Papers by Andrés Salgado

Imputación de datos faltantes de temperatura máxima mediante métodos geoestadísticos en el valle del cauca, 2018
The purpose of this study is to impute missing monthly maximum temperature data from the departme... more The purpose of this study is to impute missing monthly maximum temperature data from the department of Valle del Cauca, located in Colombia, over a period of two years (2013 y 2014). For this, a geostatistical technique will be used, which uses spatial data, which in this case are temperature records of meteorological stations located in different areas of the department and at different heights. This technique is a linear model based on the relationship between temperature and height, taking into account that spatially the stations are correlated. A model was constructed per month, and the best spatial correlation structure was added to the residuals of each model. The prediction level of the linear models with spatial correlation was compared with that of other interpolation methods (linear models without correlation and the inverse distance weighted IDW), using mean squared error (MSE) estimated by cross-validation. Linear models with spatial correlation showed the best results when there was a strong spatial correlation structure.
Conference Presentations by Andrés Salgado
Caracterización sociodemográfica del campesinado colombiano, 2023
En conjunto con Carlos Arturo Duarte Torres, Lina Marcela Díaz Bejarano, Daniela Erazo Gutiérrez,... more En conjunto con Carlos Arturo Duarte Torres, Lina Marcela Díaz Bejarano, Daniela Erazo Gutiérrez, Karen Juliette Vargas Perlaza y Chabely Tatiana Potosí, se elabora junto al Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) la construcción de una aproximación cuantitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria de las condiciones de vida de la población campesina, tomando como referencia el universo de población no campesina. Se ha buscado que el planteamiento anterior de cuenta de los datos desagregados por sexo, áreas rurales y urbanas, y pertenencia étnica y geográfica, utilizando un enfoque descriptivo de los datos a través de porcentajes, tasas, promedios e intervalos de confianza de este.
Papers by Andrés Salgado
Conference Presentations by Andrés Salgado