Science Studies
Recent papers in Science Studies
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
The authors present the historical analysis of one of the central questions in psychology: how and why the nonautomatic, psychological level of regulation (in contrast to automatic physiological processes) emerges both in evolution and in... more
This is an abstract of a presentation I gave at the 46th Symposium of The International Committee for the History of Technology, Katowice, Poland, 22 – 27 July 2019.
Cet article analyse la façon dont les promoteurs de la discipline "anthropologie juridique", ont, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, fait du rejet de l'ethnocentrisme juridique la pierre angulaire de leur fondation disciplinaire. En... more
Citation Michał Stanisław Jasiński, “Michał Jan Borch, Listy o Sycylii i Malcie, przeł., oprac. i wstęp A. Szastyńska-Siemion, I.Z. Siemion, Warszawa 2015.,” Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój, accessed April 12, 2017,... more
Se han realizado diversos estudios sobre la percepción infantil de la ciencia y de el/la científico/a en países desarrollados, tanto en Europa como en Norteamérica. Sin embargo, aún falta conocimiento empírico sobre dicha materia en... more
The talk will open with a discussion of a set of poems from Lyn Hejinian's The Unfollowing, which puts a positive spin on the association of old age with childhood. a trope that is often deployed to infantilize and disenfranchize older... more
The rapid growth in consumption of bottled water across the globe has drawn attention of policy makers and academicians alike. However, its consumption practices have been examined primarily in the context of industrialized countries.... more
""She is best known for her curve, the witch of Agnesi, which appears in almost all high school and undergraduate math books. She was a child prodigy who frequented the salon circuit, discussing mathematics, philosophy, history, and music... more
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
Here is the introduction of a workshop about expertise and competences (skills). It deals with science studies and pragmatic sociology which provide useful concepts to study historically expertise.
Synonyms - Introduction - History of the Concept - Aims and Limits of Disciplinary Research - Innovations: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries - Interdisciplinary Epistemology: The Need for ID Models - Organizing Interdisciplinary Research... more
علم با مابعدالطبیعه- متافیزیک چه نسبتی دارد؟ آیا علم مدرن درباره متافیزیک سکوت میکند؟ درباره شبهعلم چطور؟ آیا میان علم و شبهعلم نیز نسبتی برقرار است؟ برای پاسخ به پرسشهای بالا و تبیین نسبت یا موضِع هریک از این حوزهها به یکدیگر،... more
This article highlights an intersection between the science fiction of Neal Stephenson and the science philosophy of Michel Serres. As two of the most prolific contemporary advocates of the communication between literature and science,... more
Qigong—a regimen of body, breath, and mental training exercises—was one of the most widespread cultural and religious movements of late-twentieth-century urban China. The practice was promoted by senior Communist Party leaders as a... more
Author version. Please cite final published version available here: As Alister McGrath has argued across a lifetime of work, we need to approach the binaries that have been... more
There has been substantial work done interpreting the descriptive texts from the early-modern encounters of Portuguese colonizers in Brazil. The interpretations have had major difficulty with significant elements of the texts, which the... more
My husband and I have been faithfully married for years, and we are shocked by what we read in your columns. As black vultures, we engage in none of the revolting practices you advocate so regularly, and we don't think anyone else should... more
By critically examining the works of Jurgen Habermas and Michel Foucault, this book undertakes a critique of science as a social institution in order to illuminate the effects of scientific reason as it migrates from its specialized... more
El origen y la historia de la vida son parte de toda concepción del mundo y por ese motivo, la teoría de la evolución biológica de Charles Darwin es necesaria en cualquier nivel educativo y tiene por ello una gran relevancia social. La... more
L’étude se structure en quatre parties qui visent chacune à prendre du recul sur la recherche participative depuis une perspective propre. La première partie s’attache à resituer les recherches participatives d’un point de vue... more
O tema desta pesquisa diz respeito ao problema da demarcação entre ciência e não-ciência, proposto no âmbito da filosofia da ciência anglo-saxã do século XX. O estudo do caso da astrologia mostra-se relevante para enriquecer essa... more
In this thesis, I argue that a new, ambitious variety of literary utopia, which I call an ecosystem utopia, has developed over the past forty years, chiefly in science fiction and fantasy. My primary examples are Paul McAuley’s novels The... more
Este año festejamos el bicentenario del nacimiento de Charles Darwin y con él, uno de los más importantes y valientes logros del pensamiento humano, la teoría de la evolución biológica. El origen y la historia de la vida son parte de toda... more
Tatalakayin ng papel na ito ang mga nakaraang naratibo sa mga sakuna na dulot ng kalikasan sa pamamagitan ng pagtingin sa mga diskurso ng siyensiya. Titingnan din kung papaano naisasainstitusyon ang mga sakunang ito sa Filipinas noong... more
A brief professional and intellectual biography
New materialism is not a clear-cut set of theses, or a firmly unified school of thought. It crosses discourses and theoretical commitments, but, as its name indicates, seems consistently to oppose ‘new’ materialism to an older form, or... more
This is the pre-print version of an article in Configurations 28.4 (2020): 433-457. There may be differences in content between the two versions. All citations should please follow the published version.
This paper is based on a current study of the growing police use of the epistemic authority of molecular biology for the identification of criminal suspects in support of crime investigation. It discusses the development of DNA profiling... more
The current global crisis in society, economy and politics is implicitly affecting Science Education pointing towards a redefinition of its role vis-à-vis the neoliberal, neoconservative and technocratic offensive. Derek Hodson (1999,... more
چکيده. افسانههای آرامبخش اثری پژوهشی است از سعید زیباکلام، استاد فلسفه، که به تازگی (در بهار 1396) منتشر شده است. این اثر از هشت رسالۀ مستقل از یکدیگر با عناوین ذیل، به ترتیب طبع، تشکیل شده است: «افسانۀ نگرش بروندینی آزاد»، «افسانۀ... more
The interlacing of pre- and postmodern genres—mythology and dystopian science fiction—in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl (2002) formally enacts the novel’s meditation on genetic splicing and the boundaries of the individual human. This... more
Анализ тенденций развития экономики последних лет свидетельствует о том, что собственность на недвижимость и операции с ней, такие как купля-продажа, ипотека, налогообложение, требуют определения стоимости недвижимого имущества. Следует... more
The scientific discipline as the primary unit of internal differentiation of science is an invention of nineteenth century society. There exists a long semantic prehistory of disciplina as a term for the ordering of knowledge for purposes... more
This essay investigates the rhetoric surrounding the appearance of the concept of the infinitesimal in the seventeenth-century Calculus of Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Although historians often have positioned rhetoric... more
Du structuralisme à la philosophie postmoderne, de la déconstruction au systémisme, de Claude Lévi-Strauss à Jacques Lacan, de Gilles Deleuze à Jean-François Lyotard, une bonne part de la pensée européenne des cinquante dernières années a... more
If, as Jacques Rancière argues, “politics is an intervention into the visible,” is it possible that the current “bloom” of jellyfish images opens up space for gelata and other non-mammalian sea creatures to provoke posthuman modes of... more
How much of philosophical, scientific, and political thought is caught up with the idea of continuity? What if it were otherwise? This paper experiments with the disruption of continuity. The reader is invited to participate in a... more
Advanced imaging technologies are currently transforming operating theaters into sophisticated augmented reality studios. State-of-the-art