Papers by Nuno Ricardo Oliveira

Advances in educational technologies and instructional design book series, 2019
This chapter is intended to understand the importance of the presence of junior researchers on th... more This chapter is intended to understand the importance of the presence of junior researchers on the social web in establishing contacts with other researchers or specialists. Being present on the social web allows young researchers to create and manage their own digital identity. This study focused on a community of junior researchers from a Portuguese University where the members of the community were asked to answer a questionnaire with the data they used when they registered as researchers. During data analysis, it was observed that this group of researchers coincide with what most of the literature proposes, though deviating in some points from the generality. Yet, researchers give great importance to the development of their digital skills to strengthen their online presence and which gives them credibility and recognition in the scientific community and as open researchers.

Nos dias de hoje a web social é uma realidade massiva na pesquisa académica, o que leva a questio... more Nos dias de hoje a web social é uma realidade massiva na pesquisa académica, o que leva a questionar a importância da presença digital dos investigadores juniores nesses meios informais e como se relacionam entre si. Com a evolução da internet surgem novos desafios, numa perspetiva de vivência social (web social) e académica. A imersão nestes ambientes digitais promove e sustenta o desenvolvimento de pedagogias abertas, com evidência para as interações entre os membros, salientando-se a forma colaborativa como interagem num contexto de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Assim, a web social permite o aceso aos conteúdos de investigação de outros investigadores de uma forma rápida e eficaz, partilhando conteúdos e colaborando com os outros especialistas. A evolução digital exige, igualmente, ao investigador, uma atualização constante, de forma a gerir o seu conhecimento digital, para uma vivência em rede, que exige uma série de competências relacionadas com a própria identidade digital do investigador.

Advances in knowledge acquisition, transfer and management book series, 2017
This chapter results from an investigation into the digital identity of a community of researcher... more This chapter results from an investigation into the digital identity of a community of researchers, part of a PhD study on Education focused on Personal Learning Networks (PLN). Today the social web is a massive reality in academic research, which leads to question the importance of the digital presence of researchers in these informal contexts and how they relate to each other. With the evolution of the internet, new challenges are posed to researchers, both socially (social web) and academically. Immersion in these digital environments promotes the development of open research practices, with evidence of interactions between group members, stressing the collaborative way we interact in the context of learning throughout life. Thus, the social web allows the researcher 2.0 to access the work of other researchers quickly and effectively, sharing content and collaborating with others through a PLN. This personal network requires a range of skills related to the digital identity of researchers, considering the environment in which they are operating.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2018

Na era digital em que nos encontramos, os indivíduos em geral, e os investigadores em particular,... more Na era digital em que nos encontramos, os indivíduos em geral, e os investigadores em particular, experienciam um mundo em rede que emerge a cada segundo. O tema desta tese procura ir ao encontro desta realidade ao definir como relevante o estudo da Rede Pessoal de Aprendizagem (PLN) dos participantes numa comunidade de um programa de doutoramento, ou seja, investigadores em formação denominados investigadores juniores, de uma instituição universitária de ensino a distância. A investigação incidiu na análise sobre a realidade da vivência digital destes doutorandos, de modo a compreender a importância da identidade digital e como esse processo pode influenciar a criação e gestão da Rede Pessoal de Aprendizagem. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso assente numa abordagem metodológica mista. A sua operacionalização consistiu na aplicação numa primeira fase, de um questionário a toda a comunidade de aprendizagem, e na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas a um grupo de seis...

2019 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)
As part of the online experience of researchers from a Portuguese Higher Education Research Cente... more As part of the online experience of researchers from a Portuguese Higher Education Research Center, there was a need to ascertain whether these researchers consider themselves within a community of practice, learning, or other community emerging from virtual environments. An exploratory study of a qualitative nature was conducted, based on a semi-structured interview with a limited peer group, in order to create a tool for a broad study to validate the premise that a group of researchers may function as a community of practice or as a learning community. A group of researchers from this center considered it important to find out what are the communication weaknesses and other dimensions of this center's virtual community for future investments and to improve their interaction as a community. This article aims, in addition to a reflection on the concepts of the new forms that are currently breaking out in the network, to analyze the results of the interviews and to reflect on future work cues for the creation of a virtual learning and sharing community. Moreover, the conclusions of this exploratory study are intended to be the basis for the construction of a questionnaire intended to be applied to all researchers.

