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In recent years, shapeshifting characters in literature, film and television have been on the rise. This has followed the increased use of such characters as metaphors, with novelists and critics identifying specific meanings and topics... more
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      Disability StudiesDrugs And AddictionPopular CultureSpirituality
Taking Bram Stoker’s Dracula as its starting point, this essay examines the veg- etarian and vegan politics and identities that are both implicitly and explicitly present in three contemporary popular cultural representations of vampires,... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryPosthumanismBuffy the Vampire Slayer
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      Queer StudiesTelevision StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesCult television
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      Vampire LiteratureVampire StudiesVampiresVampires in Film and Literature
Resumo: O presente artigo propõe uma análise das disputas discursivas em torno do seriado televisivo True Blood, buscando investigar de que forma este produto, contemporâneo, tensiona as formas de se narrar histórias sobre vampiros na TV... more
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      Television StudiesGenre studiesTrue Blood
Excerpt: Chapter 1. The Vegan Studies Project Food, Animals, and Gender in the Age of Terror Laura Wright Foreword by Carol J. Adams The foundational text for the nascent field of vegan studies Reviews “Combining... more
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheoryTerrorismLiterature
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSeries TV
Often dismissed as superficial, vampire films and television series have been a dominant mode by which Hollywood has negotiated the ever-shifting contours of social difference in the United States since the 1920s and 1930s. Remarkably,... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesMedia StudiesTelevision Studies
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      Queer StudiesMedia StudiesRhetoricTelevision Studies
LGBT no seriado televisivo True Blood. A análise do presente artigo buscará identificar: a) de que forma os personagens LGBT tem sua sexualidade apresentada e como se desenvolvem seus relacionamentos amorosos; e b) de que forma estes... more
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      Television StudiesLGBT IssuesTrue BloodFicção Seriada Televisiva
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionPopular Culture
This article analyses the role of blood in the American series True Blood. It opens with a reassessment of sexual readings of vampires that complements previous work on their metaphorical significance for Queer Studies and focuses on the... more
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      Television StudiesGender and SexualityGothic StudiesCapitalism
The full article (8,500 words) is written and currently unpublished.
If you are interested in publishing it in a journal or as a book chapter, please contact me:
[email protected]
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      Self and IdentityIdentity (Culture)Identity politicsBuffy the Vampire Slayer
Patriotiques, laudatives, acerbes ou résignées, les séries américaines portent un regard critique sur l Amérique contemporaine. Elles en interrogent les fondements, en déconstruisent le mode de vie et mènent par là même une radiographie... more
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      ReligionAmerican HistoryQueer StudiesMigration
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyPopular CultureRabbinic Literature
This essay examines the fascination with bodily conversion that characterizes recent HBO programming. Dramas and comedies like True Blood, Veep, Silicon Valley, and True Detective describe human forms in various states of transformation:... more
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      Silicon ValleyTrue BloodHBO TVTrue Detective
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      Gender StudiesPerceptionSexual ViolencePhilosophy of perception
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      Television StudiesTrue BloodFicção Seriada TelevisivaAdaptação Literária
Based on the observation of a qualitative gap in the production of contemporary television series, this article questions the increasing autonomy of dramas’ film material, through the organization of their temporality. These TV shows... more
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      Philosophy of TimeSeries TVThe WireTV shows
Les vampires sont sortis du cercueil. Grâce à l’invention d’un sang synthétique, le Tru Blood, ils se sont libérés de la prédation clandestine. La Ligue Américaine des Vampires lutte dans les médias contre les stigmatisations morales et... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesMedia StudiesTelevision Studies
»Gefüge des Zuschauens« ist eine experimentelle medienwissenschaftliche Studie: Mit Collagen und im Dialog mit jungen Erwachsenen untersucht Julia Bee Rezeptionserfahrungen von TV-Serien wie »True Blood« und Filmen wie »The Dark Knight«.... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerceptionAudience and Reception StudiesWilliam James
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      Popular CultureVampire LiteratureVampire StudiesZombies
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      Series TVVampire StudiesHorrorTV Series
This article discusses the concept of transmedia storytelling in its advertising dimension. In a way, transmedia narratives, that is, the fictional plots spreading across multiple but synergistic delivery channels (print, film,... more
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      AdvertisingTransmedial StorytellingFictionTrue Blood
Blood has many contexts. It creates an affinity to others. It can be worshipped in a reliquary. It can instil horror when copious amounts are outside of the body. Blood represents life and the idea of it being taken without consent... more
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      SupernaturalVampires in Film and LiteratureAnne RiceBlade
Cosa rende alcuni di noi – abitatori di ecosistemi narrativi sempre più densi e complessi – compulsivi spettatori dell'orrore? Cosa decreta la vivacità di tropi horror dotati di una storia già lunga alle spalle e il loro corrente,... more
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      NarratologyGothic StudiesCult televisionSeriality
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      PerceptionGilles DeleuzeAffect (Cultural Theory)TV Series
En la literatura y el cine góticos clásicos, el vampiro se concebía como un monstruo al que cabía eliminar. Sin embargo, en los últimos cuarenta años, novelas, películas y series revelan una voluntad de asimilarlo a la sociedad humana, un... more
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Tras siete temporadas True Blood (HBO: 2008(HBO: -2014 concluye este verano habiendo sido uno de los grandes éxitos de audiencia para HBO y abonando el terreno para la producción fantástica serial en la era de la Quality Television.
