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Rešitve nalog delovnega zvezka za domače branje Poljub zlata.
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, 2023
30 Ta razdelitev se je zgodila na ozemlju toskanske Pistoie, v družini Cancellieri. Razdeljena oblast Pistoie pa je zmotila Florentince, ki so jim veleli, naj pridejo v Firence in ne povzročajo zdrah na domačem ozemlju. Dobronameren nasvet je prerasel v nasprotno: razdeljeni vodilni členi Pistoie so razdelili še florentinsko družbo (Bruni, »Life of Dante (Appendices)«, 90-91). 31 Leonardo Bruni naznanja, da je bila tedaj takšna navada, gl. Bruni, »Life of Dante (Appendices)«, 90. 32 Ibid. 33 Ibid. 34 Tretji sin Karla III. in oče Filipa VI. 35 Frisardi, »Introduction«, xxv. 44 Busetto, La vita e le opere di D. Alighieri, 31. 45 Ibid., 30. Nekateri raziskovalci dvomijo v Dantejev realen obisk Pariza, prim. (https:// 23. 7. 2022). 46 O čemer je poročal šele Giovanni Vilanni (Ciabattoni, »Dante Alighieri«, 948). 47 Ta gospa je bila hkrati identificirana kot Gherardesca di Donoratico, žena Guida Simone di Battifolle. 48 Ta tri pisma so bila prvič objavljena šele leta 1881. Hranjena so v rokopisu v Vatikanski apostolski knjižnici pod šifro: (gl.
Juznoslovenski Filolog, 2002
Slavia Centralis, 2014
Esej je posebna zvrst miselne proze, ki v literarni vedi doprinese v tistem delu raziskovanja literature, ki ni mogoč z izključno znanstveno razpravo. Članek prikazuje reševanje terminološke variabilnosti problematike eseja v slovenski literarni vedi, in sicer bo predstavljen kronološki pregled razprav o eseju v slovenski literarni vedi, ki so izšle v knjižnih oblikah-od Literarnega leksikona Esej do Slovenske esejistike v drugi polovici dvajsetega stoletja Mirana Štuheca. The essay is a specific genre which is beneficial for the study of literature in those areas of research literature that cannot be dealt which solely through scientific discussion. This article presents solutions for the terminological variability pertaining to the essay in Slovenian literary studies, namely, by presenting a chronological overview of published discussions that have appeared in book form-from Esej in Literarni leksikon to Miran Štuhec's Slovenska esejistika v drugi polovici dvajsetega stoletja.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2003
Razprava se ukvarja s sve'njem pesmi na novozavezne motive iz nedokon~ane pesni{ke zbirke Anotna Vodnika Talitá, kumi, objavljene pred kratkim v drugi knjigi njegovih Zbranih del. Ob strani pu{~a literarnosmerno opredeljevanje in se osredinja na Vodnikovo pesnjenje razodetja v njih, ki ga pripravlja poduhovljeno pesnjenje erosa v prvih dveh zbirkah. Pesnjenje v t. i. »novozaveznem ciklu« dose'e vrhunec v liku Jude I{karijota, ki izgubi tradicionalne poteze izdajalca Kristusa in postane, tako kot Kristus, lik razodetne drugosti. The paper deals with a corpus of poems with New-Testament motifs from an unfinished poetry collection by Anton Vodnik, Talitá, kumi, that was published recently in the second volume of his collected works (Zbrana dela). The question of defining the literary trend is left aside and instead the matter of Vodnik's poetry of revelation in the poems, which he prepared through a spiritualized poeticization of eros in the first two collections, is concentrated upon. His poeticization in the »New-Testament cycle« reaches its zenith in the image of Judas Iscariot, who loses the traditional characteristics of Christ's betrayer and becomes, like Christ himself, an image of revelation otherness. Klju~ne besede: Biblija in slovenska literatura, eros v slovenskem pesni{tvu, pesni{tvo in razodetje, Juda I{karijot v kr{~anskem izro~ilu in moderni literaturi, drugost
Primerjalna Knjizevnost, 2020
Ne more biti nobenega dvoma, da so Sarajevski zvezki najboljša jugo slovanska literarna revija vseh časov-paradoks tega prvenstva pa je v dejstvu, da so se Sarajevski zvezki zgodili šele po krvavi in tragični
The issue of enrollment children into kindergartens with example of kindergarten Krkine lučke by OŠ Vavta vas. Preschool education is an important and sensitive scope from child point of view; child life and social development starts in kindergarten and also from parents point of view due to existence of preschool education enable to better organization of their professional and family life. The thesis is analyzing kindergartens as a part of public services that extended its role only as an educational institution. Public and private kindergartens are part of educational system, which is part of public services and an organization of public and private kindergartens is sorted in two acts, Organization and Financing of Education Act and Kindergarten Act. Professional basis for work in kindergartens is provided by national document Curriculum for Kindergartens. The thesis within its core points out problems which follows entry of children into kindergartens. Problems which are exposed by public at the most recently are analyzed. Lack of space, criteria at entry of children and prices of kindergartens are problems that follow almost all kindergarten in Slovenia. Some of the kindergartens have problems with lack of space; others have problems with criteria at entry and their explanation within decisions. Kindergarten Krkine lučke from Straža by Novo mesto is one of those kindergartens which has a lot of problems with acts which follows entry of children in kindergarten. In frame of performance of study practice I tried to help them with this problem. KEY WORDS: public services, public kindergarten, private kindergarten, space conditions in kindergartens, criteria at entry in kindergarten, kindergarten prices, acts irregularities v KAZALO VSEBINE
Kognitivni semantiki, ki proučujejo konceptualne metafore, navajajo za mentalno področje sorodstva deset temeljnih konceptualnih metafor, imenovanih sorodstvene metafore (angl. kinship metaphors). Z gradivom, zbranim iz korpusa FidaPlus, v prispevku preverjamo, koliko in na kakšen način so te konceptualne metafore uresničene v slovenskem jeziku. Posebej je izpostavljeno tudi razmerje med naravnim (npr. mati) in slovničnim (npr. previdnost, modrost) spolom. Cognitive semantics, which researches conceptual metaphors, describes ten basic kinship metaphors. Using material taken from the corpus FidaPlus, we will evaluate to what extent these conceptual metaphors are realised in Slovene. A particular emphasis will be placed between natural (e.g. mati) and grammatical (e.g. previdnost, modrost) gender.
Between 1999 and 2010 Slovenia managed to bring to an end the majority of tasks associated with the development and putting to operation the multipurpose national forest inventory entitled Forest and Forest Ecosystem Condition Survey (hereafter FFECS; Kusar ...
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Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021
Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, 2024
Cultural Tourism: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges, 2024
The Norse Sorceress: Mind and Materiality in the Viking World, 2023
Analisi e diritto, 2024
Revista Tempo e Argumento
Proceedings of European Society For Aesthetics. Volumn 9 /2017 p. 246-274, 2017
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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2017
IOER International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2023
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010
Workshop Constraints in …, 2011
Modern Italy, 2017
SSRN, 2025
Children's Language, 2014