The current paper tackles the thorny issue of cultural tourism in Romania, trying to ascertain wh... more The current paper tackles the thorny issue of cultural tourism in Romania, trying to ascertain whether there is an actual chance of promoting it successfully in our country, without further damage to an already endangered national cultural patrimony. The question is whether we were facing a dilemma with little chances of being solved to our advantage – namely, if the promotion of cultural tourism would pose a threat or present an opportunity to a domain in which, unfortunately, very little has been done in recent years. The goal of the paper is twofold – it is meant, on the one hand, as a strong alarm signal, a wake-up call as to the necessity of a coherent, well-funded strategy regarding the promotion of cultural tourism in Romania, and on the other hand as a cautionary tale – one that could envisage what might happen if such a strategy were incorrectly devised and applied. Some hints in that direction are unfortunately already at hand, amply visible when considering the current si...
International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 2015
Tourism plays an important role in any country ’ s economy, and innovations in selling tourism pr... more Tourism plays an important role in any country ’ s economy, and innovations in selling tourism products represent a key-factor in the obtaining of the competitiveness and business sustainability of travel agencies. However, research in innovation in the activity of agencies dealing in the production and trading of tourism packages or/and their components is relatively limited. In this paper, we make a diagnosis of the achievements of travel agencies in Romania regarding innovations in selling tourism products, their type and their impact on the economic efficiency and sustainability of the activity and on the increase of the quality of services and client satisfaction. Based on ample documentary study, the paper presents the opinions of specialists and the results of previous research referring to the contents and typology of innovations related to the specific of the travel agencies, mostly small and medium sized enterprises, and in relation with the features of tourism products. ...
HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration, 2021
The present paper intends to discuss the amount to which scapegoating (as understood by René Gira... more The present paper intends to discuss the amount to which scapegoating (as understood by René Girard in ‘The Scapegoat’) can be applied to Camus’s novel ‘The Stranger’. While issues arise when we are trying to apply Girard’s definition of scapegoating to the famous novel by Camus, this paper shall try to prove that they are only apparent issues, and that the novel is a perfect illustration of Girard’s theory.
The accelerated progress in technology, modern technologies in informatics and communications, in... more The accelerated progress in technology, modern technologies in informatics and communications, increasing globalization and liberalization that reduce the importance of borders in the circulation of goods and services have, besides the numerous advantages related especially to the development of competitiveness at a national as well as at an international level, some negative consequences determined, among others, by the multiplication of phenomena related to unfair competition, counterfeiting, piracy, deceptive advertising etc. Especially in services, due to their characteristics (intangibility, cannot be stored, simultaneity of production and consumption, heterogeneity etc.) that make their protection against the risk of counterfeiting more difficult, such phenomena are pretty common, with negative results on consu- mers, competitors and on the society as a whole. In the process of prevention and fight against these practices a special role, besides the legislation in the respecti...
The article explores the complex relationships between the natural environment , tourist transpor... more The article explores the complex relationships between the natural environment , tourist transport and sustainable tourism development. In order to research the impact of natural resources on tourism activity, on the one hand, and the influences of tourism on the environment, on the other hand, statistical and mathematical methods of analysis and forecast were used, namely, the analysis of the dynamics of significant indicators of the natural environment and of tourist activity, the correlation method, the Markov chains method. The analyses made lead us to the conclusion of the existence of a positive evolution of significant indicators of the natural environment, with an impact on tourist activity, such as natural parks. It has been emphasized; also, that this positive evolution has a direct influence on the attraction of visitors, specifically, foreign ones, but the intensity of this influence is average. The intensification of the actions of promotion of natural parks and, genera...
While traditional economics tries to quantify happiness, slow economics avoids price tags on qual... more While traditional economics tries to quantify happiness, slow economics avoids price tags on quality of life, write Diana-Eugenia Ioncică and Eva-Cristina Petrescu
Improving quality represents for all organizations and especially for those in services one of th... more Improving quality represents for all organizations and especially for those in services one of the most important strategies for enhancing performance and competitiveness. In the current social and economic context, the evaluation of the performance of organizations must be approached holistically. Performance means a special result, obtained in a certain field, which expresses the quality of the adjustment of the organization to the conditions in the environment. Currently, it is necessary to rethink the whole approach to the ways of evaluating performance. The continuous quest for meeting and even surpassing clients’ expectations, the involvement of all employees in the organization and the permanent improvement of quality represent important dimensions of Total Quality Management (TQM). As any strategy, TQM comprises a series of activities which lead to meeting all the quality objectives, by optimum use of available resources and of the strengths of the organization. The European...
