Historia Contemporánea, 2003
localidad bajo el franquismo, véase mi tesis doctoral Derechas y poder local en el siglo XX. Evol... more localidad bajo el franquismo, véase mi tesis doctoral Derechas y poder local en el siglo XX. Evolución ideológica y práctica política de las dere

Journal of Virology, 1999
A cDNA corresponding to the coding region of VP1, the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, of i... more A cDNA corresponding to the coding region of VP1, the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was cloned and inserted into the genome of a vaccinia virus inducible expression vector. The molecular mass and antigenic reactivity of VP1 expressed in mammalian cells are identical to those of its counterpart expressed in IBDV-infected cells. The results presented here demonstrate that VP1 is efficiently incorporated into IBDV virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in mammalian cells coexpressing the IBDV polyprotein and VP1. Incorporation of VP1 into VLPs requires neither the presence of IBDV RNAs nor that of the nonstructural polypeptide VP5. Immunofluorescence, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and immunoprecipitation analyses conclusively showed that VP1 forms complexes with the structural polypeptide VP3. Formation of VP1-VP3 complexes is likely to be a key step for the morphogenesis of IBDV particles.

Ars Pharmaceutica (Internet), 2015
Ars Pharmaceutica RESUMEN Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto cardiovascular asociado al consumo de ant... more Ars Pharmaceutica RESUMEN Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto cardiovascular asociado al consumo de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos en un Área de Salud, estimando la asociación entre la prescripción previa de un antiinflamatorio no esteroideo al episodio de síndrome coronario agudo. Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo observacional de casos cruzados de 5 años de duración, del 1 de Enero de 2008 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2012. Los pacientes en primer lugar fueron casos y controles (n=1.317) que tuvieron eventos cardiovasculares y fueron al servicio de Urgencias del Hospital por dicho motivo.Área de Salud de Alcázar de San Juan. Medida principal: Asociación del riesgo de sufrir un síndrome coronario agudo mediante el Odds Ratio con el consumo de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos Resultados: La asociación entre el síndrome coronario agudo y el consumo de Antiinflamatorios fue positiva

Environmental technology, Jan 21, 2015
Greenhouse cultivation has significantly increased the production of vegetables and reduced depen... more Greenhouse cultivation has significantly increased the production of vegetables and reduced dependence on environmental conditions. In Mediterranean areas, , vegetable crops are nowadays one of the most important sources of organic waste generation. Anaerobic digestion is among the methods used to treat this type of biodegradable waste. However, the selection of the organic wastes to be subjected to this microbial treatment is a crucial aspect due to seasonality and simultaneity of the original crops. In this sense, as waste does not have frequently the proper nutrient balance, co-digestion with other substrates generated in the same geographical area is recommended to ensure the correct development of the process. This work studies the mesophilic co-digestion of tomato waste (TW) and cucumber waste (CW), which are common greenhouse wastes that do not contain an adequate ratio among nutrients (C/N/P) and are generated simultaneously. The influence of the percentage of both wastes in...

Journal of environmental management, Jan 15, 2015
In this study, the evolution of odour concentration (ouE/m(3)STP) emitted during the pile compost... more In this study, the evolution of odour concentration (ouE/m(3)STP) emitted during the pile composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) was monitored by dynamic olfactometry. Physical-chemical variables as well as the respirometric variables were also analysed. The aim of this work was twofold. The first was to determine the relationship between odour and traditional variables to determine if dynamic olfactometry is a feasible and adequate technique for monitoring an aerobic stabilisation process (composting). Second, the composting process odour impact on surrounding areas was simulated by a dispersion model. The results showed that the decrease of odour concentration, total organic carbon and respirometric variables was similar (around 96, 96 y 98% respectively). The highest odour emission (5224 ouE/m(3)) was reached in parallel with the highest microbiological activity (SOUR and OD20 values of 25 mgO2/gVS·h and 70 mgO2/gVS, respectively). The validity of mon...

