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The target of this analysis was a presentation by Anders Hviid, which covered the probable connection between Danish children's risk of getting asthma and the aluminum content of childhood immunizations. The major findings of the study,... more
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      Health SciencesScience EducationVaccinesBiology
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Anthropology of Science
August 2021
296 Reads
21 Recommendations
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      Anthropology of ScienceAnthropology Of Science (Science Technology And Society)Scientific Research (Anthropology of Science)
Las publicaciones científicas constituyen un importante indicador de la trayectoria laboral de un investigador, resultante de intereses, restricciones y de diversas negociaciones. Un lugar en que se manifiestan muchos de estos elementos... more
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Purpose: To test whether a structured application of persuasion principles might help improve advertising decisions. Evidence-based principles are currently used to improve decisions in other complex situations, such as those faced in... more
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      BusinessMarketingPsychologyCognitive Psychology
The validity of the manmade global warming alarm requires the support of scientific forecasts of (1) a substantive long-term rise in global mean temperatures in the absence of regulations, (2) serious net harmful effects due to global... more
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      Environmental ScienceEconomicsClimate ChangeForecasting
l'information géographique dans les agglomérations transfrontalières
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Este trabalho é fruto de reflexões iniciais acerca dos atores envolvidos na publicização da ciência, que, principalmente, durante a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2, são afetados por um modo de reconhecimento negativo, o que cria uma demanda de... more
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      HealthScientific Research (Anthropology of Science)Scientific DivulgationControvérsias socio-científicas
Personalization is a major issue in contemporary nutrition science, especially in the field of nutrigenomics. In this paper we argue that in the field, two meanings of personalization coexist. Agenda-setting sources conceptualize... more
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      PsychologyAnthropology of ScienceEthnographies Of Scientific WorkKnowledge Transfer
W hen researching this article, we heard a scientist remark that the function of bioinformatics is "to postpone thinking as long as possible" (observation scientist N001). Such comments about other scientific approaches, displaying a mild... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceAnthropology of ScienceEpistemology (Anthropology)
 O artigo apresenta as primeiras elaborações de nossas observações e reflexões a partir das experiências provenientes do início da pesquisa “Etnografando Cuidados e Pensando Políticas de Saúde e Gestão de Serviços para Mulheres e Seus... more
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    • Humanities
Resumo Passados mais de quatro anos da epidemia de Zika vírus, tem-se a tarefa de continuar a investigar o seu legado. Aqui, descreve-se o impacto da associação causal entre o Zika vírus e as alterações observadas em fetos e bebês, uma... more
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Em 2015, a Organizacao Mundial da Saude inseriu o Brasil no centro de uma emergencia global, em detrimento dos casos de infeccao por Zika Virus. A partir deste ano, mulheres acometidas por esta epidemia transmitiram o Zika para os fetos... more
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    • Philosophy
La Oficina de Investigación Científica (OIC), cuyo fin es promover y apoyar la investigación, ha considerado conveniente la revisión “Sobre Autorías y Agradecimientos” en las publicaciones científicas. El objetivo es uniformizar criterios... more
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frameworks of the digital training applied to architecture by going beyond the models, practices and digital environments for the design in architecture, urbanism and landscape. This article is a pedagogical reflection article that... more
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      Computer ScienceHumanities
 O artigo apresenta as primeiras elaborações de nossas observações e reflexões a partir das experiências provenientes do início da pesquisa “Etnografando Cuidados e Pensando Políticas de Saúde e Gestão de Serviços para Mulheres e Seus... more
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    • Humanities
La compétence en Simulations de la Performance Energétique (SPE) est un atout fondamental pour un architecte. Être capable de lire des résultats de simulation et d’adapter sa conception en conséquence est devenu une capacité essentielle... more
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    • Humanities
T homas Erneux est professeur à l'université libre de Bruxelles, où il dirige l'unité Optique non linéaire théorique du département de physique. Il a reçu le 24 novembre 2009 le prix La Recherche, mention Sciences de la communication et... more
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    • Tangente
Três anos após o surto do Zika Vírus no Brasil diferentes impactos na população brasileira podem ser evidenciados, em especial na vida das mulheres que tiveram filhos nestas circunstâncias. Pernambuco, onde a pesquisa de campo tem sido... more
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The validity of the manmade global warming alarm requires the support of scientific forecasts of (1) a substantive long-term rise in global mean temperatures in the absence of regulations, (2) serious net harmful effects due to global... more
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Le groupe Territoire a été mis en place au printemps 2016. Il fait suite à une série d’échanges étalés sur plusieurs années entre équipes concernées au sein d’AgroParisTech : séminaire de Clermont-Ferrand en 2010 (Metafort, TETIS, SADAPT)... more
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      Political ScienceDéveloppementRechercheBibliométrie
In 2010 a group of 20 decorative ivory and bone plaques from the late first-century ad Kushan citysite at Begram, Afghanistan arrived on deposit at the British Museum (BM). The plaques had only recently been rediscovered after being... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
