This article analyzes the development of the Great Silk Road during the time of Amir Temur

ЦОЖА АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ АТЫНДАГЫ ХАЛЬЩАРАЛЬЩ ЦАЗАЦ-TYPIK УНИВЕРСИТЕТ1 HOCA AHM ET YESEVi ULUSLARARASI TURK-KAZAK UNiVERSiTESi М ЕЖ ДУНАРОДНЫЙ КАЗАХСКО-ТУРЕЦКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ ЕНИ Х.А. ЯСАВИ KHOJA AKHMET YASSAWI INTERNATIONAL KAZAKH-TURKISH UNIVERSITY «¥ЛЫЖ1БЕКЖОЛЫ- БЕЙБ1ТШ1Л1К, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЬЩ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» I ^ i Хальщаральщ конференциясыньщ МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ EUKOPA Turkistan, 2019 « У а Д П Ж ( Й » С П С С Л М Х — Ы U C i l t t и « Л Ч К _ , IC £ A ( O U < -Г1СЗКС <<6wijuk. Грек. Ус Си. — « б с л и к и ц K f t A k t l lilU АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! « Т 1 .с Ж ^ Я 1 1 с п ссльх — ц (|ц (ц v c t ^ i k K f t ^ ^ c U — 2-0 1 ^ » СС1Ах\СиЛ К t»»n V ^ A H (ca»iH - 2- Vr i v l c f р сл с£ , К а ^ Н Ч i\*UI >+i\fcctc+U — г о ю » ЦОЖА АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ АТЫНДАГЫ ХАЛЬЩАРАЛЬЩ ЦАЗАЦ-ТУР1К УНИВЕРСИТЕТ «¥ЛЫ Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБ1ТШ1Л1К, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАКТЫЛЬЩ ЖОЛЫ 2019» I ^ i Хальщаральщ конференциясыньщ МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫ HOCA AHMET YESEVi ULUSLARARASI TURK-KAZAK UNiVERSiTESi I ULUSLARARASI «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI§, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK 2019» Konferans MATERYALLERI МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ КАЗАХСКО-ТУРЕЦКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ Х.А. ЯСАВИ М АТЕРИАЛЫ I-ой Международной конференции «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» KHOJA AKHMET YASSAWI INTERNATIONAL KAZAKHTURKISH UNIVERSITY MATERIALS from 1st International conference «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» 19-20 Qyrkuiek - Eylul Turkistan, 2019 J L АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! УДК ББК В27 «¥ЛЫ Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕИБ1ТШ1Л1К, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЬЩ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK IPEK YOLU - BARI§, ISTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» 930.85 63.3(5Каз) «ВЕЛИКИЙ Ш ЕЛКОВЫ Й ПУТЬ ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019»: Материалы I-ой Международной конференции (19-20 сентябрь 2019 год). - Туркестан, Издательство «Туран», 2019. - 334 стр. ISBN 978-601-7440-43-5 Почетные руководители конференции: Доктор, профессор Муса Йылдыз Председатель Уполномоченного Совета Международного казахско-турецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави / Турция Д.б.н., профессор Болатбек Серикбаевич Абдрасилов Доктор, профессор Женгиз Томар Президент Международного казахско-турецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави Д.п.н., профессор Камалбек Мейрбекович Беркимбаев Вице-президент Международного казахскотурецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави I Вице-президент Международного казахскотурецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави Доктор, доцент Пусат Пилтен Вице-президент Международного казахскотурецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави Университет Оксфорд Брукс / Великобритания Доктор, профессор Левент Алтынай Университет Гази / Турция Доктор, профессор Мухаррем Туна Центр исследований культурных ценностей Д.филол.н., профессор Афтандил Эркинов Узбекистана находящихся за рубежом при Кабинете Министров Республики Узбекистан / Узбекистан Руководитель организационного комитета: К.филос.н., профессор университета Алена Юлдашкызы Балтабаева Руководитель отдела организации научноисследовательской работы Международного казахско-турецкого университета им. Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави Основная цель конференции - обсуждение проблем и перспектив развития Великого шелкового пути как приоритетного мирового проекта в сфере туризма, проблемы сохранения и возрождения культурного наследия, национальных этнокультур, самобытности, исследовать исторический опыт и конкретные формы современного состояния культуры, памятников и их значения для поддержания межэтнического и межкультурного диалога, а также обретение новых друзей и единомышленников, и приобретение контактов на международном уровне и в регионе Великого Шёлкового Пути. В сборник включены статьи, представленные на I-ую Международную конференцию «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019». Материалы сборника предназначены для использования преподавателями, студентами вузов и специалистами в области гуманитарных наук. Данное мероприятие профинансировано в рамках грантового финансирования на 2018-2020 г.г. Министерства образования и науки, Комитет науки Республики Казахстан по проекту АР05132474 «Модернизация культурного наследия Великого Шелкового пути на основе комплексного исследования памятников культуры (на примере Туркестанского региона)». Руководитель проекта-Балтабаева Алена Юлдашкызы. ISBN 978-601-7440-43-5 © МКТУ им. Х.А.Ясави, 2019 Л л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! 23. Blinder, A. S. (2006). “Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?”, Foreign Affairs, 85(2): 113-128. 24. Janicke, M. ve Jacob, K. (2009). A Third Industrial Revolution? Solutions to the Crisis of Resource-intensive Growth. Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universitat, Berlin. 