O estudo aborda o tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes a políticas de formação inicial e contin... more O estudo aborda o tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes a políticas de formação inicial e continuada de professores e como essas políticas têm contribuído para a melhoria das condições de trabalho, promovendo desenvolvimento profissional e valorização da carreira docente. Como objetivos busca problematizar a aplicação das políticas educacionais para a formação e valorização de profissionais da educação, confrontando o planejado e o realizado, o controle direto ou indireto do estado sobre as práticas de formação profissional, e as aprendizagens que ocorrem no espaço informal das redes sociais que se estabelecem entre os professores. A investigação é de natureza qualitativa e a interpretação dos dados é feita com base em estudos como os de Jenny Ozga sobre a investigação em políticas educacionais e os de Bernadete Gatti e Marli André sobre a formação e valorização profissional. Os resultados apresentam desafios a serem superados para a formação e valorização de professores e sinaliza...

Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models, 2022
This chapter will address results of LE@D's project “Teaching in Times of Emergency: Digital ... more This chapter will address results of LE@D's project “Teaching in Times of Emergency: Digital Transition,” which focused on the experience of rapid digital transition to an “emergency teaching,” a scenario quite different from distance education. Through a mixed methods approach, data was collected through an online questionnaire applied to students and videoconference interviews conducted with both higher education faculty and students. Participants in this research are students and faculty from eight Portuguese higher education institutions, four from universities (three public and one private) and four from polytechnic institutes (three public and one private), covering the regions of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve (Central and Southern Portugal). In this chapter, the authors present a preliminary analysis of the results obtained related to the psychological aspects experienced during this period, aiming at understanding the impact this shift has had on students...

The evolution of the Web 2.0 technologies and the affordances offered by digital and networked fo... more The evolution of the Web 2.0 technologies and the affordances offered by digital and networked forms of content and communication have promoted the birth of emerging digital environments, which, in turn, reflect new practices and behaviours by individuals in a university academic context. This paper discusses how the social, networked and participatory characteristics of the Web 2.0 influence the role of scholars and scholarly practice in a 21st century reality. Two important concepts emerge from this analysis: the notions of scholarship and digital literacy. In this context, scholarship is analysed in Boyer’s [1] perspective of the scholarship of discovery, traditionally referring to the activities carried out by scholars for research purposes. The current use of digital tools has been shaping the research work of scholars in different ways, in what has been termed as social scholarship [2], open scholarship [3,4], digital open scholarship [5] and networked participatory scholarship [6]. Taking into consideration the scholarly communication cycle proposed by Czerniewicz et al. [7], all stages of the research process are influenced by the increasing use of the Web 2.0 technologies. Thus, scholarship in a digital age is influenced by different factors, such as networking, sharing of digital data, increased collaborative work and increased emphasis on openness. Within this background, digital literacy is becoming increasingly important, as scholars’ use of digital tools builds their digital identity in this networked and collaborative world. According to Costa & Torres [8], there is a need to promote new ways of collaborating and disseminating work as part of the digital presence, both at a personal as well as at an academic and professional level. Therefore, the digital presence consists of building a digital identity in the various spaces the individual is connected with and this is no longer an individual process, but a process that somehow depends on their network. In this sense, digital literacy is more than being technically able to operate digital devices, it implies the use of several cognitive skills to perform specific tasks in digital environments. “Digital literacy has become a “survival skill” in the technological era—a key that helps users to work intuitively in executing complex digital tasks” [9]. With the current analysis, we intend to understand the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies in a 21st century scholarship, more particularly, how digital tools are used and help change the specific stages of scholarly practice.

