Spanish Nationalisms
Recent papers in Spanish Nationalisms
Esta comunicação tem como objetivo apresentar o resultado parcial da pesquisa em andamento no Curso de História da Universidade Federal de Catalão na Regional Catalão sobre o absolutismo espanhol e a consequente questão separatista. A... more
1808 yılında Napolyon ordusunun ülkeyi işgaline tepki olarak girişilen Bağımsızlık Savaşı, İspanya’da bugün anladığımız anlamda milliyetçiliğin başlangıcıdır. 1808-1959 yılları arasında İspanyol milliyetçiliğinin tarihi gelişimini ve... more
Across the 19th century, the medieval period played a key role in the consolidation of a Spanish national narrative from a two-pronged approach. First, the idea of a national liberation struggle against the Muslim enemy and of Spain as a... more
El estudio de la historiografía española permite matizar la caracterización tradicional que tuvo el Cid como un héroe nacional. Los relatos de las principales Historias generales de España publicadas desde el siglo XIII jugaron un papel... more
La llamada “Leyenda Negra” ha sido objeto de debate reciente en nuestra esfera pública a partir del libro Imperiofobia y leyenda negra de María Elvira Roca Barea. En esta contribución apunto a la necesidad de contextualizar y... more
This article aims to analyse the process of formation, fixation and evolution of the expression “Catalan problem” which is right in the center of the relationship between Catalonia and Spain and that has determined the Spanish ideological... more
This essay explores the manichean myth that distinguishes civic nationalism, commonly depicted as desirable and rooted in liberal values, and ethnic nationalism, based on cultural features and thus portrayed as segregationist. I will... more
This essay examines the relationship between nationalism and soccer in contemporary Spain. Firstly, it pays close attention to the roles of the national team and the rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in articulating conflictual... more
Las relaciones entre la educación y la construcción de las identidades nacionales han suscitado un considerable interés en el panorama internacional en la última década. En 1999 la revista inglesa History of Education dedicó un número... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza los episodios más importantes que conforman la resistencia indígena hispana en los relatos de las principales Historias Generales de España. Mediante el estudio de estas narraciones mostraremos la vigencia... more
Media and scholarly publications often depict Spanish guitarist Andrés Segovia as an apostle who redeemed the classical guitar from its relegation to the periphery of art music. Such ideas should be challenged by arguing that Segovia put... more
National identities are social phenomena with concrete—both political and social—effects in society, but a fundamental part of their constitution takes place through narratives about the collective. The existence of collective identities... more
The question of identity and belonging in Spain is inherently complicated, and it has become even more complicated over approximately the last three decades since the Franco regime began to wither away. The ambiguities of the... more
La teoría de la hegemonía y la concepción discursiva de la política permiten romper con la forma esencialista de entender el concepto de homogeneidad. Así, es posible concebirlo como un mito político sostenido sobre una construcción... more
RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza las relaciones entre monarquía y nacionalismo español en la primera década del reinado efectivo de Alfonso XIII. Y lo hace desde una perspectiva comparada, en el marco de las monarquías escénicas que se... more
Resumen: En este trabajo empleamos el rico arsenal intelectual que nos dejó Oswald Spengler para analizar la decadencia de España, siempre en el contexto general de una decadencia de Europa. Creemos que sus concepciones sobre el... more
This article deals with an analysis of some of the on-line information published as a result of the Quincentennial of Saint Francisc Xavier within the context of academic discussions of nationalism and institutional propaganda in Navarre,... more
This article evaluates the national conception of Spain held by PSOE in its 39th Federal Congress. Here, Spain was understood as a plural state under the formulation of the slogan nation of nations. This article will attempt to clarify if... more
Nationalism and its counterpart, modernism, are projects that involve the attempt to homogenize and incorporate the masses through the creation of a majority identity that usually leads to the classification of certain deviant groups as... more
Abstract: Spanish Independence War against the Napoleon army in 1808 is the beginning of Spanish nationalism in terms of the recent nationalism concept. Although the Spanish nationalism has liberal characteristics at the beginning, a new... more
Part of the successful 'Inventing the Nation' history series, this book provides an authoritative and compelling history of Spain in the modern period.
Tras la adhesión a la Comunidad Europea y la quiebra del orden bipolar de la Guerra Fría, las instituciones españolas conmemoraron en 1992 el V Centenario del Descubrimiento de América, coincidiendo el aniversario con la primera... more
In this chapter I analyse how small stickers of animals which can be found within the Spanish semiotic landscape, rather than being simply indexic of competing identities, express political-ideological stances, and the fight for limited... more
CoordinadorEs invitados dEl dossiEr dE Etf sEriE v. Historia ContEmporánEa. nº 33, nuEva ÉpoCa (2021): Darina Martykánová y Alexandre Dupont dirECtor/a dEl ConsEjo dE rEdaCCión dE Etf. sEriE v.
This essay examines thc rclationship bctwecn nationalism and soccer in contemporary Spain. Firstly, it pays close attcntion to the roles of thc national team and the rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in articulating conflictual... more
Cataluña ha constituido uno de los principales destinos de la emigración intrapeninsular de castellanos y leoneses durante el siglo XX. En 1925, un grupo de estos emigrantes crea la «Casa de León y Castilla» en Barcelona, una entidad que... more
This article argues for a renovation in the study of nationalism by addressing the issue of the rationality underlying the decisions by citizens willing to leave their homelands. From the example of unforced exiles from the 1939... more
Immigration from the different regions in Spain to the Basque Country has traditionally opposed Basque and Spanish nationalism. This article provides an overview of the discourse of both nationalist traditions with respect to the... more
After two challenging processes of democratisation, Spain and Portugal decided to celebrate their new democratic national identities through similar mega cultural events. Following the end of the Cold War, in 1992, Spain commemorated the... more
Se realiza un estado de la cuestión en el que se ofrecen algunas propuestas interpretativas. El papel del Ejército como agente de nacionalización ha sido ampliamentereferenciado por la literatura científica, pero faltan estudios... more
Una de las lagunas que el proyecto “Nacionalismo español: discurso y praxis desde la izquierda (1982-2008)” pretende cubrir está directamente relacionada con las iniciativas con contenido nacionalista que los partidos de izquierda han... more
This study focuses on the Statute-related parliamentary debates of the Catalan and Valencian autonomous regions and analyses the conceptions of the political communities defended by the political parties, both of Spain, Valencia and... more
A Constitution is not only the supreme norm of a state: as well as regulating the sources of law, the organisation of state powers, and the establishment of fundamental rights and liberties, Constitutions have an emotional element which... more
National identities are social phenomena with concrete-both political and social-effects in society, but a fundamental part of their constitution takes place through narratives about the collective. The existence of collective identities... more
Este es un viejo texto inédito, preparación para un ciclo de conferencias, en el que se describe el ambiente catalanófobo desplegado a inicios de siglo vinculado a la discusión de la Reforma del Estatut de Catalunya entre 2003-2006. La... more