origine anthropique que recèlent les forêts médocaines. Inquiet de leur disparition progressive, nous avions alors la volonté d’en identifier le plus grand nombre... more
This dissertation presents a methodological approach for the interrogation of excavated assemblages from archaeological sites, as a means of providing insights into consumer choices and practices in different cultural contexts. The... more
Résumé : Depuis les premières fouilles de la nécropole tumulaire de Vergina dans les années 1950, nos connaissances sur les pratiques funéraires de l’âge du Fer en Grèce du Nord se sont profondément renouvelées. Si le tertre collectif... more
The subject of this study is to constitute the preliminary results of the Çanakkale Central District surface survey conducted in 2016-2017. It has been determined that, especially with the settlements newly discovered in the surface... more
Northern Greece is a stimulating area to observe cultural contacts. It is both turn toward sea with the Chalcidic peninsula, the Thermaic Gulf, the Pierian coast, as well as toward the northern hinterland with the mountainous passes as... more
Coperta 1 şi 4: Morminte tumulare din judeţul Tulcea, foto -Valeriu Leonov Acest volum a fost tipărit cu sprijinul financiar al DJCCPCN Tulcea, director executiv prof. Axenia Hogea DTP&Layout: ing. Carmen Simionescu Tipărit la SC INFCON... more
In particular over the past 50 years, the tumulus-type tombs unearthed in ancient Thrace and Macedonia have generated interest in frescoes in terms of understanding the art of antiquity. As a result of the study of the tomb paintings in... more
There are excavated and published more than 700 barrows (>5.000 burials) between Dniester and Prut rivers. The first barrows in the region of interest were excavated in the late 19th century, but the peak of barrow research is documented... more
"In 2002 a burial tumulus was excavated at Mikri Doxipara-Zoni (AD 90-120). Research yielded a great spectrum of very interesting finds, including five richly decorated wagons, each buried with two auxiliary horses, two separate horse... more
ISBN 978 1 78491 192 8 ISBN 978 1 78491 193 5 (e-Pdf)
In the lack of large-scale excavations involving the investigation of extensive areas, very little is known about the dwellings and burials of the social and economic elite of the period between the 13/12th and the 5th century BC. The... more
The Milyan Tumuli represent a course of premeditated, conscious actions of a society with a certain degree of experience and knowledge. This manifests itself in the selection of a site as well as in the labor and construction techniques.... more
This article focuses on the tumuli that lie in the western and central parts of the Troad; as a group, they functioned as attraction points, landscape markers, and social-cultural phenomena. The tumuli along the northwest coast of the... more
U okviru terenske nastave studenata arheologije Odjela za arheologiju Sveučilišta u Zadru 2007. godine poduzeta su istraživanja triju tumula na Ljubačkoj kosi. Pri tom je otkriveno sedam inhumacijskih pokopa i brojni prilozi po kojima se... more