Problemele competitivitatii pot fi abordate la nivel microeconomic (al firmelor, organizatiilor, ... more Problemele competitivitatii pot fi abordate la nivel microeconomic (al firmelor, organizatiilor, etc.), cat si la nivel mezoeconomic (al sectoarelor economice sau ramurilor), macroeconomic (la nivelul unei tari) sau chiar megaeconomic (al unui numar de tari – cum ar fi Uniunea Europeana). De asemenea, competitivitatea unei firme, ramuri, tari, etc. poate fi privita statistic, prin indicatori statici cum ar fi: cota de piata, profitabilitatea sau pozitia in comertul mondial sau dinamic, pe termen scurt, mediu si lung. In cel de-al doilea caz competitivitatea unei firme, spre exemplu, este privita ca abilitatea sa pe termen lung de a prospera intr-un mediu economic concurential. La fel, la nivel macroeconomic, competitivitatea unei natiuni poate fi privita ca abilitatea tarii de a realiza o crestere economica pe termen lung intr-un asemenea mod incat structura sa economica sa se adapteze eficient la evolutia economica mondiala (vazuta ca evolutie a comertului mondial (Bienkowski, 2006...
The present study deals with methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and com... more The present study deals with methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and competitiveness in the services sector in the modern economy (a knowledge-based society). Methods and indices that evaluate the development and competitiveness of services are presented in the context of new ideas referring to the contents and features of the modern economy, defined by specialists as an economy (and society) with the following characteristics: knowledge-based, new economy, services economy. The study presents different methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and competitiveness in the tertiary sector - of modern services and in some of the services' branches, an evaluation that is of crucial importance for setting the scientific bases of policies and development strategies in the tertiary sector. Regarding the overall development of the tertiary sector, the study highlights the relevance of indices that show, on the one hand, the amount and share of...
Dezvoltarea in ritmuri accelerate a comertului mondial cu servicii, indeosebi dupa anii 70 ai sec... more Dezvoltarea in ritmuri accelerate a comertului mondial cu servicii, indeosebi dupa anii 70 ai secolului trecut, a determinat sporirea preocuparilor teoreticienilor si practicienilor in marketing de a elabora strategii noi sau de a adapta strategiile existente pentru a amplifica efectele benefice, la nivel economic si social ale tranzactiilor internationale. In ultimele decenii s-au produs mutatii importante in structura schimburilor internationale imateriale, mai ales in sensul sporirii grupei de servicii, in special in domeniul telecomunicatiilor, serviciilor financiare, asigurarilor, serviciilor culturale si consultant. Fenomenul de globalizare si liberalizare a comertului international cu servicii ofera unele oportunitati pentru firmele din tarile mai putin dezvoltate de a castiga de pe urma amplificarii comertului invizibil. In acest context, studiul nostru prezinta cateva alternative strategice de patrundere si dezvoltare a afacerilor pe piata mondiala a serviciilor.
As already known, the 20th century economic theory and practice has acquired a new, multidimensio... more As already known, the 20th century economic theory and practice has acquired a new, multidimensional and extremely dynamic concept – the concept of marketing. This concept, rich in significance, integrated nowadays in the system of categories of economic thought, represents the result of prolonged efforts of generalization and reflection at the level of economic theory of the practical marketing activity, activity which appeared and was developed as a consequence of the economic and social contemporary dynamics and is attested by a large recognition and application in the economies of developed countries.
