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      Computer ScienceArchitectureEnergyVocabulary
As the need for Human Computer Interaction (HCI) designers increases so does the need for courses that best prepare students for their future work life. Multidisciplinary teamwork is what very frequently meets the graduates in their new... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionDesign educationDesign practice
A thick industrial design studio curriculum INTRODUCTION Izmir University of Economics is located on the Izmir bay on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Nearly six thousand students attend this English speaking private university which was... more
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      EngineeringDesignIndustrial DesignProduct Design
SAHNIM 5 AYANGSA 6 company name LATAR BELAKANG  Perencanaan merupakan proses dalam merencanakan sesutau yang akan datang.  Menurut Friedmann, Perencanaan akan berhadapan dengan problem mendasar yakni bagaimana teknis pengetahuan... more
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    • Studio
Habit change and lack of time have provided society with a sedentary way of life. Professionals concerned with the new population way of living, because of the increasing amount of health, physical and mental issues and high stress... more
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      DesignArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureStereotypes
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*Suggested correction: The first news channel of Bangladesh was 'CSB news'
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      Business AdministrationMedia StudiesPCRStudio
Saya punya pendapat yang simpel soal fotografi. "Belajar fotografi harus paham terlebih dahulu kamera yang dimiliki dan tahu dasar-dasar fotografi". Nah, untuk memperjelas pendapat ini, silahkan baca artikel berikut ini. Semoga bermanfaat!
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Durante un brano Blues, solitamente, il 12 Battute viene ripetuto pressoché identico per tutta la durata della canzone, dando così un solido e ciclico sottofondo a parti vocali e strumentali (queste ultime perlopiù improvvisate). È... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationDesignHigher Education
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      DesignArchitectureتصميم معمارىمشروع تخرج
Permukiman membutuhkan sarana dan prasarana sebagai elemen untuk mendukung kegiatan masyarakat dan menyediakan pelayanan untuk mendukung aktifitas wilayah dengan substansi yang berbeda contohnya jaringan jalan, air bersih, listrik, sarana... more
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    • Studio
This paper documents a case study of the development and teaching of a grade 10 studio-based credit course. Media Arts was selected because it requires the production of art works as well as theory and skills-based learning. This inquiry... more
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      E-learningMedia ArtsArtsTeaching
Current architecture studios are missing an important phase in the education process, which is constructing the students’ conceptual ideas on a real physical scale. The design-build approach enables the students to test their ideas,... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural EducationDesign StudioStudio
A. Birlikte yapma Biz öğrenci olarak mimarlık eğitimine başladığımızda, 90'lı yıllarda, mimarlık eğitiminde hakim eğitim tavrı öğrenciyle 'birlikte yapma' idi. Bu modelde öğrenci sunulan probleme dönük önerilerini çizer ve tashih almak... more
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      Design StudioStudioTasarım EğitimiMimarlık Eğitimi
The discourse surrounding adaptation and remakes in the context of films foreground the critique of the stereotypical analysis of a text for its similarities with and differences from the original. The fidelity criticism, particularly in... more
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      Translation StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryShakespeare
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    • Studio
This article considers the configuration of modular and temporary organization designs. By drawing on two prominent developer firms, namely,Valve Inc. and Linden Lab, respectively,“cabals” and “studios” are explored.The results of... more
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      Knowledge organizationOrganization StudiesPersonalizationOpen Innovation
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      DesignPublic ArtDesign TheoryEcology
Computer supported communication and collaboration among partners in the building design and construction process are no longer mere possibilities, but, given the will and know-how of the participants, a reality. Team members could work... more
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      EngineeringComputer Aided DesignCooperationVirtual Reality
A series of design studio projects on sustainability and design was initiated in 2017 at İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of Industrial Design. The series aims to lead the students to think, discuss, and get aware of their... more
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      DesignDesign educationProduct DesignSystem Design
As the economic pressure to teach more students with fewer (and less costly) instructors has increased in higher education, the utilisation of non-career teachers has become more prevalent. Design education has not escaped this... more
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      EthicsDesignHigher EducationArt and Design Education
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    • Studio
Karena letaknya yang memanjang dari timur ke barat dengan Laut Flores di bagian utaranya, maka sebagian besar desa-desa di wilayah ini dikategorikan sebagai desa pantai, yaitu terdapat 7 desa berkategorikan desa pantai dan hanya 2 desa... more