espanolEste articulo describe un estudio centrado en un grupo de investigadores de un Centro de I... more espanolEste articulo describe un estudio centrado en un grupo de investigadores de un Centro de Investigacion de Educacion Superior de Portugal (R&DU). Queriamos ver si estos investigadores se consideraban una comunidad de aprendizaje, de practica o de cualquier tipo, que surgiera del uso de entornos virtuales. Realizamos un estudio cualitativo exploratorio, integrado en una investigacion mas amplia. Comenzamos reflexionando sobre los conceptos de nuevas formas de aprendizaje que actualmente estan surgiendo en la red. Luego realizamos una encuesta con entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo limitado de pares, a fin de crear un instrumento para validar la premisa de que un grupo de investigadores puede funcionar como una comunidad de aprendizaje o una comunidad de practica. Los resultados mostraron que los investigadores destacaron la importancia de la interaccion y la participacion en las actividades del Centro, la falta de alineacion entre pares y proyectos, y la necesidad de crea...

Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2017
O presente artigo centra a discussao no tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes a politicas de for... more O presente artigo centra a discussao no tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes a politicas de formacao inicial e continuada de professores, analisando como essas politicas articulam discurso e pratica na perspectiva de melhoria das condicoes de trabalho e de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores, de modo a garantir a permanencia de lutas e conquistas na carreira docente. A metodologia privilegiada e de natureza qualitativa e a interpretacao dos dados e feita a partir de pressupostos teoricos, cujo dialogo remete aos estudos de Jenny Ozga sobre a investigacao em politicas educacionais e aos de Bernadete Gatti e Marli Andre sobre a formacao de professores. Os resultados sinalizam a necessidade de romper fragilidades e enfrentar desafios encontrados pelos professores na sua formacao e trabalho docentes, assim como apresentam potencialidades a essa formacao e trabalho quando consideradas as politicas educacionais instituidas/implementadas.

EDEN Conference Proceedings, 2021
This proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and peda... more This proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and pedagogical practices experienced by students from various higher education degrees in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement determined by the Portuguese Government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the general research was to understand how Higher Education faculty and students experienced the digital transition to emergency education and the pedagogical practices adopted during the period. The research was based on a mixed methods approach and, in order to address the research objectives and describe the pedagogical practices implemented, specific instruments were developed for data collection. A questionnaire was developed, aimed at students, and interviews aimed at both students and faculty, focusing on technological and pedagogical dimensions, as well as the assessment of the experience. Data collection was carried out after...

Research 2.0 and the Impact of Digital Technologies on Scholarly Inquiry
This chapter results from an investigation into the digital identity of a community of researcher... more This chapter results from an investigation into the digital identity of a community of researchers, part of a PhD study on Education focused on Personal Learning Networks (PLN). Today the social web is a massive reality in academic research, which leads to question the importance of the digital presence of researchers in these informal contexts and how they relate to each other. With the evolution of the internet, new challenges are posed to researchers, both socially (social web) and academically. Immersion in these digital environments promotes the development of open research practices, with evidence of interactions between group members, stressing the collaborative way we interact in the context of learning throughout life. Thus, the social web allows the researcher 2.0 to access the work of other researchers quickly and effectively, sharing content and collaborating with others through a PLN. This personal network requires a range of skills related to the digital identity of re...

O presente estudo intitulado, O papel do e-professor: na plataforma de e-learning e-raízes.redes,... more O presente estudo intitulado, O papel do e-professor: na plataforma de e-learning e-raízes.redes, pretende perceber quais as funções do professor no e-learning, partindo do estudo de caso da implementação do e-learning na Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém na Unidade Curricular de Seminário I do Mestrado em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém. Procede-se à observação direta das atividades e funções da docente da Unidade Curricular, sendo também recolhidos, paralelamente, dados através de um questionário realizado aos estudantes, a propósito da utilização dos módulos disponíveis na plataforma (e.raizes-redes). Procura-se, ainda, compreender a dinâmica utilizada pelo e- professor neste formato de ensino, baseado na colaboração e na cooperação entre pares, onde o professor surge como um guia e orientador, com a responsabilidade de construir os e-conteúdos, encorajando, reconhecendo e reforçando a aprendizagem dos estudantes.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
In a networked society, everyday experience is shared in networks at a personal, professional and... more In a networked society, everyday experience is shared in networks at a personal, professional and academic level. Thus, there is a need to have digital literacy skills to obtain and produce contents in a collaborative way, sharing the knowledge acquired in the personal learning network. This paper is a reflection of literature revision in the PhD project of Online Distance Education and e-learning, concerning themes such as digital identity and personal learning networks. In this way we aim to make a literature analysis about the necessity of digital literacy so that we may obtain competencies for a personal learning network.
This paper will present and discuss, based in implemented case studies, how students can benefit ... more This paper will present and discuss, based in implemented case studies, how students can benefit from the close contact with social networks and virtual worlds in order to enhance their communication skills and therefore collaborations and interactions in order to achieve better knowledge in an elearning context. Additionally the role of teachers in e-learning contexts is also approached. The target of this study were students and teachers from HE and the data was collected by direct observation and questionnaires.
Comunicacao apresentada na X Conferencia Internacional de TIC na Educacao - Challenges 2017, real... more Comunicacao apresentada na X Conferencia Internacional de TIC na Educacao - Challenges 2017, realizada na Universidade do Minho, Braga de 8-10 de maio de 2017.