The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of ... more The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of economics - slow living, slow food, slow writing and the green economy. The goal of the paper is twofold - discussing the possibilities opened by these exciting new concepts, in terms of an increase in the quality of life combined with an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, as well as ascertaining what the concepts may entail in the context in which the effects of the recent economic crisis may make green and slow living seem like a distant dream. It is this holistic view that we shall attempt to enlarge upon in the paper, with the avowed purpose of weighing out the possibilities presented in the complicated, crisis-fraught global context.
The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of ... more The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of economics – slow living, slow food, slow writing and the green economy. The goal of the paper is twofold – discussing the possibilities opened by these exciting new concepts, in terms of an increase in the quality of life combined with an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, as well as ascertaining what the concepts may entail in the context in which the effects of the recent economic crisis may make green and slow living seem like a distant dream. It is this holistic view that we shall attempt to enlarge upon in the paper, with the avowed purpose of weighing out the possibilities presented in the complicated, crisis-fraught global context.
The present study is based on the results of research conducted in 2007 by a group of researchers... more The present study is based on the results of research conducted in 2007 by a group of researchers in the Tourism-Services Department of the Commerce Faculty in ASE Bucharest. In the first part of our paper the complexity of the concept of competitiveness, the factors of competitiveness as well as its particularities in the hospitality industry are highlighted. The factors
Nowadays, the insurance market in Romania can be characterized thus: a developing market both fro... more Nowadays, the insurance market in Romania can be characterized thus: a developing market both from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view, with demand concentrated in areas of above-average economic activity, having a varied supply and increasing competition. On the Romanian market there is a discrepancy between potential and effective demand. Potential demand is high, due to the large number of persons, the large number of properties, due to unsatisfied needs of both natural persons and legal entities. However, effective demand is quite low. The impact of the global financial crisis on the insurance industry in Romania was so far 'relatively limited' and has mainly affected consumer trust.
Ovidius University Annals Economic Sciences Series, 2010
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...
The Romanian insurance market had and continues to have a similar evolution to the Romanian econo... more The Romanian insurance market had and continues to have a similar evolution to the Romanian economy, being heavily influenced by changes in the environment. Nowadays, the insurance market is affected by the crisis. The evolution of the insurance market ...
The current paper tackles the thorny issue of cultural tourism in Romania, trying to ascertain wh... more The current paper tackles the thorny issue of cultural tourism in Romania, trying to ascertain whether there is an actual chance of promoting it successfully in our country, without further damage to an already endangered national cultural patrimony. The question is whether we were facing a dilemma with little chances of being solved to our advantage – namely, if the promotion of cultural tourism would pose a threat or present an opportunity to a domain in which, unfortunately, very little has been done in recent years. The goal of the paper is twofold – it is meant, on the one hand, as a strong alarm signal, a wake-up call as to the necessity of a coherent, well-funded strategy regarding the promotion of cultural tourism in Romania, and on the other hand as a cautionary tale – one that could envisage what might happen if such a strategy were incorrectly devised and applied. Some hints in that direction are unfortunately already at hand, amply visible when considering the current si...
International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 2015
Tourism plays an important role in any country ’ s economy, and innovations in selling tourism pr... more Tourism plays an important role in any country ’ s economy, and innovations in selling tourism products represent a key-factor in the obtaining of the competitiveness and business sustainability of travel agencies. However, research in innovation in the activity of agencies dealing in the production and trading of tourism packages or/and their components is relatively limited. In this paper, we make a diagnosis of the achievements of travel agencies in Romania regarding innovations in selling tourism products, their type and their impact on the economic efficiency and sustainability of the activity and on the increase of the quality of services and client satisfaction. Based on ample documentary study, the paper presents the opinions of specialists and the results of previous research referring to the contents and typology of innovations related to the specific of the travel agencies, mostly small and medium sized enterprises, and in relation with the features of tourism products. ...
HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration, 2021
The present paper intends to discuss the amount to which scapegoating (as understood by René Gira... more The present paper intends to discuss the amount to which scapegoating (as understood by René Girard in ‘The Scapegoat’) can be applied to Camus’s novel ‘The Stranger’. While issues arise when we are trying to apply Girard’s definition of scapegoating to the famous novel by Camus, this paper shall try to prove that they are only apparent issues, and that the novel is a perfect illustration of Girard’s theory.
