Sound Poetry
Recent papers in Sound Poetry
Based on the author's artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, The Nomadic Listener is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations of contemporary cities, including... more
In The Sound of Nonsense, Richard Elliott highlights the importance of sound in understanding the 'nonsense' of writers such as Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, James Joyce and Mervyn Peake, before connecting this noisy writing to works which... more
ALLA DERIVA DEL FOGLIO Sul fraseggio dello zeroglifico spatoliano per vedere e sentire di più di Giovanni Fontana Sono ormai passati quasi trent'anni dalla scomparsa di Adriano Spatola. L'anniversario cadrà il 23 novembre 2018, ma... more
For the anniversary of the My Lai massacre, an audio poem about racism, military hierarchies, unquestioning obedience to authority and presidential complicity.
This is the catalogue for Jack Ox's exhibition of her 800 Square foot visualization of Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate at the Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz, Poland. The exhibition occurred in conjunction with the first large Schwitters exhibition in... more
In a number of his academic articles in the field of Words and Music, Eric Prieto makes a point of drawing attention to the idea that ‘the application of concepts from one art to objects from the other is an inherently metaphorical act.’... more
Bilingual catalog (Portuguese/English) of the exhibition History of Brazilian Visual Poetry, curated by Yuri Bruscky, Paulo Bruscky and Adolfo Montejo Navas, held at Sesc Bom Retiro (São Paulo/SP), in 2019.
Gloomy Sunday, On a Tuesday (10 min.) is a sound collage of repeated, recycled and cyclical recorded voices singing and saying different versions of “Gloomy Sunday,” (a.k.a.) “The Hungarian Suicide Song” (1933) by Rezso Seress, in every... more
An attempt to identify the evolutionary stages of any phenomenon in art is a thankless undertaking, and not only due to obvious "blank spots," but also because of the impossibility of determining with any precision which events may be... more
This book focuses on the experimental practice of Katalin Ladik, a poet, performer and actress born in the former Yugoslavia. Her career as a poet writing in Hungarian language began in the intellectual circles of the neoavantgarde... more
Notes taken between 2014-2018 Typed up and edited by Ernest Schonfield. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2022 ISBN 9780852619810 = open access PDF. I would like to thank the Tom Leonard Literary Estate for permission to publish this... more
While most critics have focused on the semantic, aural and textual effects of Dada sound poetry few have given more than cursory treatment to the fact that these works also exist as carefully-typeset texts and as highly-scripted... more
An examination of concepts of sound in futurist theatrical theory reveals that it was the perception and adoption of sound as matter in futurist poetry, arts and performance that gave birth to an authentic dramaturgy. In their initial... more
Percorsi della vocalità nella poesia d'azione Collana "Archivio della poesia del '900" diretta da Alberto Cappi e Eugenio Miccini Editoriale Sometti, Mantova, 2004 - ISBN 88-7495-023-3 Giovanni Fontana POESIA DELLA VOCE E DEL GESTO... more
The paper examines two poetical practices – the transrational language (zaum) of the Russian futurist Aleksei Kruchenykh, and the notion of glossolalia in the work of the Russian symbolist Andrey Bely and the French dramatist Antonin... more
A Poesia Sonora veio a estabelecer, ao longo da sua história, uma profunda relação com os meios tecnológicos. Mais, ela atravessa todo o século XX, em diálogo permanente com outros campos artísticos, e constitui-se, por esse motivo, como... more
Nel "Manifesto tecnico della letteratura futurista" [1912] Marinetti scrive: "Nulla è più interessante, per un poeta futurista, che l'agitarsi della tastiera di un pianoforte meccanico. Il cinematografo ci offre la danza di un oggetto che... more
Quando nel 1971 Giulia Niccolai e Adriano Spatola decidono di fondare la rivista «Tam Tam» hanno la chiara intenzione di dare un forte impulso all'intermedialità. Nei primi mesi del 1972 viene pubblicato il primo numero, stampato a... more
Kurt Schwitters was born in Hannover in 1887. He studied at the Applied Arts School, the Art Academy and the Institute of Technology. Refused by the Berlin Dadaists, he started a one-man Dada group in Hannover called Merz. He made... more
Catálogo da exposição "Palarva - Poesia Visual e Sonora de Paulo Bruscky", realizada na Caixa Cultural Brasília, em 2018, com curadoria de Yuri Bruscky.
