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A spatial preference query ranks objects based on the qualities of features in their spatial neighborhood. For example, using a real estate agency database of flats for lease, a customer may want to rank the flats with respect to the... more
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      PediatricsSpatial DatabasesArtificial Neural NetworksQuery processing
This paper deals with memory management issues of robotics. In our proposal we break one of the major issues in creating humanoid. . Database issue is the complicated thing in robotics schema design here in our proposal we suggest new... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Database SystemsAutonomous Robotics
Big Data Visualization Tools : A Survey of the State of the Art and Challenges Ahead
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsScientific VisualizationInformation Science
Las bases de datos espaciales (spatial database) se utilizan para almacenar datos espaciales, o en otras palabras, los datos relacionados con los espacios en el mundo físico. En este tipo de bases de datos es imprescindible establecer un... more
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      Spatial DatabasesDatabasespostgreSQLPostgis
The amount of data stored in IoT databases increases as the IoT applications extend throughout smart city appliances, industry and agriculture. Contemporary database systems must process huge amounts of sensory and actuator data in... more
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      Database SystemsSpatial DatabasesDatabasesDatabase Management Systems
The known history of the Old Town of Rethymno, Crete goes back to the Venetian period. From the beginning of the 20 th century a number of construction interventions changed the appearance of several buildings of the town. Recently the... more
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      Spatial DatabasesArchaeological GISCultural Heritage Management
Associate Professor Ahmad Rodzi Mahmmud, PhD
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      SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Location Based ServicesSpatial DatabasesLBS
Nowadays revitalization is often defined as a comprehensive effort including revalorization, restoration, reconstruction, modernization and actions aimed at the revival of a building, a district or a town devastated in different aspects,... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomic HistoryUrban Geography
The paper uses a simple example to illustrate identification of an Entity Relationship Diagram components to model a GIS database.
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      Spatial DatabasesEntity Relationship ModelGeographic Information Systems (GIS)GIS Database
Cite this article: Raszkowski, A., Bartniczak, B. Towards Sustainable Regional Development: Economy, Society, Environment, Good Governance Based on the Example of Polish Regions. Transformations in Business & Economics, 2018, Vol. 17, No... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
NoSQL database management solutions are a departure from standard relational database management systems (RDBMS). Non-tabular NoSQL databases store data in a distinct way when compared to relational database tables. The data model of... more
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      Spatial DatabasesKnowledge Discovery in DatabasesComparative StudyDatabases
Data yang mengendalikan Sistem Informasi Geografis adalah data spasial. Setiap fungsionalitas yang membuat SIG dibedakan dari lingkungan analisis lainnya adalah karena berakar pada keaslian data spasial.
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      Spatial DatabasesGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The purpose of this study is to impute missing monthly maximum temperature data from the department of Valle del Cauca, located in Colombia, over a period of two years (2013 y 2014). For this, a geostatistical technique will be used,... more
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      Spatial AnalysisColombiaGeostatisticsSpatial Databases
Data exploration and visualization systems are of great importance in the Big Data era. Exploring and visualizing very large datasets has become a major research challenge, of which scalability is a vital requirement. In this survey, we... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsScientific VisualizationInformation Science
Di era yang semakin berkembang, banyak bidang ilmu seperti ekonomi, sosial, lingkungan, kesehatan, meteorologi, klimatologi, geologi dan sebagainya yang menggunakan data yang berkaitan dengan lokasi atau letak gepgrafis suatu tempat. Data... more
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      StatisticsSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Multivariate StatisticsSpatial Analysis
Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή παρουσιάζει την ανάπτυξη μιας πρωτότυπης διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής επεξεργασίας γεωγραφικών δεδομένων για την αυτοματοποιημένη αναζήτηση και δημιουργία ένθετων σε χάρτες. Οι απαιτήσεις και η αναγκαιότητα του... more
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      CartographyWeb DevelopmentSpatial DatabasespostgreSQL
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      CartographySpatial AnalysisGeographically-Integrated HistorySpatial Databases
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      Economic HistoryHistorical GISUrban HistoryTransport Geography
Organizations adopt different databases for big data which is huge in volume and have different data models. Querying big data is challenging yet crucial for any business. The data warehouses traditionally built with On-line Transaction... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySpatial DatabasesOptimization techniques
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental SociologyRural SociologyGeography
Our work focuses on the assessment of trends, erosion states and causal risk factors for soil erosion of the Asfalou watershed through the use of the Priority Actions Program/Regional Activity Center (PAP/RAC). This qualitative study... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural HazardsSpatial DatabasesMathematical Modelling
Due to the need for further expansion of a gas pipeline network and more efficient maintenance of available spatial data on the gas pipeline infrastructure, the management of gas transportation system operator has decided to extend the... more
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      Spatial DatabasesWebGISOil & Gas TransportationLocation Intelligence
The paper aims to reveal one integrated global map which points out the major geographical inequalities in providing basic utilities across the countries using multivariate analysis and thematic cartography. Sixteen indicators with global... more
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      MarketingEnvironmental EngineeringSociologyEconomic Sociology
This article presents the steps taken to ensure the consistency and usability of the geographic information system of soil resources of Romania SIGSTAR-200 within INSPIRE, the Infrastructure for Spatial Information of the European... more
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      SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Spatial AnalysisSpatial DatabasesGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
Blocks of flats are the most abundant built element in many cities and their quality is an important issue. Undergraduate students often occupy these accommodations and this group describes a wide range of housing situations that makes it... more
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      Spatial DatabasesStudent HousingBuilding occupants' quality of life
