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Las “Obras esenciales de M.A.K. Halliday” acercan al público hispanohablante 11 escritos clave de uno de los lingüistas más importantes de la historia reciente, el británico Michael Halliday. El gran aporte de Halliday ha sido desarrollar... more
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      Educational LinguisticsLínguística sistemico-funcionalGramática
Introduction English textbooks play a crucial role in education in developing countries. They are often used as the guiding teaching material in the curriculum and effectively contribute to the quality of education (Besser, Stone, & Luan,... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageEducational LinguisticsEnglish textbooks
Focusing participant roles in relation to process types: recently arrived adolescents' progress in written academic language Due to increased migration and mobility, teachers face recently arrived adolescents with limited schooling in... more
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      Educational LinguisticsMetalanguageSystemic Functional Grammar (SFG)
This book links issues of school reform with close analysis of language and interaction within a controversial alternative charter high school in Los Angeles in the 1990's.
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      Discourse AnalysisLinguistic AnthropologyApplied LinguisticsEducational Linguistics
This article presents a case study of academic language instruction in a high school “English Learner Science” course. It illustrates how a teacher's understanding of academic language affects her instruction and students’ opportunities... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageScience Education
Educational terms, labels, and categories can create binary thinking and societal polarizations that reify normative assumptions, status quo educational procedures, and inequitable educational experiences for culturally and linguistically... more
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      TESOLEducational LinguisticsBilingual education (Education)Bilingual Special Education
Manual de escritura para estudiantes de licenciatura
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      DidacticsEducational LinguisticsLibros Digitales
This paper examines orthographic errors produced by 288 tertiary intermediate learners of Korean as a Heritage Language (KHL) from English-L1 countries by identifying high frequency and high occurrence rate error items through a... more
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      Applied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsKorean as a foreign, second or heritage language
Educational linguistics is a dyadic science. The noun, linguistics, is a broad term which includes neuro-, psycho-, socio-, pragma-, ethno-linguistics and communication studies: areas where national 'schools' non longer exist.... more
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    • Educational Linguistics
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsAcademic discourse
Questo libro è dedicato all’educazione linguistica del parlato e dell’ascolto ed è un libro da ascoltare oltre che da leggere. Per la prima volta le spiegazioni e le analisi sono illustrate concretamente attraverso un’analisi dettagliata... more
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      Learning and TeachingEducational LinguisticsSpeakingListening
For this final chapter of the hard copy text, we review the different research that has been presented in each chapter, and we draw common threads between themes that have arisen. We then reflect on how this volume builds upon our... more
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      MultilingualismBilingual EducationEducational LinguisticsMultilingual Education
The experiences of a community of people learning and teaching Lenape in Pennsylvania provide insights into the complexities of current ways of talking and acting about language reclamation. We illustrate how Native and non-Native... more
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      Indigenous StudiesLanguage revitalizationSociolinguisticsHigher Education
This paper makes visible particular persuasive language choices made by the highest scoring Tasmanian primary and secondary school students who completed the 2011 NAPLAN writing test. Specifically, it draws on systemic functional... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsFunctional GrammarEnglish Teaching and Curriculum Development
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      TeluguEducational LinguisticsLanguage Testing and AssessmentLanguage Teaching
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsLinguistics
The object of this thesis is studying the way in which the (Greek) language course is carried out at the level of High School (pupils aged 12-15) (Gymnasium). For carrying out this study we consider that (each) class teaching is formed by... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisEducational LinguisticsClassroom Discourse Analysis
This PhD research study looks at meaning-making practices in interactions of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). In particular, two research questions are investigated: Which wordings and features of discourse are characteristic of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationLanguage Education
In this article, I argue that academic language is a raciolinguistic ideology that frames racialized students as linguistically deficient and in need of remediation. I propose language architecture as an alternative framing of language... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRace and RacismColonialismApplied Linguistics
The contributors to this volume provide a critical examination of the notion of bilingualism as it has developed in linguistics and of its use in discourses of social regulation in state and civil society in the twentieth and twenty-first... more
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracySociolinguisticsLanguage IdeologyLanguage in Society
Cet article propose une réflexion sur le rôle du théoricien du langage en tant qu’acteur socio-politique à travers la figure de Tullio De Mauro, philosophe du langage et ancien ministre de l’Instruction publique. En nous situant dans une... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesHistory of Linguistic Thought
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      MultilingualismMigration StudiesHip-Hop/RapEducational Linguistics
OPEN ACCESS: ABSTRACT: È possibile conservare una traccia organica e ordinata di una carriera di oltre quarant’anni di ricerca e insegnamento? È da questa domanda che è partito Paolo Balboni, al... more
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      Language EducationEducational LinguisticsLanguage TeachingHumanistic Language Teaching
PASCH-Schülerinnen und -Schüler aus der ganzen Welt erstellten gemeinsam einen Comic, der den Abenteuerroman „In 80 Tagen um die Welt“ von Jules Verne adaptiert. Dass es sich lohnt, im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht diesen Webcomic... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesIntermedialityVisual Literacy