In 2010 a group of 20 decorative ivory and bone plaques from the late first-century ad Kushan citysite at Begram, Afghanistan arrived on deposit at the British Museum (BM). The plaques had only recently been rediscovered after being... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
Préambule Ces temps-ci, le terme low-tech se trouve devenir de plus en plus visible dans le milieu de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (Meyer, 2021) (MITI, 2021), alors que sa définition n'est pas bien fixée. L'article de J.... more
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    • Political Science
O nascimento de crianças com Síndrome Congênita do Zika vírus (SCZ), especialmente na região Nordeste, fez com que Pernambuco, o Brasil e a OMS decretassem emergência em saúde pública. Este artigo aborda sobre algumas das continuidades e... more
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La publicación de un artículo científico permite al investigador transmitir sus ideas dando a conocer los resultados de su investigación, condicionando que sus hallazgos sean probados y replicados por sus colegas. Con frecuencia, la... more
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      Publicaciones de Divulgación CientíficaAutoría y Coautoría en la Publicación CientíficaScientific MisconductMala Conducta Científica
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      Computer ScienceScientific Research (Anthropology of Science)
Tristan Lecoq : «La fin des humanités», «Lettres, le défi de la professionnalisation », «Crise des sciences humaines et sociales», trois articles pris au hasard entre 2005 et 2008, parmi de nombreux titres, éclairent le sujet qui nous... more
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      Political ScienceSciences socialesEnseignement SecondaireEnseignement Supérieur
Nous revenons sur le sujet de l'Esquisse comme moment particulier de la conception, tel que questionné dans notre communication de SCAN'05, en 2005. Il s'agit ici d'entrevoir quelles mutations sont en train de se produire,... more
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; 03 20 33 53 84 I. De l'ingénieur classique à l'ingénieur entrepreneur Les travaux de nombreux chercheurs semblent converger vers l'émergence d'une nouvelle génération d'ingénieurs (Bouffartigue 94, Duprez et al.... more
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In 2010 a group of 20 decorative ivory and bone plaques from the late first-century ad Kushan citysite at Begram, Afghanistan arrived on deposit at the British Museum (BM). The plaques had only recently been rediscovered after being... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
Revue de communication sociale et publique 3-4 | 2010 Varia et Dossier (Communication sociale et publique : prisme ou foyer?) Institution et légitimation d'une quasi-discipline : le triple destin (sciences, études et champ) de la... more
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      EpistemologyCommunicationHistoire Des SciencesField
En sciences de gestion, peu de recherches ont étudié les relations socio-affectives. Ce constat s'explique notamment par le fait que les méthodes de recherche traditionnelles (questionnaire, entretien, enquête sociométrique) possèdent des... more
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    • Sociology
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeCultural HeritageLandscape Archaeology
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    • Art
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeCultural HeritageLandscape Archaeology
Robert and Fotios discuss the results of their important new survey on the key elements for improving the quality of the forecasting function. A lot more is involved here than software and statistical methodology; it?s also about removing... more
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    • Economics
Suite à leur déménagement sur le campus de Montignies-sur-Sambre, les formations de biologie médicale et d’agronomie disposent désormais de laboratoires à la pointe du progrès tant au niveau de l’équipement que de la diversité des... more
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Joint paper describing the results of scientific research and conservation on an important group of first century Indian ivory and bone furniture ornaments excavated at Begram and stolen from the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeCultural HeritageLandscape Archaeology
Bien qu'une abondante litterature ait deja traite un certain nombre de problematiques attenantes aux question de valorisation (celle de l'innovation par exemple), notamment a travers la production de modeles de representation et... more
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In 2010 a group of 20 decorative ivory and bone plaques from the late first-century ad Kushan citysite at Begram, Afghanistan arrived on deposit at the British Museum (BM). The plaques had only recently been rediscovered after being... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageAfghanistan
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    • Geography
This paper examines the conservation treatment of a lacquered Buddha sculpture undertaken by a Buddhist conservator as part of a postgraduate heritage conservation training programme in London. This creative process selects from a mixture... more
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The book assaults common sense with evidence. In order to mount his assault on accepted wisdom, Tetlock spends some 238 pages of text explaining his methods and findings, and considering and refuting many alternative explanations, and... more
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    • Marketing Research Papers
Nous avons souhaité présenter deux faces d’une même histoire, celle du déroulement de la recherche pendant l’épidémie de maladie à virus Zika. Nous souhaitons en particulier donner à voir les effets collatéraux de la recherche,... more
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      EthnographyResearch EthicsScientific Research (Anthropology of Science)Anthropology of Health and Illness
We decided to write this article in four hands for one simple reason: to present two sides of the same story, a story of research during the Zika epidemic. To that extent, not only do we expose two experiences as researchers in... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyScientific Research (Anthropology of Science)Anthropology of Health and Illness