EU Procedure Law
Recent papers in EU Procedure Law
Jako niezgodne z zasadą prawdy materialnej należy uznać działania organu podatkowego, który a priori, a więc bez przeprowadzenia postępowania dowodowego, przyjmuje np. kwalifikację danego obiektu jako budynku mieszkalno-letniskowego,... more
The need for cross-border cooperation in family matters in the European Union was identified and politically expressed already in the 1990s. The first legislative act adopted in this field was the Brussels II Regulation of 2000. It... more
Who should prove the existence or nonexistence of some fact in a judicial proceeding? Should the Claimant help the Defendant to prove asserts of truth of particular facts or vice versa? Is there a new rule within all the rules governing... more
Postępowanie podatkowe uznać należy za wadliwe, jeśli pominięto w nim, objęty żądaniem strony, dowód ze świadka wskazanego przez stronę, na tej jedynie podstawie, iż według opinii administracji podatkowej zeznanie świadka byłoby z... more
This article examines how «residence» has been used as a mechanism to regulate welfare access in Italy and UK. The two countries have very different approaches to monitoring and registering local populations, but share a drive towards... more
In common law jurisdictions litigants are free to represent themselves in person. A right to self-representation in civil proceedings has been taken for granted as an obvious expression of the right of access to court. Consequently, no... more
Podstawa faktyczna decyzji podatkowej zawiera okoliczności, które w poszukiwaniu i rekonstrukcji podatkowego stanu faktycznego organ podatkowy uznał za udowodnione i w oparciu o nie dokonał rozstrzygnięcia, wydając stosowne orzeczenie.... more
Centralnym zagadnieniem domniemania faktycznego jest związek pomiędzy pośrednim faktem dowodowym a faktem domniemanym, który stanowi o jego istocie. Dla skutecznego przeprowadzenia domniemania faktycznego związek między pośrednimi faktami... more
International treaties therefore have priority over provisions of domestic origin (domestic lex arbitri). This mainly concerns two conventions, namely the New York Convention (1958) and the European Convention on International Commercial... more
This course will explore the field of international commercial arbitration, which has become the default method of dispute resolution. Students can expect to study both Philippine and foreign commentaries, statutes and case law on the... more
Article 260 TFEU (the former Article 228 EC) now provides for financial sanctions to be applied more easily, and in more situations. This paper examines the operation of the new rules, and the impact that they could have on the... more
this text examines art. 6, §7-B of Law 11.101/2005, dependent on Law 14.112/2020, which provides for a specific form of judicial cooperation between the judges of tax execution lawsuit and judicial reorganization lawsuit when in the first... more
After the entry into force of the Federal Law n. 13.146/2015, persons with intellectual disability can make use of the Supported Decision Making mechanism, in order to ensure assistance in the practice of certain acts. It is a protective... more
There exists no `international bar' regulating the practice of forensic advocacy before international courts and tribunals. Before arbitral tribunals such as the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the Iran-US... more
Estratto I) ITALIANA Sentenze annotate CORTE DI CASSAZIONE, Sez. III civile, sentenza 10 aprile 2015, n. 7176; BERRUTI Pres.; LANZILLO Est.
1 Tesi di laurea in diritto processuale civile intitolata: "Dimensioni del giudicato civile". Relatore: Prof. Remo Caponi. Candidato: Nicola Carpentiero. Votazione: 110/110 e lode. 2 Cfr. F. Lopez de Oñate, La certezza del diritto, Milano... more
The article analyses the limits of res judicata in the French, Italian and Belgian legal systems, with references to the German and English systems. The changes in the case-law of these countries are conditioned by the unstable... more
It is a book review of a fundamental work of civil procedure (in the field of provisional measure). It has been published in Procedural Science at the Crossroads of Different Generations, edited by L. Cadiet, B. Hess, M. Requejo Isidro,... more
1. Obiettivi e novità della riforma francese del 2011. -SEZIONE I. LA CONVENZIONE D'ARBITRATO. -2. La nuova convenzione d'arbitrato. -2.1. Clausola compromissoria e compromesso. -2.2. La forma. -2.3. Le clauses blanches. -2.4. I requisiti... more
Free movement of people, goods, services, and capital in Europe requires well-functioning cross-border dispute resolution mechanisms. Many initiatives have been taken over time by the EU institutions and Member States, both introducing... more
Recent case law, in particular the rulings made by the General Court and the Court of Justice in Cases Ville de Paris and Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, once again shows that the case law concerning the access of local and other devolved... more
3 or conventions; and finally, (iii) When the defendant does not appear before the court, in cases where Spanish jurisdiction would only be based on tacit or implied submission.
Admettant facilement la demande de référé présentée par la Commission, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a ordonné à la Pologne de suspendre les opérations de gestion forestière et les abattages d’arbres en cours dans la forêt de... more
Edited book on the new EU Judiciary, together with a comparative analysis and prospective developments. Authors are Marie-Pierre Granger, Albertina Albors-Llorens, Paolo Biavati, Kieran Bradley, Laure Clément-Wilz, Francesco Contini,... more
The objective of this paper is to examine the foundations of the Europeanisation of Cyprus and the extent to which the Europeanisation of Cyprus will lead to the successful integration of Cyprus into the European Union (‘EU’). It is... more
This article provides the first in-depth scholarly examination of the substantive procedural reforms recently implemented in the Technology, Engineering and Construction List (‘TEC List’) of the Supreme Court of Victoria. The authors... more
This paper analyses—with special attention to its common provisions, its safeguards of technology-related investigation measures and its guiding principles— the Spanish legal reform of the Criminal Procedure Code (hereinafter, LECrim) of... more
Cada vez mais, observamos movimentos no campo do processo penal para a expansão dos consensos como forma de resolução, esteja ou não a se discutir a culpa daquele que é acusado ou imputado. Por exemplo, no Brasil, há situações que... more