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Our online actions on social media sites can affect individuals and communities globally. This article explores the importance of applying our values and notions of ethical literacy, to the ways in which we communicate. Published in the Ismaili UK magazine, Winter 2012 edition.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Today's technological advancements have resulted in broad social media usage, ranging from youngsters to the elderly. The use of social media can bring both good and bad to society. Thus, social media and technology used must be controlled with ethics and moral principles. This study aims to look at the ability of Maqāṣid al-Shari'ah as a fundamental ethic in the use of social media. Five principle elements (al-Darūriyat al-Khams) in Maqāṣid al-Shari'ah, namely the protection of religion (al-Din), life (al-Nafs), intellect (al-'Aql), progeny (al-Nasl) and wealth (al-Māl) became the yardstick in the use of social media. This study found that Maqāṣid al-Shari'ah is very suitable to be the core of ethics in the use of social media because it can control the harm brought through social media. The study suggests that Maqāṣid al-Shari'ah be the primary ethical in using social media and made a factor in the study of acceptance and use of technology.
Atsumi International Foundation Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA), 2022
This research interest investigates digital literacy, and basic ethics have become integral to social media with the increasing importance of technology in society. We examined social media, the technology that influences digital literacy practice online, which impacts writing and reading practices. Basic ethics equals the right thinking on how they leverage social media appropriately and how to engage people in the right manner. Most people in Indonesia have used social media and have the gap public knowledge of the news. The news spread out on social media without control and they believe it without reading properly. In COVID-19 pandemic, the people believe the hoax news that death is over 500 in a day without showing the data properly. This research has discussed the use of digital literacy and the basic ethics that can be instilled correctly in Indonesian people. 104 respondents are distributed via questionnaires in Google Form between March and April 2020. This research used mixed-method, descriptive analysis, observation, and the interview to eight respondents is used to for semi-structured qualitative methods. The result found that the relationship between basic ethics and social media is 52.3% which is low and the relationship between digital literacy and social media is 44.6%. 89.9% respondents wish that people use social media properly. It concluded that Indonesian people had little knowledge of digital literacy, and basic ethics to write and read on social. Moreover, they need to increase their knowledge and apply the basic ethics in communication with other people on social media.
Hogue, R. J., & Ennnis O’Connor, M. (2019). We need to talk about ethics and social media: A conversation. In J. Wintrup, H. Biggs, T. Brannelly, A. Fenwick, R. Ingram, & D. Woods (Eds.), Ethics from the ground up: Emerging debates, changing practices, and new voices in healthcare (pp. 103-112). London, UK: Red Globe Press.
Media and Communication, 2016
The Editorial raises some challenging ethical and methodological aspects of Internet based research (such as protection of informational privacy, informed consent, general ethical guidelines vs case-based approach), which are further discussed in the five articles of this special issue.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy
Raises the problem of ethics in interpersonal relations on the Internet. The ontological difference between digital cyberspace from the real world is emphasized and the corresponding conceptual constructions of modern thinkers are derived. Relevant questions of modern philosophy are substantiated - whether there are some specific ethical relations in cyberspace, which arise directly on the Internet, how they are possible, and how they can be regulated. As a theoretical and methodological basis for answering these questions, presents Levinas’ ideas regarding ethical thinking and the principles of “real” meetings on the Internet: for-the-other , face-to-face , and existent-beyond-Being . In this context, Levinas’ conception of interpersonal and ethical relations in digital reality and the role of the Other in these relations are examined. The idea of the Other as a subject being outside, but for whom the user of the Internet is responsible, is disclosed. This type of responsibility, a...
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 2017
Every Environment Has Its Own Laws And Ethics Which Guide Behavior; However, It Does Not Mean That Anybody Is Able To Obey It And It Rises Three Consequences At Legal, Ethic And Social. This Research Is A Quantitative Research With Law In Action Approach, It Is A Non-Doctrinal And Empirical Social Science Study. Internet Brings The World To New Ways Of Thinking, And Communicating. Netiquette Is An Ethical Guide In Behaving / Communicating Among Netizens. Teachers’ Awareness To Communicate Well In Smk Bakti Purwokerto Is At A Poor Level. Bad Habits Communications In Real-World Are Brought Into Cyber Which Often Create Legal Issues. Although No One Has Proceeded To Justice, It Is Quite Worrying Since Their Position As Teachers Should Be Role Models For Their Students. It Is Necessary To Realize The Awareness Of Compliance With The Law And Ethics Of Cyber Communication For These Teachers.Keywords: Netiquette, Internet, Social Media, Law And Ethics, Communication.
International Journal of Human Resource Studies
This study aims to determine: 1) an overview of the social demographic characteristics of social media users, 2) knowledge of social media users regarding digital ethics, and 3) perceptions of social media users regarding digital ethics from the social media they use. The method of collecting data in the field is a survey using a questionnaire distributed to respondents online with the help of google forms and sampling is done by purposive sampling, with a total sample of 250 respondents. The variables used in this study include: demographic and social characteristics, user knowledge of ethics in the use of social media, and user perceptions of ethics in the use of social media. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis. The description of the knowledge of social media users regarding digital ethics includes the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) and the regulations and sanctions contained in the ITE Law, it was found that most respondents stated the...
International Journal on Global Business Management and Research, 2020
With outstanding advantages, social media has been changing the habit of searching, sharing and using of the public media. The problem is that, in an "open" society, social media is often associated with informal communication activities, because it allows users to easily join a certain group on social networks to chat and make your own point of view on an issue they are concerned about. Of course, to be able to use and not to be abused by social media, we need a media literate, open-minded people who are critically involved in this kind of the creation and exchange of media content. From the technical art of media perspective, social media is operated based on online services, news can be shared and spread quickly and interactively among people. join. The top issue is to attach importance to media ethics in social media.
Proceeding international conference on science and engineering, 2021
Islam as a universal religion is a religion that does not only contain values and spiritual aspects and a set of rituals of worship. But more than that as proof of its universality, Islam is capable and proven to be able to penetrate various lines and boundaries of geographic and cultural cultures, as well as various scientific fields and the science of communication is no exception. Ethics as the basis of religion in social life has a close relationship with the tradition of communication science, because communication science is a practical science that cannot be separated from people's life. The dynamic condition of modern society has influenced this science. Digital media which is an important part of modern society as a means of communication has made communication science follow its development. And this is the reason why ethics in social life with ethics in social media in the midst of modern society cannot be separated, which is the main object of discussion in this paper.
Governance is the establishment of policies, and continuous monitoring of their proper implementation by the members of the governing body of an organization. It includes the mechanisms required to balance the powers of the members with the associated accountability and their primary duty of enhancing the prosperity and viability of the organization. Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It is not about making 'correct' decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions. Good decision-making processes and good governance therefore share several characteristics. Both have a positive effect on various aspects of local government including consultation on policies and practices, meeting procedures, service quality protocols, councillors and officers' conduct, role clarification and good working relationships. As the basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects, and activities in the community and as a forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and given due course and an avenue wherein contending claims maybe amicably settled. This study focuses in determining the competencies of Punong barangay for good governance as perceived by their constituents utilizing the descriptive research design. This method described the competencies of the Punong barangays for good governance. Respondents utilized in this undertaking were the community residents of the barangays being surveyed. There were 40 respondents per barangay for a total of 400 respondents. An interview schedule and structured questionnaire were used in gathering the data. The questionnaire was pre-tested at Afusing, Alcala, Cagayan and validated before it was finally
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