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In August, 2012 NASA announced that Voyager I had traveled outside our solar system, which NASA confirmed in subsequent months. Voyager I is thus the first man-made object that has traveled beyond the heliosphere, making it the first... more
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      Space PoliticsPublic OutreachInterstellar Travel
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      AstronauticsSpaceflightSpace PolicySpace Politics
With Beijing and Washington increasingly looking to the stars, their competition on Earth may also grace the heavens.
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      MarsUs-China RelationsSpace PoliticsSpace Race
Outer space has become a contested, congested and competitive domain with an ever growing importance to life on Earth. Recently, an increasing number of new players have entered the space arena. Slovakia has also stepped up its space... more
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      Strategic StudiesSecurity StudiesCzech & Slovak StudiesSpace Policy
The Earth's orbital space is increasingly threatened by debris. It is frequently described as a common-pool resource vulnerable to a 'tragedy of the commons' scenario. Scholars have suggested ambitious policy proposals to tackle the... more
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      International Space LawGlobal Environmental ChangeSpace PolicyGlobal Environmental Governance
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976. Y del proyecto de investigación de la Maestría
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      Space PoliticsGeopolitcs and GeostrategyOrbital Mechanics
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976. 1. Manfred Lachs fue un escritor, educador, diplomático y jurista polaco que influyó profundamente en el desarrollo del Derecho... more
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      Space PoliticsOuter Space LawDerecho Espacial
Following Dennis Tito's flight to space aboard the Russian Soyuz capsule in 2001, suborbital has become a new form of commercial activity. Fueled by an eager public and decreasing prices, the industry is rapidly expanding. Because the... more
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      LawInternational Space LawSpace PoliticsSpace Tourism
"The idea of the oceans as the new, seventh continent was popular in the mid 1960s. Starting in 1965 and lasting until 1980, more than 65 of these habitats were built all around the world by industrialized states. This has led to the... more
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      Space PoliticsOuter Space LawSpace LawSpace History
The Project Icarus Study Group’s objective is to design a mainly fusion-propelled interstellar probe. The starting point are the results of the Daedalus study, which was conducted by the British Interplanetary Society during the 1970’s.... more
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      Future StudiesRequirements EngineeringScenario Based PlanningDesign Patterns
Psychologists have been called upon in recent years to look into the psychological effects on humans, after being in space for prolonged periods, as both government and private corporations work towards making the idea of living in space... more
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      PsychologyGender StudiesCultureSpace Psychology
This article explores the transformation of Turkey’s national and state identity under Justice and Development Party (JDP) rule in a spatial perspective by focusing on the counter hegemonic war on İstanbul’s panorama. (Re)construction of... more
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      NationalismUrban StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesNational Identity
Numerous estimates for the date of the first interstellar mission have been made in the existing literature. However, these estimates are not based on existing elaborate scenarios from other domains, which project the next 100-300 years.... more
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      Scenario Based PlanningScenario planningForecasting and Prediction ToolsFuturology
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      Space PoliticsGeopolitcs and GeostrategyGeopolíticaSpace Power
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      AfricaSpace PoliticsIBSAOuter Space Law
Effective environmental regulation can facilitate not merely protection of celestial bodies, but also promote reasonable development. The uncertainty occasioned by the current environmental norms for outer space represents a real risk to... more
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      Environmental LawSpace PolicyInternational Environmental LawSpace Politics
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      ViolenceDemocratic TheoryJean-Luc NancyOrtega y Gasset
The "Final Frontier" is the Cosmic Order of Coloniality. The frontier, the final frontier, the new frontier, the endless frontier -all oft-used analogies for outer space. This cosmic order, hegemonically superior since the late 1960s,... more
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      American HistorySpace PolicySpace ExplorationSpace Politics
Since 1997, the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment (KBA) to the 1997 U.S. National Defense Authorization Act, has limited the availability of high-resolution satellite imagery over Israel and Palestine. Although this law only applies to the United... more
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      ArchaeologyInternational RelationsCensorshipPolitics
As space exploration has almost advanced to the point of being able to go to the moon at will, this also has created various conflicting and multifarious legal afflictions. In essence, there are two to five nations that are in competition... more
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      International Space LawSpace PoliticsHelium 3Outer Space Law
"Following Dennis Tito's flight to space aboard the Russian Soyuz capsule in 2001, suborbital has become a new form of commercial activity. Fueled by an eager public and decreasing prices, the industry is rapidly expanding.... more
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      LawInternational LawInternational Space LawIrish Law
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      Space PoliticsOuter Space LawSpace LawSpace History
Technology is power: How India's space programme reflects its aspiration to Great Power.
