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      Ottoman HistorySemitic languagesHellenistic HistorySaudi Arabia
كلمات مفتاحية: أوسان، وادي مرخة، نقوش قديمة، كتابات كلاسيكية، الهمداني ملخص البحث: نشأت في الألف الأول قبل الميلاد بجنوب الجزيرة العربية، حضارة عريقة. قام بتلك الحضارة ممالك أو كيانات سياسية، اصطُلِح على تسميتها ممالك جنوب الجزيرة... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastEpigraphic South ArabianAncient Arabs
The arid areas of the Negev and Edom played a prominent role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the Iron Age civilizations of the southern Levant and northwestern Arabia, being at the interface of key trade routes,... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyTheologyPottery (Archaeology)
Materialismo Storico, n° 1/2017 (vol. II) 382 I primi insediamenti arabi in Calabria Antonio Maurizio Loiacono The first Arabs' settlements in Calabria are a clear and unavoidable consequence of the Islamic expansion that hit the Italian... more
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      Islamic HistoryAghlabidsAncient ArabsHistory and Culture of Calabria
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      Abrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionIslamic LawSemitic languages
The hunting of wild animals for food, sport or for the defence of people and herds, was common in the ancient Near East, especially in early times. This paper gives a survey of hunting practices in pre-Islamic Arabia primarily from the... more
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      Ancient HistoryHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyAncient ReligionAnthropology of Hunting
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      Ancient HistoryNabataeans (Archaeology)Ancient ArabsNabataean Religion
E' mia opinione che gli oggetti antichi non siano altro che libri, le cui pagine di pietra e di marmo sono state scritte con il ferro e lo scalpello" J. Spon "Tutto ciò che si osserva deve essere documentato, anche se il suo significato... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRegnum SiciliaeMedieval Art
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
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      Ancient Near EastAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ancient Arabs
In antiquity, the term "Arab" was applied to many different peoples, with different ways of life, and in different places. When looking at its usage in the Hellenistic and Roman periods it is important to be aware of two things.
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    • Ancient Arabs
This volume contains a detailed grammatical description of the dialects of Old Arabic attested in the Safaitic script, an Ancient North Arabian alphabet used mainly in the deserts of southern Syria and north-eastern Jordan in the... more
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsComparative Semitic LinguisticsArabic Dialects
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      Semitic languagesHistory of ReligionYemen (History)Ancient Arabs
تزخر منطقة حائل بالعديد من الكتابات والفنون الصخرية التي تشير إلى معرفة سكانها بالإبل والاستفادة منها؛ حيث تؤكد الكتابات التي تمثل أسماء أعلام لأشخاصٍ، والمدوَّنة إلى جانب الرسومات الخاصة بالإبل على ملكية هؤلاء الأفراد لتلك الإبل. أما... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySaudi Arabia
The horrors of 9/11 and similar attacks have generated an enormous appetite for knowledge about Islam. Many have sought to understand present preoccupations in light of Islamic origins, and this has created very considerable expansion in... more
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      Islamic StudiesArabic Historiography (History)Early Islamic HistoryAncient Arabs
Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradiction.'' [4:82] God created man for a noble purpose: to worship Him and lead a righteous life based on... more
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      Ancient HistoryTextual CriticismIslamic PhilosophyQuranic Studies
Des peuples arabes qui ont précédé l'Islam nous connaissons peu de choses. Les historiens arabes les désignent par « les peuples disparus » et les seules sources sur le monde arabe antique restent les récits rapportés par les historiens... more
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      Semitic languagesComparative Semitic LinguisticsArabic LexicographyAncient Arabs
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicAramaic
This article provides preliminary remarks on the Aramaic scripts of coins from eastern Arabia. After giving a presentation of the palaeography of some coins from Mleiha, it offers suggestions for the reading of the Aramaic legends and the... more
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      AramaicArabian GulfOld AramaicAncient Arabs
The historically attested Late Antique nomadic Arab or ‘Saracen’ presence in the Sinai and eastern Delta of Egypt is well known, and is here extended into the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The series of Late Antique ‘enigmatic settlements’ in... more
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityAncient Arabs
Rohmer J. (2020), D'Aram à Rome. La Syrie du Sud de l'âge du Fer à l'annexion romaine, Beirut: Presses de l'Ifpo (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 217). In French, with English summary. In the vast basaltic region of Southern... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyHellenistic HistorySettlement PatternsSyria
This article gives an outline of the relations between pre-Islamic Yemen and Bilād al-Shām in the light of the South Arabian epigraphic evidence. It discusses some aspects of these relations which were primarily trade and diplomatic... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyAncient Near EastArchaeology of Mediterranean TradeAncient Arabs