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Providing formative feedback in design studios is a complex, multi-layered process, often associated with a number of issues. Traditionally, feedback on student work is given in weeks six and 12 in semi-formal presentations or ‘crits’... more
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Con una extensa y prolífica trayectoria a sus espaldas, Leo Elders nos regala un aporte más a la reflexión en torno a su autor referencial: Tomás de Aquino. Tal como lo indica en el Prefacio, el texto es una puesta al día del que viera la... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageConservationPerspective
In art, design and architecture education, the ideal of learning together is intimately bound up with the notion of the studio as a space where students learn alongside (or under the guidance of) an 'expert' tutor (Schon 1987). This is a... more
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      SociologyDesignArchitectureDesign Studio
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      Popular Music StudiesArtSound studiesThe Beatles
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Geleneksel Türk Halk Müziği çalgılarından Bağlama'nın, doğru mikrofonlama teknikleri kullanımı hakkında bilgi edinmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada; uzmanların aşina oldukları düşünülen bir türkü... more
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      RecordingStudioBağlamaGeleneksel Türk Halk Müziği
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Catalan photographer Francesc Serra set out to portray the modern artist in his natural habitat, the studio. This character was very popular at the time, because the artist represented not... more
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      PhotographyPhotographic PortraitureModernismoStudio
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    • Studio
The article reports on a one-year AHRB-funded Innovations project that was designed to evaluate the usefulness, or otherwise, of the application of real-time visual feedback technology in the singing studio. The basis for the research was... more
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      Music EducationAction ResearchStudent ExperienceNew Technology
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      Computer ScienceMusicMusicologyStudio
This paper reports on a number of blended learning activities conducted in two subjects of a Master of Architecture degree at a major Australian university. The subjects were related to "professional practice" and as such represent a... more
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      ArchitectureBlended LearningStudioSciences of Education
ATN Assessment Conference 2009, RMIT University Exploring the use of digital textual, visual and audio feedback in design studio Scott Mayson School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University, scott. mayson@ rmit. edu. au Barbara de la... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceDesignAssessment
After developing and testing a model for integrative collaboration at Eastern Kentucky University’s Noel Studio for Academic Creativity, we offer results that highlight the potential for peer review to significantly and positively impact... more
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The image of a tortured genius working in near isolation has long dominated our conceptions of the artists studio. Examples are abound: think Carrie Moyer Art Writing Supervisor-Reader in Art, Architecture and The Moving. Image, School... more
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      ArtVisual ArtsStudio
This paper reports on a number of blended learning activities conducted in two subjects of a Master of Architecture degree at a major Australian university. The subjects were related to "professional practice" and as such represent a... more
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      PsychologyArchitectureOn LineBlended Learning
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignInterior ArchitectureStudio
Courant 2013, les studios de tournage Bry-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) sont cédés par leur propriétaire à un promoteur immobilier, visant à les démolir pour y substituer la construction de logements. Or ce projet suscite, dans les mois qui... more
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      StudioTerritoireMobilisations CollectivesAudiovisuel et Cinéma
CITATIONS 2 READS 17 4 authors:
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      Curriculum DesignHigher EducationLearning and TeachingUrban Planning
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Interdisciplinary education is becoming a hallmark strategy for preparing and providing students with the skills necessary for addressing the complexity of our contemporary built environments. In this paper, we examine how the studio... more
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      EducationArchitectureInterdisciplinarityLandscape Architecture
Through practice-led research, TESSA SMALLHORN examines the influence of digital technology on the performance space. From the mechanisation of modernist culture to the digitalisation of present day, technology acts as response material... more
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      EngineeringPerformance StudiesDigital TechnologyScenography
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    • Studio
The 1880s and 1890s represent a period when new developments in British sculpture became closely associated with interior decoration and the private home. As sculptors began to focus a substantial part of their output on statuettes and... more
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      Victorian StudiesHistory of SculptureAestheticismStudio