Recent papers in Shorebirds
There were 78 bird species, belonging to 17 families, for a total of 75,906 individuals. 48 species are migratory, 16 species are resident. Two species are passers-by, Stilt Sandpiper and Wilson's Phalarope, and two species have an... more
We used telemetry and visual observations to identify important stopover sites used by western sandpipers migrating from their major overwintering area in Panama Bay, north through Mexico to the United States during spring from 2005... more
La poza la Arenilla es un pequeño humedal marino ubicado en El distrito de la Punta, en la Provincia Constitucional del Callao, departamento de Lima. Tiene una extensión de 18 Ha; se ha formado por la colmatación marina inducida por la... more
Every year 50 million migratory waterbirds migrate from southern non-breeding areas in Southeast Asia and Australasia, to northern breeding grounds, mostly in Russia, but also in China, Mongolia, Japan, the Korean peninsula, and Alaska.... more
This book by Claudia P. Wilds, edited by Brinkley, treats status and distribution of all shorebirds documented at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia in the 1970s and 1980s.
A check-list of 140 species of Birds in Bharathapuzha river basin in Kerala, India
The loss of biodiversity is an ongoing problem and it is essential that a framework is established for revealing the status, identifying threats and monitoring future changes of populations. This study focuses on wader populations in the... more
A survey of the mudflats near to Krabi was conducted; this area having been identified as one of only four sites on the entire west coast of Thailand holding more than 2000 waterbirds during an aerial survey in October 1984... more
"This paper provides an overview of the Australasian Wader Studies Group’s Population Monitoring Program (PMP) over the last 25 years at sites around Australia and comments on its ability to monitor long-term population trends in several... more
In northwest Europe conflicts have routinely occurred between economic and conservation interests regarding shellfish such as cockles and mussels. The harvest of these species is economically important, but shellfish also constitute the... more
The Yellow Sea region is of high global importance for waterbird populations, but recent systematic bird count data enabling identification of the most important sites are relatively sparse for some areas. Surveys of waterbirds at three... more
There were 80 bird species, belonging to 18 families, for a total of 75,231 individuals. The censuses were carried out in 49 sites grouped in 22 wetlands throughout the country, covering an area of 14,289 ha sampled. The Anatidae family... more
Mendonca VM, Raffaelli DG, Boyle PR. 2007. Interactions between shorebirds and benthic invertebrates at Culbin Sands lagoon, NE Scotland: Effects of avian predation on their prey community density and structure. Sci Mar 71(3):579-591.... more
The family Nereididae includes more than 500 polychaete species described worldwide, and includes species common in many benthic environments, but some other species may tolerate freshwater or can even thrive in humid substrates in... more
1. Invasive non-native species are one of the greatest drivers of the loss of biodiversity world-wide. Consequently, removing or controlling invasive predators should generally benefit vulnerable native species. However, especially on... more
In Mexico there have been few efforts to develop monitoring programs to systematically track changes inshorebird populations. Therefore the object of this study was to develop and validate a methodology toimplement such a program for any... more
Temporal and spatial distribution of shorebirds (Charadriiformes) at San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Baja California Peninsula has several wetlands that represent important ecosystems for shorebirds. San Ignacio Lagoon is... more
Declines in populations of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmaeus have been rapid, with the breeding population now perhaps numbering fewer than 120 pairs. The reasons for this decline remain unresolved. Whilst... more
The fuelling performance of long-distance migrants at staging areas indicates local conditions and determines the viability of migration routes. Here we present a first case study where long-term fuelling performance was documented along... more
Through detailed investigation of both published and unpublished data, Italian records of Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima have been researched. No records of this species can be traced for nearly 70 years in Italy, between 1907 and... more
Resumen Se presenta información de 15 especies de aves playeras (Charadriidae y Scolopacidae) para El Salvador consistiendo en la ocurrencia de nuevos sitios para chorlo dorado Americano (Pluvialis dominica), chorlo de collar (Charadrius... more
Recent decades have seen great advances in ecological modelling and computing power, enabling ecologists to build increasingly detailed models to more accurately represent ecological systems. To better inform environmental... more
Evidence of long-term declines in migratory shorebird populations is reported at two areas in north-east Tasmania. In north-east Tasmania, both George Town Reserve and Cape Portland have featured in National Wader Counts since 1981,... more
"Corner Inlet, Victoria, provides habitat for one of the largest and most diverse assemblages of shorebirds in southern Australia. Systematic counting commenced in 1981 and has continued, uninterrupted, to the present (2011). Standardised... more
Disajikan laporan mengenai penyebaran burung pantai Trulek Topeng Vanellus miles di Indonesia. Penyebaran utamanya ada di Australia dan Papua, dengan catatan sporadis di Wallacea bagian timur. Dalam laporan ini disajikan lima catatan... more
Noroeste A.C. email : [email protected] RESUMEN. Se llevó a cabo la compilación y revisión de trabajos relacionados con aves playeras (Charadrii) realizados en México entre 1895 y 2010. Regularmente se ha manejado (e implícitamente... more
The Coastal Wetland "Poza de la Arenilla" (HCPA) located in the district of La Punta (Callao) receives each year a significant group of shorebirds of which no detailed information is available. The present study aims to define the spatial... more
Iqbal, M., Abdillah, H., Nurza, A., Wahyudi, T., Giyanto & Iqbal, M. 2013. A review of new and noteworthy shorebird records in Sumatra, Indonesia, during 2001–2011. Wader Study Group Bulletin 120(2): 85–95.
The number of parvalbumin neurons can be modified by social, multisensory, and cognitive stimuli in both mammals and birds, but nothing is known about their plasticity in long-distance migratory shorebirds. Here, in the spotted sandpiper... more
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Low hatching success may limit progress towards reaching productivity goals for Atlantic Coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) recovery, despite management strategies to protect eggs from predators and decrease human disturbance of... more
We report the presence of leucism in the plumage of three species of migratory shorebirds observed in NW Mexico in the last five years: Willet Tringa semipalmata, American Avocet Recurvirostra americana and Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa.... more
The Upper Gulf of California has recently been discovered as a summering area and as an important stagingarea during spring migration for the Pacific Red Knot Calidris canutus roselaari . In this paper we describethe feeding ecology of... more