Terrorism and Cinema
Recent papers in Terrorism and Cinema
Lo kitsch es asociado a la cultura de masas y del consumo masivo. Los medios de comunicación aprovechan esta cualidad para poder llegar a un mayor número de personas. El kitsch es un medio más simpático y referente para el público, sin... more
The multimodal and dialogic resources of cinema make it a privileged means of experiencing the complex modalities of violent conflict in the modern world. In this sense we can say that the cinema of the Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
“Rivoluzionario professionista” convertito all’Islam, Carlos ha dedicato la sua vita combattendo “per la liberazione del mondo dallo sfruttamento imperialista e della Palestina dall’occupazione sionista”. Le armi gli “sono state imposte... more
The centrist Italian politician Aldo Moro was kidnapped in 1978 and murdered 54 days later by the Brigate Rosse (Red Brigades) – a far-left revolutionary group. The kidnap has come to be perceived as the key event of the Italian... more
This essay provides an introduction to the representation and working through in Italian cinema of the experience of terrorism during the ‘leaden years’ (anni di piombo, 1969–c. 1983). It begins by discussing the key terms ‘terrorism’ and... more
in: AK - Analyse und Kritik, Nr. 521, 19.10.2007.
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
This thesis examines the generic body of a vast group of commercial crime films produced in Italy during the anni di piombo, or Leaden Years, a time peculiarly marked by widespread episodes of political violence and tragic facts of... more
Comment la production vidéo de l’organisation « Etat islamique » relance-t-elle les relations entre cinéma et propagande ? Quels sont les traits de mise en scène qui caractérisent cette production ? Quels liens entretient-elle avec les... more
In this article I attempt to clarify the appeal and interrogate the political efficacy of conspiracy theory in films on the terrorism of the anni di piombo. Conspiracy is a popular, even (in some notorious cases) bestselling mode of... more
Cinema has played a key role in articulating the impact and legacies of the so-called anni di piombo in Italy, the years of intra-national political terrorism that lasted from 1969 until well into the 1980s. Tragedia all'italiana offers... more
This piece gives a short overview of the body of Italian films that deal with the terrorism of the 'anni di piombo', the period from roughly late 1969 to the early 1980s. The article considers the films from the point of view of theme,... more
With its user-friendly, action movie formula, profusion of well-known actors and iconic mise-en-scène, Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex (Uli Edel, 2008) presents as a middlebrow biopic that seeks to please popular tastes rather than educate and... more
Dopo aver passato interi decenni ad attingere a piene mani nel canone letterario occidentale attraverso felici e infelici adattamenti, la produzione seriale televisiva italiana ha rivolto sempre più spesso il suo sguardo, negli ultimi... more
Con contributi di Pierre Sorlin, Roberto Silvestri, Paolo Varvaro, Alan O'Leary, Vito Zagarrio, Gino Nocera, Cinzia Venturoli, Guido Vitiello, Christian Uva, Susanna Pellis, María Pilar Rodríguez e Rob Stone, Maria Carla Zizolfi, Maricla... more
Texto que forma parte de la exposición: http://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lavirreina/es/exposiciones De romper y rasgar (La Virreina, Barcelona) 29.11.2016 - 11.01.2017 Comisariada por Eugeni Bonet... more
This research explores the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of deterrence theory with respect to military and law enforcement counter-terrorism initiatives and compares it to legitimacy theory with respect to causal counter-terrorism... more
Anti Money Laundering to the Rescue, AML
reshaping-the-landscape-the-representation-ofhistorical-processes-in-carlos-and-the-autobiography-of-nicolae-ceausescu/#.YWwF2S0WroA Olivier Assayas's Carlos and Andrei Ujică's The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceaușescu had their first public... more
El videojuego mantiene todo tipo de intercambios con el cine. El terror es un campo especialmente interesante para atender a los diálogos, los vaivenes y los silencios entre los dos medios. En los años 80, el videojuego trabaja con... more
Scrive Alessandro Marongiu: È fatto che non può sorprendere nessuno che, in un Paese come il nostro in cui il cinema è (stato?) uno dei mezzi espressivi che meglio ha saputo cogliere, riadattare e trasformare in chiave artistica gli... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more