TV studies
Recent papers in TV studies
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Diseño de portada y maquetación: Hugo Román Gómez © De los textos: de sus autores © Frame, Revista de Cine de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Comunicación.
HBO, USA-UK 2019
The new millennium has seen the franchising of television content escalate. The trade in so-called TV formats, like Big Brother or The X Factor, sold internationally for local adaptation, has multiplied. This article aims to illuminate... more
This paper begins with a survey of scholarship on television history and history on television in Spain. It goes on to sketch two theoretical models of history and television. Finally it offers a close reading of the most viewed event in... more
DE ALLÁ PARA ACÁ es una serie documental infantil ganadora del Concurso Nacional del INCAA “Series Documentales para ser emitidas por canal Paka Paka (2014)”. La serie forma parte de la grilla de contenidos del primer canal educativo y... more
Documentary reconstruction is a creative production decision which involves reconstructing a reality or event rather than filming it as it occurs spontaneously. This article studies the use of the resource in the filming of nature... more
A HBO é uma emissora que possui uma reputação muito proeminente no mercado televisivo, muito disso por conta de sua gestão de marca e seu discurso institucional que possuem papel direto na consolidação da terminologia " televisão de... more
Solamente se si tiene conto della natura umanizzata della televisione -così come degli altri media che l'hanno preceduta -e della natura televisiva dell'uomo contemporaneo, è possibile dialogare con il testo di Salvatore Patriarca, Il... more
Por estar vivendo seu auge de popularidade, o seriado televisivo é o enfoque dessa pesquisa. Ela tem tem como objetivo traçar a trajetória e flexões presentes no estilo de narrativa seriada. Como critério, foi levado em consideração suas... more
Maria Rosaria Borrelli, "I Winchester al bivio: incroci letterari e metalinguistici in Supernatural", in Cinemasud (periodico di cultura cinematografica), Anno VI, N. 1, gennaio-giugno 2015, pp. 27-32.
Le film n'est ni un objet neutre ni une chose, comme l'a parfois prétendu la sémiologie. Ce n'est pas non plus un simple reflet de notre monde ou le produit d'un processus machinique. Si les images nous retiennent, si nous sommes capables... more
Web, or networked, distribution technologies have challenged the power of US media corporations, which set high technical standards for production value, a measure of content quality. Legacy TV companies privilege complex, seamless... more
ENGLISH SUMMARY The book "Worlds To Be Continued. Analysing Possibilities of Serial Narrativity" (in Czech "Světy na pokračování. Rozbor možností seriálového vyprávění") is built upon the assumption that fictional stories presented as... more
Este trabalho procurará analisar a representação de clones humanos na série televisiva Orphan Black com base nas obras de Donna Haraway e Jean Baudrillard, ao ponderar aproximações e distanciamentos entre as abordagens propostas pela... more
Paper d'esame in Analisi del Cinema Americano Contemporaneo, che si sofferma sul segno che l'atto terroristico del 9/11 ha solcato nella politica americana e nella narrativa seriale pop contemporanea, prendendo come caso di studio la... more
Nel passaggio della TV al digitale, la segmentazione dei pubblici e dei contenuti non comporta necessariamente l’indebolimento del sistema mediatico, che invece è attento a recepire le sollecitazioni provenienti dall’innovazione... more
The paper considers the current state of Ukrainian commercial television and prospects of its development.
Ключові слова: комерційне телебачення, Україна, ЗМІ.
Ключові слова: комерційне телебачення, Україна, ЗМІ.
This book posits an interconnection between the ways in which contemporary television serials cue cognitive operations, solicit emotional responses, and elicit aesthetic appreciation. The chapters explore a number of questions, including:... more
Queer teenagers are avid readers of popular culture; as numerous audience studies prove, television plays a significant role in identity-formation for LGBTIQ+ youth, providing them with the information about sexuality, gender roles or... more
ÖZET Günümüzün pazarlama dünyasında marka ve hizmetler kendilerini rakiplerinden ayrıştırmak, hatırlanmak ve inandırıcılığını kanıtlamak amacıyla reklam çalışmalarında çeşitli yollara başvurmaktadırlar. Kendilerini rakiplerinden farklı... more
टेलीविजन का आविष्कार यूँ तो 'जॉन एल बिलियर्ड' ने 1920 के दौर में ही कर दिया था। लेकिन भारत में यह तकनीक तब पहुंचा जब 15 सितम्बर 1959 को तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति डॉ राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ने दिल्ली में एक प्रसारण सेवा "दूरदर्शन" का उद्घाटन किया। अतः... more
New Forms and Interactions is a collection of eleven articles highlighting the controversial relation between the two traditionally opposed realms. By determining the forms, conditions and consequences of interaction between fiction and... more
In: medien & zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ausgabe 3/2016, (S. 78-91) Der Beitrag nimmt gegenwärtige Transformationen von Fernsehen und Männlichkeit(en) am Beispiel des House of Cards-Binge-Events in den Blick, das... more
This book introduction presents the eight chapters, four each on Spain and Mexico. The first section treats: the miniseries as historical memory, transnational telenovela, youth culture and postcolonial TV. The second section treats:... more
In questo saggio analizzo Dark, serie creata da Baran bo Odar e Jantje Friese per Netflix. Osservatorio TV è un progetto di ricerca indipendente sulla serialità televisiva coordinato da Barbara Maio.... more
La gravità delle fake news, nelle loro diverse articolazioni, ha assunto delle dimensioni così rilevanti da farle divenire oggetto di discussione ricorrente nei vari ambienti scientifici, culturali e politici. A queste si aggiungono... more
This paper analyzes the series Sex Education's role in the transnational dissemination of discourses on non-normative sexualities, equality and LGbtiq+ diversity. From a LGbtiq+ Studies perspective, a mixed design with non-experimental... more
1. Un anomalo papa seriale Se pensiamo alle rappresentazioni televisive dei papi siamo inevitabilmente portati a ricordare le diverse miniserie agiografiche prodotte da Lux Vide e RaiFiction per le reti Rai (Giovanni XXIII, 2002; Giovanni... more
Cos'è la tv? Almeno una volta nel corso delle sue ricerche, ogni studioso di televisione ha provato a rispondere a questa domanda, e raramente i ricercatori devono essere rimasti soddisfatti dalle proprie risposte, perché la televisione è... more
Good Girls is an original, comedy-crime drama created by Jenna Bans. It premiered on February 26th, 2018 on NBC as a mid-season entry. From publicly-available sources, I determined (1) the creator’s track record of success and (2) the... more
El artículo explora el fenómeno mediático surgido en torno a la telenovela La Reina del Sur (2011), basada en la novela homónima de Arturo Pérez Reverte, dentro del marco de la globalización. Tanto la novela de Pérez Reverte como la... more
This article discusses the effects of TV media as a social change agent on the youth studying higher education in Karachi, Pakistan. A survey was carried out to view the perception of our youth towards media freedom and its effects; a... more
Foreign fictional TV production aimed at teenagers, i.e. teen TV, is currently strongly influenced by the desire of television stations to capture the attention of the lucrative audience of Millennials. One of the characteristics of this... more
The present paper is based on a case study and investigates the relationships between the religious beliefs of a group of international students (age 18-24) and their taste for supernatural as a TV genre. Starting from the assumption... more