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015
ABSTRACT a b s t r a c t The management of sewage sludge is an important issue in developed count... more ABSTRACT a b s t r a c t The management of sewage sludge is an important issue in developed countries due to the highly polluting character of this waste. Biomethanization is a widely employed technology for this purpose, although it has several disadvantages such as low methane yield, poor biodegradability, and high sensitivity to nutrient imbalance. In this paper, a thermal pre-treatment (120 C, 2 atm) is proposed to improve the biomethanization yield of sewage sludge and strawberry extrudate by solubilizing organic matter from the residual raw materials. Additionally, the co-digestion of sewage sludge with strawberry extrudate is evaluated as this combined treatment allows enhancing the nutrient balance and diluting inhibitors from sewage sludge. Therefore, the main aim of this study is the joint evaluation of the pre-treatment and co-digestion of this waste, which has never been described before in literature. The in-dividual thermal pre-treatment of sewage sludge for 15 min was found to increase the soluble carbon concentration (mainly as volatile fatty acids), nitrogen, and phosphorus by 165%, 16%, and 24%, respec-tively. In contrast, the variation in the concentration of soluble carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus for strawberry extrudate was as low as 10%, 32%, and 43%, respectively. Subsequent individual bio-methanization tests showed a positive relationship between substrate solubilization and methane yield enhancement, with an increase of around 29% and 16% for sewage sludge and strawberry extrudate, respectively. Moreover, the co-digestion of sewage sludge and strawberry extrudate, both without pre-treatment, enhanced the stability and diluted the nitrogen concentration inside the digesters, although the methane yield was slightly lower than expected. In contrast, the most suitable combination was found to be the co-digestion of pre-treated sewage sludge and raw strawberry extrudate as it was also stable, but showed a synergy in methane production (237 ± 29 mL STP /g VS; STP: 0 C, 1 atm). This combined treatment might be considered an interesting alternative for the combined treatment of both polluting wastes.
Journal of War & Culture Studies, 2009
ABSTRACT This article analyses the changes in Spanish scientific culture, and therefore in scienc... more ABSTRACT This article analyses the changes in Spanish scientific culture, and therefore in science, that were caused by the Spanish Civil War. It therefore explains changes in the new Spanish scientific organizations and institutions, in the scientific community and in the new science strategies. To this end, it analyses the attitudes of the rebel side to science during the war and presents a brief summary of the purging process. It continues with the analysis of the three science projects and the institutional reorganization of science that the victors considered. Finally, it studies the chosen option, the concept of science that it involved and the institutions that grew out of it. The article closes with a brief comparative section that considers other fascist countries to highlight the specificities of the Spanish case.

Environmental Technology, 2014
The biomethanization of sewage sludge has several disadvantages such as low methane yield, poor b... more The biomethanization of sewage sludge has several disadvantages such as low methane yield, poor biodegradability and nutrient imbalance. In this paper, a sewage sludge and strawberry extrudate mixture in a proportion of 40:60 (wet weight) is proposed to improve the viability of the process. The addition of an easily biodegradable co-substrate enhanced the nutrient balance and diluted the heavy metals and inhibitors from sewage sludge. Two different experimental set-ups at lab and semi-pilot scale were employed in order to ensure the reproducibility and significance of the obtained values. Co-digestion improved the stability of the process by decreasing the alkalinity to a mean value of 3215 ± 190 mg CaCO₃/L, while maintaining the pH within the optimal range for anaerobic digestion. The methane yield coefficient and biodegradability were 176 L/kg VS (total volatile solids) (0°C, 1 atm) and 81% (VS), respectively. Kinetic parameters decreased at the highest loads, suggesting the occurrence of a slowing down phenomenon. A quality organic amendment with a heavy metal content lower than the limits established under European legislation for agricultural applications was obtained from the digestate of the proposed treatment.

Journal of environmental management, 2015
Sewage sludge is a polluting and hazardous waste generated in wastewater treatment plants with se... more Sewage sludge is a polluting and hazardous waste generated in wastewater treatment plants with severe management problems. The high content in heavy metal, pathogens and micropolluting compounds limit the implementation of the available management methods. Anaerobic digestion could be an interesting treatment method, but must be improved since the biomethanisation of sewage sludge entails low biodegradability and low methane production. A sonication pre-treatment at lab scale is proposed to increase the organic matter solubilisation of sewage sludge and enhance the biomethanisation yield. Sonication time was optimised by analysing the physicochemical characteristics of sewage sludge (both total and soluble fraction) at different pre-treatment times. The pre-treatment time was fixed at 45 min under the study conditions given that the solubilisation of organic matter did not increase significantly at lower sonication times, whereas the concentration of total nitrogen increased markedl...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, Jan 28, 2014
In the current immunosuppressive therapy era, vessel thrombosis is the most common cause of early... more In the current immunosuppressive therapy era, vessel thrombosis is the most common cause of early graft loss after renal transplantation. The prevalence of IgA anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibodies (IgA-aB2GPI-ab) in patients on dialysis is elevated (>30%), and these antibodies…

