Recent papers in Tamerlane
Emir Timur is a very important figure in terms of both establishing the most powerful state of the period from scratch without inheriting from his family and the systems he implemented in his period. While this leader, who has never lost... more
La Renaissance timouride, l'ère du renouveau de l'art et de la science en Asie centrale Lorsque nous parlons de Renaissance, très vite nous baignons dans une atmosphère de richesses scientifique, littéraire, artistique, etc. En effet, la... more
ნაშრომში განხილულია XIII-XIV საუკუნეებში მახლობელ აღმოსავლეთსა და კავკასიაში გამავალი სავაჭრო გზები. დეტალურადაა მოცემული ჯალალ ად-დინის, მონღოლების და თემურ-ლენგის მიერ საქართველოზე განხორციელებული ლაშქრობების შედეგად სავაჭრო გზების... more
Central Asian turkish tribes in XIII-XIVages are important in the ethnic structure change has passed. The Mongol invaded the Middle Asia caused people to enter. In the middle ages, caloyir, berlas, cinch and arlat ethnic groups were moved... more
Looking at various military coalitions between Ottomans and Greeks/Serbs in their fight against either other Byzantine forces or against Tamerlane at the battle of Ankara 1402.
taken from pp95-137 of Two Faiths One Banner (Harvard UP 2009)
taken from pp95-137 of Two Faiths One Banner (Harvard UP 2009)
The catastrophic Mongol incursions into the heart of the Muslim world during the thirteenth century left a path of death and destruction in their wake. Though the assaults succeeded in vanquishing Baghdad, toppling the Muslim caliph... more
This article is concerned with the creation, by the Russian colonial administration, Russian researchers and photographers/artists, of a corpus of ‘historical monuments’ of Samarkand in the first decades after the conquest of the city. It... more
On l'a peu souligné, mais c'est sous la forme d'une riḥla, que l'on traduit généralement par "récit de voyage", qu'Ibn Ḫaldūn a choisi de se présenter et d'expliquer le sens de sa démarche à la fin de son histoire universelle. Largement... more
This article discusses tribal relations in the state of Amir Temur.
«Oriente e occidente»: nella storia del mondo, questo incontro non soltanto è di importanza primaria ma rivendica un suo posto peculiare. Esso indica la direzione principale della storia, l'asse che si orienta sul corso del sole.... more
This brief article discusses the history of Nagar Thatta that Alexander visited, a sack of Nagar Thatta by Arghoons of Timoroid dynasty, and migration of people to the southern region of Gujarat. Alexander's departing port of India and... more
Here is just few pages and book covers!
در اینجا فقط صفحات ۱۳ و ۱۴ آمده است
در اینجا فقط صفحات ۱۳ و ۱۴ آمده است
This article analyzes the development of the Great Silk Road during the time of Amir Temur
Ibn Khaldoun's visit to Tamerlane in 1401 was not intended to pay homage to him, but to validate his concept of Açabiyya with the prediction of the decline of the Tartar Empire linked to the weakening of the Açabiyya among the dispersed... more
Темурийлар даври езма меросининг тарқалиши. VIII Республика илмий-амалий конференцияси материаллари. Тошкент: Mashhur press, 2016, с.128-136
This work examines diplomatic contacts and relations between the Castilian kingdom and Timúr Lenk with further focus on the travelogue of Ruy González de Clavija and his voyage to Samarkand courtyard in the years of 1403 to 1406. The main... more
Russia is a nation with a long and tumultuous history. It has been constantly reshaped by the often-violent intersection of competing factions. From the clashes of Nordic and Asiatic nomads in the early medieval period, through the... more
Nations," wrote Ernest Renan in 1882, "are not eternal. They have a beginning and they will have an end. A European confederation will probably replace them" (11).
The article is devoted to the byzantine view of the Battle of Ankara (1402) between Emir Tamerlan and the Ottoman Sultan Bayazid I. This battle is mentioned in three poorly explored byzantine works written by contemporaries. As a result... more
IIAS Newsletter The Focus 74 Summer 2016
Memory and commemoration in Central Asia
Memory and commemoration in Central Asia
If the simple idea of uniformitarianism were only applied in the social science, history, linguistics--such wonderful results would be instantly available and such dreadful soul-destroying mistakes that go on for centuries could be... more
Mongolian emir Timur Lenk was not only politically active in Near and Middle East but also has had diplomatic relations with European curts. That was mainly case in, for example, Byzantine Empire, Genoa, Venice, England, France, Castile,... more
Παρουσίαση της πολιορκίας και της κατάληψης της λατινικρατούμενης Σμύρνης από τον Ταμερλάνο (1402) μέσω των σχετικών πληροφοριών από τις βυζαντινές πηγές του 15ου αιώνα (δημοσιεύτηκε στα Πρακτικά του Δ΄ Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου για τον... more
The author reconstructs the history of Tamerlane’s campaign in 1395 and the circumstances of his capture of Tana (Azov), the most important Venetian and Genoese trading stations at the mouth of the Don River. Research is based on a... more
This article analyzes the positions and titles in the central authority of the state administration of Amir Temur. Amir Temur was used on this system of tribal foundations. The Chagatai played an important role in the government, which... more