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      International PoliticsSpace TechnologyIndian PoliticsDevelopment
This paper revisits the Space Guard concept, summarizing some existing ideas, and developing the Coast Guard model. I describe the missions of the USCG, exploring the analogy for a Space Guard. The concept is also generalized by focusing... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)AstronauticsHuman SpaceflightSpaceflight
Resilience is an outstanding quality of the Japanese. Coupled with decisiveness & adaptability, it bestows the Japanese with the ability to leapfrog much better than the Chinese. This is particularly so with regards to their military... more
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      GPS ApplicationsChinaAerospaceJapan
This paper presents an overview of the five major UN Treaties on Outer Space. Each of these Treaties are briefly discussed and assessed with particular emphasis on aspects relevant to Africa. Very few African countries have ratified these... more
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      AfricaSpace Politics
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      Space PoliticsEconomics of SpaceECONOMIA ESPACIAL
American history is replete with examples of government assistance for novel transport technologies. Government supports counter the tendency of the market to grossly underestimate the potential economic value of investments in new... more
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      Space PolicySpaceSpace ExplorationSpace Politics
Abstract: This paper explores the hypothesis that the wellsprings of the recent upswing in new conservative movements such as the Tea Party can be found in the socio-spatial context within which individuals are socialized. Non-urban forms... more
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      Political SociologySpatial PracticesSpace and PlaceAnthropology of space
Despite the rising tensions in the aftermaths of the Ukrainian events of 2014, the space relationships and programs are still on their way between Europeans and Russians. This is the image on the surface and this work is to dive into the... more
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      Space PolicyEuropean Space AgencySpace PoliticsPolitics and Space
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976.
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      Space PolicySpace PoliticsSpace Program
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976.
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      Space PolicySpace PoliticsSpace ProgramOuter Space Politics
1. Cabinet's position on prominent issues in the current environment 1.1. Cabinet joins the nation and the international community in praying for the father of the nation, former President Nelson Mandela. At this difficult time, let us... more
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      Space PoliticsSouth AfricaOuter Space Politics
Space exploration is at crossroads. For the past half a century, spacefaring was performed under the umbrella of the government. Space exploration has its roots in the public sector, and while the private sector participated along, it... more
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      Human SpaceflightSpace PolicySpace ExplorationSpace Politics
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      Space PoliticsSouth AfricaPolitics of Space
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      Higher EducationSpace PoliticsOuter Space LawSpace Law
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976; así como del proyecto de investigación
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      Space PoliticsOuter Space Military Applications/ProgrammesAir and Space Power
Since 1999, India has launched 269 foreign satellites from 32 different countries. This has positioned it as a relevant player in the field of space exploration. The Indian Space Research Agency (ISRA) is involved in Earth observation and... more
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      International RelationsGeopoliticsIndiaSpace Politics
India's Reusable Launch Vehicle is worthy of celebration. However, pitching it at the same level as the US's Space Shuttle or Russian Buran is inappropriate and contextually misplaced. It is essential to be cognizant of the enormous... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSpace SciencesDevelopment StudiesScience Education
General Rafael Reyes Prieto, reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976. 1. Nitidez de objetos que miden menos de 1 metro.
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      Space PolicySpace PoliticsSpace ProgramOuter Space Military Applications/Programmes
Монография посвящена исследованию экономических и правовых основ развития космической политики Российской Федерации на современном этапе. В работе также рассматриваются теоретические и прикладные вопросы правового обеспечения космической... more
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      Space PolicySpace PoliticsкосмосКосмизм
This article originated as part of a series of studies written at various times during the last decades of the 20th Century for the Center of Air and Space Law of McGill University, involving team research contracts with the Canadian... more
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      CosmopoliticsSpace PoliticsOuter Space LawWorld Politics
This paper interprets a recent, aggressive state crackdown on public gatherings of African American youth in the streets of Philadelphia’s commercial districts against the backdrop of historical geographies of race and disinvestment.... more
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      CriminologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryGeography
AFRICAN SKIES/CIEUX AFRICAINS, No. 12, October 2008 ... Overview of the Implementation Status of the ... Five United Nations Treaties on Outer Space ... Department of Political Sciences, University of South Africa (UNISA), PO Box 392,... more
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      African StudiesSpace SciencesInternational RelationsAfrica
Reyes Prieto", reconocido y categorizado en (A1) por COLCIENCIAS, con el código COL0104976.
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      Space PolicySpace PoliticsSpace Program
Nota sobre los nombres A pedido de las personas, los nombres que no tienen apellido son pseudónimos.
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      MulticulturalismSpace PoliticsEtnografiaAntropología del Estado
This study tries to contribute in improving public policy-making by systematizing a methodical problem-handling procedure. The method focuses on a situational algorithm containing diagnostic, analytic, and prognostic procedures. This... more
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      Space PoliticsInternational Telecommunications PolicyInternational Studies and PoliticsPublic policy-making
Recent technological advances and scientific discoveries, particularly in astronomy and space technology, are opening our minds into the deepest realms of the universe, and also they are bringing a new era of space exploration and... more
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      Anthropology of spaceExoplanetsSpace ExplorationExtrasolar planets
This paper address the past and current efforts of the South American region in the space area. The space activities in the region date back to 1967, and since then South American countries have achieved a relative modest capability... more
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      Political ScienceSpace PoliticsSpace History
In cities across the world, public spaces are being reconfigured, and their functions are being appropriated by private areas, such as shopping malls. The aim of the present article was to analyze this problem and, more specifically, to... more
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      Public SpaceCitySpace PoliticsRetail Geography