ACTION POETRY Il corpo in azione nello spazio della ricerca poetica performativa 1. Parole sui muri e corpi d'artista Grazie all'iniziativa di un artista, Claudio Parmiggiani, e alla complicità di un Sindaco amante del nuovo, Mario... more
This dissertation reflects on the prototyping process carried out for creating and developing the PoéticaSonora’s digital audio repository, focused on storing, editorializing and disseminating works of sound art and poetry readings... more
in "Deux poètes face au monde-Pierre et Ilse Garnier", a cura di CHRISTINE DUPOUY, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, Tours, 2018 [ISBN:978-2-86906-687-8] GIOVANNI FONTANA LA POESIE SONORE DE PIERRE GARNIER : POESIE PHONIQUE,... more
IN FLUENTI TRASLATI L'opera poetica di Arrigo Lora Totino 1. LE PRIME PRATICHE ARTISTICHE La Fondazione Berardelli custodisce un'ampia raccolta di opere di Arrigo Lora Totino, acquisite da Paolo e Pietro Berardelli a più riprese, in... more
Steve McCaffery describes sound poetry as a “new way to blow out candles” and “what sound poets do.” In his brief survey of sound poetry, McCaffery describes the genealogy of sound poetry from its earliest formalized birth during Russian... more
Vincent Broqua, Dirk Weissmann (dir.), Sound / Writing : traduire-écrire entre le son et le sens, Homophonic translation – traducson – Oberflächenübersetzung, Paris, éditions des archives contemporaines, 2019, 356 p., ISBN :... more 'The Tom Poems’ originates in the chance discovery by Cobbing of a book of theoretical linguistics in a bookshop in Vienna, during a visit to the city in the company of Tom Leonard,... more
This book explores the international relevance of the concept of neo-avant-garde for the study of post-war literary innovations covering North American, Latin American, Caribbean, Austrian, French, British, Belgian, Dutch and German... more
This work deals with the network activities developed in Brazil by mail artists during the 1970s, culminating in two editions of the International Ra(u)dio Art Show (IRAS) in Recife, Pernambuco. These were organized between 1978 and 1979... more
I attempt to locate the "stutter of form" as described in Craig Dworkin's essay of that title in the realm of contemporary classical music. Lachenmann's piece Pression serves as a starting point which leads me toward Sept Papillons, a... more
Recuperare e promulgare lo spirito dell'avanguardia futurista comporta una personale predisposizione a un approccio totalizzante che prescinda da sterili settorialismi per tentare nuove connessioni tra parola, colore, gesto e materia.... more
Con il ritorno all'oralità verificatosi nel corso del Novecento in parallelo al mutamento di assetto tecnologico, la voce e il gesto vengono riscoperti da artisti, poeti, musicisti ed esplorati in tutte le loro possibilità espressive,... more
Since the 1990s, ecocriticism has influenced the ways we study literature, but fractures remain. While there has been some preliminary ecocritical work on what can be called experimental ecopoetry and ecopoetics, so far the most radical... more
W XIX w. związki literatury i filozofii zdeterminowały ontologiczny status tej pierwszej. Nie byłoby literatury romantycznej w znanym powszechnie kształcie, zwłaszcza polskiej, gdyby nie przemożny wpływ idealistycznej filozofii... more
in Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, n°8, op. cit., p. 115-119.
A review of Leonie Krutzinna’s 'Der norwegische Schwitters' (originally a PhD dissertation), a study that focuses mainly on Schwitters’ largely neglected writings in Norway between 1937 and 1940, the year in which he fled to England.
Un ampio e significativo settore della poesia del secondo Novecento ha orientato i propri interessi verso la complessità dei rapporti tra la scrittura e le arti, secondo quella prospettiva che negli anni Sessanta è stata individuata come... more
Giuliano Zosi: La mitologia sonora dell’esperienza poetica, in “Malacoda”, 8 aprile 2016, Anno II, n° 11, 2016.
Le progrès technologique et la révolution des médias ont donné de nouveaux espaces d'action. En même temps, il est très important d'élargir les matrices poétiques dans l'espace performatif (qui, dans les 40 dernières années, est devenu... more
«Fine direi, tanto per cominciare. Quando la prima elementare accorciò le ore del sonno facendo scivolare un freddo fastidioso nella schiena attraverso il colletto bianco inamidato. La fine di un'infanzia corta. L'odore dei lumini coprì... more
La poesia "cerca oggi di farsi medium totale, di sfuggire a ogni limitazione, di inglobare teatro, fotografia, musica, pittura, arte tipografica, tecniche cinematografiche e ogni altro aspetto della cultura, in un'aspirazione utopistica... more
IN: Dai margini a dentro, da dentro ai margini. Mappe dei cambiamenti letterari e culturali (a cura di Anna Szirmai, Endre Szkárosi, Norbert Matyus e Kata Szakál), CIVILTÀ ITALIANA Collana diretta da Peter Kuon – Terza serie, No. 23,... more
El 27 de septiembre de 2007, los habitantes de Sevilla, España, tuvieron la oportunidad de contactar con la obra de tres artistas brasileños emigrantes que viven en Europa. Los espectáculos se situaban entre la danza, música, artes... more
Interview with Greta Monach about her work and career
Dit essay werd gepubliceerd in de catalogus ‘Visuele Poëzie’ in de Goretti Kapel, Tilburg, NL, november 2012 en behandeld enerzijds een theoretisch aspect en anderzijds een reflectie op het werk dat op de tentoonstelling werd getoond van... more