Recent papers in Skinheads
In 2013, the Metropolitan Museum hosted an exhibition of punk-inspired fashion entitled Punk: Chaos to Couture. The exhibition emphasized the 'spectacular' elements of the subculture, reflecting a narrative that dominates accounts of punk... more
This essay examines the origins, diffusion and spread of organized groups of young football fans (so‐called ultras) in Spain. The first Spanish ultra groups emerged after the 1982 World Cup held in Spain. Mainly mimicry of both Italian... more
Ventsel, Aimar, 2014, “That Old School Lonsdale”: Authenticity and Clothes in Streetpunk and Skinhead Culture, Russell Cobb (toim.), Genuine Copies: The Paradox of Authenticity in a Globalized World, Palgrave MacMillan, 261-276.
This article analyzes the components of British Nationalism which have leading roles in Shane Meadows' "This Is England". The film depicts the consequences of Thatcher's oppressive politics and her implementation of iron fist-like... more
Exposing and illustrating how an ongoing engagement with nihilistic alienation may contribute to, rather than detract from, the value of life, Cinematic Nihilism both challenges and builds upon past scholarship that has scrutinised... more
The book is divided into four parts that describe the evolution of the skinhead style in Catalonia from its introduction in the decade of the eighties of the twentieth century to the present, with special emphasis on the incidence of the... more
El estilo skinhead, surgido a finales de los años sesenta en Gran Bretaña, se caracterizó en sus orígenes por una estética transgresora, una actitud desafiante y rebelde y una banda sonora de reminiscencias caribeñas. Aunque inicialmente... more
Gildas Lescop, sociologue, décrit minutieusement son travail de recherche et l’approche des mondes skin, alors que, longtemps compartimentée, sa vie de chercheur et sa position de skin-sociologue ou de sociologue-skin, constituèrent à la... more
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
Az 1988-as és 1989-es év több olyan csoportosulást, eseményt eredményezett hazánkban, amely "morális pánikra" ad-hatott okot. Az addig szilárdnak, biztosnak hitt diktatúra eresztékei recsegtek-ropog-tak, és olyasmik történtek meg, amik... more
While Supremacist groups in the United Stales share certain common elements and characteristics. In addition to a view of racial hierarchy, there is usually some form of antisemitism, dualism, apocalypticism, a reliance on conspiracy... more
Since the election of President Trump and the rise in racist and white supremacist activity, the militant antifascist movement known as antifa has become increasingly active and high profile in the United States. This book analyzes the... more
Obra que radiografía la implantación y evolución del estilo skinhead en Cataluña, presentado al mismo como un fenómeno poliédrico de orígen foráneo con un ascendente relevante entre la juventud desde finales de los años ochenta del siglo... more
The purpose of this research is to produce a reference guide on the White Power music composed by Skinheads. Also offers some methodological suggestions regarding the Organization of sound archives, with a focus on music. Developed as an... more
En el presente trabajo se pretende abordar los sucesos ocurridos durante la década de 1960 en lo referente a la influencia de la contracultura o cultura underground británica en Estados Unidos y viceversa. Para ello, nos centramos en el... more
This paper explores the representation of political and ideological issues in music graphics in the United Kingdom from 1978 onwards. The analysis focuses on the music packaging of punk and postpunk bands engaged in the political... more
A skinhead mozgalom kezdeteiről és annak emlékezetéről, levéltári források és oral history interjúk alapján.
A qualitative content analysis of lyrics by one of the most popular racist skinhead bands from the United States, the Angry Aryans, was conducted to assess themes used to recruit and shape a collective identity for the White Power... more
The SPLC also includes Black, Jewish, and Latino/a separatist/supremacist organizations 1 in its count of hate groups, but they are not counted as white supremacist for obvious reasons.
This article reviews the scholarly literature on music produced from the 1980s to the present by Western far-right political actors. Research on this topic has been conducted primarily by sociologists and political scientists rather than... more
Film scholars have argued that the British social realist films of the late 1950s and early 1960s reflect the concerns articulated by British cultural studies during the same period. This article looks at how the social realist films of... more
This dissertation seeks to understand the tactical differences between two groups of anti-racist activists who confront white supremacists. I dub these activists non-militant and militant anti-racists based on their tactical... more
Článek se zaměřuje na identifikaci základních komponentů pro budování identity rasistických skinheads v českém prostředí po roce 1989. Vychází při tom z obsahové analýzy tvorby většiny českých relevantních skupin White Power Music (WPM)... more
Gang scholars for the last three decades have explicitly excluded youths who are active, overtly or implicitly, in white supremacy groups (e.g., neo-Nazis; racist skinheads; white separatists, nationalists, and identitists; the... more
This paper analyses the life of Wade Michael Page, the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooter, and proposes a number of theories that may help explain his radicalisation process. This is a working paper.
Anarchist criminology has produced a strong critique of the system of criminal law, but has only recently started to theorize practical alternatives. The alternatives that it offers have been largely rooted in pacifism through the... more
Este artículo se pregunta por las relaciones entre el cuerpo (específicamente el cabello) y las culturas juveniles. A lo largo del texto, se explica cómo el pelo funciona como un mecanismo de expresión de ideas, así como una forma de... more
This paper offers an insight into how political and ideological issues were represented in music graphics in the United Kingdom from 1978 to 1994. The analysis focuses on the music packaging concerning punk and post-punk bands engaged in... more
Ekstremaalsete paremäärmuslaste temaatika on jätkuvalt aktuaalne, olles üheks negatiivseks kaasproduktiks globaliseerumisele ja üha süvenevale multikultuursete riikide tekkele, millest on Eesti Vabariik siiani suurel määral puutumata... more
The rationale for social movement tactical choices is rarely discussed in social science literature. This article presents the impact of perceived threat from a countermovement on the rationale of militant anti-fascist activists for their... more
Un esempio di incompatibilità tra discorso e cultura: la colonia arcadica Animosa di Venezia Rosina MARTUCCI -Università degli Studi di Salerno Le tre corone di Casacalenda: discorso e cultura nell'itinerario letterario di Pietro Corsi,... more
For the last 30 years, gang scholars have explicitly disregarded white youth who are active in groups with overt or implicit ties to neo-Nazi/skinhead or white power ideologies from street gang research. This article argues that this... more
This paper will focus on the change in relations between punks and skinheads since their emergence in the former Czechoslovakia until now. The first punks appeared in the former Czechoslovakia in the late 1970s and 1980s. In the... more
Skinheads are a kind of subculture 2 with well-defined aesthetical, iconographical and ideological connotations, which are deliberately shown and clearly flaunted. Those kind of people can be easily recognized on the basis of their... more
The phenomenon of the far right began spreading in post-communist countries, including Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, after 1989. In this period, right-wing extremist ideology was often associated with subcultural groups, which... more
After the end of the period of right-wing authoritarian regimes, Latin America experienced a period of political democratization. In each national context, this process proceeded with its implications, although there were similarities in... more
Despite drawing on a large body of different paradigms, subcultural studies have been conceptualizing subcultures rather uniformly as a world in itself, a reaction to dominant society or a combination of both. In our paper, we argue for... more
This paper will focus both on the historical and actual development of the anti-racist skinheads in the Czech Republic and also their importance within the skinhead subculture generally. Special attention will be given to the relationship... more
Prameny: Anonym A. (b. d.) Když to nechce, tak to nechce [online]. Dostupné z https://www. [cit. 09. 05. 2018].