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      Vampire StudiesTrue BloodHBO SeriesQuality Television
“’I’m a Fairy? How Fucking Lame!”: True Blood as Fairytale” in B. Cherry ed. True Blood: Investigating Vampires and Southern Gothic. London: I. B. Tauris, 2012: 59-73.
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      Television StudiesCult televisionSeries TVAmerican Tv Shows
Gothic became a self-parodying genre very quickly: Jane Austen wrote the self-reflexive 'Northanger Abbey' in 1798, though it did not see publication for nearly twenty years after that. Two hundred years later, the Gothic has expanded and... more
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      GenderJane AustenGothic StudiesFandom
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      Queer TheoryVampires in Film and LiteratureTwilight SagaSoap Operas
Triple X porn parodies have become increasingly common in recent years, with the release of (amongst others) The Sex Files: A XXX Parody; Tru: A XXX Parody; The Dark Knight Rises XXX; Man of Steel XXX: An Axel Braun Parody; and The... more
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      GenderScience FictionLord of the RingsTrue Blood
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar como as extensões transmídia das séries televisivas Game of Thrones e True Blood, presentes nas páginas oficiais dos programas no Facebook, abrem espaço para interações sociais entre os... more
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      Television StudiesSocial InteractionFacebookAmerican Tv Shows
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a imagem do vampiro na contemporaneidade através da série televisiva True Blood. Habitando nosso imaginário desde folclores do medievo, este ser alcança sua potência na entrada na literatura... more
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      VampiresTelevision seriesVampires in Film and LiteratureVampires today
... to autonomous fan sites, some organized around the series, stars and characters, some around ... For its architects, the strategy sought to engage with perceived audience demand for complexity ... However, this agency needs to be... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesPolitical EconomyPolitical Economics
The American TV series True Blood uses vampires allegorically to represent disenfranchised minorities. This paper aims at accounting for discursive patterns of discrimination in it through a critical discourse-semantic analysis of its... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguage and PowerDiscriminationCritical Discourse Analysis
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      Queer TheoryAmerican Quality TelevisionTrue BloodHBO Series
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      AsceticismSexualityVampire LiteratureBuffy the Vampire Slayer
The paper analyzes ethnic and gender interactions between characters in HBO series True Blood
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesSeries TVTrue Blood
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      Television StudiesPopular CultureVampire StudiesVampires in Film and Literature
Scholarship on public relations in popular culture presents an uncritical and unproblematic understanding of the representation of public relations. The aim of this study is to offer an alternative reading by examining a television... more
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      Popular CulturePublic RelationsPostfeminismContemporary Gothic Fiction
Described by critics as '[a]udaciously sex-filled' [Goodman 2008: online], full of 'glorious excess' wherein 'sex is rampant' [Owen 2008: online] and the focus is 'more about [. . . ] having sex than [. . .] about vampires killing people'... more
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      Television StudiesFan StudiesFilm SemioticsParody
En l'espace d'une décennie, le statut des séries télévisées américaines a radicalement changé en France. D'abord considérées comme des sous-produits issus d'un médium mésestimé, la télévision américaine, elles sont devenues des programmes... more
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      HeroesDexterTV SeriesDesperate Housewives
In this article, we present results of a survey designed to explore how Brazilian viewers of HBO's True Blood interact with its world-building characteristics. The main goal is to understand in depth the viewers and their relations with... more
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      Television StudiesParticipatory CultureFan StudiesAuthentication
In book: Virgin Envy: the Cultural (In)Significance of the Hymen.
Eds. Jonathan A. Allan, Cristina Santos, and Adriana Spahr
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGender and Sexuality StudiesVirginity
... True Blood, serie prodotta dalla HBO tra 2008 e 2014, sotto la direzione creativa di Alan Ball fino alla quinta delle sue sette stagioni, ci propone un riuso spudorato dell'immaginario – anche il più stereotipo – legato ai vampiri, al... more
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      Television StudiesU.S. Television StudiesVampire LiteratureWomen in Horror Films
Lire en ligne : Pourquoi Jarmusch a-t-il eu besoin de faire un film de vampires ? Qu’a-t-il de nouveau et d’original à dire sur ce vieux thème ?... more
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      Media StudiesVampires in Film and LiteratureRock MusicJim Jarmusch
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      Critical TheoryPopular LiteratureTV studiesInterpretive Communities