South Arabian Archaeology
Recent papers in South Arabian Archaeology
Triliths are stone monuments distributed in the landscape throughout the coastal highlands of southern Arabia, from Ḥaḍramawt in Yemen to Raʾs al-Ḥādd in Oman. They consist of three standing flat stones forming a pyramid which stands in... more
This paper provides a broad overview of the current state of archaeogenetic research in Arabia. We summarise recent studies of mitochondrial DNA and lactase persistence allele -13915*G in order to reconstruct the population histories of... more
Report of the survey of the Sharma hinterland. Presentation of the pre-Islamic sites around the Islamic port of Sharma (Yemen).
For more than 10 years, I was one of a number of American and Yemeni archaeologists surveying and excavating sites dating to the fabled South Arabian kingdoms and beyond, to prehistoric times. We were members of the Dhamar Survey Project,... more
The Husn is a solid squared structure with the sides measuring about 60x60m. It was built on a higher plan, in a dominant position compared to the rest of the city. An extension to the northern side where plastered room and channels with... more
Sabeans: folk settled in central Yemen belonging to the great tribe and kingdom of Saba’ (8th century BCE – 3rd century CE). Famous for the likely fictitious character of the Queen of Saba’, this kingdom established itself as one of the... more
Der Staudamm von Maʾrib; Themenabschlussarbeit zur Vorlesung Altsüdarabisch I
After seven excavation campaigns in the ruins of Barâqish (Yemeni Jawf), the article is resuming the main results of the researches carried on by the Joint Italian-Yemenite Archaeological Mission in Yemen (1989-1990, 2003-2007). The... more
"""Table of Contents. 1. Arabia and the study of the ancient Near East. 2. Ecological and environmental diversity in Arabia. 3. The formation of Arabian society: 7000 to 3000 BC. 4. Eastern Arabia from 3000 to 2000 BC. 5. The Bronze... more
كلمات مفتاحية: أوسان، وادي مرخة، نقوش قديمة، كتابات كلاسيكية، الهمداني ملخص البحث: نشأت في الألف الأول قبل الميلاد بجنوب الجزيرة العربية، حضارة عريقة. قام بتلك الحضارة ممالك أو كيانات سياسية، اصطُلِح على تسميتها ممالك جنوب الجزيرة... more
The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of cli-matological, seismological, volcanological and... more
The origin and the emergence of the kingdom of Maʿīn in South West Arabia in the light of a new inscription from the eighth century BCE: This study discusses the occurrence of the Minaean kingdom in the Yemeni Jawf according to recently... more
KEYWORDS Southarabian art – Indian art – Globalization – Transcultural – Indian Ocean trade – Trade network ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the spread of Indian elements in Southarabian art. A new artistic language arose in South Arabia... more
Presentation of the discovery of a Sabaean presence on the Somali coast. It results from the illegal excavation of an archaeological site in Somalia, a temple for which no parallel is attested in the region. There, monumental Sabaic... more
Here is the story of human origins in the Arabian Peninsula, the lost Southern Crescent where humanity took its first steps toward civilization. Under Arabia’s surface of sand and stone lies a primordial realm of rolling grasslands,... more
This paper contains a comprehensive study of the Arabic in Greek transcription from the pre-Islamic Levant based on documentary sources (epigraphy and papyri).
Pour les sources arabo-islamiques, l’Arabie d’avant l’Islam — période dénommée Jāhiliyya (“ignorance” des lumières de la vraie foi) — est misérable, isolée, vouée à l’anarchie. C’est le pays “du sable et des puces”. Or, les sites antiques... more
Dieser erste von zwei Bänden bietet 22 Beiträge renommierte Wissenschaftler zu verschiedenen Aspekten süd-arabischer Kulturen. Die Beiträge zeigen, dass Süd-Arabien einer der wesentlichen kulturellen Korridore war, der nicht nur die... more
This paper suggests that 6th-century Yemenite Christianity should be taken into consideration as a relevant, if hitherto often neglected, factor that may help to explain both the emergence of Islam and its South-Arabian component. It also... more
If compared to Esimiphaios’s, Abraha’s thanksgiving formulas hint at political and cultural shift in 6th-century Yemen. This paper explores whether such shift had too – as suggested by several authors over the past decades – religious... more
This article investigates the evolution of political systems in North-Eastern Yemen in the course of the last two millennia. By examining the main shifts of political power and their structural elements, it describes a typology of... more
"Cette introduction revient sur les deux siècles précédant l’avènement de l’islam à travers deux interrogations : le déclin qui s’observe en péninsule Arabique doit-il être considéré comme un phénomène local ou s’inscrit-il dans un... more
Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 8: 253-278. This paper presents an overview of the state of evidence concerning the of domesticated dromedary camel in the ancient Near East. It draws upon artifactual, textual, and archaeological... more
The destiny of three of the largest South-Arabian towns – Shabwa, Maʾrib, and Ṣanʿāʾ – is examined from the turn of Christian era down to the advent of Islam. The political, religious, military and economic functions of each one show the... more