25. Leighton, D.S.R. (1970). The Internationalization of American Business. The Third Industrial Revolution. Journal of Marketing, 34(3): 3-6. 26. Outman, J.L. ve Outman, E.M. (2003). Industrial Revolution: Almanac, Thomson Learning, Farmington Hills. 27. Rifkin, J. (2011). The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 28. Tien, J.M. (2012). The Next Industrial Revolution: Integrated Services and Goods. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 21(3): 257-296. THE GREAT SILK ROAD IN THE PERIOD OF AM IR TEMUR ULJAEVA SHOHISTAHON Dr.Prof. of Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers, Shodmon Juraev, senior lecture, Bukhara state University ulj aevashohi [email protected] During the time of Amir Temur and the Temurids, the Great Silk Road rose to its very high level of development. Like the Great Silk Road in the development of Amir Temur's kingdom, the role of Amir Temur and the Temurids in the development of this communication tool has a special place. As Amir Temur built his own state instead of the ruins left by the Mongols, he identified as one of the main goals of the restoration and development of the Great Silk Road in ancient times. When choosing the ancient city of Samarkand, the central point of the caravan route, as the capital of the country that he founded, it was primarily intended to develop trade, to restore the ancient city's position. He intends to build this magnificent city connecting the East and the West to the center of the Great Silk Road, building the magnificent buildings, luxury palaces, markets, rites, and craftsmanship. This city, which was the center of the Great Silk Road, should have a magnificent view on all sides, to accept many traffickers, to have a good time, to keep their lives and lives and to create favorable conditions for trade. The issue of the development of the Great Silk Road was not easy for Amir Temur. He had the task of rebuilding the cities that had become dead cities during the Mongol era, the restoration of the Greater Silk Road, and he began to do it one after the other, on the plan. During the pre-Amir Temur period, feudal fights and caravan routes from the Golden Uhr to the East were dropped due to the occupation of Movarounnahr. Due to the complexities and various political downturns, some robbers and violent groups occupied these roads, how many caravans were left, lost their property, or killed their owners. From the Aegean and the Mediterranean coast, Amir Temur built a magnificent reign of intermediate segments extending from Dashti Kipchak to the Arabian Sea to the Mediterranean, primarily protecting the caravan paths of the Great Silk Road from invaders. л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! Western Iran, Iraq, Syria and Eastern Anatolia were particularly invaders. Until Amir Temur's journey to these countries was dangerous, it was not even possible for the caravans to travel, but also to perform the Hajj, which was considered fard for Muslims. Many of Amir Temur's walks were carried out to eliminate piracy on the caravan roads. Thanks to the power and wealth of Amir Temur, the closed caravan paths of the Great Silk Road, Movarounnahr began to flow from different countries. Traders from Samarkand, Bukhara, Aksykent, Andijan and other cities of Movarounnahrin participated actively in this. Domestic merchants could be seen in ports of China, India, Crimea, Central Asia and North Africa. For this purpose, Amir Temur was built entirely on the southern side of Afrasiab, its ancient center of Samarkand. The old ruined part of this city, behind the scenes of the Afrosiyob, remained behind the scenes of history. The new Samarkand was rebuilt with a spirit of the times. The city is surrounded by a fortified fortress wall. There were six gates called Ohanin, Shaikhzoda, Chorsu, Korizhou, Szangaran and Feruza. In the backdrop of the city was built the town of Temuri Kuksaroy and Bostonsaroy. The luxurious Kuksaroy building was erected at the ruler's residence. It was four floors, and its domes and walls were named after Kuksaroy because it was covered with blue tiles, ornaments and floral pearls. At Kukaroy, the kings were placed on a white crown during the ceremony of transferring the kings to the throne. Many other buildings were beautified by the city. In addition, there were many buildings in the Ark, such as a state hospital, a weapon workshop and a suitcase, a pulpit, and a prison. Amir Temur has built around 12 villages in Samarkand with Egypt, Iraq, Sultani, Baghdad and other names. Also, fountains were used for the first time in the art of gardening and palace-making in the time of Amir Temur. The horizontal design has been used in architecture, with the efforts of Amir Temur, the richest and beautiful Botanical Gardens of its time. In history, they have identified Bogi Dilkusho, Bogi, Bogi High, Bogi Zang, Bogi Mountain, Karacha, Bogi North. The architectural and artistic solutions of Amir Temur's palaces and gardens were combined with light and shade harmony, elegance and beauty. The cities on the Great Silk Road, especially Samarkand, were highly developed in the time of Amir Temur. Merchants from all over the world came to Samarkand, where many shops, markets, handicrafts shops were sold and local products were sold abroad. Merchants are also classified under the influence of these processes and the group of traders is their most prestigious group, mainly engaged in foreign trade. Great attention paid to the Great