The accelerated progress in technology, modern technologies in informatics and communications, in... more The accelerated progress in technology, modern technologies in informatics and communications, increasing globalization and liberalization that reduce the importance of borders in the circulation of goods and services have, besides the numerous advantages related especially to the development of competitiveness at a national as well as at an international level, some negative consequences determined, among others, by the multiplication of phenomena related to unfair competition, counterfeiting, piracy, deceptive advertising etc. Especially in services, due to their characteristics (intangibility, cannot be stored, simultaneity of production and consumption, heterogeneity etc.) that make their protection against the risk of counterfeiting more difficult, such phenomena are pretty common, with negative results on consu- mers, competitors and on the society as a whole. In the process of prevention and fight against these practices a special role, besides the legislation in the respecti...
The article explores the complex relationships between the natural environment , tourist transpor... more The article explores the complex relationships between the natural environment , tourist transport and sustainable tourism development. In order to research the impact of natural resources on tourism activity, on the one hand, and the influences of tourism on the environment, on the other hand, statistical and mathematical methods of analysis and forecast were used, namely, the analysis of the dynamics of significant indicators of the natural environment and of tourist activity, the correlation method, the Markov chains method. The analyses made lead us to the conclusion of the existence of a positive evolution of significant indicators of the natural environment, with an impact on tourist activity, such as natural parks. It has been emphasized; also, that this positive evolution has a direct influence on the attraction of visitors, specifically, foreign ones, but the intensity of this influence is average. The intensification of the actions of promotion of natural parks and, genera...
While traditional economics tries to quantify happiness, slow economics avoids price tags on qual... more While traditional economics tries to quantify happiness, slow economics avoids price tags on quality of life, write Diana-Eugenia Ioncică and Eva-Cristina Petrescu
Improving quality represents for all organizations and especially for those in services one of th... more Improving quality represents for all organizations and especially for those in services one of the most important strategies for enhancing performance and competitiveness. In the current social and economic context, the evaluation of the performance of organizations must be approached holistically. Performance means a special result, obtained in a certain field, which expresses the quality of the adjustment of the organization to the conditions in the environment. Currently, it is necessary to rethink the whole approach to the ways of evaluating performance. The continuous quest for meeting and even surpassing clients’ expectations, the involvement of all employees in the organization and the permanent improvement of quality represent important dimensions of Total Quality Management (TQM). As any strategy, TQM comprises a series of activities which lead to meeting all the quality objectives, by optimum use of available resources and of the strengths of the organization. The European...
Problemele competitivitatii pot fi abordate la nivel microeconomic (al firmelor, organizatiilor, ... more Problemele competitivitatii pot fi abordate la nivel microeconomic (al firmelor, organizatiilor, etc.), cat si la nivel mezoeconomic (al sectoarelor economice sau ramurilor), macroeconomic (la nivelul unei tari) sau chiar megaeconomic (al unui numar de tari – cum ar fi Uniunea Europeana). De asemenea, competitivitatea unei firme, ramuri, tari, etc. poate fi privita statistic, prin indicatori statici cum ar fi: cota de piata, profitabilitatea sau pozitia in comertul mondial sau dinamic, pe termen scurt, mediu si lung. In cel de-al doilea caz competitivitatea unei firme, spre exemplu, este privita ca abilitatea sa pe termen lung de a prospera intr-un mediu economic concurential. La fel, la nivel macroeconomic, competitivitatea unei natiuni poate fi privita ca abilitatea tarii de a realiza o crestere economica pe termen lung intr-un asemenea mod incat structura sa economica sa se adapteze eficient la evolutia economica mondiala (vazuta ca evolutie a comertului mondial (Bienkowski, 2006...
The present study deals with methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and com... more The present study deals with methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and competitiveness in the services sector in the modern economy (a knowledge-based society). Methods and indices that evaluate the development and competitiveness of services are presented in the context of new ideas referring to the contents and features of the modern economy, defined by specialists as an economy (and society) with the following characteristics: knowledge-based, new economy, services economy. The study presents different methods and indices used to assess the degree of development and competitiveness in the tertiary sector - of modern services and in some of the services' branches, an evaluation that is of crucial importance for setting the scientific bases of policies and development strategies in the tertiary sector. Regarding the overall development of the tertiary sector, the study highlights the relevance of indices that show, on the one hand, the amount and share of...