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014
Anaerobic co-digestion of agri-food waste is a promising management alternative. Its implementati... more Anaerobic co-digestion of agri-food waste is a promising management alternative. Its implementation, however, requires evaluating the proportion in which waste should be mixed to optimize their centralized treatment. The combined treatment of strawberry extrudate and fish waste, which are widely generated in Mediterranean areas, was optimized. Strawberry extrudate and fish waste were mixed and treated at different proportions (88:12, 94:6, and 97:3, respectively; wet basis). The proportions selected for the mixture allow the different flows to be absorbed simultaneously. The highest methane production was observed for the ratio 94:6 (0.205 m 3 STP CH 4 /kg volatile solid) (VS) (STP; 0°C, 1 atm), with a methane production rate in the range of 5•10 −3-9•10 −3 m 3 STP /kg VS•d, while the highest organic loading rate was observed for the mixture at a proportion 88:12 (1.9±0.1 kg VS/m 3 •d). Biodegradability was found to be similar for the 88:12 and 94:6 proportions, with values around 90 % in VS. Nevertheless, the 97:3 ratio was not viable due to a low methane production. An inhibition phenomenon occurred at increasing loads due to the effect of some compounds contained in the fish waste such as chloride or nitrogen. Keywords Strawberry extrudate. Fish waste. Anaerobic co-digestion. Optimization. Chloride. Free ammonia Nomenclature Alk Alkalinity (kg CaCO 3 /m 3) BD Biodegradability (%, in VS) COD added Chemical oxygen demand added to the reactors (kg COD) COD Chemical oxygen demand (kg; kg O 2 /kg) D.L. Detection limit NH 3 Free ammonia (mg/L) GAL Glucose, sodium acetate, and lactic acid solution G T Experimental maximum methane volume (m 3) MS Total mineral solids (kg/kg) Appl Biochem Biotechnol

Transplantation Proceedings, 2012
In the follow-up of transplanted patients under immunosupression, the functional assessment of CD... more In the follow-up of transplanted patients under immunosupression, the functional assessment of CD4ϩ T cells activation by measuring intracellular ATP levels in vitro, using the Immuknow test give information on how immune system is functioning. Therefore, it has been reported that low levels of ATP correlate with the risk of opportunistic infection. Although limited, comprehensive results in adult recipients as well as in pediatric transplanted patients have been reported. Forty stable liver pediatric transplanted patients (mean age: 11.0 years [SD 5.65]), within at least 1 year of transplant were selected for a scheduled review, and an unique determination of Immuknow was performed. Average ATP levels were 317 ng/mL (200-400 ng/mL) which were similar to the values observed in adult population. ATP values among patients with monotherapy Cyclosporin A (CSA) or tacrolimus (TAC) were significantly higher (P ϭ .005) than in patients with double immunosupressive therapy using either CSA/TAC ϩ Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF). In CSA treatment, there are significant differences (P ϭ .0003) between monotherapy and double therapy, but in the case of TAC we did not find differences (P Ͼ .1). A single determination of levels of ATP on CD4ϩ lymphocytes, can provide additional information that could be used as a complementary test to guide immunosuppressive therapy in paediatric liver transplant recipients.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1995
A specific requirement for coenzyme Q in the maintenance of trans-plasma-membrane redox activity ... more A specific requirement for coenzyme Q in the maintenance of trans-plasma-membrane redox activity is demonstrated. Extraction of coenzyme Q from membranes resulted in inhibition of NADH-ascorbate free radical reductase (trans electron transport), and addition of coenzyme Q10 restored the activity. NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cis electron transport) did not respond to the coenzyme Q status. Quinone analogs inhibited trans-plasma-membrane redox activity, and the inhibition was reversed by coenzyme Q. A 34-kDa coenzyme Q reductase (p34) has been purified from pig-liver plasma membranes. The isolated enzyme was sensitive to quinone-site inhibitors. p34 catalyzed the NADH-dependent reduction of coenzyme Q10 after reconstitution in phospholipid liposomes. When plasma membranes were supplemented with extra p34, NADH-ascorbate free radical reductase was activated but NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase was not. These results support the involvement of p34 as a source of electrons for the ...