Silk Road during Amir Temur's time, the cities were full of caravans and caravans. Taking into account the arrival of a caravan with 800 camels in Samarkand at that time, considering the large number of caravans, we can argue that the city has flooded and has reached the peak of its prosperity in the image of the Great Silk Road. Amir Temur attached great importance to the construction of medieval hotels - caravansaries. The revival of the Great Silk Road also played an important role in the formation and development of diplomatic relations. The caravans also served on the roads where people live and live. Houses have been built in uninhabited areas, and they have been caravans of day and night. The roads, which have occupied most of the Great Silk Road, and their performance mechanisms have not yet been studied in history. Amir Temur was literally a defender, builder and caravan chief for the Great Silk Road. Considering that the Great Silk Road was the only means of communication at that time, it can be seen that its peaceful, prosperous, secure and secured place is one of the main goals of Amir Temur. ~ 81 ~ л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! The Great Silk Road could also pose a threat to the country. Because most campaigns are organized through these methods. In a word, the Great Silk Road was a matter of life and death. Sahibkiran Amir Temur paid great attention to these aspects of the issue. To this end, security control on the Great Silk Road has been intensified. The goals of every tourist, merchant, dervish, and other people entering the country have been identified, their actions have not been overlooked. Amir Temur's personalities have gone through neighboring countries to collect information about possible dangers in the region. So he has played an important role in ensuring international security. Amir Temur's state diplomacy has a special focus on security issues, in particular the intelligence system. Amir Temur has sent many dignitaries, tourists, merchants, narrators, priests, scholars and diplomats to different countries. They have studied politics, people's moods, lives, nature, rivers, streets, cities, strategically important places and other minor details in the countries where they came from, and presented credible and accurate information to Amir Temur. Also, merchants who traveled from distant countries to caravan routes brought news not only goods but also about the economic situation, lifestyle, habits and religion of other countries. They were also media and media distributors. They would bring books, paper, and tell stories, legends, and stories from other nations. At the same time, the foreign merchants who came to Samarkand are also likely to have the knowledge of other rulers. Local traders, in turn, were in remote locations, expanding geographical imaginations, returning from trips, and telling stories of their work and adventures that they were recorded by the Greeks. As a result, Amir Temur carefully studied the state of the state and the region of the states, which set up diplomatic relations, and developed the scene of diplomatic relations with those circumstances and factors. This period can be regarded as a period of "turning point in the history of national diplomacy" because Amir Temur's diplomatic theory is based on practice. Amir Temur's letters to the kings and kings of Europe and Asia revealed the objectives of inter-American security, equal economic cooperation. Amir Temur realizes the important role of private entrepreneurs and traders in the development of the state. We can easily call the era of Amir Temur "a period of market relations". It has various forms of ownership and medieval differentiation. As Sohibkiron raised the issue of international cooperation, he was a supporter of interregional entrepreneur, merchant interaction, learning market demands and proposals, and promoting free trade and money circulation. He is a great diplomat and statesman who initiated the East and West in this matter. Today, this policy is viewed by the West as a policy of "hands-on." For centuries, the contradictions between the Christian and Muslim world and the sacred wars of that time were the great events of that time, when Amir Temur's doors to the West were opened. He was a great diplomat who could see today with his efforts. Sahibkiran Amir Temur wrote in his letter to the partner kings that the protection of the health, life and property of entrepreneurs and traders traveling overseas and foreigners was highlighted, and the issue of non-customs taxation was raised. The fact that Amir Temur gave his partners peace, health, and property guarantees was a great moment for that time, and it is also important today. It is well known from history that civilizations were created during the era of leaders who were sponsors in science, economic and regional stability, long-sighted, committed to the well-being of the people. The focus on all aspects of social justice, the principle of social justice, the interest in entrepreneurship development, the concept of prosperous life were the basis of the second Renaissance as a result of Amir Temur's policy. Internal and external trade exchanges in the 27-nation alliance have had a major impact on improving the country's economy. л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! Amir Temur's letters to many eastern and western leaders point out that the need for international trade and entrepreneurship should be greatly enhanced, and