Dezvoltarea in ritmuri accelerate a comertului mondial cu servicii, indeosebi dupa anii 70 ai sec... more Dezvoltarea in ritmuri accelerate a comertului mondial cu servicii, indeosebi dupa anii 70 ai secolului trecut, a determinat sporirea preocuparilor teoreticienilor si practicienilor in marketing de a elabora strategii noi sau de a adapta strategiile existente pentru a amplifica efectele benefice, la nivel economic si social ale tranzactiilor internationale. In ultimele decenii s-au produs mutatii importante in structura schimburilor internationale imateriale, mai ales in sensul sporirii grupei de servicii, in special in domeniul telecomunicatiilor, serviciilor financiare, asigurarilor, serviciilor culturale si consultant. Fenomenul de globalizare si liberalizare a comertului international cu servicii ofera unele oportunitati pentru firmele din tarile mai putin dezvoltate de a castiga de pe urma amplificarii comertului invizibil. In acest context, studiul nostru prezinta cateva alternative strategice de patrundere si dezvoltare a afacerilor pe piata mondiala a serviciilor.
As already known, the 20th century economic theory and practice has acquired a new, multidimensio... more As already known, the 20th century economic theory and practice has acquired a new, multidimensional and extremely dynamic concept – the concept of marketing. This concept, rich in significance, integrated nowadays in the system of categories of economic thought, represents the result of prolonged efforts of generalization and reflection at the level of economic theory of the practical marketing activity, activity which appeared and was developed as a consequence of the economic and social contemporary dynamics and is attested by a large recognition and application in the economies of developed countries.
The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of ... more The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of economics - slow living, slow food, slow writing and the green economy. The goal of the paper is twofold - discussing the possibilities opened by these exciting new concepts, in terms of an increase in the quality of life combined with an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, as well as ascertaining what the concepts may entail in the context in which the effects of the recent economic crisis may make green and slow living seem like a distant dream. It is this holistic view that we shall attempt to enlarge upon in the paper, with the avowed purpose of weighing out the possibilities presented in the complicated, crisis-fraught global context.
The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of ... more The current paper explores the relationship between some relatively new concepts in the field of economics – slow living, slow food, slow writing and the green economy. The goal of the paper is twofold – discussing the possibilities opened by these exciting new concepts, in terms of an increase in the quality of life combined with an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, as well as ascertaining what the concepts may entail in the context in which the effects of the recent economic crisis may make green and slow living seem like a distant dream. It is this holistic view that we shall attempt to enlarge upon in the paper, with the avowed purpose of weighing out the possibilities presented in the complicated, crisis-fraught global context.
The present study is based on the results of research conducted in 2007 by a group of researchers... more The present study is based on the results of research conducted in 2007 by a group of researchers in the Tourism-Services Department of the Commerce Faculty in ASE Bucharest. In the first part of our paper the complexity of the concept of competitiveness, the factors of competitiveness as well as its particularities in the hospitality industry are highlighted. The factors
Nowadays, the insurance market in Romania can be characterized thus: a developing market both fro... more Nowadays, the insurance market in Romania can be characterized thus: a developing market both from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view, with demand concentrated in areas of above-average economic activity, having a varied supply and increasing competition. On the Romanian market there is a discrepancy between potential and effective demand. Potential demand is high, due to the large number of persons, the large number of properties, due to unsatisfied needs of both natural persons and legal entities. However, effective demand is quite low. The impact of the global financial crisis on the insurance industry in Romania was so far 'relatively limited' and has mainly affected consumer trust.
Ovidius University Annals Economic Sciences Series, 2010
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view i... more If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. ...
The Romanian insurance market had and continues to have a similar evolution to the Romanian econo... more The Romanian insurance market had and continues to have a similar evolution to the Romanian economy, being heavily influenced by changes in the environment. Nowadays, the insurance market is affected by the crisis. The evolution of the insurance market ...
Papers by Diana Ioncica