Kidney International, 2012
Cardiovascular complications are the most important cause of death in patients on dialysis with e... more Cardiovascular complications are the most important cause of death in patients on dialysis with end-stage renal disease. Antibodies reacting with b-glycoprotein I seem to play a pathogenic role in antiphospholipid syndrome and stroke and are involved in the origin of atherosclerosis. Here we evaluated the presence of anticardiolipin and anti-bglycoprotein I antibodies together with other vascular risk factors and their relationship with mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in a cohort of 124 hemodialysis patients prospectively followed for 2 years. Of these, 41 patients were significantly positive for IgA anti-bglycoprotein I, and the remaining had normal values. At 24 months, overall and cardiovascular mortality and thrombotic events were all significantly higher in patients with high antib-glycoprotein I antibodies. Multivariate analysis using Cox regression modeling found that age, hypoalbuminemia, use of dialysis catheters, and IgA b-glycoprotein I antibodies were independent risk factors for death. Thus, IgA antibodies to b-glycoprotein I are detrimental to the clinical outcome of hemodialysis patients.

Journal of Immunological Methods, 2014
The introduction of new immunosuppressive drugs in the last two decades has been associated with ... more The introduction of new immunosuppressive drugs in the last two decades has been associated with a significant decline in the prevalence of acute rejection and a huge improvement of graft survival. Monitoring blood levels of immunosuppressive drugs is the most common way to control drug doses in renal transplant patients. This approach is useful and widely used but doesn't give accurate information about the immune status of the patient. For this goal, there are many "in house" protocols which give more information, but cannot be standardized, limiting their applicability to compare results between different laboratories. In this study we compare three classical functional methods to evaluate the immune response: Mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), phytohemagglutinin stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against PBL with the only FDA-labeled assay to measure the patient immune status: Cylex ImmuKnow® that measures the intracelullar ATP in CD4+ lymphocytes. We used n = 111 stable renal transplant patients, all the patients with more than one year functioning grafts. We referred the results to a control population of healthy blood donors (n = 125). Results: Measurement of intracellular ATP in CD4 + lymphocytes is able to differentiate immunosuppressed populations in renal transplant patients from health controls (242.30 ± 21.62 vs. 386.43 ± 25.12, p 0.0001). By contrary, there were no differences between controls and renal recipients when functional response was measured by MLR, PHA and anti-CD3 mAbs (2.48 ± 0.45 vs. 2.37 ± 0.41; 2.84 ± 0.76 vs. 2.37 ± 0.32; 2.32 ± 0.34 vs. 1.89 ± 0.38 respectively). In summary, our results show that the measurement of ATP in CD4 + lymphocytes gives more accurate information in comparison to the classical methods.

