International Space Law
Recent papers in International Space Law
Actualmente es innegable que vivimos en un periodo de sobreexplotación y escasez de los recursos naturales en nuestro planeta: sobreexplotación, porque nuestro ritmo de uso y consumo de estos materiales es mucho mayor a su tasa de... more
¡ The Space Security Index is the first and only annual, comprehensive, and integrated assessment of space security.
Additive manufacturing or 3d printing enables manufacturing physical objects from three-dimensional digital models by laying down successive layers of material. Technology demonstrations have proved that such material could originate from... more
Moon Mining: Difficulty in Opportunity or Opportunity in Difficulty?
The Earth's orbital space is increasingly threatened by debris. It is frequently described as a common-pool resource vulnerable to a 'tragedy of the commons' scenario. Scholars have suggested ambitious policy proposals to tackle the... more
As recent events prove, the creation and use of works in outer space give rise to practical issues of copyright law. This article examines whether Earthly copyright law applies to matters that take place in outer space and, if so, which... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of 'non-appropriation' in outer space from a legal point of view. The Outer Space Treaty in its Article II provides that outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not... more
It is the eve of outer space development, but few people are aware of this. In the absence of awareness, people cannot prepare for the opportunities that will arise; and so the vast wealth likely to flow to Earth from outer space will... more
КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕОСНОВЫОБЩЕГОНАСЛЕДИЯЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА Цель данного исследования состояла в обзоре концептуальных рамок общего наследия человечества, с помощью которых можно понять философию этого понятия и буквальное значение термина общего... more
An article discussing the legal and ethical issues associated with mining and extracting resources from near Earth asteroids, by Hamza Hameed, legal contributor at the Space Law Resource website
Considering the worsening climate change, in the future outer space might be our last Noah’s Ark. Now, humans must look to space as an opportunity to support growing resource requirements. Asteroids are rich in metals, which could be... more
The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive international legal analysis of the concept of common heritage of mankind as it exists in international space law. In this article scientific methodological approach was used... more
The main objective of this dissertation is to outline the development of International Space Law in the field of space debris mitigation and remediation. The purpose is to provide a legal analysis starting from the Treaties and Principles... more
Spacefaring activities are currently undertaken by more actors than before, including private companies, and projects have become oriented towards long-time presence not only in outer space, but including on the surface of celestial... more
Following Dennis Tito's flight to space aboard the Russian Soyuz capsule in 2001, suborbital has become a new form of commercial activity. Fueled by an eager public and decreasing prices, the industry is rapidly expanding. Because the... more
Various space treaties, regulations and new laws have been enacted in order to maintain the crew code of conduct along with protecting the legal status of astronauts. This paper will mainly focus on the importance of legal status of the... more
Hitler’in gizlice yürüttüğü roket programı başarısız olsa da Von Braun ve ekibinin iki süper güç devlet arasında paylaşılmasıyla Soğuk Savaş döneminde uzay adeta bir keşif yarışına sahne olmuştur. Bununla birlikte BM’nin hayata... more
ÖZET Uzayın ve uzay faaliyetlerinin hukuki rejimi, gerek uluslararası antlaşmalarla gerek Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu İlkeleri'yle ortaya konulmuştur. Ancak mevcut hukuki rejim, uzay teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte, yeni kavram... more
The Moon and Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are increasingly gaining attention as sources of raw materials.1 They might be able to satisfy growing needs of the humans, while the limited amount of natural resources on Earth is steadily... more
Toute recherche sur un aspect particulier du thème des lacunes en droit international est conditionnée par l'affirmation de l'existence des lacunes dans l'ordre juridique concerné. Cette affirmation est la condition sine qua non pour... more
PUBLISHED IN SPACE POLICY: The 21st Century has seen a significant increase in space activity, driven by private sector entities using space for commercial enterprises. This increased use of space is not without cost to the delicate... more
This article examined the growing risks of debris generated in outer space by manned and unmanned missions, the possible ways to mitigate such risks, and the legal reforms required to enforce such mitigation measures.
As is known, celestial bodies are full of resources, while having great economic potential. Since today private companies are involved in space activities, a number of issues arise, such as the status of celestial bodies and their... more
Undoubtedly the importance of acquiring Earth Observation satellite information for a country is a priority since these images can have different uses such as cartography, disaster, climate change impact, border control, or in general to... more
website: email: [email protected] I diritti di riproduzione e di adattamento anche parziale della presente opera (compresi i microfilm, i CD e le fotocopie) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le riproduzioni totali, o parziali... more
Le droit et l’astronomie apparaissent au premier abord contradictoire. En effet, réconcilier science humaine et science exacte semble tenir de la gageure. Cette entreprise est néanmoins réalisable. Heureusement, car à l’impossible, nul... more
Has technology outrun the international law governing outer space? This dilemma presents itself as private entities become capable of space travel and new technology makes asteroid mining a reality. Although the Outer Space Treaty’s... more
El punto de inflexión en la era del turismo espacial lo supuso el viaje del multimillonario Denis Tito a la Estación Espacial Internacional. Ti t o , después de desembolsar la cantidad de 20 millones de dólares, viajaba en 2001 a bordo de... more
"Essere primi nello spazio vuol dire essere primi in tutto". "Governare lo spazio significa governare il Mondo". Lyndon Johnson Il "quarto ambiente" 1. Il 4 ottobre 1957 con l'invio di un segnale radio dal satellite sovietico Sputnik 2... more
Published in Failat, Y- A., Outer Space Law: Legal Policy and Practice (Globe Business Publishing Ltd., 2017) This paper discusses the way in which the regulation of satellites has evolved over time and highlights some of the key... more
ABSTRACT: This Note addresses a fundamental ambiguity in the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015 (“CSLCA”). It is unclear whether the statute authorizes U.S. citizens to extract natural resources from asteroids and... more
Building upon the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty (OST), the Moon Agreement (MA) was intended to initiate discussions on a detailed international regime for the exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial... more