This study tackles the crucial situation of Mapudungun in the frame of urban indigenous policies. Basically, it presents a critical analysis of the status of the Mapuche language in urban contexts,focusing in: a) some key aspects of the... more
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      Educational LinguisticsMapudungunLiteracy education and educational managementPolitica Linguistica
Even though the learning and use of formulaic language is an important aspect of language learning, the study of lexical bundles, which are within the scope of formulaic language, appears to be an under-researched area in the domain of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageApplied LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
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      Intercultural CommunicationTeachers' professional developmentEducational LinguisticsFamily Language Policy
rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen,... more
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      Computer ScienceSociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsEducational Linguistics
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      EducationSociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyLatina/o Studies
The communicative approach in foreign language teaching claims that the socio-cultural context of the communicative event must be considered in order to make communication possible and efficient. Yet, very few scholars in the field of... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationEducational Linguistics
The multilingual turn in TESOL (May in The multilingual turn: implications for SLA, TESOL, and bilingual education. Routledge, New York, 2014) is overdue with the field still viewing languages as separate entities that exist in... more
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      Educational LinguisticsLanguage PolicySeal of Biliteracy
This book is a collection of real-life, personal narratives, or stories, on the theme of language and globalization. These stories are written by scholars from a range of different sub-disciplines of linguistics, time periods, and... more
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      GlobalizationLanguage Planning and PolicyEndangered LanguagesLanguage and Identity
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      MultilingualismSociolinguisticsEducational Linguistics
'Humanistic Language Teaching' is still used today in essays and books, mostly referring to a methodology which focuses on the learner and above all on his emotions as relevant factors in acquisition. As a matter of fact, HLT is something... more
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      Educational LinguisticsHumanistic Approach for Teaching
In 1984, Richard Ruiz set forth three orientations to language planning: language as problem, language as right, and language as resource. Since that time, the orientations have only become more powerful, rising to the level of paradigm... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse StudiesCultural PolicyMultilingualism
Il presente contributo vuol fare luce su alcune pratiche che permettano all’insegnante di far esprimere al meglio le potenzialità di ogni singolo studente. Dopo la presentazione di alcune possibili cause che spingono certi studenti a... more
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      NeuroscienceLanguage EducationEducational PsychologyTeaching of Foreign Languages
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      Motivation (Psychology)Self-Determination TheoryApplied LinguisticsSociocultural Theory Of Learning
NAPOLI 2015 4 INDICE Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi letterari, linguistici e comparati. Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" Proprietà letteraria riservata © Napoli 2015
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    • Educational Linguistics
This paper presents a case study of the usefulness and challenges of a portfolio assessment utilised in a KSP (Korean for Specific Purposes) course offered as part of a university degree program. The study demonstrates how to design a... more
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      SociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsKorean language
The ecology of language has its foundation in the work of sociolinguists and linguistic anthropologists in the 1950s and early 1960s. Since the late 20th century, the ecology of language, sometimes known as “ecolinguistics” or “language... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyTESOL
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      CommunicationEducationTeacher EducationLiterature in Education
This paper examines the developments of Korean language education in Australia from the governmental efforts to introduce Korean at policy levels to recent development in Korean language programs, and explores the current issues and... more
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      Applied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsKorean as a foreign, second or heritage language
This book gathers together 11 empirical-based studies of classroom interaction carried out in different countries, including the USA, England, Kenya, Sweden, and China. Along with a state-of-the-art literature review, the chapters provide... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationConversation AnalysisEnglish
There are now over 1 million pupils in UK schools who speak English as an additional language (EAL). In intensely diverse contexts such as London this has thrown up new hybrid ways of using language. Rather than languages living neatly... more
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      Creative WritingEducationLanguage EducationMultilingualism
Though the pedagogical concerns appear at the surface, the underlying goal of educational language policies is to maintain (or challenge) the power relation in the society through ideologies. Nepal's educational language policies can be... more
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      Language and IdeologyEducational LinguisticsEducational Language Policy
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      Educational LinguisticsPlurilingualismLanguage PolicyGlottodidattica
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      TESOLNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLApplied LinguisticsEducational Linguistics
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      Second Language AcquisitionEducational Linguistics
This book describes the linguistic and pedagogical dimensions of a large action research project that deployed and extended the current work on genre pedagogy to an on-line learning environment. In particular, it explores how genre-based... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageGenre studiesHigher EducationTESOL