Spatial data have proven to be extremely useful in many areas. Accordingly, there are more and more Web GIS solutions. These solutions allow the visualization of spatial data to all Internet users. A large number of available online... more
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      Computer ScienceSpatial ModelingSpatial DatabasesData Visualization
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      Spatial DatabasesOttoman Heritage
Wetland environments are amongst the most dynamic landscapes of Europe. Because of their distinct geomorphological characteristics, they are strongly susceptible for changes in climate, demography, economy and politics. At the same time,... more
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      Historical GeographyClimate ChangeWetlandsLandscape Archaeology
Spatial databases maintain space information which is appropriate for applications where there is need to monitor the position of an object or event over space. Spatial databases describe the fundamental representation of the object of a... more
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      Spatial AnalysisData MiningDatabase SystemsSpatial Databases
The collection of 3D point data is a common bottleneck for archaeological excavations despite an increasing range of powerful spatial data collection technologies. Total stations often require a dedicated operator, and they are optimal... more
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      Spatial DatabasesChalcolithic ArchaeologyGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSArchaeological Fieldwork
Berdasarkan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 4 Tahun 2011 tentang Informasi Geospasial, telah diberlakukan Peraturan Kepala Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) Nomor 12 tahun 2013 tentang Standar Prosedur Penyimpanan dan Mekanisme... more
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      Spatial DatabasesWeb GISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Spatial database systems has been an active area of research over the past 20 years. A large number of research efforts have appeared in literature aimed at effective modelling of spatial data and efficient processing of spatial queries.... more
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      Spatial DatabasesSpatial DatabaseSoft
Due to the need for further expansion of a gas pipeline network and more efficient maintenance of available spatial data on the gas pipeline infrastructure, the management of gas transportation system operator has decided to extend the... more
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      BusinessSpatial DatabasesWebGISManagement Issues
The amount of data stored in IoT databases increases as the IoT applications extend throughout smart city appliances, industry and agriculture. Contemporary database systems must process huge amounts of sensory and actuator data in... more
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      Database SystemsSpatial DatabasesDatabasesDatabase Management Systems
We focused on applying parallel computing technique to the bulk loading of X-tree in other to improve the performance of DBSCAN clustering algorithm. We have given a full description of how the system can be archived. We proposed a new... more
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      Parallel ComputingSpatial DatabasesClustering AlgorithmsDatabase Management Systems
The clustering algorithm DBSCAN relies on a density-based notion of clusters and is designed to discover clusters of arbitrary shape as well as to distinguish noise. In this paper, we generalize this algorithm in two important directions.... more
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      Information SystemsMachine LearningDatabase SystemsSpatial Databases
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      Environmental EngineeringRural SociologyGeographyEnvironmental Geography
Improving the use of vector data in web mapping is often shown as an important challenge. Such shift from raster to vector web maps would open web mapping and GIS to new innovations and new practices. The main obstacle is a performance... more
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      CartographyRemote SensingSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Spatial cognition
How to study the specificity of television series building evolving, shapeshifting, open, fragmented narratives? Questioning the use of the notion of complexity within and beyond narratology, this article proposes to read television... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSpatial AnalysisTelevision StudiesComputational Complexity
User’s locations and there interested are different. Collecting large amount of data to the user is very difficult. Sometime information is very sensitive; handling the information is very difficult task. Information storage also very big... more
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      Spatial DatabasesLocation Privacy
The aim of this paper is to investigate newly developed spatial monitoring and analysis systems—the emergent area of location intelligence (LI) in relation to geographic information systems (GIS)—from the perspective of the design... more
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      Dynamical SystemsDesign ScienceSpatial AnalysisComplexity
Sandstone, Heritage Documentation Software es el nombre de un software aplicado a la documentación del patrimonio desarrollado en diferentes fases y en el que han colaborado el World Monuments Fund (WMF), la Fundación Catedral Santa María... more
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      Cultural HeritageSpatial DatabasesSantiago de CompostelaGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Data exploration and visualization systems are of great importance in the Big Data era, in which the volume and heterogeneity of available information make it difficult for humans to manually explore and analyse data. Most traditional... more
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      AlgorithmsScientific VisualizationRelational DatabaseHuman Computer Interaction
Animal migration is one of the areas biologists actively investigate in order to gain a better understanding of animal behavior. In general, the representation, visualization and querying of the observed animal migration data poses many... more
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      Data MiningDatabase SystemsSpatial DatabasesSpatio-Temporal Databases
A Agricultura de Precisão (AP) tem em sua concepção a emergência de novas combinações agrotecnológicas baseadas no desenvolvimento e aplicação das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na agricultura. As Tecnologias da Informação e... more
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      Precision AgricultureSpatial Databases
Integrated and sustainable urban solid waste management is one of the most important environmental problems in Europe and worldwide. According to modern legislations and newly promoted practices and trends in Europe as well as... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSpatial DatabasesGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Overlay Analysis
... system development are given in Table 1. System is used as standalone system, but due to its open architecture, it is easy to integrate it with some business information system ... IN GEODESY AND RELATED FIELDS″ 24-26, June 2011,... more
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      Location Based ServicesFleet management systemsSpatial DatabasesData Warehousing
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      Cognitive ScienceSemanticsSpatial DatabasesSemantic Web
Spatial databases stores the info regarding the spatial articles which are related with the keywords showing the info, like, its business/administrations/ highlights. Important issue called nearest keyword search is obviously to inquiry... more
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      Spatial DatabasesKeywords