that private entrepreneurs could have a great impact on the development of the state. In particular, Amir Temur wrote in his letter to King Charles VI of France: "Let your merchants come to us and we will gladly invite them to visit our traders. Let no one pardon and execute excessive taxes. The world is traded by traders, "he said. In many letters to the European kings, Amir Temur proposed the development of trade relations between the two peoples of both continents. And, of course, such proposals are strongly supported by the European kings. Particularly, in the response letter of King Henry IV of England to Amir Temur, the following words have been said: ... to expand the scope of our bilateral relations, to build up and create the conditions for the traders of our country, with each other, as in the days of our ancestors We want to express our intention. ... we are kindly asking you to make sure that our merchants are safe and safe in your homes. " Sakhibkiran's attempts to call the diplomacy "slogans of support". Indeed, he is the first Muslim ruler to extend his friendship and cooperation to Europe. The harmony of interethnic relations in the internal and foreign policy of Amir Temur is one of the factors of development, since this is one of the most important aspects of his time in the multiethnic and various religious confessions. Mironshoh Mirza's letter to the European kings also states: "As for merchants, we wish your merchants were in our dormitories, and our merchants would travel safely and safely in your own country. Finally, even if there is a difference in our beliefs, we still have to be friends with one another for the sake of our own interests. " Through interethnic harmony and religious tolerance of Amir Temur and Temurids, mediation processes through trade routes intensified. The goal of the project is to restore the dismantling routes of caravan routes, to build roads, to improve the service system, to safeguard and safeguard the lives and wealth of every person, to enhance the political and economic power of the state, to develop entrepreneurship, and to strengthen diplomatic and cultural ties. it has to pay special attention to the road. During this period, the 12,000-kilometer-long Great Silk Road has established a multifaceted relationship with many eastern states. In addition, through the entry of the Great Silk Road into the Mediterranean Sea, trade, economic and diplomatic relations with the Western European countries were also developed. The Great Silk Road was of great strategic importance at that time and served as an international bridge. Amir Temur shaped the Great Silk Road's performance on the basis of certain principles and innovations guaranteeing entrepreneurial activity. First of all, the Great Silk Road stations have been restored and in some places new ones have been built. Caravanserais have been built on the roads to provide caravan rest. These caravans were protected by military guards by local khokimiyats, who transported people from one location to another at the same place and, in turn, brought people from another location to their destination. Rui Gonzalez, who accomplished his diplomatic mission on the Great Silk Road, also mentioned Clavijo himself and the Egyptian ambassadors' attention. For example, Egyptian ambassadors had traveled to Samarkand for up to 20 military horsemen. According to the Clavijo, ambassadors' horses were replaced with new ones each day, at the end of a day's journey, sometimes 1 0 0 horses were sometimes prepared for 2 0 0 horses. "These horses are prepared in deserted places. By the order of Amir Temur on the deserted lands, special guesthouses were built. There is a group of special breeders who care for the horses. "One or two of them accompanied the caravans to the second destination and took the horses and other passengers back. They are respected in their Lord. The clavicle ~ 83 ~ л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! wrote about the special pillars on the road. Columns are the distance measurements of the caravan paths that are installed one mile. By examining this information, it is possible to understand that each of the Great Silk Road has been studied extensively and has been a special symbol for determining how far distance distance and distance are to the next destination. The Klavixo has reported that Amir Temur is the fastest way to go. The distance they can reach in three days is one day. The king receives messages within a few days from his native lands and their borders through an accelerated means of communication. These factors point to the existence of specific information, communication and postal systems at that time. In all territory of the Amir Temur state the fixed and fast road communication service is provided to the strict discipline. The system created on the Great Silk Road served as the basis of the modern postal service. The local authorities were responsible for the movement of these caravans. As a result, it was ensured that the caravan was able to move from one location to another. Anyone who has suffered damage on the caravan roads of Samarkand, has entrusted the governors and other authorities with the responsibility for these offenses. The introduction of the principle of compensation for damages is one of the legal guarantees for international trade. The reconstruction of the Great Silk Road, returning to the north of the Mongols, is one of the factors that led to the development of the state, and