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      AramaicOld AramaicAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern Languages
This paper studies how changes in the Iron Age world-system affected the economy and society of Edom, the Negev and the northern Hejaz. Contrary to traditional studies, which have failed to recognise how different local peoples were from... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyTheologyWorld Systems Analysis
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: This work is offered in honour of my Ph.D. supervisor, mentor, and colleague John S. Holladay, Jr., who encouraged me to re-examine the Amman Airport structure and provided invaluable advice during my initial... more
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      EgyptologyLevantine ArchaeologyAncient Near EastAegean Egyptian Interrelatlations
South-Arabian inscriptions contain multiple types of sins. In addition to those public sins that arise between members of the community , including; for example the attack on the facilities of irrigation-agriculture systems and murders….... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastAncient ArabsArabian/Persian Gulf Studies
Abb. 11: Palmblattrippe (Länge: 23 cm, Breite: 2,8 cm) mit einer Inschrift in alt-südarabischer Schrift und sabäischer Sprache. Der Text enthält den Bericht einer sabäischen Frau über eine Wallfahrt. Gefunden in Jawf al-Sawdāʾ (Je-men).... more
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      ArchaeologyWomen's StudiesPilgrimageAncient Religion
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      Ancient ArabsSaracensEarly Medieval RomeVroege Middeleeuwen
Imperio sasánida SUMARIO Si bien el Imperio romano sería siempre el enemigo tradicional y más importante del Imperio sasánida, éste nunca fue el único y, en determinados momentos, tampoco el más importante ni el que, a la postre, acabaría... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Islamic StudiesAncient ArabsIslamic Origins
History about the Arabians.
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      Ancient ArabsArabs
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      Ancient HistoryRoman Arabia (Archaeology)Ancient ArabsArabian Peninsula in Antiquity
This study examines the evidence for three small but prominent groups of Arabs in the fi fth and sixth centuries-the Jafnids, allied to the Roman Empire, the Naṡ rids, allied to the Sasanians, and the Ḣ ujrids, client rulers of the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
This joint study of Novotny and Watanabe deals with the personal and ethnic identity of four foreigners depicted on a wall relief of the North Palace in Nineveh as submitting to Ashurbanipal after the fall of Babylon. The study analyzed... more
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      AssyriologyIraqi HistoryBabylonNeo-Assyrian studies
Reviewed by Claude Gilliot, published in "Arabica", Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 284 –286.
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryPre Islamic PoetryArabic Language and Linguistics
The Arab Campaign of Tiglath-Pileser III in the Royal Inscriptions and Reliefs from the Central Palace in Calah
(with a summary in English)
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      Assyrian EmpireNeo-Assyrian studiesAncient Arabs
Reviewed by Rudolf Sellheim, published in "Oriens", Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 327 –331.
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryPre Islamic PoetrySemitic languages
المواقع العبيدية في  منطقة شبه الجزيرة العربية
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    • Ancient Arabs
In our collective memory there still lies the Queen of Sheba, her journey to Jerusalem to meet the wise King Salomon, or the Arabia Felix with its fame associated in the classical world with frankincense and other precious aromas.... more
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      HistoryArabic EpigraphyAncient ArabsSouth Arabian Epigraphy
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      AgricultureEpigraphic South Arabian, SabaeanYemen (History)Epigraphic South Arabian
Une révision de la chronologie des rois Lihyânites à partir des nouvelles données épigraphiques.
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      Semitic languagesHellenistic HistorySaudi ArabiaArabic Dialects
ROAMING TRIBES - TRIBES ON THE MOVE The epos of al-Azd and Qudaa TALES 1. 'Amr b 'Amir leaves Ma'rib with al-Azd before the dam fall 2. The introduction of horses among the Arabs 3. The battle of Salut 4. Qudaa and Tanuh reach Iraq 5.... more
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      Near Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesIslamic Studies
Announcement of forthcoming conference.
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      Near Eastern StudiesHistory of ReligionArabicQur'anic Studies
Abstract: Characteristics and Underlying Reasons of Some Ethical Behaviours of Arabian People at Pre-Islamic Age of Ignorance; The current study investigates some good behaviour of Arabian people living in the Hijaz at Pre-Islamic Age.... more
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      Ancient Arabsİslam TarihiArabsCÂHİLİYE
Unpublished idea for a forthcoming article
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
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      Yemen (History)Epigraphic South ArabianAncient ArabsQataban
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      Arabic LiteratureCultural IdentityAncient Near EastArabic prosody
The horrors of 9/11 and similar attacks have generated an enormous appetite for knowledge about Islam. Many have sought to understand present preoccupations in light of Islamic origins, and this has created very considerable expansion in... more
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      HistoriographyQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies