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      Television StudiesSocial MediaTransmediaSoap Operas
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesFeminismSoap Operas
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsTelenovelasTurkeyModern Turkey
Vorliegender Text leistet erstens einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage, wie sich das Fernsehen selbst versteht, indem beobachtet wird, in welchen Formen das Fernsehen das intrikate Verhältnis von Endlosigkeit und Endlichkeit – als... more
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      Television StudiesTelenovela and Soap OperaClosureComparative Media Studies
El artículo explora el fenómeno mediático surgido en torno a la telenovela La Reina del Sur (2011), basada en la novela homónima de Arturo Pérez Reverte, dentro del marco de la globalización. Tanto la novela de Pérez Reverte como la... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatino/A StudiesLatin American StudiesSpanish
Television becomes a sight of the construction of cultural and gender identities. Through content analysis of television series, the author examines that though Television becomes the global ground for questioning social constructs like... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryTelevision Studies
استقر مصطح ”دراما رمضان“ ليشري إىل كثافة املسلسالت ذات العرض األول خالل شهر رمضان والتى تحظى بنسبة مشاهدة مرتفعة. وعىل الرغم من التنافس الشديد بين هذه المسلسلات إلا أنها تعكس تناقضات بين روحانية الشهر وما تبثه من أفكار تخالف نمط غالبية... more
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      Series TVRamadanSoap OperasEgyptian drama
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      Genre studiesPopular CultureTelenovela and Soap OperaGenre Theory
This article uses the Foucauldian framework of governmentality and the particular concept of dispositif to analyse two Vietnamese television dramas, Hanoian (1996) and The City Stories (2002). I argue that the first drama presents a... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesNationalismMemory Studies
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      PhotographsGreetings cardsQuiz showsComic books
E-book do 7º Seminário História e Memória do Centro-Oeste Mineiro. História e Memória do Centro-Oeste Mineiro [recurso eletrônico] : (Elaborada pela bibliotecária Lorena J. Melo Mendonça – CRB-6/3161) perspectivas 7: violências / Flávia... more
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      Visual StudiesTelenovelasVisualityEconomic Land Concessions
Zengin bir kültürel mirasa sahip olan Mardin, gerek sahip olduğu tarihi, kültürel ve doğal zenginlikleri, gerekse geçmiş yıllardan günümüze kadar ulaşan toplumsal değerlerinin özgünlüğünden dolayı yıllardır birçok film ve dizi... more
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      Tourism GeographyCinemaTURİZMSinema
The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of lesbian representations in European and North American popular culture, particularly within television drama and broader celebrity culture. The abundance of 'positive' and 'ordinary'... more
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      Feminist TheoryTelevision StudiesQueer TheoryStigma
This paper attempts an exploration of the prosperity of melodrama in the nineteenth century with its literary shortcomings in comparison with more serious and deeper plays before and after that era. Shedding light on the political,... more
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      Social changesSoap Operas
Les séries télévisuelles turques rencontrent un succès florissant à l'international et notamment dans les pays arabes depuis la diffusion de Noor en 2008. Le genre le plus exporté est le soap opéra dont les populations du Moyen-Orient... more
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      Reception StudiesTelevision StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Using in-depth analysis of film, TV, news and online productions, Understanding Media Production shows how media theory helps aspiring producers understand good practice in media production. With detailed contemporary examples,... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsPolitical EconomySociology of WorkVideo Games
Netflix ha resuelto la ecuación de la proximidad cultural en México utilizando algoritmos para monitorear los datos de sus usuarios. Desde 2015 ha producido series originales que muestran rasgos melodramáticos a pesar de pertenecer a... more
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      AlgorithmsTelevision StudiesMelodramaTelenovela and Soap Opera
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyTextual CriticismGender
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      AudienceComparisonSoap OperasWomen Representation in Soap Opera
Since the introduction of soft power theory by Joseph Nye, many political and media scientists as well as elite journalists have used this concept in order to analyze the impact of transnational media texts and their effects on local... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesSoft Power
The world has been watching for years the Hollywood based American soap operas from TV. These soap operas and TV series of USA has a market value of 15 billion $ globally. In the last years the Turkish soap operas have started taking the... more
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      Television StudiesSeries TVGreeceTV Series
Soap operas and telenovelas are watched by millions of people around the world every day. As cultural, social, and economic phenomena, examining them will further our understanding of the role of global media content in the digital age.... more
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      Media StudiesAfghanistanInternational TelevisionBorders and Borderlands
Fino a pochi anni fa la serialità rappresentava un tema marginale nel dibattito accademico, soprattutto in Italia mentre oggi, al contrario, le serie tv sono al centro di un vivace confronto internazionale che coinvolge una scholarship... more
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      Television StudiesFilm and Media StudiesSerialityTV Series
Through this article we aim to present the results of our empirical research concerning the impact of religion on gender representations projected through Turkish soap operas. Since 2000, Turkey aims to become a model of a Muslim but... more
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      Soap OperasMedia Representations (GenderTurkish Soap OperasGreek TV and Turkish soap operas
Muhtesem Yuzyil - Le Siècle Magnifique - est une série télévisuelle turque au succès international. Elle retrace l'histoire du sultan Soliman le Magnifique, de son idylle avec Hurrem, ancienne esclave devenue sa femme et des intrigues... more
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      Reception StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTelenovela and Soap Opera
In order to survive in the highly-competitive environment and to reach as many consumers as possible, brands make changes in the marketing communication tools they employ. Presently television soap operas (TV series) are decidedly one of... more
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      Product PlacementKazakhstanMarketing CommunicationsSoap Operas
department of sociology, Lancaster university, Lancaster, uK ABSTRACT The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of lesbian representations in European and North American popular culture, particularly within television drama and... more
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      Queer TheoryStigmaClassAbjection
El presente artículo analiza cómo el carácter crecientemente transnacional de la producción y comercialización de telenovelas en las representaciones identitarias y culturales que generan tales productos televisivos. El artículo se... more
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      HistorySociologyLatin American StudiesAnthropology
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSocial RepresentationsGender Roles
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesWomen's StudiesTelevision Studies
Rethinking the Concept." iii Cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society-the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores-so that their... more
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      MasculinityFeminism(s)Constructions of masculinityMasculinity and Gender Studies
This is the intro to a special issue that Shyon Baumann, Susanne Janssen and I co-edited for Poetics (Volume 37 / Issue 4). It featured contributions by Michaël Berghman & Koen van Eijck; Katherine Giufree; Heather Jamerson; Melissa C.... more
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      Creative IndustriesGenresMusic and GenderWine Tourism
Il breve saggio ripercorre le tappe principali della nascita e sviluppo - non sempre fluido - della lunga serialità originale nella televisione italiana dagli anni Ottanta al 2012.
