Service Science
Recent papers in Service Science
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the ninth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry... more
This globally leading textbook extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media and case examples. The test takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and... more
У статті розглянуто питання особистіс-ного розвитку персоналу, його впливу на підвищення конкурентоспроможності ком-паній у сфері послуг. Розкрито поняття «особистісний розвиток», його критерії порівняно з поняттями «гармонійний розви-ток... more
n order to meet the ever-increasing demands of the market place, many organizations have sought to become more agile and flexible. One potential route to increased flexibility is home working. However, in a service dominant world what is... more
"Purpose – The speed and variety of new business models emerging in the current economy created a disruptive environment that lacks theoretical frameworks and perspectives to help academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically... more
Insurance agents play an imperative role in marketing of life insurance plans. They are the brand ambassador of Life Insurance Corporation. Nowadays, roughly nine of out of ten policies in LIC is sold through the agent network. From the... more
The success of developing service networks rely on obtaining a correct understanding of the end-to-end business processes. However, there are major concerns as to the lack of research efforts to examine methods to successfully manage the... more
Competition in the current marketplace requires businesses to provide consumers with the utmost convenience in purchas-ing services and goods. Buyers expect that, as an aftersales service and risk reliever, they can “return ” goods if... more
Emergency medical response providers' primary responsibility is to deploy an adequate number of ambulances in a manner that will yield the best service to a constituent population. In this paper we develop a two-stage integrated solution... more
This study is the first to provide an integrated view on the body of knowledge on artificial intelligence (AI) published in the marketing, consumer research, and psychology literature. By leveraging a systematic literature review (SLR)... more
On August 13, 2020, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi explained that Uber is backing Proposition 22 that would exempt it from Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), a California law that would require Uber to treat its drivers as employees with benefits... more
If the intellectual property system does encourage innovative activity, then what transpires in the absence of protection? In particular, how does the current intellectual property system affect the dynamics of service innovation, and... more
This paper models and simulates IT operations command center. It outlines the activities performed by the command center and describes the model and modeling approach to simulate these activities. The paper appreciates the discrete and... more
Chapter 12 focuses on achieving profitability through creating relationships with customers from the right segments, and then finding ways to build and reinforce their loyalty using the Wheel of Loyalty as an organizing framework. This... more
Chapter 5 examines the time and place elements. Manufacturers usually require physical distribution channels to move their products. However, some service businesses are able to use electronic channels to deliver all (or at least some) of... more
Literature review shows, that customer loyalty concept in relation to services is not working, both in theory and practice. Loyalty is still regarded as significant phenomena, because of its practical importance. Loyalty notion require... more
We introduce a unified concept of service life cycle (SLC) for the study of service system evolution. The need for this research arises from the fact that studying service ecosystems has become a critical need in the modern service... more
Chapter 1 highlights the importance of services in our economies. We also define the nature of services and how they create value for customers without transfer of ownership. The chapter highlights some distinctive challenges involved in... more
Высочайшие стандарты обслуживания обеспеченных клиентов в бизнес-авиации требуют новаторского подхода к качеству питания на воздушных судах. В современных условиях традиционный пакетированный чай, изготавливаемый из отходов чайного... more
The growth of the global service economy has led to a dramatic increase in our daily interactions with highly specialized service systems. Service (or value-cocreation) interactions are both frequent and diverse, and may include retail,... more
Negli ultimi vent’anni la Pubblica Amministrazione è stata caratterizzata, a livello mondiale, da un intenso processo di cambiamento, fondato sui pilastri della misurazione costante della performance e dell’orientamento alla soddisfazione... more
Chapter 6 provides an understanding of pricing from both the firm and customer’s points of view. For firms, the pricing strategy determines income generation. Service firms need to implement revenue management to maximize the revenue... more
Karma yöntem araştırma deseniyle tasarlanmış bu keşfedici araştırmada, ilk olarak, üzerinde görüş birliği bulunmadığı ifade edilen ve 'her bedene uyan bir ölçüsünün' olmadığı öne sürülen girişimci üniversite paradigmasının temel... more
Chapter 10 focuses on the physical environment also known as the servicescape. It needs to be engineered to create the desired service experience and facilitate the effective delivery of service processes. The servicescape needs to be... more
The techniques of measuring service quality and service quality dimensions have become a major area in marketing literature during the past few decades. Since the increasing importance of services, scholars and practitioners have been... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Considering the complexity of today"s service environment, Small-to-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) cannot afford to accept the status quo of service operations and therefore must have some clear business analytics objective to reach.... more
Chapter 9 relates to process management with a focus on widely fluctuating demand and how to balance the level and timing of customer demand against available productive capacity. Well-managed demand and capacity lead to smooth processes... more
Although it is probably the best-known Prospective Hazard Analysis (PHA) tool, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This paper introduces one of the alternatives: The Structured What-If Technique... more
Chapter 11 introduces people as a defining element of many services. Many services require direct interaction between customers and service employees. The nature of these interactions strongly influences how customers perceive service... more
Chapter 4 discusses what exactly is a service product, its benefits, components, and the Flower of Service model. A service concept includes both the core and supplementary elements. The supplementary elements both facilitate and enhance... more
Both productivity and quality are necessary and related to financial success in services. Chapter 14 discusses how to diagnose quality shortfalls using the Gaps Model and reviews strategies to close quality gaps. Customer feedback systems... more
T his study aims to investigate wine tourism from a strategic point of view in an attempt to understand how service orientation is perceived in Italian offers. Service-dominant logic (SDL) is a key approach to investigate the integration... more
Chapter 3 discusses how to develop a customer-driven services marketing strategy and how a value proposition should be positioned in a way that creates competitive advantage for the firm. This chapter first links the customer, competitor,... more
Chapter 13 examines how effective complaint handling and professional service recovery can be implemented. It starts with a review of consumer complaining behavior and the principles of effective service recovery. Service guarantees are... more
Chapter 2 provides a foundation for understanding consumer needs and behaviors related to services. The chapter is organized around the three-stage model of service consumption. This model explores how customers search for and evaluate... more
Chapter 15 starts with a discussion on the impact of customer satisfaction on a firm’s financial performance and shareholder value. It covers next the characteristics of world-class service organizations and introduces four levels of... more
We live in a hyper-competitive world, where whole industries either shift towards services or become obsolete due to new market entrants, technologies or even social practices. A world, where permanent interactions with customers, fast... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
ABSTRACT To have an effective customer relationship management, it is essential to have information about the different segments of the customers and predict the future profit of them. For this reason companies can use customer lifetime... more