Este estudo traz uma reflexão sobre o tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes em relação a polític... more Este estudo traz uma reflexão sobre o tratamento dado por pesquisas recentes em relação a políticas de formação inicial e continuada de professores e como essas políticas têm contribuído para a melhoria das condições de trabalho, promovendo desenvolvimento profissional e enriquecimento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A metodologia de investigação é de natureza qualitativa e a interpretação dos dados é feita com base em estudos como os de Jenny Ozga sobre a investigação em políticas educacionais e os de Bernadete Gatti sobre formação de professores. Os resultados apresentam desafios e potencialidades à formação de professores, a sinalização da necessidade de articulação entre as ações políticas, que conduzam à valorização dos profissionais, na avaliação da formação prevista no Plano Estadual de Educação do Rio de Janeiro; e os obstáculos que se colocam aos formadores para a utilização das tecnologias digitais e das redes sociais para divulgar e partilhar conteúdos, promovendo aprendizagem e conhecimento colaborativo.

The Web 2.0 has been increasingly used by the academic community - teachers, students and researc... more The Web 2.0 has been increasingly used by the academic community - teachers, students and researchers - to create, stimulate and expand learning in an informal way, even when knowledge is acquired in a formal context. The appearance of emerging environments and pedagogies has enabled the introduction and adoption of new practices and behaviours of individuals in the university academic context. In the context of lifelong learning and as a complement to formal learning, there is a new reality for the 21st century researchers - the personal learning network. This research project addresses issues related to the researchers’ digital identity in the field of Online Distance Education and eLearning and their personal learning environment, researching the genesis, management and dynamics of the personal learning network of each member in a community of researchers. Within this background, this research aims to analyse how a community of researchers uses social networks to deepen their knowledge, as well as to understand how they create, manage and stimulate their social networks to acquire knowledge based on their contacts.