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      Television StudiesTelevisionTV SeriesSoap Operas
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      Television StudiesEveryday AestheticsSoap OperasCoronation Street
Resumen Durante la posguerra y hasta la llegada de la televisión la radio dramática española vivió su particular edad de oro. De la mano de una ingente producción de emisiones, desde seriales a zarzuelas pasando por radioteatros o... more
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      Soap OperasRadio BroadcastingRating SystemsAudiencia Radiofónica
How typical are your three main texts of their genre? (Media A2 Level Paper)
TV Industry Texts: ITV’s ‘Coronation Street’, Channel 4’s ‘The Undateables’, and ABC’s ‘Breaking Bad’
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      IconographyMedia StudiesGenre studiesDigital Media
The purpose of our study is to investigate the negative influence of textual images of damaged women characters in soap operas on the female consumers who constitute the majority of viewers. We begin with an analysis of the television... more
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      HeroinesSoap Operas
This study aims at investigating the connection between teachers’ real lives and the fictional version of these lives in soap operas. Its main concern is to check if teachers identify themselves with the characters’ representation of... more
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      Telenovela and Soap OperaTeacher IdentityRepresentação E Identidade DocenteSoap Operas and Culture
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesSocial MediaSoap Operas
Dopo essere stato considerato un genere televisivo (e radiofonico) minore - quando non deteriore -, a partire dalla metà degli anni Ottanta del Novecento la soap opera ha attraversato un processo di profonda rivalutazione accademica da... more
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      Television StudiesMelodramaTV SeriesSoap Operas
Este trabalho procurou entender como se deu o fenômeno que foi a telenovela “Avenida Brasil” nas redes sociais. A pesquisa inicial ocorreu com a busca de mensagens através de hashtags utilizadas pelos usuários para se referirem à novela,... more
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      BrazilSoap OperasNovela LatinoamericanaGephi
Il volume analizza la soap opera “Vivere”, un successo di pubblico tanto notevole quanto interessante da analizzare. Nella prima parte si compie una ricognizione della letteratura di settore, ricostruendo il percorso attraverso cui gli... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesDigital EthnographyTextual analysisFeminist Television Criticism
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      TurkeyHegemonySoft PowerSoap Operas
The nation-wide lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic has given way to an unprecedented situation that every individual is grappling with. In such uncertain times, television’s role has become significant in keeping the population... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesRamayanaSoap OperasDoordarshan
Taking the "Twin Peaks" universe as its point of departure, the paper shows how conscious strategies of openness and fragmentariness are a guiding principle of David Lynch's poetics.
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      Film StudiesFragmentarinessDavid LynchFragmentary dramas
Si la factura del relato televisivo “convoca un volumen intertextual complejo que incluye fuentes y medios de comunicación amplísimos” (Sánchez-Biosca 1989: 17) en el enorme corpus de telenovelas argentinas que recién hoy se comienza a... more
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      MelodramaTelenovelasTelevisionSoap Operas
This article traces the controversial origins and contested life of the first British soap, within the context of the ‘women’s culture’ largely missing from the BBC in its early years. The terms of the debate carried out in memos,... more
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      Media HistoryRadioGenderNational Identity
This article describes a study investigating narratives obtained from 45 participants about their watching of the television program, EastEnders. The first aim was to understand why people watch this program. The second aim was to... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesPsychologySocial Psychology
Κασσαβέτη, Ο.-Ε. (2017). Ο σοσιαλιστικός εξαμερικανισμός της ελληνικής κρατικής τηλεόρασης κατά την περίοδο της Αλλαγής: η εποχή της σαπουνόπερας και της κωμωδίας-παρωδίας (1981-1989). Στο Β. Βαμβακάς & Α. Γαζή (επ.), Αμερικανικές... more
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      Telenovela and Soap OperaGreek cultureModern Greek cultureGreek television
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesTelenovela and Soap Opera