Journal of Environmental Management, 2014
Anaerobic co-digestion is a promising alternative to manage agri-food waste rather than landfilli... more Anaerobic co-digestion is a promising alternative to manage agri-food waste rather than landfilling, composting or incineration. But improvement of methane yield and biodegradability is often required to optimize its economic viability. Biomethanization of agri-food solid waste presents the disadvantage of a slow hydrolytic phase, which might be enhanced by adding a readily digestible substrate such as glycerol. In this study, strawberry extrudate, fish waste and crude glycerol derived from biodiesel manufacturing are mixed at a proportion of 54:5:41, in VS (VS, total volatile solids), respectively. The mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion at lab-scale of the mixture was stable at loads lower than 1.85 g VS/L, reaching a methane yield coefficient of 308 L CH 4 /kg VS (0 C, 1 atm) and a biodegradability of 96.7%, in VS. Moreover, the treatment capacity of strawberry and fish waste was increased 16% at adding the crude glycerol. An economic assessment was also carried out in order to evaluate the applicability of the proposed process. Even in a pessimistic scenario, the net balance was found to be positive. The glycerol adding implied a net saving in a range from 25.5 to 42.1 V/t if compared to landfill disposal.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013
The generation of fish waste is an environmental problem mainly associated to the canning industr... more The generation of fish waste is an environmental problem mainly associated to the canning industry in many Mediterranean countries. The application of anaerobic digestion is not advisable, however, due to the organic matter deficit in the chemical oxygen demand:nitrogen:phosphorus ratio (COD:N:P) of this waste, which entails the destabilization of the process. The co-digestion of fish waste with residual strawberry extrudate was evaluated at laboratory scale under mesophilic conditions. Strawberry waste increased the organic matter concentration in the mixture and diluted the inhibitory compounds contained in the fish waste, such as chloride, nitrogen and phosphorus. Co-digestion improved the stability of the treatment, while biodegradability was found to be 83% in total volatile solids. Moreover, the methane production yield reached a mean value of 120 mL/g total volatile solids (at 1 atm, 0 C) for an organic loading rate in the range of 22.8e50.6 kg waste mixture/(m 3 d), while the digestate was rich in nutrients, which might enable it to be used as an organic amendment in agriculture.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013
ABSTRACT The strawberry-tasted food is one of the most demanded products in the modern society, g... more ABSTRACT The strawberry-tasted food is one of the most demanded products in the modern society, generating more than one harvest per year even at unfavorable environmental conditions thanks to the growing into green-houses. The manufacturing of products derived from strawberry generates a high volume of organic waste which presents environmental problems in the generation areas, being compulsory to evaluate different technical management solutions. When the objective is to produce biogas through biomethanization, the anaerobic valorization of this residue is problematic due to the presence of lignin concentrated in the achenes, which entails the destabilization of the process. Improvement of the mesophilic anaerobic digestion process using a pre-treatment with sieving was evaluated at laboratory scale by comparing the anaerobic digestion of raw strawberry waste and pretreated waste. The results showed an enhancement of the stability for the pretreated waste, while biodegradability was found to be 90% in VS (total volatile solids). Moreover, the proposed pre-treatment led to a 36% improvement in methane production yield (230 versus 312 mL(STP) CH4/g VSadded) (SIP: 0 degrees C, 1 atm), gas with high caloric power. Additionally, the permitted OLR (Organic loading rate) was again considerably higher for the pretreated waste (5.3-2.8 versus 8.0-12.0 kg waste/m(3) d), permitting to treat much more waste. Nevertheless, an inhibition phenomenon was observed for increasing loads, although it was stronger and occurred at lower loads of untreated waste.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005
Aralar, the neuronal Ca 2؉-binding mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate carrier, has Ca 2؉ binding d... more Aralar, the neuronal Ca 2؉-binding mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate carrier, has Ca 2؉ binding domains facing the extramitochondrial space and functions in the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle (MAS). Here we showed that MAS activity in brain mitochondria is stimulated by extramitochondrial Ca 2؉ with an S 0.5 of 324 nM. By employing primary neuronal cultures from control and aralar-deficient mice and NAD(P)H imaging with two-photon excitation microscopy, we showed that lactate utilization involves a substantial transfer of NAD(P)H to mitochondria in control but not aralardeficient neurons, in agreement with the lack of MAS activity associated with aralar deficiency. The increase in mitochondrial NAD(P)H was greatly potentiated by large [Ca 2؉ ] i signals both in control and aralar-deficient neurons, showing that these large signals activate the Ca 2؉ uniporter and mitochondrial dehydrogenases but not MAS activity. On the other hand, small [Ca 2؉ ] i signals potentiate the increase in mitochondrial NAD(P)H only in control but not in aralar-deficient neurons. We concluded that neuronal MAS activity is selectively activated by small Ca 2؉ signals that fall below the activation range of the Ca 2؉ uniporter and plays an essential role in mitochondrial Ca 2؉ signaling.
International Journal of Information Management, 2012
two courses of action. Firstly, it means describing these hitherto
little–known situations; and secondly, it means offering interpretations
based on the situations themselves, and which are thus adapted to the
specific historical experiences being recounted. The contributions contained
herein describe the anxieties, hesitations, contradictions and paradoxes
which characterise the process of incorporating women into the education
system in Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain, highlighting the similarities
which exist between the cases. And they do so in a diverse range
of dimensions and areas, from the studies and professional practice of female
primary teachers and the presence of girls in secondary education,
a field traditionally reserved for boys, to non formal and informal educational
La Festa Major de Vilanova i la Geltrú és un cas especialment significatiu per a l 'estudi dels processos de canvi cultural i de sociabilitat d 'una comunitat. Essent una festa de nova creació, la Festa de la Mare de Déu de les Neus es veié privada del recurs a la tradició i hagué de cercar la seva legitimitat a través de la seva connexió amb les aspiracions i necessitats de la societat de la qual volia esdevenir referent lúdic central. Fou aquest un llarg procés més o menys exitós de contínua readaptació, que mai arribà a cristal-litzar en un model fix de Festa Major i que encara perdura. Aquest treball pretén exposar les característiques d 'aquesta evolució durant els tres primers quarts del segle XX, període en què s 'anaren gestant, sovint de manera contradictòria,
les característiques de la festa que avui coneixem.