those cities, which had stopped developing during the Mongol era, were busy with merchants from different countries, and the population of these cities grew day by day. The rich feudal layers of the villagers began to build shops, caravans, and trade in cities. The Great Silk Road, which has created a wave of migration, is the world's most powerful tradesmen, craftsmen, tourists, scientists, physicians, builders, and others who have come to Samarkand and have also played a significant role in ensuring the status of Chief in Samarkand's caravan routes. Rui Gonzalez de Clavijo gives more detailed information about the city of Tabriz, one of the largest cities of the Great Silk Road. He says, "There are many things in the narrow and narrow streets of the city. There are shops well built on the streets. Among the streets and narrow streets, there are many door-to-door buildings, and there are shops in these buildings. These streets include sandals, taffeta and cotton fabrics, silk and pearls. There are many different things to do in the sales. Tabriz is a busy city of intense business" and other interesting information about the city's commercial center. "Every year in Samarkand, goods sold from China, India, Tatarstan and other countries, as well as the wealthiest Samarkand Kingdom, are sold. There was not much space [until now] to sell the goods to the city in a row. The King ordered a bus stop on a shopping mall, where a number of shops were placed on both sides. This street had to start from the edge of the city and cross the middle of it. The king handed the matter over to two of his officers, working day and night. Wherever they are, no matter who they are, they have been broken. The shops were built on both sides of the street, and each of the shops was decorated with high marble seats. Each store had two rooms. The top of the street was covered with domes, and there were holes for lighting, "wrote the great ambassador Clavijo. Sahibkiran also sought to secure the defense and security of his state and neighboring states by strengthening the Silk Road. In the time of Amir Temur large customs was built in adjacent regions of the states. One of these is located at the site of the Caucasus Range at the Caspian Sea. The Darband customs office and the second one were constructed two days away from Shahrisabz, between Samarkand and Balh. These customs were transferred to the central treasury a huge amount each year. Clavijo mentions that two Temur gates were the entrance and exit gates on the border of the Amir Temur: "Since the smaller India (Afghanistan) has no other way to enter Samarkand, this mountain road is a safe haven for Samarkand. If Samarkand was to go to —84 — л «¥Л Ы Ж1БЕК ЖОЛЫ - БЕЙБТТТТТТЛТК, КЕЛ1С1М ЖЭНЕ Т¥РАЦТЫЛЫЦ ЖОЛЫ - 2019» «BUYUK iPEK YOLU - BARI$, iSTiKRAR VE UYUMLULUK - 2019» «ВЕЛИКИЙ ШЕЛКОВЫЙ ПУТЬ - ДОРОГА МИРА, СОГЛАСИЯ И СТАБИЛЬНОСТИ - 2019» АХМЕТ ЯСАУИ «THE GREAT SILK WAY - THE ROAD OF PEACE, HARMONY AND STABILITY - 2019» УНИВЕРСИТЕТ! India, there was no other way for them. Temur's gate, which is owned by Temurbek, is of great benefit to him, as merchants from small India (from Afghanistan) to Samarkand and vice versa go beyond that Temur gate". It is not only a great benefit, but also an important point in ensuring the country's security. In some years, these revenues were even comparable to the amount of land tax that Amir Temur received from all the countries under his rule. Through the Great Silk Road, Amir Temur not only provided defense, peace stability, developed good neighborly and tradeeconomic ties, but also fulfilled its geopolitical goals. The Great Silk Road, which is the only means of communication that has not yet opened up the sea, has played a major role in the international arena and the country has a great deal of economic and political capability. It is well known from the history that great wrestling has taken place for the slaughter of the Great Silk Road and its great network, even north, has been transposed to the north (Turkic Khanate, Mongolia). Administrators of Amir Temur discovered the goals of those who went abroad through the thousands of riders, thousands of camels and thousands of riders on the Great Silk Road and other roads, as well as the roads assigned to roads and rabbits. A person who travels to a country other than the Samarkand may not be transferred to the other coast if he lives in that area, but does not specify where and where to go. Samarkand's kingdom can be easily accessed without any documentation, - informs Klavixo Even those who have a special sign from Samarkand can go to other cities. This information indicates that the Emirate of Timur has a system similar to a specific visa system. This, in turn, played an important role in ensuring the peace in the country and on the Great Silk Road. The clerk's testimonies showed that those who entered the kingdom were not required to have such a document. Amir Temur opened the first page of the integration process by paying special attention to the Great Silk Road and its efficient use. The Great Silk Road also played an important role in the development of science. This is one of the reasons why the cities on the Great Silk Road are culturally different to other cities. Thus, the Great Silk Road served as an important bridge for the establishment of broader cultural and scientific links between transit cities and states. REFERENCES 1. Руи Гонсалес де Клавихо. 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