The evolution of the Web 2.0 technologies and the affordances offered by digital and networked fo... more The evolution of the Web 2.0 technologies and the affordances offered by digital and networked forms of content and communication have promoted the birth of emerging digital environments, which, in turn, reflect new practices and behaviours by individuals in a university academic context. This paper discusses how the social, networked and participatory characteristics of the Web 2.0 influence the role of scholars and scholarly practice in a 21st century reality. Two important concepts emerge from this analysis: the notions of scholarship and digital literacy.
In this context, scholarship is analysed in Boyer’s perspective of the scholarship of discovery, traditionally referring to the activities carried out by scholars for research purposes. The current use of digital tools has been shaping the research work of scholars in different ways, in what has been termed as social scholarship, open scholarship, digital open scholarship and networked participatory scholarship.
Taking into consideration the scholarly communication cycle proposed by Czerniewicz et al., all stages of the research process are influenced by the increasing use of the Web 2.0 technologies.
Thus, scholarship in a digital age is influenced by different factors, such as networking, sharing of digital data, increased collaborative work and increased emphasis on openness.
Within this background, digital literacy is becoming increasingly important, as scholars’ use of digital tools builds their digital identity in this networked and collaborative world. According to Costa & Torres, there is a need to promote new ways of collaborating and disseminating work as part of the digital
presence, both at a personal as well as at an academic and professional level. Therefore, the digital presence consists of building a digital identity in the various spaces the individual is connected with and this is no longer an individual process, but a process that somehow depends on their network.
In this sense, digital literacy is more than being technically able to operate digital devices, it implies the use of several cognitive skills to perform specific tasks in digital environments. "Digital literacy has become a "survival skill" in the technological era—a key that helps users to work intuitively in executing complex digital tasks" (Eshet-Alkali and Amichai-Hamburger, 2004).
With the current analysis, we intend to understand the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies in a 21st century scholarship, more particularly, how digital tools are used and help change the specific stages of scholarly practice.
Papers by Nuno Ricardo Oliveira
In this context, scholarship is analysed in Boyer’s perspective of the scholarship of discovery, traditionally referring to the activities carried out by scholars for research purposes. The current use of digital tools has been shaping the research work of scholars in different ways, in what has been termed as social scholarship, open scholarship, digital open scholarship and networked participatory scholarship.
Taking into consideration the scholarly communication cycle proposed by Czerniewicz et al., all stages of the research process are influenced by the increasing use of the Web 2.0 technologies.
Thus, scholarship in a digital age is influenced by different factors, such as networking, sharing of digital data, increased collaborative work and increased emphasis on openness.
Within this background, digital literacy is becoming increasingly important, as scholars’ use of digital tools builds their digital identity in this networked and collaborative world. According to Costa & Torres, there is a need to promote new ways of collaborating and disseminating work as part of the digital
presence, both at a personal as well as at an academic and professional level. Therefore, the digital presence consists of building a digital identity in the various spaces the individual is connected with and this is no longer an individual process, but a process that somehow depends on their network.
In this sense, digital literacy is more than being technically able to operate digital devices, it implies the use of several cognitive skills to perform specific tasks in digital environments. "Digital literacy has become a "survival skill" in the technological era—a key that helps users to work intuitively in executing complex digital tasks" (Eshet-Alkali and Amichai-Hamburger, 2004).
With the current analysis, we intend to understand the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies in a 21st century scholarship, more particularly, how digital tools are used and help change the specific stages of scholarly practice.
In this context, scholarship is analysed in Boyer’s perspective of the scholarship of discovery, traditionally referring to the activities carried out by scholars for research purposes. The current use of digital tools has been shaping the research work of scholars in different ways, in what has been termed as social scholarship, open scholarship, digital open scholarship and networked participatory scholarship.
Taking into consideration the scholarly communication cycle proposed by Czerniewicz et al., all stages of the research process are influenced by the increasing use of the Web 2.0 technologies.
Thus, scholarship in a digital age is influenced by different factors, such as networking, sharing of digital data, increased collaborative work and increased emphasis on openness.
Within this background, digital literacy is becoming increasingly important, as scholars’ use of digital tools builds their digital identity in this networked and collaborative world. According to Costa & Torres, there is a need to promote new ways of collaborating and disseminating work as part of the digital
presence, both at a personal as well as at an academic and professional level. Therefore, the digital presence consists of building a digital identity in the various spaces the individual is connected with and this is no longer an individual process, but a process that somehow depends on their network.
In this sense, digital literacy is more than being technically able to operate digital devices, it implies the use of several cognitive skills to perform specific tasks in digital environments. "Digital literacy has become a "survival skill" in the technological era—a key that helps users to work intuitively in executing complex digital tasks" (Eshet-Alkali and Amichai-Hamburger, 2004).
With the current analysis, we intend to understand the influence of the Web 2.0 technologies in a 21st century scholarship, more particularly, how digital tools are used and help change the specific stages of scholarly practice.
Procede-se à observação direta das atividades e funções da docente da Unidade Curricular, sendo também recolhidos, paralelamente, dados através de um questionário realizado aos estudantes, a propósito da utilização dos módulos disponíveis na plataforma (e.raizes-redes). Procura-se, ainda, compreender a dinâmica utilizada pelo e-professor neste formato de ensino, baseado na colaboração e na cooperação entre pares, onde o professor surge como um guia e orientador, com a responsabilidade de construir os e-conteúdos, encorajando, reconhecendo e reforçando a aprendizagem dos estudantes.