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This study critically examines 20 years of geography and political ecology literature on the energy justice implications of climate change mitigation. Grounded in an expert guided literature review of 198 studies and their corresponding... more
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      Climate ChangePolitical EcologyEnergyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
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      Social TheoryActor Network TheoryEcologyBruno Latour
Implementation of the environmental agendas put forward in the election manifestos of 2014 of eight major political parties is found to be unsatisfactory. There is a need for more synergy between the election agendas and their... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyClimate ChangePolitical Ecology
In this paper I trace an important conceptual shift which emerged during my fieldwork with fishermen in the South West of Ireland. I begin by describing how my role as a social researcher was interpreted as a valuable 'bridge' between... more
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      Political EcologyGovernmentalityPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Environmental Governance
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      Political EconomyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Public Policy
(2016). In: Ensaios em Ciências Ambientais: Crises, Riscos e Racionalidades, Sandro Dutra e Silva, Doris Sayago, Fabiano Toni, Francisco Itami Campos (eds.). Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 167-184.
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      Environmental SociologyGeographyHistorical GeographyPolitical Economy
El carácter multidimensional de las causas y consecuencias de la pandemia global de la COVID-19 ha configurado un mundo-pandemia. Lo que está en crisis no es sólo la dimensión sanitaria, sino todo el orden de la vida en la Tierra,... more
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      Political Ecology (Anthropology)Ecología PolíticaSalud
In this paper, I argue that frontiers are dilemmas composed of multiple dualities, be they exclusive and inclusive powers, connected space and national periphery, or modernity and primitiveness. These dilemmas, in consequence, become the... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyEnvironmental GeographyDevelopment Studies
For a traditional Maya forest gardener, one's identity is inextricably linked with one's relationship to the landscape. Through a contextualized analysis of one contemporary Maya forest gardener in the Cayo District of Belize, this paper... more
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      Cultural EcologyForest GardensPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Mayan Studies
Originally prepared for the Sawyer seminar workshop “Uncommons” [Convened by Marisol de la Cadena & Mario Blaser], University of California, Davis, May 28-30, 2015.
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyDevelopment StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
El campo de la política en temas ambientales. Clasificaciones y tendencias en EP revisadas. Campos de acción distinguidos: interaccionistas, normativistas, politólogos. Impactos de ecologizar la política o politizar la ecología.... more
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      Political EcologyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Ecología política, antropología política, antropología urbana, espacio y poder, territorio, relaciones internacionales, política exterior, política internacional, geopolíticaEcologia Política
This course investigates a wide variety of environmental conservation projects in Africa. We will examine efforts by colonial and post-colonial states to preserve wilderness in national parks, and how local residents have responded. We... more
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      African StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Environmental anthropology, Political ecology
El tradicional paradigma ecológico ha sido desplazado por una concepción radicalmente distinta de la Naturaleza y de sus procesos fundamentales. Característico del paradigma ecológico es la visión de la Naturaleza como un reino autónomo... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsBioethicsPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
The coastal Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of Oaxaca, Mexico – known locally as the Istmo – is regarded as one of the best wind energy generating sites in the world. Marketed as a preeminent solution to mitigating climate change, wind... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyGeographyHuman Geography
The articles included in this special collection examine the implementation of varied conservation agendas, seeking to integrate the strengths of a political ecology framework with insights derived from Science and Technology Studies... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceClimate ChangeConservation BiologyConservation
The introduction to my new ethnography of energy politics in the Navajo Nation just became available online, thanks to Duke Press. The book is available now for pre-order on or on the Duke University Press website by Jan 5, 2018.
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      American StudiesIndigenous StudiesEthnographyPolitical Science
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      AnthropologyIndigenous Peoples RightsPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Everglades
Published in K. de Munter, J. Michaux & G. Pauwels (eds.) Ecología y Reciprocidad: (Con)vivir Bien, desde contextos andinos. La Paz: Plural Editores, pp. 155-173
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      Human EcologyLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesBolivian studies
Las políticas ambientales han adquirido una presencia creciente en la comarca del Pallars Sobirà en el curso de las últimas décadas. El análisis de su desarrollo histórico permite interpretar la construcción contemporánea de la montaña... more
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      Heritage StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Protected areas
The collapse of cod stocks in the waters off Newfoundland in the early 1990s was widely understood as an ecological disaster and the death of a rural way of life that had endured for centuries. While many areas have remained closed to... more
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      Political EconomyClimate ChangeEthnographyPolitical Ecology
Recent debates within political ecology have motivated new field. In the introduction to this special issue, we vital challenges faced today, and present a new set of studies that respond to these concerns. We conceptualize power as a... more
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      Political EcologyCultural Political EconomyCritical international political economyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      African StudiesEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Ecology
As organic food becomes more widely available, great faith is placed on the seal or logo that certifi es organic status. Th is article treats the mark of certifi cation as a starting rather than an end point, critically reviewing... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureAgrarian StudiesEnvironmental Anthropology
The paper seeks to analyse the production of space and takes the pacification process of favelas as a case study to illustrate how state, residents, and other actors produce space and place.
