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O presente artigo visa discutir a formação de identidade cultural de um grupo de professores de língua alemã no Centro de Línguas e interculturalidade (Celin), na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). O estudo aborda especificamente os... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher Identity Formation
Existing migration research has framed ‘middling migrants’ mainly in terms of transnational fluidity and flexibility, thus overlooking the issue of integration. This article adds to a burgeoning scholarship advocating a more locally... more
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      Teacher EducationImmigrationImmigration StudiesMigration
La investigación tiene como objetivo establecer los Principios Generadores de la Identidad Docente; el soporte teórico incluye el interaccionismo simbólico, teoría de las representaciones sociales, teoría de la acción, identidad y... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationTeacher Subjectivity and IdentityTeacher Identity Formation
Cet article présente des entretiens menés suite à un dispositif de formation de formateurs proposé aux Conseillers pédagogiques et Inspecteurs de l’académie de Créteil. Au cours de rencontres régulières, ces derniers ont été sensibilisés... more
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      Values EducationPhenomenologyProfessional EthicsProfessional Development
Resumo: Pesquisas sobre interação na sala de aula, nos anos 90, na área da Linguística Aplicada (LA) sugeriram uma falha na formação dos professores de línguas (GIL, 2005). Com isso, os resultados dessas pesquisas impulsionaram justamente... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions of their practice of values education, and to explore their degree of professionalism in this matter. Qualitative interviews with 13 teachers have been conducted and analysed... more
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      EthicsTeaching and LearningApplied EthicsEducation
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      Teacher EducationTeacher Identity FormationHumanizing pedagogyRace, Gender, and Culture in Higher Education
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      Teacher EducationEducational ResearchSociocultural TheoryPostmodernism
Office Hours: 5:45 pm-6:45 pm (Faculty Resource Center and/or GAC Cafeteria) "The quality of light by which we scrutinize our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live, and upon the changes which we hope to bring about... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Critical Whiteness StudiesTeacher Identity Formation
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      Teacher EducationLearning and TeachingTeacher TrainingClassroom Interaction
يعتبر التكوين أحد أهم ركائز عملية التعليم الحديثة، وهو ما أدى إلى حرص الوصاية بصفة عامة والجامعات بصفة خاصة على تقديم تكوين للأساتذة حديثي التوظيف لمواكبة التطورات التي يشهدها العالم بهدف تنمية مهاراتهم، حتى لا يبقى الأستاذ حبيس الطرق... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyLearning and TeachingInformation Communication Technology
This qualitative study explored the conceptualizations of a cohort of preservice English teachers regarding the purposes and attributes of excellent English education. These questions guided the study: 1) How do preservice teachers... more
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      Teacher EducationLearning and TeachingTeacher Identity FormationTeacher Identity
This thesis examines whether identity theft is an offence in Barbados, England or Australia and, more fundamentally, considers if the criminalisation of the misconduct is justified by reference to the normative theories of harm and... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationIdentity Theft
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      Queer StudiesTranslation theoryIdentity (Culture)Translation
Anais do evento I Encontro Nacional Movimentos Docentes Vol.II
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      EducationTeacher Identity FormationFormación docenteEnsino a Distancia
Approche systémique dans la formation des enseignants camerounais de français. Par Jacques ETOUNDI ATEBA
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      Teacher Identity FormationDidactique Du FrançaisEducational SciencesTICE
In this article, we argue that the pedagogical practices of teachers who have translinguistic histories, and indeed of all teachers, should be reconceptualized as solidly embedded within the context of their linguistic and social... more
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      Teacher EducationSecond Language Teacher EducationTeacher Identity FormationTranslingualism
This article explores teachers’ identity formation through a narrative inquiry of the professional identity of one EFL teacher, “Andrea,” at a high school in Japan. Data were extracted from four 90-minute open-ended life history... more
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      GenderTeacher Identity FormationEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
The aim of the current study was to examine Swedish and Turkish teachers’ perspectives on values education. Qualitative interviews with 52 teachers were conducted and analyzed. Values education was mostly about compliance with societal... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyEthicsTeaching and Learning
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      Music EducationTeacher EducationTeacher Identity FormationMusic Teacher Identity
This paper offers ideas for teachers to engage with mathematics through the historical ‘journeys’ and relationship with art and cultural and intellectual history. Its premise is that, whilst teachers’ main reason for choosing the career... more
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      History of MathematicsMathematics EducationProfessional IdentityTeacher Identity Formation
""In the context of rapidly expanding English-medium higher education in the UAE (United Arab Emirates), this thesis investigates how a group of native speaker English language teaching professionals perceive the social aspects of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyAnthropologyPhilosophy
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    • Teacher Identity Formation
……..Niveau d’accés Licence , Master , Ingénieur en électronique , électro-technique et tout autre diplôme équivalent , formation accélérée pour une durée du 15 jours. ……...Le début des inscriptions est à partir du 22 septembre au 20... more
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      State FormationTeacher Identity FormationMecatroniqueElectronique
Duff, P. (2017). Language teachers' identities and socialization. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research (pp.170-175). London: UK: Routledge.
