Transnational litigation
Most downloaded papers in Transnational litigation
The seat of arbitration seems to be one of the most important issues to be agreed within an arbitration agreement. It directly influences a number of issues: arbitrability, determination of the governing law, whether substantive or... more
A notre chère chère famille : notre mère Hassana et Mahamane notre père sans oublier Aboubakar, Oumarou nos frères et Djamila, Maimouna nos soeurs. Aux Professeurs T. Djacoba et B. Pascale, qui par leurs valeurs exemplaires sont un modèle... more
In 1780, the well-known publicist and publisher from Berlin, Friedrich Nicolai, noticed that in the Viennese suburb called Leopoldstadt: ‘one meets many Turkish men. They live in the City around the Fleischmarkt, where they also have... more
This chapter documents the extreme stresses that cyberspace applies to state law by examining how private international law, or conflict of laws, has responded to the online global world. This highlights both the penetration of... more
This essay briefly explains how Darul Islam developed, its relationship with Indonesian history and the role it has played in promoting the issue of Jihad in Indonesia. Literally, Darul Islam means Islamic State. The history of Darul... more
Among so many writings devoted to the third-party funding phenomenon, very few elaborate on one specific feature of this business model. Rather than a hidden facet, it is a real overarching characteristic, amounting to a fundamental... more
This course will explore the field of international commercial arbitration, which has become the default method of dispute resolution. Students can expect to study both Philippine and foreign commentaries, statutes and case law on the... more
This article considers the varying judicial approaches to the question of incorporation of arbitration agreements by reference to another contract, schedule of terms, or trading rules. In particular, attention is directed to the approach... more
This article presents a study of the so-called ‘unilateral’ (‘optional’, ‘hybrid’) jurisdiction clauses combining arbitration and choice of court options, which business tends to favour as such clauses seek to designate a method of... more
In common law jurisdictions litigants are free to represent themselves in person. A right to self-representation in civil proceedings has been taken for granted as an obvious expression of the right of access to court. Consequently, no... more
COMMENTARIES ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW VOL. 2, ISSUE 2, WINTER 2016 EDITOR’S NOTES We are pleased to present the second issue of Commentaries on Private International Law, the newsletter of the American Society of International Law... more
Within the realm of International Relations (IR) and research on Global Governance, one observation is clear. The growth of non-state actors in all the various types have grown exponentially to help states govern and lead their publics.... more
Si tratta del "report" italiano per la sessione in materia di "Optional choice-of-court agreements" a XX Congresso internazionale della Accademia internazionale di diritto comparato, tenutosi a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel luglio 2018. Nel... more
Title in English: International Procedure Law and International Civil Litigation
Cassazione sulla giurisdizione per le azioni di responsabilità proposte dagli investitori contro le agenzie di rating. -2. I tratti distintivi dell'attività di rating e la loro rilevanza internazionalprivatistica. -3. L'interpretazione... more
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
The international legal system encompasses a variety of legal norms, but the perceived increase in "fragmentation" of these norms has recently been seen as a problem for the system as a whole. Consequently, many writers have suggested... more
There exists no `international bar' regulating the practice of forensic advocacy before international courts and tribunals. Before arbitral tribunals such as the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the Iran-US... more
1. Obiettivi e novità della riforma francese del 2011. -SEZIONE I. LA CONVENZIONE D'ARBITRATO. -2. La nuova convenzione d'arbitrato. -2.1. Clausola compromissoria e compromesso. -2.2. La forma. -2.3. Le clauses blanches. -2.4. I requisiti... more
The paper introduces the “Dialogue between the Orthodox and the Protestant”, an until now neglected literary work composed in the early 20th-century Eritrea, which provides a detailed account of the traditional dispute resolution and its... more
This article presents a detailed case-study of trials between an English ship captain and an Egyptian supercargo (sopracarico) who opposed each other in the courts of the Governor of Livorno and of the Pisan Sea Consuls in 1739-1740. It... more
O acórdão Cartesio e a liberdade de estabelecimento das sociedades 215 RESUMO: Em 16.12.2008, o Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia proferiu o acórdão Cartesio, relativo à liberdade de estabelecimento das sociedades. Neste estudo, a... more
The determination of the applicable law may never exceed the limits of the contract entered into by the parties and their expectations and legal certainty. This criterion is to be understood as the main dogma. The global financial and... more
The legal system has a crucial preventive and corrective role to play regarding environmental damage. To this end, together with measures adopted in other legal areas such as administrative, criminal or civil law, both public and private... more
Parte seconda Il lodo, le impugnazioni e la disciplina dell'arbitrato internazionale (*) SEZIONE IV. IL LODO ARBITRALE. -6. Il lodo arbitrale. -6.1. Aspetti generali. -6.2. Diritto applicabile e amiable composition. -6.3. Deliberazione e... more
International treaties therefore have priority over provisions of domestic origin (domestic lex arbitri). This mainly concerns two conventions, namely the New York Convention (1958) and the European Convention on International Commercial... more
This dissertation studies the contemporary issues regarding the contracts signed by Tour Operators with their international partners in matters of private international law. The first part discusses the general conditions under which... more
This literature review attempts to interface counselling with alternative legal practice. The authors proceed by contrasting the adversarial nature of litigation with the conciliatory nature of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with a... more
Successfully obtaining a judgment or arbitral award may not be the final step in asserting a claim. Extra enforcement measures may be required when the losing party refuses to abide by the terms of a ruling. In international commerce,... more