Recent papers in Tawheed
My first reaction to this eminent book of collected articles and lectures given by Professor Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is one of frustration that I was not able to meet the man. He died in 1986. I would have loved to have known him, for I... more
Tawhid and Shura Based Approaches to Corporate Governance
The QUUT AL-`AARIFEEN (The Nourishment of the Knowers of Allah) is my commentary upon the USUUL'D-DEEN (the Foundations of the Religion) of Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio
The role of an institution of higher education in implementing and developing the teaching and research has become an inherent character and can not be separated which in turn higher education to transform itself into a bastion of... more
A Booklet on a range of issues related to tawhid; its nullifiers; its categories; its conditions; its foundations; kufr bit-taghut; al-wala wal-bara; the subject of labels of the shari‘ah; Islam and shirk; the clear and hidden matters;... more
This article explores new pathways of understanding the theological doctrine of tawḥīd from a Sufi theological perspective. It is evident that Sufism has expanded the inherent meaning of tawḥīd from the relatively simple idea of the... more
The phenomenon of not believing in a higher power, commonly known as atheism, although popular amongst some of the millennials of the modern West, has since its existence never claimed a significant enough spot to be mentioned as a... more
“Using the cave, the space of contemplation, and the pen, which gave shape to the words of God, H. Masud Taj drew an analogy to the genesis of Muslim architecture and calligraphy. Jnanapravaha hosted Taj, an award-winning architect,... more
إنَّ التعامل مع أيِّ جانب من جوانب الحضارة الإسلامية، سوف يؤكِّد لنا أنَّ العامل الأكبر في وجودها والقاعدة الأساس في إبداعاتها إنما هو القرآن الكريم. فالثقافة الإسلامية في الحقيقة هي ثقافة قرآنية؛ فمفاهيمها، وتكويناتها،... more
My first reaction to this eminent book of collected articles and lectures given by Professor Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is one of frustration that I was not able to meet the man. He died in 1986. I would have loved to have known him, for I... more
This paper presents an original model for Public Policy in Islam (PPI). It asserts that the four key elements of unity, purposefulness, civic engagement and rectification that characterise PPI offer an infinitely better alternative to the... more
Sahihkah kisah seorang lelaki datang ke kubur Rasūlullāh lalu bertawassul dengan baginda pada zaman 'Umar?
تناول المؤلف في هذا البحث العلمي الاقتصادي النصوص الإسلامية التي كثيرا ما أسيء فهمها وتمكن بدراسة تلك النصوص من الكشف عن النظرية الاقتصادية الإسلامية وذلك بفضل ما أتيح له من تخصص علمي وثقافة إسلامية مما يجعل هذا الكتاب فتحا جديدا في... more
Allah’ı bilmek için şu iki ayet çok önemlidirler: Birinci ayet olumlu bir konuyu anlatır. Diğeri ise olumsuz bir davranışı anlatır. İkisi bir arada hakikati tam olarak çerçeveliyor. Çünkü insanın zihni diyalektik olarak yani zıtların... more
This article explores new pathways of understanding the theological doctrine of tawḥīd from a Sufi theological perspective. It is evident that Sufism has expanded the inherent meaning of tawḥīd from the relatively simple idea of the... more
إنَّ التعامل مع أيِّ جانب من جوانب الحضارة الإسلامية، سوف يؤكِّد لنا أنَّ العامل الأكبر في وجودها والقاعدة الأساس في إبداعاتها إنما هو القرآن الكريم. فالثقافة الإسلامية في الحقيقة هي ثقافة قرآنية؛ فمفاهيمها، وتكويناتها،... more