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      Applied LinguisticsTeacher Identity FormationTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)EFL teacher identity
There has been an increasing trend to promote partnerships for inclusive education that share responsibility for teachers’ and students’ learning. Yet, the complexities of collaborating across institutions and professions as well as the... more
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      Teacher EducationCultural Historical Activity TheoryInclusive EducationTeacher Identity Formation
Having an appreciation for the subject, their students and what the subject can offer their students has both cognitive and emotional dimensions for teachers. This paper uses empirical data to explore the efficacy of a Deweyan inspired... more
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      AestheticsBoundary-Spanning Knowledge SharingTeacher ResearchJohn Dewey
This article discusses how Second Language Teacher Education (SLTE) grew as a field by responding to issues internal and external to teaching English to speakers of other languages and locates language teacher identity as an emerging area... more
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      Teacher EducationSecond Language Teacher EducationTeacher Identity Formation
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      AestheticsEducationTeacher EducationPedagogy
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      Eastern European StudiesEducationDemocratic EducationTeacher Education
Tochon, F. (2014). La formation réflexive pour une approche plus profonde de l’enseignement des langues et cultures. Recherches et Applications / Le Français dans le Monde, 56, 102-117. Cet article décrit la guidance liée à l’élaboration... more
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      SemioticsTeacher Identity FormationSémiotiqueDidactique des langues
Este trabalho apresenta o resultado final do Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado “Acesso diferenciado aos cursos de Pedagogia e Licenciaturas – contribuir para a melhoria da qualificação dos docentes da educação básica”, que tem como objetivo... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher ResearchTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
La presentazione riassume il pensiero di don Bosco circa la cura e la formazione di educatori contenuta nei "Ricordi confidenziali ai direttori". Alcuni principi permanenti sono integrati dal modello di formazione dell'identità salesiana... more
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      Teacher EducationReligious EducationYouth MinistryTeacher Identity Formation
Letter to my colleagues.
School, teaching, society.
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingTeacher Identity Formation
SINTESI Nel Progetto per la costruzione della Cultura Europea nella Società del XXI secolo, definito negli anni "90, le attività di insegnamento/apprendimento sono state considerate la basi fondamentali e indispensabili per realizzare,... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationLearning and Teaching
During the mid-1990s, teachers' emotions emerged as an area of research in the sociology of education because many teachers all over the world were reported to be unhappy, dissatisfied, stressed, frustrated, and even alienated. This... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationEmotional LaborEducational ReformsLabor Process Theory
This self-study follows my path as a beginning home economics teacher and teacher of everyday life in British Columbia. I will give insight into the context of my practice, as well as how facets of contemplative teaching and... more
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      Teaching and LearningSociology of EducationInstructional DesignTransformative Learning
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the role of teachers' prior language learning experiences in the formation of their teaching approaches in the context of one to one English language teaching. It intends to describe the... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationTeacher DevelopmentTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
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      Teacher EducationEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Critical Whiteness StudiesTeacher Identity Formation
O objetivo desse ensaio é elucidar aspectos inerente à formação inicial de professores de Educação Física, tendo a disciplina Estágio Curricular Supervisionado como momento idiossincrático no processo formativo para o exercício... more
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      Training and SupervisionTeacher TrainingTeacher Identity FormationFormação de professores e prática pedagógica
The increasing placement of English learners (ELs) in mainstream classrooms in conjunction with scant attention given to teaching these students in preservice education and professional development suggests a need to better understand how... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeacher EducationQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
In this study, we direct our focus to identity construction in an English language teaching (ELT) teacher education program. We explore the teacher roles in which student teachers are struggling to position themselves comfortably and the... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationTeacher IdentityTeachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of the Ideal Teacher
Male preservice elementary teachers often receive special attention. However, identities consist of many complex components. Constant comparative methodology revealed emergent themes of privilege and disadvantage linked to gender,... more
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      Self and IdentityTeacher EducationIdentity (Culture)White Privilege
The current article investigates teacher identity construction at the tertiary level educational institutions of Pakistan. Identity is the sense or perception about oneself and the position or role one has in a given context and... more
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      NarrativeQualitative methodologyIdentity (Culture)Pakistan
This study focuses on the changed roles and symbolic identities of Myanmar teachers under the forces of marketisation and the privatisation of education. Private tutoring by mainstream school teachers is used as an example of what society... more
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      BuddhismSociology of ReligionCultural SociologySociology of Education
In this article, we describe a model of teacher learning which is grounded in an apprenticeship approach to developing both practical knowledge and a critical understanding of the everyday practices that result in marginalisation.... more
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      Teacher EducationInclusionTeachers' professional developmentInclusive Education
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsPositive PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Teacher identity construction is an ongoing process experienced by teachers in the world. Hence, this study focuses the research on teacher identity construction and critical awareness process on becoming a teacher. The participants of... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationTeacher Identity FormationTeacher Identity
"This study investigates how relevant indicators of teachers’ sense of their professional identity (job satisfaction, occupational commitment, self-efficacy and change in level of motivation) are related. A model is proposed, tested with... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Teachers' self efficacy levelsProfessional IdentityJob Satisfaction
With the declaration of the Republic in 1923, Turkey had been directed toward a new route in political, cultural and social domains and education was one of the reformed areas. The newly founded republic was based on nationalistic ideals... more
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      Teacher Identity FormationTeacher IdentityTurkish ModernizationHistory of Turkish Education