Social Software
Recent papers in Social Software
Numerous empirical studies analyse evolving open source software (OSS) projects, and try to estimate the activity and effort in these projects. Most of these studies, however, only focus on a limited set of artefacts, being source code... more
Este trabajo aborda a la fraternidad ciudadana como una cualidad específica de relación humana que es posible de hacer florecer o inducir por medio del diseño de cierta infraestructura social capaz de permitir espacios democráticos y... more
eLearning is a term broadly used to describe the process of learning with the use of informational technologies and tools, usually through a web page. Nowadays it is hard to speak about eLearning without implicitly including an eLearning... more
... potential malware, and the number of such websites has increased by around 190,0000 since 2008 (see Google's Safe Browsing ... We used the Windows command Ipconfig/displaydns to display the contents of the DNS resolver cache... more
It is very well collected project on Cloud Computing. no need to wandering on internet to search about Cloud computing, Just download it. thanxx A very New Technology In I.T. Industry & Very Important for Everyone i.e. For individuals As... more
The theme of the software that we have been developing is a combination of Mobile Solutions and Leveraging Geo data and Maps to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful to a wider and better... more
In this research-in-progress, we review the literature on an emerging new type of information systems: social information systems. Social information systems are information systems based on social technologies and open collaboration. The... more
Software development paradigms help a software developer to select appropriate strategies to develop software projects. They include various methods, procedures, and tools to describe and define the software development life cycle (SDLC).... more
In recent years, the usage of virtual worlds for educational purposes has increased. In this paper, we focus specifically on virtual campuses, i.e. virtual worlds representing real educational institutions that use the metaphor of a... more
Abstract. Despite the extreme diversity of Web applications, one can find similarities among them. This paper proposes an answer to the question of knowing whether it is possible to conceptually represent different Web applications in a... more
This paper analyzes several features of virtual learning environments. These tools are basic for new models of education because their basic idea is to reduce the number of hours face-to-face in the classroom and to promote remote... more
This paper outlines the concept of produsage as a model of describing today's emerging user-led content creation environments. Produsage overcomes some of the systemic problems associated with translating industrial-age ideas of content... more
The growing phenomenon of Social Software seems to provide an opportunity to complement the top-down approach based on central knowledge repositories with tools that are simpler, smarter and more flexible. This article in- cludes a brief... more
The possibility of developing more interactive and innovative applications allowed users interact with each other and have a primary role as producers of content-these systems are called social software. This paper examines the definition... more
In this research-in-progress, we review the literature on an emerging new type of information systems: social information systems. Social information systems are information systems based on social technologies and open collaboration. The... more
The move towards offering product-service systems (PSS) requires the involvement of stakeholders from heterogeneous functions or companies with knowledge of the different stages of the life cycle. This challenges the way in which... more
Purpose: Commercial businesses claim social software features are a particularly powerful source of motivation that can be leveraged in many ways in order to drive user adoption of wearable technology. In that regard, the aim of this... more
Sociability is considered to be important to the success of social software. The goal of the current study is to identify factors that affect the users' perception of the sociability of social software and to examine the impact of... more
In the emerging digital landscape of the Web 2.0 era, where social software tools like blogs, wikis and podcasts provide instant connectivity, promises of engagement and community building, there is a need to rethink models for teaching... more
This paper is the first in a series of 16 which reviews the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in dentistry.
Забардаст Месуд Баба оглы СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ОБРАЗА ЖИЗНИ ( В СЕВЕРО-ЗАПАДНЫХ РЕГИОНАХ ИРАНА) РЕЗЮМЕ В ХХ – ХХI веках глобализационные процессы, находящиеся в центре внимания мировой политики и общественности, приобрели новые черты. Как... more
Als Tim O’Reilly 2005 vor allem für Entwickler internetbasierter Software einen Artikel veröffentlichte, in dem er eine „nächste Version“ des Internet mit dem Neologismus Web 2.0 beschrieb, fasste er aus technisch-ökonomischer Perspektive... more
The growing adoption of social web technologies such as social software (SSW) in online configuration environments has enabled the possibility of supporting configurator users in interacting digitally with real people while they are... more
This paper examines some of the initiatives that aim to teach programming skills at all levels in education to those for who would otherwise find it hard, due to nothing other than a lack of knowledge and opportunity within their... more
This study investigates the environmental conservation costs of the local authorities in Kenya by analyzing the data collected from 90 of these local authorities. The population of the study is the 175 local authorities in Kenya. A sample... more
The most well-known social software applications are weblogs, wikis, social networking sites and instant messaging. Social networking at a high level is described as the convergence of technologies that make it possible for individuals to... more
In recent years, the usage of virtual worlds for educational purposes has increased. In this paper, we focus specifically on virtual campuses, i.e. virtual worlds representing real educational institutions that use the metaphor of a... more
In this paper we present myPIM -a graphical information management system that provides user workflow requirements in research and teaching/learning context mainly by providing a user's bookmark archive, file archive and the possibility... more
Social networking and communications tools have become widely used in entertainment and social applications and there is growing interest in their use in formal education applications. Distance education and especially those types that... more
¿Puede el Diseño ayudar a transformar la creciente conectividad de las redes sociales en una mayor socialización de la ciudadanía, en una mayor participación cívica, otorgándole al público un mayor poder y volviendo más nítidos los... more
This book proposes a system for analysis of a society run by media logics. Apparent is that 'being' -the entity remaining 'outside' of media -is confronted by a 'societal' space in which 'others' together form the social dimension... more
Airborne software is invisible and intangible, it can have a significant impact on the safety of the aircraft. However, it cannot be exhaustively tested, and can only be assured through a structured, process, activity, and objective-based... more