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This article assembles and summarises the main ideas presented in the doctoral thesis entitled ‘Voice and Poetry as Inspiration and Material in Acousmatic Music’ by the author and describes his idiosyncratic method for acousmatic... more
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      AestheticsPoetryElectroacoustic MusicAnalysis of Electroacoustic Music
Shifts in technology bring with them new configurations of embodiment, and in addition, resituate how voicing comes to make incarnate a sense of self. For instance, the analogical fragmentation and doubling of the body initiated with... more
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      VoiceElectronic ArtSound Poetry
As an increasingly migratory being, a wandering listener interacts with various places he/she traverses in fleeting and transitory ways, considering them as spatiotemporally evolving but gradually disorienting auditory situations. Instead... more
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      Auditory PerceptionSonic ArtSound studiesSound
This essay looks at the history of attempting to 'scan' poems through scoring them, whether through musical notation or by attempting to produce a visual record of oral-aural performance. The appeal to musical notation seems both to offer... more
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Without any doubt, Márcio-André, the Brazilian performance artist and sound poetry genius, is one of the most interesting phenomena of the aforementioned artistic areas in the contemporary scene. The young Brazilian artist is grosso modo... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtPostmodernismContemporary Art (Brazilian Studies)
This dissertation reflects on the prototyping process carried out for creating and developing the PoéticaSonora’s digital audio repository, focused on storing, editorializing and disseminating works of sound art and poetry readings... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPoetryMetadataSound studies
This article explores the phenomenon of spoken music in the field of contemporary Spanish experimental music. Spoken music is a hybrid form of artistic expression which draws on several disciplines such as sound poetry, performance art... more
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      Experimental MusicContemporary Spanish MusicSound PoetryMusic and the Spoken Word
Quando nel 1971 Giulia Niccolai e Adriano Spatola decidono di fondare la rivista «Tam Tam» hanno la chiara intenzione di dare un forte impulso all'intermedialità. Nei primi mesi del 1972 viene pubblicato il primo numero, stampato a... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesReggio EmiliaContemporary PoetryVoice
A Revue OU-Cinquème Saison é justamente considerada como uma das mais representativas publicações no âmbito das poéticas experimentais. Publicada entre 1958 e 1974, ao longo de mais de 40 números, ela foi palco de um conjunto extenso de... more
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      Henri ChopinExperimental PoetrySound Poetry
Since 2012, I have been in the process of inventing PHONESIA, a performative practice that mixes dance and speech by rearranging the structural links between doing and saying. By detaching voice from movement and meaning, this practice... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialoguePerformanceTeachers Practices
Michèle Métail occupe une place singulière dans le champ poétique contemporain. Liée aux courants de la poésie expérimentale, poésie sonore, visuelle et performance, elle se rattache également à l’Oulipo1, de par son utilisation... more
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      Performance ArtSound PoetryPoésie françaisePoésie Sonore & Poésie Action
Starting from the problematic gap between the unicity of the human voice and the socio-cultural variables that are unavoidably attached to her expressions, this presentation proposes the phenomenon of ‘sound poetry’ as paradigmatic bridge... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPopular MusicDigital MediaPosthumanism
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      Scottish LiteratureSound Poetry
In this collective article, we argue for a wider recognition of Lily Greenham’s sound poetry, underscoring her artistic uses of multilingualism and transnational collaboration. The form of the article is conceptual: in order to signal the... more
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      MultilingualismAvant-garde writingPerformanceAvant-Garde
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      Sound PoetrySistema PrisionalPoesia Sonora
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    • Sound Poetry
Il rapporto tra linguaggio e realtà, tra scrittura e mondo, è oggi più che mai mediato da un uso massivo della tecnologia. Questa mediazione, così nutriente e vitale, non è tuttavia risolutiva di quei conflitti e di quelle difficoltà del... more
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      Visual PoetrySound Poetry
CALL FOR PAPERS [French and German Version: see PDF] Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation International Conference, Paris, November 17-19, 2016 Organizers: Vincent Broqua (University of Paris at Saint-Denis) and Dirk Weissmann... more
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      American LiteratureGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
In his 2009 book Det postdigitala manifestet [The postdigital manifesto], Fleischer focuses mainly on how digitalization affects our relationship to music. Nevertheless, many of his thoughts may be advantageously applied to sound poetry,... more
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      PhilosophyPoetrySound studiesPerformance
In this article I reflect on sound’s relationship to the written word that attempts to describe, explain, and articulate sonic phenomena. The article’s interdisciplinary nature seeks to shed light on the inherent problems of writing on... more
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      Auditory PerceptionSonic ArtPhenomenologySound studies
Con il ritorno all'oralità verificatosi nel corso del Novecento in parallelo al mutamento di assetto tecnologico, la voce e il gesto vengono riscoperti da artisti, poeti, musicisti ed esplorati in tutte le loro possibilità espressive,... more
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      FluxusJohn CageSound PoetryLettrism
Steve McCaffery describes sound poetry as a “new way to blow out candles” and “what sound poets do.” In his brief survey of sound poetry, McCaffery describes the genealogy of sound poetry from its earliest formalized birth during Russian... more
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      Sound and NoiseSound Poetry20th Century Avantgarde