Social Media Ethics
Recent papers in Social Media Ethics
Talk I gave at Marquette University April 4, 2022 at the opening of their Center for Data, Ethics, and Society.
The change in social relationships and networks that new technology has brought has also altered the way in which journalists are perceived by the public. This has put journalistic practice under far greater scrutiny. In addition, the... more
A new book by Clifford Christians is always a celebration. Christians has contributed to the field of media ethics more than any other scholar I know. In this book, Christians explores the fundamentals of ethics and justice in moral... more
This paper will explore the ethical implications surrounding individual engagement with social media. There will be engagement from two different ethical methodologies for this particular issue: narrative ethics and the Sermon on the... more
Investigations of the moral consequences of socialbots typically involve asking about the influence these mechanisms have on human users and the effect of this influence on the construction of human sociality. This chapter seeks to... more
Komunikacja za pomocą social media -możliwości i zagrożenia. Zarys problematyki, w: Komunikacja -(po)rozumienie -obecność społeczna, red. M. Biedroń, M. Wawrzak-Chodaczek, Toruń 2012, s. 29-41.
Twitter is a common tool in the hacktivism of Anonymous operatives seeking to reduce the amount of evil in the world. This chapter examines two Anonymous operations to elucidate the uncertain terrain of Twitter ethics: "OpAntiBully," a... more
With rising numbers of Facebook, Twitter and MXit users, Africa is increasingly gaining prominence in the sphere of social networking. Social media is increasingly becoming main stream; serving as important tools for facilitating... more
Tout d'abord merci à vous tous qui allez m'écouter parler pendant les 20-30 prochaines minutes et à Marion (Dalibert) pour m'avoir invité.
*Winner of: (1) Top Journal Article of the Year Award from the Communication Ethics Division of the National Communication Association (2014). (2) the Ellen A. Wartella Distinguished Research Award from the Moody College of... more
This chapter examines the putatively simple concepts of "revenge porn" and "nonconsensual pornography" to argue that these are really complex online phenomena. While partisan narratives tend to see them as simple and unified occurrences,... more
The last two decades have witnessed a rapid transformation of traditional media into new media that encompasses digital, computerized, and networked information and communication technologies. This shift has raised concerns and... more
The transatlantic field of global media ethics is premised on a search for the conceptual foundations of plurality. This article is a critique of this very endeavor. I offer this critique through works authored by moral anthropologists of... more
The attempt to establish a unified taxonomy for the field of Information Ethics is both unattainable and unwarranted. The categorization of Information Ethics as a defined discipline, an applicable practice, a philosophy and a worldview... more
Perceiving social media activity as performance, the traditional approach to social media studies, explains a series of motives behind such activities: the construction of an online persona, the use of the medium as a stage for this... more
This paper will discuss social media technology in the context of social work education. While social media technology is prevalent in social work education, most discourse about ethical use of social media in the classroom has taken a... more
The contemporary world is characterised by the pervasive presence of digital technologies that play a part in almost every aspect of our life. An urgent and much-debated issue consists in evaluating the repercussions of these technologies... more
Did Pepsi go too far in using protest images to sell its soda in the midst of nationwide turmoil? A case study on the controversial Pepsi ad that featured Kendall Jenner. Authored by Urub Khawaja & Scott R. Stroud. More case studies at... more
Communities, created rules in accordance with their values which are qualified to cover all areas of social life. These rules which may be written or verbal according to the area that they cater to, is of great importance in the context... more
LinkedIn is currently the largest social networking site for professionals. Be it a fresher, a start-up, a small business owner, or a CEO, everyone who aims to grow professionally is on LinkedIn. In this article, you’ll discover the... more
استهدفت الدراسة استكشاف مدى الحماية التي توفرها مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للحق في الخصوصية، بالتطبيق على موقعي فيسبوك وانستجرام، وذلك عبر التحليل الكيفي لمضمون سياسة الخصوصية على الموقعين عينة الدراسة. وقد كشفت النتائج عن التزام إدارة... more
As the most recent high-profile instances of terrorist attacks in Colombo and Christchurch yield, the internet and social media have become effective tools for exploitation by extremist groups for disseminating radical content, poisoning... more
This chapter is grounded in the notion that “doing the right thing” is an outcome of rhetorically powerful tangles of human and non-human elements, embedded in deep—often invisible—structures of software, politics, and habits. Every... more
As media evolve into channels for networked,digital and dialogic journalism, the scope for regulation and scrutiny of professional conduct has extended from news articles and features to formal and informal social media communication.... more
The Democratic "Catch" is an interdisciplinary study in the fields of communication, law and ethics. It is concerned with the public right to know, and the costs of freedom of expression. Rights are costly, and someone must pay for them.... more
The increase in social networking media, online and distance counseling, and the ubiquitous use of laptops, hand-held devices, and internet connected devices at home and in work settings have resulted in the need for ethical standards to... more
What could go wrong when you die on Facebook? A case study on the ethical challenges of online memorials and social media. Authors: Anna Rose Isbell & Scott Stroud. More case studies at:
The digitalization of audiovisual communication demands a new working framework where the legislation has a limited function and self-regulation is presented as a system, which, for the moment, cannot cover the shortcomings of regulation.... more
Users of social media tend to take information from various sources to be shared in social media. They share the information by copy & paste or by forwarding a message received from another party. Shared materials are either in the form... more
The digitalization of audiovisual communication demands a new working framework where the legislation has a limited function and self-regulation is presented as a system, which, for the moment, cannot cover the shortcomings of regulation.... more
Our online actions on social media sites can affect individuals and communities globally. This article explores the importance of applying our values and notions of ethical literacy, to the ways in which we communicate. Published in the... more
Asked to serve in an ongoing position as Editor for the International Review of Information Ethics, I join a team of seven editors for IRIE. "The IRIE is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It... more