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      Space and PlaceEnvironmental SustainabilityPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Public Space
The case for degrowth is a case for stopping the pursuit of growth and for reorienting lives and societies toward wellbeing. This chapter impels moves to build good lives for all, and shows how existing resources can be shared and... more
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      Political EcologyClimate change policyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)DeGrowth
Hurricane Maria has had devastating impacts in Puerto Rico. Yet this catastrophe has not been felt equally by all. The vulnerability to impacts and ability to recover from hurricanes and other disasters are directly shaped by existing... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental StudiesPolitical ScienceHurricanes
In Roots of Our Renewal, Clint Carroll tells how Cherokee people have developed material, spiritual, and political ties with the lands they have inhabited since removal from their homelands in the southeastern United States. Although the... more
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous StudiesEthnobotanyPolitical Ecology
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
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      BuddhismSocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
This edited volume explores how NGOs have been influential in shaping global biodiversity conservation policy and practice. It encapsulates a growing body of literature has questioned the mandates, roles, and effectiveness of these... more
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      Critical TheoryConservation BiologyPolitical EcologyNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
This paper looks at how waves of land grabbing in West Kalimantan, Indonesia are transforming the political ecology of the Kapuas River. Key land grabbing activities include the ubiquitous palm oil industry, mining (particularly bauxite... more
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      ForestryIndonesiaRiversRiver Ecology
The following article contrasts contemporary rosy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) extraction in southern Madagascar with original bioprospecting research conducted 50 years ago. My study shows how plant extraction firms have shifted... more
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      GeographyDevelopment StudiesCritical GeopoliticsInternational Development
FROM THE BOOK JACKET In this innovative book, Ashley Carse traces the water that flows into and out from the Panama Canal to explain how global shipping is entangled with Panama’s cultural and physical landscapes. By following container... more
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      Environmental EngineeringTransportation EngineeringCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
The Patagonian Sublime provides a vivid, accessible, and cutting-edge investigation of the green economy and New Left politics in Argentina. Based on extensive field research in Glaciers National Park and the mountain village of El... more
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      Latin American StudiesConservationPolitical EcologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
¿Afronta actualmente el capitalismo el “fin de la naturaleza barata”? Si así es, ¿qué podría significar esto y cuáles con las implicaciones para el futuro? Estamos, de hecho, siendo testigos del fin de la naturaleza barata en un sentido... more
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      Economic HistoryEnvironmental SociologyPolitical EconomyHistorical Sociology
Ecotopia is a quasi-ethnographic novel influenced by anthropology. Some of its fictional practices have been adopted in the actual world since publication in 1975. Set two decades after Green secessionists achieve national independence... more
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      AnthropologyComparative PoliticsCreativityEcological Anthropology
1) What is the "ecological class" that you mention in your book? Our argument is that in our New Climatic Regime, in a time of global ecological mutations, the class landscape is undergoing a re-composition, one that intensifies the... more
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      Political PhilosophyActor Network TheoryBruno LatourPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
Ecological catastrophe and global inequality are pressing, yet socio-ecologically destructive natural resource extraction continues unabated. This special issue explores the strategies and tactics employed by large-scale mining and energy... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
Du fait de leur multifonctionnalité, les forêts tropicales constituent un objet d’étude privilégié pour analyser les politiques environnementales à l’échelle locale et globale. Qu’elles soient considérées comme richesses nationales, bien... more
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      African StudiesSocial SciencesPolitical EcologyCameroon
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
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      PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyApplied EthicsPolitical Ecology
Policing and ecological crises – and all the inequalities, discrimination, and violence they entail – are pressing contemporary problems. Ecological degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change threaten local communities and... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologyGeography
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      Tropical EcologyConservation EcologyVegetation EcologySocial Ecology
BOOK REVIEW Green Transformations or Rebranding Dystopia? The Politics of Green Transformations, edited by Ian Scoones, Melissa Leach, and Peter Newell, Oxford, Routledge, 2015, 220 pp. + Bibliography and Index, £25.49 GBP (Paperback),... more
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryGeographyHuman Geography
This report assesses the outcomes, benefits, and challenges resulting from the programmatic construction of six micro-hydropower projects in Lamjung district of Central Nepal, which was supported by Lutheran World Relief working in... more
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      Renewable EnergyClimate Change AdaptationLocal Economic DevelopmentEnergy and Environment
Durante los últimos 10 años, el Estado boliviano ha profundizado la apuesta por el extractivismo, entendido como una de las formas más representativas del sistema capitalista. Esta afirmación es evidente debido a que existe una mayor... more
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      Political EcologyBolivian studiesBoliviaPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
his article proposes that the ‘ Green Economy ’ is not an adequate response to the unsustainability and inequity created by ‘ development ’ (a western cultural construct), and puts forward alternative socio-environmental futures to (and... more
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      SociologyGeographyEconomicsDevelopment Economics
Although 'resources' and 'nationalism' are core analytical categories in geography, the concept of 'resource nationalism' has received little attention in the discipline. We address this lacuna by reviewing relevant literature across the... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsCritical Geopolitics
Over the past four decades, a number of tourism studies’, theories and models have emerged concerning host and guest antagonism (Doxey, 1975), tourism area life cycle (Butler, 1980) and carrying capacity (O’Reilly, 1986). These have... more
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      Political SociologyUrban GeographyRegional GeographyTourism Studies
Propulsée par la crise énergétique, la production de jatropha, plante oléagineuse cultivée comme biocarburant, a bénéficié d’investissements massifs à l’échelle globale à partir de 2007. Cette expansion est due à la fois aux politiques... more
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      Environmental AnthropologySustainable DevelopmentWest AfricaSustainable Rural Development